GRADES 5 TO 8 SCIENCE - Province of Manitoba


A Foundation for Implementation


Manitoba Education and Training

Manitoba Education and Training Cataloguing in Publication Data


Grades 5 to 8 science : a foundation for implementation pdf

Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0?7711?2751-0

1. Science--Study and teaching--Manitoba. 2. Science--Manitoba--Curricula. I. Manitoba. Dept. of Education and Training.

Copyright ? 2000, the Crown in Right of Manitoba as represented by the Minister of Education and Training. Manitoba Education and Training, School Programs Division, 1970 Ness Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0Y9.

Every effort has been made to acknowledge original sources and to comply with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please inform Manitoba Education and Training. Errors or omissions will be corrected in a future edition. Sincere thanks to the authors and publishers who allowed their original material to be adapted or reproduced.

Parts of this publication have been adapted or reproduced from The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1?8: Science and Technology. ? Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1998. Reproduced with permission.



Manitoba Education and Training gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals in the development of Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation.

Members of the Manitoba Development Team for Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation

Mary-Ann Fast

Dalhousie School

Fort Garry S.D. No. 5

Dan Forbes

Ste. Anne Elementary School

Seine River S.D. No. 14

Tina Hellmuth

Robert H. Smith School

Winnipeg S.D. No. 1

Perry Kalynuk

Virden Junior High

Fort La Bosse S.D. No. 41

Dan Marshall

Stonewall Centennial School

Interlake S.D. No. 21

Blake North

Wawanesa School

Souris Valley S.D. No. 42

Michele Polinuk

Munroe Junior High

River East S.D. No. 9

Anne Schifflett

Burntwood Elementary School

Mystery Lake S.D. No. 2355

Russel Skinner

Opasquia Middle School

Kelsey S.D. No. 45

Vera Tardiff

Forrest Elementary School

Rolling River S.D. No. 39

Writers Cheryl Boguski Dianne Soltess

Charleswood Junior High Consultant

Assiniboine South S.D. No. 3 St. James-Assiniboia S.D. No. 2

Special Contributor

Jan Foster

Oakenwald School

Fort Garry S.D. No. 5

Members of the bureau de l'?ducation fran?aise Division Manitoba Science Development Team

Kindergarten to Senior 4 Science Overview Committee (January 1998 ? June 1999)

Julie Bacon

?cole Secondaire Oak Park

Assiniboine South S.D. No. 3

H?l?ne Desrosiers

?cole Lagimodi?re

Division scolaire francomanitobaine n? 49

Dan Forbes

Ste. Anne Elementary School

Seine River S.D. No. 14

Georges Kirouac

Coll?ge r?gional Gabrielle-Roy

Division scolaire francomanitobaine n? 49

Judy Kyliuk

Dalhousie School

Fort Garry S.D. No. 5

Coleen McKellar

Vincent Massey High School

Brandon S.D. No. 40

Don Metz

Collegiate, University of Winnipeg


John Murray

St. Boniface Diocesan High School


Gerald Rosner

Garden City Collegiate

Seven Oaks S.D. No. 10

Barb Wall

Donwood School

River East S.D. No. 9

Leslie Wurtak

Bairdmore School

Fort Garry S.D. No. 5


Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation

Kindergarten to Senior 4 Science Steering Committee

Ron Banister

Manitoba Teachers' Society

Sharon Burns

Manitoba Association of Parent Councils

Randy Cielen

Joseph Teres School

Terry Deroo

Trades Department

Jan Foster

Oakenwald School

Kay Harvey

Manitoba Association of School Trustees

Guy Lacroix

Manitoba Association of School Superintendents

Robert Mauthe

St. Paul's Collegiate

Jan Pazdzierski

McIsaac School

Gordon Robinson

Faculty of Science

Rick Skarban

Manitoba Association of Principals

Ron Streimer

Science Teachers' Association of Manitoba

Dawn Sutherland

Faculty of Education

Winnipeg S.D. No. 1

Transcona-Springfield S.D. No. 12 Assiniboine Community College Fort Garry S.D. No. 5 Whiteshell S.D. No. 2408 Seine River S.D. No. 14

White Horse Plain S.D. No. 20 Flin Flon S.D. No. 46 University of Manitoba Mystery Lake S.D. No. 2355 Transcona-Springfield S.D. No. 12 The University of Winnipeg

Manitoba Education and Training School Programs Division Staff

Lee-Ila Bothe


George Bush Diane Cooley

Consultant (Until June 2000)

Project Manager

Paul Cuthbert


Lynn Harrison

Desktop Publisher

Susan Letkemann Publications Editor

Janet Long

Desktop Publisher

John Murray


Aileen Najduch

Project Leader

Jan Oakley

Publications Editor

Tim Pohl

Desktop Publisher

Production Support Unit Program Development Branch

Curriculum Unit Program Development Branch

Curriculum Unit Program Development Branch

Distance Learning and Information Technologies Unit Program Development Branch

Production Support Unit Program Development Branch

Production Support Unit Program Development Branch

Production Support Unit Program Development Branch

Curriculum Unit Program Development Branch

Curriculum Unit Program Development Branch

Production Support Unit Program Development Branch

Production Support Unit Program Development Branch




Acknowledgements iii

Contents v

Introduction 1 Background 1 Contents 1 Purpose 1

Scientific Literacy 3 The Foundations for Scientific Literacy 3 Achieving Scientific Literacy through Student Learning Outcomes 5

Scientific and Technological Skills and Attitudes 7 Scientific Inquiry 12 Design Process 16

Planning for Instruction and Assessment 23 Introduction 23 Planning for Instruction 26 Planning for Assessment 28

Suggestions for Instruction, Assessment, and Learning Resources: Grades 5 to 8 1 Section Organization 3 Guide to Reading the Four Columns 3 Links to Supporting Resources 3 Other Links 4 Guide to Reading Specific Learning Outcomes 5 The Four-Column Format 6

Grade 5 5.1 Cluster 1: Maintaining a Healthy Body 5.3 Cluster 2: Properties of and Changes in Substances 5.47 Cluster 3: Forces and Simple Machines 5.77 Cluster 4: Weather 5.117 Blackline Masters 5.149


Grades 5 to 8 Science: A Foundation for Implementation

Grade 6 6.1 Cluster 1: Diversity of Living Things Cluster 2: Flight 6.31 Cluster 3: Electricity 6.71 Cluster 4: Exploring the Solar System Blackline Masters 6.115

6.3 6.111

Grade 7 7.1 Cluster 1: Interactions within Ecosystems 7.3 Cluster 2: Particle Theory of Matter 7.45 Cluster 3: Forces and Structures 7.99 Cluster 4: Earth's Crust 7.133 Blackline Masters 7.163

Grade 8 8.1 Cluster 1: Cells and Systems 8.3 Cluster 2: Optics 8.51 Cluster 3: Fluids 8.87 Cluster 4: Water Systems 8.119 Blackline Masters 8.165

Appendices Appendix A: General Learning Outcomes (from Framework) 3 Appendix B: Kindergarten to Grade 4 and Senior 1 Cluster Titles 5 Appendix C: Pets in the Classroom 7

References 1



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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