Algebra II Honors


September 19th to October 5th

Unit 3 – 1st 9-weeks – Basic Trigonometry

|Date |Topic |Assignment |

|Monday |(4.1) Angles in Coordinate Plane – Degrees |p.291 #31 – 46 all |

|9/19 |Monster Project due!!! | |

| |Notes pages 1 and 2 | |

|Tuesday |Paper Plate Activity for the Unit Circle (day 1) |Complete Paper Plate Unit Circle |

|9/20 | | |

|Wednesday |Complete Paper Plate Unit Circle (day 2) |p. 299 #5 – 21 odd |

|9/21 |30-60-90 and 45-45-90 right triangles place coordinates on the plate | |

| |go over hw from monday | |

|Thursday |(4.1) Angles in Coordinate Plane – Radians |p. 290 #7 – 23, 47 – 54 all, 55 – 69 odd |

|9/22 |Notes page 3 | |

|Friday |(4.4) Reference Angles |p. 319 #37 – 44 (reference angles) |

|9/23 |Notes page 4 | |

|Monday |Quiz #5 – Angles in Radians and Degrees |p. 292 #79 – 94 , |

|9/26 |(4.1) Arc Length and Sector Area Notes pages 4 & 5 |#95 – 100, 106, 107 |

|Tuesday |(4.3) Right Triangle Trigonometry |p. 308 #1 – 4 all, 9 – 15 odd, 17 – 20 all |

|9/27 |Notes page 5 | |

|Wednesday |(4.2) Unit Circle (day 3) discuss period and even/odd qualities of |p. 299 # 1, 3, 23 – 41 odd |

|9/28 |trig functions Notes page 5 | |

|Thursday |Quiz #6 - Arc Length, Sector Area, Reference Angles |p. 300 #43 – 52 |

|9/29 |(4.3) Evaluate Trig Functions with a Calculator using Basic Trig |p. 309 #27 – 35, 43 – 45 |

| |Identities (introduce cofunctions p. 374) | |

| |Notes page 6 | |

|Friday |(4.4) Trig Functions of any Value determine trig functions of any |p. 318 #1 – 7 odd, 11 – 14 all, |

|9/30 |angles (in terms of x, y, and r), signs of trig values in quads +/- |15 – 23 odd, 29 – 36 all, 45 – 64 all |

| |Notes p.7 | |

|Monday |Quiz #7– Unit Circle (fill in the blanks) |p. 319 #65 – 86 |

|10/3 |4.4 more calculator trig , finding solutions to equations using unit | |

| |circle Notes p.7 | |

|Tuesday |More Practice/ review |Study for Test tomorrow!!! |

|10/4 |pp.365 – 366 #3-87 odd – omitting 21, 53, 55 | |

|Wednesday |TEST #3 – Basic Trigonometry (4.1 – 4.4) |Print Unit 4 from THS website |

|10/5 | | |

Notes September 19, 2011 (4.1) Angles in Coordinate Plane – Degrees


angle in standard position

initial side

terminal side


positive angles

negative angles

coterminal angles

rotation p.1

Draw and label degrees of circle on the axis of the coordinate plane.

State the Quadrant in which the terminal side of the given angle lies and draw the angle in standard position.

1. 187° 2. – 14.3° 3. 245° 4. – 120° 5. 800° 6. 1075°

7. – 460.5° 8. 315° 9. – 912° 10. 13° 11. 537° 12. – 345.14°

Find two angles, one positive and one negative angle, that are coterminal with the given angle.

13. 74° 14. – 81° 15. 115.3° 16. 275° 17. – 180° 18. – 310°

Find the complement and supplement for the given angles. 19. 17.11° 20. 45.2°

Find the degree measure of the angle for each rotation. Draw the angle in standard position.

21. [pic] rotation, clockwise 22. [pic] rotation, counterclockwise 23. [pic] rotation, counterclockwise

24. [pic]rotation, clockwise 25. [pic] rotation, clockwise 26. [pic] rotation, counterclockwise


Notes September 22, 2011 (4.1) Angles in Coordinate Plane – Radians

Determine the quadrant in which each angle lies and sketch the angle in standard position.

1. [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic] 5. [pic] 6. [pic] 7. [pic]

Find the complement and supplement of each angle, if possible.

