Comparing and contrasting pdf


Comparing and contrasting pdf

Comparing and contrasting meaning. Comparing and contrasting examples. Comparing and contrasting essay. Comparing and contrasting prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Comparing and contrasting modern artist. Comparing and contrasting synonym. Comparing and contrasting characters. Comparing and contrasting words. Compare against contrast Compare and contrast are words that are often used to talk about similar and difference between two things or objects. These two words are very commonly used. Compare means to see the similarity and contrast means seeing the difference. According to several dicionary, compare means "representing things or objects in relation to similarity" and contrast means "representing things in relation to differences. In addition to these meanings, a struggle to find any differences between them. If a person is looking at the similarities between two objects or things, he may be comparing the two. On the other hand, if a person is looking at the dissimilarity between Two things or objects, it may be contrasting the two. The word compare was derived from the Latin word "compare", which means "compare or compare. The contrast of the word was derived from the Latin words "Contrary ? " ~ stare ? ? "?, which means ? ? ?" ? and ? ? ? ? ? "for ? ? ? " in the middle English, contrast was used for meaning ? ? ? ? "fight against or ? oe? ?" to support A battle. Contrast lost the brightness during the end of the XVII season, but it was later adopted in art forms. Compare is mainly used to demonstrate relative values of objects in all qualities. When comparing two things or objects, If you see the divergent views you can do a better one. Abstract 1. Compare and contrast are words that are often used to talk about similarities and differences between two things or objects. 2. Alo The difference in its meaning, a struggle to find any differences between the two. 3. According to several dicionary, compare means "representing things or objects in relation to the similarity" and Contrast means "Representing things in relation to differences." If a person is looking at similarities between two objects or things, then he can be comparing the two. On the other hand, if a person is looking at dissimilarity between two things or objects, he may be contrasting the two. 5. Where to compare the similar qualities, the contrast emphasizes the differences. 6. The word compare has been derived from the Latin word "compare", which means "comparing or comparing. The contrast of the word was derived from the Latin word" contrary ? "and ? " sentence , ? ? "?, which means ? ? ? ? " Votes, MCH: 3.86 of 5) Loading ... Send this post: If you like this article or our site. Please spread the word. Share with your friends / family. Did not you find what you need? Search for our website or send an e-mail. Determining the structure of your essay: Determine the structure of your essay is the most important step to conduct and present to the reader a well-developed comparison. Students are often requested to compare things in two. For example, compare these two articles, or two characters in a romance, or a movie and a new item or an article and a poem ... the possibilities are endless. When you It is faced with the task of having to compare and contrast, can be overwhelming. You're thinking of two pieces of writing that you know they are different, and maybe there are some similarities, but how can you suddenly start talking about the two?. Which one should I say first? Which one should I speak for last? Sometimes, comparisions are made as follows: You choose an article to describe: Article A. Then you talk about article B. Then you talk about similar in both Articles. This format will consist of three main parts: A, B and finally its similarities. Although this format is an acceptable way to make comparisons, and sometimes is used to present "compare and contrast well developed, the format Its weaknesses that can compromise an effective comparison. What could happen when you use this format and you completely completely That of the article B? ? ? you make it harder to compare. Its final essay may end up divided into two parts: Half of the article talks about Article A and the second half talks about Article B. You do not want to divide your assay into a description of Article A and a description B? ? ? ? 0. Because then, it will be more difficult to compare them since you invested most of your energy in describing them and do not compare them. How to avoid the "divided assay": a second option for comparison the best way to prevent the divided assay from being unusing the two split ends. Do not discuss Article B in the end. Talk about both A and B at the beginning. The question now is: what do I do to eliminate the division? Break: You do not get rid of the gap between the two halves of the rehearsal that are divided. You just hate. This is done by finding common themes, or comparison points in article A and Article B. "After finding these comparison points, you can discuss every individual theme and how each one appears in the article A and B. Consider the following questions: What main themes are discussed in each of the tests? What the article article writer is about the first theme, and how this is similar to or different than the writer of the article B? ? ta says about the same topic? What conclusions can you do about these differences or similarities? After developing a complete explanation of the first theme, you can move to discuss the second theme that It appears in both trials and writes about it. Ideally, each theme will be discussed completely in its own paragraph, explaining how each is