A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns in brackets.

A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns in brackets.

1. Portugal has some beautiful ........................................................... . (beach) 2. ........................................................... underground is one of the oldest in the world. (London) 3. We need more ........................................................... before deciding. (information) 4. Could I have a ........................................................... of water, please? (glass) 5. The park is full of palm ........................................................... . (tree) 6. This gymnasium is for ........................................................... only. (woman) 7. ........................................................... and gentlemen, welcome to the show. (lady) 8. My friend Milena works in a ........................................................... shop. (furniture) 9. Paula is always asking me for ........................................................... . (advice) 10. At the weekend, they often go walking in the ........................................................... . (mountain)

B) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. Carlos is my nephew / niece. 2. David and Carla's / David and Carlas' house is practically on the beach. 3. Hey, I've got a / some fantastic news! 4. Their price / prices are the lowest in town. 5. Have you got a copy of yesterday's / yesterday newspaper? 6. The children need some new clothes / cloth. 7. My mother has two brothers / sisters ? Eva and Luc?a. 8. Let's have some wine / wines. 9. I've just bought some / a new trousers. 10. Don't forget to brush your teeth / tooth!

C) Identify and correct the errors in these sentences.

1. Both my fathers are retired. 2. At night, the city centre is full of youngs. 3. In the autumn, the leafs fall from the trees. 4. I like your pyjama. 5. Have you seen Magdas' new car? 6. Can you put that plates in the cupboard, please? 7. This is my dog. It's name is Fred. 8. He fell over last night and hurt him.

D) Rewrite these sentences substituting the words underlined with pronouns.

1. David's girlfriend is French. 2. Gloria's star sign is aquarius. 3. Those books belong to Sara. 4. Excuse me, does this dog belong to you? 5. The coast has beautiful beaches. 6. This CD belongs to my brother. 7. Jessica is a friend of mine. 8. Our parents are both retired. 9. Look at Paul and Elisa! 10. Can you post these letters today, please?

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

E) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. Is this / that your car at the end of the street? 2. Rio de Janeiro is famous for its / it carnival. 3. I've forgotten to bring mine / my camera. 4. We've had an argument. We're not speaking to ourselves / each other. 5. A: Where's your homework?

B: I haven't finished them / it yet. 6. Meg has lost her / his purse. 7. These / Those are my children: Sam, Nick and Mark. 8. A: Is this your / their coat?

B: No, mine / my is the red one. 9. Thanks for a lovely evening. I really enjoyed myself / me. 10. My old jacket doesn't fit my / me anymore!

IES Vescomtat de Cabrera English Department

A) Complete the sentences with a, an or the.

1. It was ....................... exciting film. 2. They were brought up in ....................... small town. 3. I've never seen ....................... ice-hockey match. 4. A: Where are you going?

B: To ....................... library. 5. A: What do you do?

B: I'm ....................... mechanic. 6. Bring ....................... coat and ....................... umbrella. It's going to be cold and wet. 7. A: When did you last speak to David?

B: About ....................... week ago. 8. Have you got ....................... time? 9. There was ....................... accident last night.

B) Decide if it is necessary to complete the sentences with the.

1. We're flying to ....................... Stansted Airport. 2. Have you ever been up ....................... Eiffel Tower? 3. I prefer swimming to ....................... football. 4. Let's meet outside ....................... Prado museum. 5. My brother studied at ....................... Manchester University. 6. Do you work with ....................... computers? 7. What are we having for ....................... dinner tonight? 8. Could I speak to ....................... Mr Parker, please? 9. I'm cold. Can we switch on ....................... heating? 10. ....................... Andes is the longest range of mountains in the world.

C) Identify and correct the errors in these sentences.

1. A: What time's your exam? B: At the nine o'clock tomorrow morning. 2. Do you go to cinema much? 3. I'm English teacher. 4. The last night I went out with my friends. 5. My sister loves the singing and dancing. 6. I saw two interestings films last week. 7. Physics is the more difficult subject I am studying. 8. He was wearing a leather dark jacket. 9. I am much taller that my father. 10. It was an experience very enjoyable.

D) Rewrite the sentences including the adjectives in the correct order and position.

