
Internal Review - Full Application

The request owner will receive an email notifying them when the nonprofit has completed their application. This is the owner’s cue to log into CyberGrants and review the contents of the completed proposal. At this time the user can elect to return the application back to the nonprofit if it requires further revision or they can reject the proposal if it is obviously without merit. Otherwise, they can approve the application by following the steps outlined below. Please note that all internally required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*) and are given a red color. These fields must be completed if the application is to be approved.

How to Perform the Final Internal Review Process

The final internal review process requires the completion of seven basic steps

1. Load the grant that you want to process by clicking on its dollar amount on the main tab. New grants will appear with a globe icon next to them. Review the contents of any pre-application content as well as responses to the full proposal.


Locate the grant that you need to process on your CyberGrants Main tab.

If the nonprofit has requested software, review their request to ensure that it makes sense according to their technology plan and hardware capacity. Follow the checklist on the Resource Tab to verify that the license details are correct, are not duplicated, and that servers/CALs are complete. Adjust the products and quantities in the Payment (fulfillment) section if necessary.

2. Assuming that you will be trying to approve this request, the next step is to specify the geographic scope of the project (one country, one region, multi-regional) and the geographic region at which your MS subsidiary or field office is located (LATAM, EMEA, ASIA, etc.) Your responses to these questions will impact the approval process that the system generates when you submit the request for approval. Pick the appropriate options and then click “Save All.”


If you see a red flag in the top left corner of the application you will have to perform additional due diligence steps to ensure US Federal Regulation Compliance. The red flag indicates that the organization’s name, one of its contacts, or one of its board members have been matched up to the CyberGrants WatchList database of sanctioned organizations and individuals.


The WatchList scan raises a “red flag” on the request when it encounters a match.

To clear the red flag you should review the results in the “Scan Results” section of the application and acknowledge that you have cleared them as “false positives” by placing your initials in the bottom of the results section and then clicking “Save All.” You should also confirm that their bank references are legitimate and perform two reference checks to properly vet the organization. Record your findings (what you did, when you did it) in the “US Federal Regulation Compliance Notes” field in the “Final Internal Review” section.


Initial the WatchList scan results to clear the red flag from the request.

The next step is to record what budget(s) the “fulfillment” of cash and/or software will be made from.

When making a cash payment, indicating your payment strategy prior to approving the grant will allow you to weigh this commitment against those made to other organizations and ensures that you don’t overextend your budget (i.e. – accidentally promise more to your constituency than you have to spend in the fiscal year.) Product payments for software or curriculum will not deduct from your budget since they have a Cost of Goods of $0.00.

The system will automatically build a basic payment strategy for all product requests attached to the proposal. Click the “Edit” button (see below) next to an order to indicate which budget line the value of the product should be made against and when it should be shipped to the recipient.

3. The next step is to check for validation errors by utilizing the Order Validation Tool (OVT). This tool displays any errors (E) or warnings (W) associated with the request that could potentially affect the fulfillment. You must confirm that all errors have been corrected prior to submitting the grant. The grant will not be fulfilled if errors exist and/or the “I agree” box has not been checked.


You must scroll down and “Revalidate” the OVT each time after correcting any errors in order for the tool to be updated. It does not automatically update after you simply save changes to the request:


4. Within the OVT is the “Ok to Go” Report. This report needs to be run in order to check for additional software-specific validation errors. Clicking the “OK to Go” link will launch the report in a new window.


You can check the report for orders and order lines that have a status of Errors. The following is an example:


You must clear any errors before the Application is submitted into the approval process. For more information on clearing these errors please see the “How to fix common fulfillment errors” document on the Resources Tab.

5. The final step is to submit the full application into the approval process. Provide the Recommended Amount for the cash portion of the grant (Approved; $0.00 if it will be rejected) and then click on the Submit for Approval button (see below). The system will then compute the appropriate approval process for the application.


The “Submit for Approval” button for initiating the approval process is highlighted.

How to Change Product Quantities

In the Proposal Information section, you can change or update the product quantities.


The “Quantity” field and “Update” button are highlighted in the Proposal Section.

1. Change the number in the “Quantity” field, to the left of the “Name/Description.” You may update the “Quantity” in as many lines as necessary at one time

2. Click the “Update” button to recalculate the “List Price” and Totals

IMPORTANT: After updating the “Quantity” in the Proposal Information section, you must then update the information in the Payment Information section to be identical (See Page 5 of this Manual) and then ensure that all three amounts match up: Payment Total, Requested Amount, and Amount Recommended.

How to Add/Remove Product Titles

To add a Product Title to a request, you can use the Search function located in the Proposal section.


The “Search” button is highlighted in the Proposal section.

1. The “Search by Keyword” and “Browse by Product Type” here will allow you to view all of the software that is available.

2. You can select a product type from the dropdown box, or type a keyword and then press the “Search” button.

3. After you press the “Search” button the page will refresh, and when you scroll back down, the products that meet your search requirements will be displayed. For example: type Office into the keyword field and press the “Search” button.

4. When the page refreshes, a list of all Microsoft Products with the word Office will be displayed. Be careful here though: Microsoft offers many products in several different languages, so your results will probably be very long.

We suggest typing “English” (or “Spanish”, or another language) into the keyword and pressing the “Search” button. This will return all of the software in that language (This is a great way to choose more than one product). You can also type English, and then make a choice in “Browse by Product Type” to get a list of only the English versions available for each product.


The “Add to Requested Products” button is highlighted in the Proposal Section.

5. When you find a product that you would like to add to the request, enter the quantity number you would like in the box to the left of the product name.