8. [pic] 9. [pic] 10. [pic] 11. [pic]

Find the Radian Measure of the angle with the given Degree Measure

12. 330[pic] 13. –72[pic] 14. 145[pic] 15. 765[pic] 16. 36[pic] 17. –120[pic]

Find the Degree Measure of the angle with the given Radian Measure.

18. [pic] 19. [pic] 20. [pic] 21. [pic] 22. 2[pic] 23. -1.5[pic]

III. Find two co-terminal angles for the following. One Positive and One Negative.

24. 135[pic] 25. [pic] 26. [pic] 27. -50[pic]

IV. Determine if the following are co-terminal.

28. -30[pic], 330[pic] 29. [pic] 30. [pic] 31. 50[pic], 340[pic]

p. 3

Notes: September 23, 2011 Reference Angles

Definition of a reference angle:

Find the reference angle [pic] and sketch [pic] and [pic]in standard position.

1. [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic] 5. [pic]

6. [pic] 7. [pic] 8. [pic] 9. [pic] 10. [pic]

11. [pic] 12. [pic] 13.. [pic] 14. [pic] 15. [pic]

Notes: September 26, 2011 Arc Length and Area of a Sector

Arc length Area of a Sector

Find the length of the arc on a circle of radius, r, with central angle,[pic].

1. [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic]

Find the radian measure of the central angle of a circle with radius, r, that intercepts an arc length, s.

4. r = 20, s = 15 5. r= 33 inches, s = 6 inches

p. 4

Find the area of a sector with radius, r, and central angle, [pic].

1. [pic] 2. [pic]


1. Pittsburg, PA is located at 40.5[pic] N while Miami is located at 25.5[pic] N. Assuming the Earth is a perfect sphere, how many miles apart are the two cities (Earth radius is 4,000 miles).

2. A sprinkler can spray water 75 feet and rotates through an angle of 135[pic]. Find the area of the region that the sprinkler covers.

Notes: September 27, 2011 Right Triangle Trigonometry

[pic] [pic]

hypotenuse side [pic] [pic]

opposite [pic]

[pic] [pic]


side adjacent to [pic]

Find the exact value of the six trigonometric functions of the angle [pic]

1. shown in the figure. 2. Sketch a right triangle corresponding to the trig function,

determine the third side and then find the 5 remaining trig functions.




p. 5

Notes: September 28, 2011

Given the coordinate, determine the exact value of the six trig functions.

1. [pic] 2. [pic]

Evaluate the trig function using its period and your plate.

3. [pic] 4. [pic] 5. [pic] 6. [pic]

EVEN Trig. functions: [pic] [pic]

ODD Trig functions: [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

6. If [pic] then [pic]_______ and [pic]______ then [pic]_______

Notes: September 29, 2011 Cofunctions, Calculator Trig.

Cofunction Identities:

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic] Remember [pic]

Use a calculator to evaluate the trig. function, Round to 4 decimal places.

1. [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic]

5. [pic] 6. [pic] 7. [pic] 8. [pic]

Use the given function values to find the indicated trig values. Draw a triangle or use your plate.

9. [pic] [pic]_____ [pic]_______ [pic]

10. [pic] [pic] _____ [pic] ______ [pic] _______

p. 6

Notes: September 30, 2011 Trig Functions of any angle

Definition of Trig Functions of any angle: Let [pic]be an angle in standard position with [pic]

a point on the terminal side of [pic] and [pic][pic]. Then:

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

1. Determine the exact value of the 6 trig functions given [pic]. Draw a triangle.

State the quadrant(s) in which [pic]lies.

2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic]

5. [pic] 6. [pic] 7. [pic]

Find the values of the 6 trig functions with the given restraints. Draw a triangle.

8. [pic] [pic]lies in Quadrant IV 9. [pic] [pic]

Find [pic], for[pic], for the following problems. Put answer in radians.

10. [pic] [pic] =_____ 11. [pic] [pic] = ______ 12. [pic] [pic] = ________

Notes: October 3, 2011

1. [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic]

5. [pic] 6. [pic] 7. [pic] 8. [pic]

Find two solutions for the given equations. Use your paper plate.

9. [pic] 10. [pic] 11. [pic] 12. [pic]

p. 7


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