1. Somebody left a jacket at the party last night. [leather / brown / beautiful]


2. When we got home we had a bowl of soup. [tomato / hot / delicious]


3. My uncle's got a sheepdog. [old / German / big]


4. He always wears a raincoat. [plastic / green / long]


5. There was nobody else at the station except a man who was reading a newspaper. [middle-aged / tall / thin]


IES Vescomtat de Cabrera English Department

A) Rewrite these sentences putting the adverbs in the correct position.

1. It rains in the north of Spain. (heavily) (often) 2. Richard closed the door. (silently) 3. Have you eaten raw fish? (in your town) (ever) 4. Have you finished your dinner? (yet) 5. They've arrived. (from the airport) (just) 6. We saw no one. (last night) (in the street) 7. What time do you get up? (on Sunday morning) (usually) 8. The soup wasn't cold for me to eat. (enough) 9. He had an accident because he was driving. (fast) (too) 10. My sister is complaining about the same things. (always)

B) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. My father works very hard / hardly. 2. Pedro speaks English very good / well. 3. Our car runs very fastly / fast. 4. His brother sings beautifully / beautiful. 5. The police nearly / near discovered the criminal. 6. We're leaving early in the morning / in the morning early. 7. My brother arrived home late / lately last night. 8. My father buys the newspaper everyday / every day. 9. We've already / yet seen that film. 10. Is the baby still / yet sleeping? No, he's just woken up.

C) Identify and correct the errors in these sentences.

1. We spend seldom the summer at home. 2. Listen to the teacher very carefuly. 3. They don't play very well football. 4. I did the exercise easyly. 5. If you have teethache, you'd better go to the dentist. 6. Where do you usually eat your meals: in the kitchen or in the dinning room? 7. Have you heard the whether forecast for tomorrow? 8. Shall we go to the swiming pool today? 9. My brother is autoconfident.

D) Complete the sentences with compound nouns or compound adjectives.

1. I always write my shopping .............................................. before I go to the supermarket. 2. Our train is delayed. We'd better go to the waiting .............................................. . 3. Second .............................................. books are usually quite cheap. 4. Excuse me, is this watch water ..............................................? 5. Red .............................................. people usually have freckles, too. 6. My boss is such a bad .............................................. man. 7. Spanish students usually leave high .............................................. at the age of 18. 8. Have you seen my high .............................................. shoes? I can't find them. 9. Are you still working full ..............................................? 10. I had my blood .............................................. taken at the chemist's this morning.

E) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. My aunt had a mental downbreak / breakdown last night. 2. I don't really like quick food / fast food. 3. Hillary is a beautiful long-hair / long-haired girl. 4. The teacher wants some feedback / backfeed from the students at the end of the class. 5. Who's the headmaster / masterhead of this school? 6. The Cross Red / Red Cross helps a lot of people all over the world. 7. Living in the city has more backdraws / drawbacks than advantages. 8. We always buy some home-made / made-at-home products. 9. I've got two handed-left / left-handed brothers.

IES Vescomtat de Cabrera English Department

10. Patricia's a really working-hard / hard-working person, isn't she?

A) Complete the sentences with some, any, much, many, little, few, neither, both, none or all.

1. A: Would you like ....................... coffee? B: Yes, please. 2. I've got a ....................... books upstairs that might interest you. 3. ....................... Norway nor Finland belong to the European Community. 4. A: Do your friends like flamenco? B: No, ....................... of them like it. 5. A: Is there any milk in the fridge? B: No, there isn't ....................... . 6. I haven't got ....................... money left, so I can't buy her a present now. 7. A: Have you got ....................... friends? B: Yes, I've got a lot. 8. ....................... Indur?in and Olano are famous cyclists. 9. [Loudspeaker at the airport] Your attention, please. ....................... passengers proceed to gate n? four. 10. A: Is there any water left in the bottle? B: Yes, there's still a ....................... .

B) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. All / None the students are having a break now. 2. There isn't somewhere / anywhere to park in this area. 3. Is there any / anything we can do for you? 4. I haven't got much / many time to waste. 5. There were a lot / few of people at the party. 6. She liked every / each of the presents she was given. 7. Both / All Susan and Peter are taking part in the competition. 8. My parents are neither rich or / nor famous. 9. Some / Any of my friends have a driving licence. 10. Most / Most of my students speak two languages.