6. At the bottom of your search results is the “Add to Requested Products” button. Pressing this will update the products which you have selected and will add them to your request. The page will refresh again, and the products which you have selected, will appear in the “Requested Software” section of the Proposal Section. Think of this as your 'Shopping Cart'.

7. You can continue searching and adding products in this way until you have everything you need.

8. If you add the wrong item, you can remove it, by changing the quantity to the left of it to 0, and clicking the “Update” button. You can also increase the quantity that you want by using this button in the same manner.

When a new product is added to a request, you must also add a Product Payment to the Payment Information section (See Page 7 of this Manual)

How to Add/Create/Edit a Payment or Order

To expand the details of an order, click the ‘View Order Detail’ link in the Payment Summary section. It will display each payment line of the request.


To create a new payment line or edit an existing payment line in an order, please follow the steps below:


The “Edit” button is highlighted in the payment section.

1. Click the Edit button next to the Order ID.

2. The screen will refresh and expand the order information. You can now make any changes to these payments.

3. Select Add New Item from the dropdown list at the bottom and click the Go button.


The Order Information is expanded, and Go button is Highlighted.

4. A new line is added in the Order Detail section. Enter the Product # and Product Quantity.


A new line has been added to this Order Detail.

5. Press the Go button again to add another product to this order. Repeat until all the products have been entered.

6. Press the Save All button.

How to add a new order to a request

1. If you are adding a new Product Order to the Payment section, you must complete all of the required (marked in red and with an asterisk) fields as well as the Product # and Product Quantity.


If you are adding Cash or other type of payment, you need to complete all of the required (marked in red and with an asterisk) fields.

2. Click the “Save All” button at the bottom of the Payment section and the Order with product/cash will be added.

How to move payments between orders

1. Click the Edit button next to the Order that contains the payments you would like to move.


The “Edit” button is highlighted in the payment section.

2. Click the Action checkbox next to the appropriate payments.

3. Select the Transfer to Order… with the Order number you would like to transfer this payment to. You can only transfer payments to another order within the same request.

4. Press the Go button.

How to Delete a Payment Line or Order

To delete a payment line from an Order, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on the ‘Edit’ button in the Order Fulfillment Summary section.


2. Place a checkmark in the Action box next to the product you wish to delete.

3. Select ‘Delete’ from the drop down menu and click the ‘Go’ button. A confirmation message will appear and the screen will refresh.

Users may delete payments from a grant request under the following conditions:

• The payment cannot have a status of "Process". Deleting a payment with a status of "Process" is universally problematic - losing data after it has been sent to fulfillment will cause major reconciliation difficulties.

• Administrators and Power Users can delete all other payments (excluding those with a "Process" status) regardless of ownership or status.

• Basic-level users can delete a payment if the request is not "Approved". (Administrators may be relying on that payment when performing their reconciliation functions.)

To delete an order please follow the steps below:


The trash icon is highlighted in the payment summary section.

1. Click the trash icon in the Payment Summary section. This will delete all of the payment lines associated with the entire order.

Users may delete orders from a grant request under the following conditions:

• The payment cannot have a status of "Process". Deleting a payment with a status of "Process" is universally problematic - losing data after it has been sent to fulfillment will cause major reconciliation difficulties.

• Administrators and Power Users can delete all other payments (excluding those with a "Process" status) regardless of ownership or status.

• Basic-level users can delete a payment if the request is not "Approved". (Administrators may be relying on that payment when performing their reconciliation functions.)

All of the following fields must be completed when creating or editing a product payment:

a. Payee Information – the system will pre-populate the shipment address information. Make sure that your payee has a contact name, email address, and telephone associated with it. Click on “View Payee Detail” to see the current payee.

b. Payment Type – Pick “Software/Curriculum”.

c. Payment Status – Pick “Scheduled”.

d. Budget – Pick the appropriate line. If a budget has additional child lines beneath it, pick the deepest option.

e. Requested Ship Date – type in today’s date in MM/DD/YY format.

If there is also a cash component to the request, you can schedule a payment for this portion by selecting the appropriate cash payment type in the drop down menu and clicking the “New” button at the bottom of the payment section. Indicate which budget the cash funds should be drawn from, the requested payment date, and the amount to be paid in US dollars. Click “Save All” to complete the transaction.


Payment information for a Cash Payment.

CyberGrants will automatically allocate funds from your annual budget as each payment is saved. You can check a particular line’s real-time available balance by looking at the dollar amount listed in the budget dropdown box. Please note that if the grant is rejected or if a payment is Voided (or deleted all together) these funds will immediately return to the appropriate budget line so that they may be reallocated elsewhere.

A series of optional fields have been provided for the approver to rate the application and record any comments that they might have. (Each approver will have their own separate ratings and comments fields.) Once the owner clicks on the thumbs up icon to indicate their approval, the system will send out an email to the next person in the process notifying them that it is their turn to approve. To see a list of users who are authorized to perform the current approval step, click on the “Pending” link located after the step’s title and the list will appear in a new window. The process will continue until someone within the approval list rejects the application or, if it makes it all the way through and the last user decides to approve it, the grant’s status will change to Approved.


The “Approve and Reject” buttons are highlighted.

Subsequent approvers (those participating after the initial owner recommended step) can access the request by either clicking on the link that is contained in their notification email or by performing a search on the main tab with the Request Approval Status of “Pending My Approval” selected.


Pending My Approval is Selected

Regional/Sub-regional leads will be able to record their own approval/rejection as well as define members of a regional review committee (when appropriate.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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