similar or different in article B Example: During the seventies, Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote his novel more famous, one hundred years of solid, in which he IU themes about the Latin America's sole. In 1982, Marquez received the Nobel Promotion in the literature for his novel and wrote a speech for this occasion. In his speech, he called attention to the Latin American economic struggles and his historical context. In 1990, Enrique Kruze, a Mexican economist, published an article in which he discussed the same theme: problems in the Latin American economy. The prompt says: Compare and contrast Enrique Kruze's essay for speech written by Marquez. Possible approaches: Option 1: Text by text Comparison First paragraph: A: An explanation of the second paragraph of Marquez's speech: B: An explanation of the third kruze test number: similar or difference (this may lead to comparison "Split test") or option # 2: comparison of point-to-point of distribution Sorry: Find themes or common comparison points: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Problems (macro or micro economy?) First paragraph: A: Kruze Opinion on Neoliberalism vs B: Marquez's opinion on Neoliberalism Second paragraph: A: US involvement Good or bad? According to Marquez vs B: US involvement well or bad? According to the third paragraph of Krauze: any other theme that stands out as a significant to explain the differences in opinions. Sample paragraph: Enrique Kruze and Gabriel Garcia Marquez assume different positions in relation to the implementation of more neoliberalist policies in the Latin America's countries. While Kruze argues the need to expand the commerce open in the Latin America to improve his economy, Marquez opposes this idea and argues that an open commission economy would only help foreign investors in further exploring Natural resources in Latin America. Kruze support of neoliberalism is based on the idea that through a macro economy, the "underdeveloped" countries will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. On the other hand, Marquez refuted this argument, claiming that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which forced neoliberalist policists to the Latin American countries, only served your external debt. Notice how. Of this paragraph discusses only one theme: Neoliberalism. Also notice how the writer was able to incorporate both articles and not just one. Pay attention too, for the use of words and phrases that juxtapure or suggest comparison. These words establish links between A and B. Brochures created by rub? ? -garibaldo, student learning center, California University, Berkeley - 2006 UC Regents Handout Reviewed by Carolyn Swalina, Student Learning Center, California University, Berkeley 2011 UC Regenta This work is licensed under a license not consented to Attribution-Noderiv 3.0 assignment. This leaflet will help you first determine if a particular task is to ask for comparison / contrast, and then generate a list of similarities and differences, decide which similarities and difference to concentrate and organize your role to be clear and effective. Also you will explain how you can (and why should you) develop a thesis that goes beyond "thing and thing B are similar in many ways, but different in others. Introduction in your career as a student, you ". You will find many different types of essay tasks, each with your own requirements. One of the most common is the comparison / contrast assay, in which you focus on the ways in which certain things or ideas - usually two of them - are similar to (this is the comparison ) And / or different from (this is the contrast) to each other. Assigning such trials, their instructors are encouraging you to make connections between texts or ideas, engage in christian thinking, and go beyond the mere description or summary to generate interesting analysis: when You reflect on similar and difference, you get a deeper understanding of the items you are comparing, your relationship with the other, and that is more important about them. Recognizing comparison / contrast to tasks Some tasks use words - how to compare, contrast, similarities and differences - that facilitate you to see that they are asking you to compare and / or contrast. Here are some hypothytic examples: compare and contrast the frye and bartky oppression accounts. Compare WWI for World War II, identifying similarities in the causes, development and results of wars. Contrast Wordsworth and Coleridge; What are the main differences in your poetry? Note that some topics ask only for comparison, others just for contrast, and others for both. But not always is so easy to say if a task is asking you to include comparison / contrast. And in some cases, comparison / contrast is just part of the essay - you start comparing and / or contrasting two or more things and then you use what you learned to build an argument or evaluation ? o. Consider these examples by realizing the language that is used to ask for comparison / contrast and if the comparison / contrast is only a part of a larger task: choose a particular idea or theme, like love Romantic, death or nature, and consider it is treated in two romantic poems. How do the different authors study until now define and describe the oppression? Compare the frye and bartky oppression accounts. What does each one imply on women's stunt in his own oppression? What is more precise? In the texts we studied, the soldiers who served in different wars offer different reports of their experiences and feelings during and after the fight. What similarities are there in these accounts? What factors do you think are responsible ? ?

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