C) Rewrite these sentences using the correct order.

1. A: I like coffee very much. B: So I do. 2. How long you have lived in this town? 3. I'm doing well, am not I? 4. The ambulance took to hospital the man. 5. What nationality you are? 6. A: We don't speak Russian. B: Neither we do. 7. Hardly we had arrived home when the telephone rang. 8. Under no circumstances you must do it again. 9. We live in a house very beautiful near the sea. 10. You can swim?

D) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. You don't like pizza, don't you / do you? 2. Lovely weather, is it / isn't it? 3. How / What is the weather like in the south of Spain? 4. What colour of / What colour hair has she got? 5. Let's go to the cinema, shall we / shan't we? 6. Someone's talked to her, haven't they / hasn't he? 7. A: I've got a new bike. B: So have / So do I. 8. No sooner had he left home than / when he realised he hadn't taken his documents. 9. Not only does he play tennis, but too / also basketball and golf. 10. On no account must they / they must know the truth.

E) Identify and correct the errors in these sentences.

1. Both of they live in the same block of flats. 2. This is most interesting film. 3. Those twins are very intelligent. None of the m has ever failed an exam. 4. I've got very few money at the moment. 5. How you usually go to school? 6. A: Who did tell you that story? B: Richard did. 7. Sam broke the window, didn't Sam? 8. Let's leave now, isn't it?

IES Vescomtat de Cabrera English Department

9. We usually go by bus to school.

A) Complete the sentences using the present simple.

1. A: What time do you usually ...................................... up? B: At 7 o'clock in the morning. 2. After breakfast, Mary always ...................................... a shower. 3. A: ...................................... George like tomatoes? B: Yes, very much. 4. A: Do you like pop music? B: No, I ...................................... . 5. We often ...................................... shopping by car. 6. My father ...................................... the washing-up every day. 7. What ...................................... you and your friends do at the weekend? 8. If you ...................................... hard, you'll pass all your exams. 9. John ...................................... a lot; that's why he's so fat. 10. I always ...................................... water when I'm thirsty.

B) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. The children watch / see TV in the afternoon. 2. I wonder why she never hurrys / hurries. 3. Kate takes / take her children to school every day. 4. My train leaves / lives at 4.30. 5. I not know / don't know what to do tonight. 6. Jane and her friends doesn't / don't like fast food. 7. We have / don't have lunch at home. 8. Frank never walks / walks never to school. 9. The police is / are next door now. 10. Why is / are there so many people in the street?

C) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1. We _______________________________ (watch) TV every night. 2. The children _______________________________ (play) upstairs now. 3. _______________________________ (you / want) to go to the park for a walk? 4. I _______________________________ (work) for a marketing company at the moment. 5. My parents _______________________________ (travel) around the world this month. 6. A: Where's Mary? B: She _______________________________ (study) in her room. 7. My son _______________________________ (get up) early every day. 8. A: Why _______________________________ the boy (run)? B: He's late for school. 9. I _______________________________ (try) to open this box but I can't. Could you help me? 10. We never _______________________________ (drink) coffee at night.

D) Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. We never have / are never having lunch at home. 2. The students do / are doing an exam now. 3. This year we study / are studying French. 4. Today we don't watch / aren't watching TV. 5. We usually have / are having cornflakes for breakfast. 6. A: What shall we do tonight? B: Why aren't we going / don't we go to the cinema? 7. It is getting / gets dark. Will you turn the lights on, please? 8. Take your umbrella! It rains / is raining. 9. My sister works / is working as an air- hostess at the moment. 10. He is having / has dinner with us tomorrow.

E) Identify and correct the errors in these sentences.

1. Phil want to stop studying now. 2. What time have you dinner? 3. We usually go to shopping on Saturdays. 4. We not need any help. 5. Who does this book belongs to? 6. He's unbearable. He always talks about himself. 7. Why are you puting the books on this shelf? 8. What time are you comeing back? 9. I work in a pizza restaurant at the moment.

IES Vescomtat de Cabrera English Department


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