Outline for Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration

Outline for Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration

I. Photosynthesis

a. Sunlight Energy

i. Energy directly from sun

1. autotrophs

ii. Energy indirectly from sun

1. heterotrophs

b. Two stages of photosynthesis

i. Stage 1 – capturing the sun’s energy

1. done mainly in the leaves

a. chloroplasts

i. have green pigment called chlorophyll

ii. solar cells that capture light

ii. Stage 2 – Using energy to make food

1. convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars

a. obtaining carbon dioxide and water

i. carbon dioxide gas enters leaf through stomata

ii. water enters leaf from ground and up through stem

iii. gas and water goes to chloroplasts

b. chemical reactions

i. powered by energy captured in stage one

ii. produce oxygen and sugars (a type of carbohydrate)

1. sugar is C6H12O6

2. oxygen leaves through stomata

c. The photosynthesis equation

i. Carbon dioxide + water light energy sugar + oxygen

CO2 H2O C6H12O6 O2

ii. Uses for the sugars

1. plants use for food

2. converted into other compounds like cellulose

3. stored in plant cells for later use (like carrots)

II. Cell Respiration

a. The process of getting energy from sugar (glucose)

i. Happens in the cell

ii. Like withdrawing money from bank account

b. Two stages of Respiration

i. Stage 1

1. breaks down sugars into smaller molecules

a. takes place in the cytoplasm

b. no oxygen involved

c. small amount of energy released

ii. Stage 2

1. small molecules broken down into even smaller molecules

a. takes place in the mitochondria (the powerhouse!)

b. needs oxygen to take place

c. lots of energy released

c. The respiration equation

i. Sugar + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + water + energy

C6H12O6 O2 CO2 H2O

ii. Where the sugar comes from

1. plants make their own

2. other organisms consume it

III. Comparing Photosynthesis and Respiration

a. Opposite of each other – the products of one are the raw materials for the other

b. Creates a cycle


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