Btec Unit 2


Thomas Tallis School

BTEC ICT Level 3

Unit 2: Introduction to Computer Systems

It is recommended that a minimum of 60 hours should be spent working on this brief.

It is vital that you and your teacher sign each task before the next one is begun.

General rules for BTEC coursework marks

Ten rules for scoring a merit or better

Your work should;

1) Be saved in an ordered folder/directory structure

2) Contain a front page with relevant information (name, course, centre number etc..) and have your name and centre number in a footer on every printout.

3) Be very well ordered with a contents pages

4) Have every task completed and signed by yourself and your teacher.

5) Contain before and after screen shots fully explained showing development.

6) Contain no more that 4 screen shots per page.

7) contain detailed annotation throughout (on screen preferably)

8) Contain in depth reports and evaluations (where applicable).

9) Be presented in a treasury tagged portfolio.

Action Plan

It is vital that you complete this action plan task by task rather than attempt to complete it at the end.

|Task |Task Description |Date |Comments |

|1 |Functions of hardware components (P1) | | |

|2 |The purpose of operating systems (P2 & M1) | | |

|3 |The purpose of different software utilities (P3 & D1) | | |

|4 |Recommendation of a computer system for a business (P4) | | |

|5 |Justify your choices & choose the final system (M2) | | |

|6 | Standalone setup: Install hardware & Software (P5) | | |

|7 |Configure Hardware & software to meet user needs (P6) | | |

|8 |Testing Configuration (P7) | | |

| |Evaluation of computer performance (M3) | | |

| |Explain & justify improvements for a computer system (D2) | | |

| |Undertake routine maintenance (P8) | | |




Cedar Musik

Cedar Musik is a record company run by Cliff and James Richards. The business mainly buys and sells new and used music records, CDs etc. It also organises special music events in local clubs and private parties. In the past, the father and son have run their business using a simple cash register and paper based records. However, due to recent increase in sales they want to invest in a proper computer system. As you will discover their knowledge on computers is very limited.

They have spoken to a few of their friends about this and you have been recommended as “an expert who can solve all computer problems” for Cedar Musik.

In this project you will need to evidence the following:

• Explain the functions of computer hardware components

• Explain the purpose of operating systems

• Explain the purpose of different software utilities

• Recommend a computer system for a given business purpose

Follow the tasks in this booklet to build your evidence file.

Letter from Cedar Musik [pic]

Cedar Mount High School

Matthews Lane



M18 7SP


Dear Sir/Madam

My name is James and I’m writing to ask for your help in setting up a computer system for our business. We own a small record shop called Cedar Musik. My dad (Cliff) and I need to improve our business by investing in a new computer system. The business is mainly a shop selling old music records and CD’s to the public, but I am also a part-time DJ and often organise events at clubs. Now, although I might have a bit of knowledge about computers my dad doesn’t know the difference between a mouse and a monitor so any work you do for us will have to explain everything in detail.

The problem we have at the moment is that everything is done on paper. Paper labels, paper receipts, paper accounts, I’m surprised the shop’s not made of paper! Anyway, here’s what we need:

• A computer to hold records for all our customers, stock, and sales

• Some software to help with the record keeping and accounts and some software to produce marketing material for my gigs – you know flyers, posters, etc

• We might also need some sort of printing facility to help with the advertising

• Also Cliff likes to collect and sell old records and he wants to make the record covers available to see electronically, you know so he can advertise them without having to ruin the originals. Can you suggest how we might achieve this?

I think that should be enough information to get you started. If you need to ask me anything just send us an email (the email address is above) and I’ll get back in touch as soon as possible. By the way there’s one more thing I forgot to mention. About two years ago my dad had a big fire in the shop and all his accounts were destroyed, the police said that some youths had broken in and stolen some of the customers account details too. We think that this new computer system needs to be very safe to stop that from happening again. I’ll leave that one with you too.

Right then, I’m off to some teachers’ birthday party – Mr. Jundi he said his name was. I’ll have to dig out some of them “classics” from the 50’s. I’ll speak to you soon; hopefully you should have something to show me next time.


Computers Systems

Task 1: The function of hardware components—P1

Although Cliff and James know a little about computers they are fascinated by them and want to know more about a PC before they invest any money. You must produce a website to help so that Cliff and James can refer to this in their own time. You must follow these guidelines:

Brief: You must design a website or presentation for James and Cliff to help them make an informed decision about which computer parts they may require for their business. Use hotspots over the different components explaining what each component is.

1. Explain in detail 3 external hardware components of a PC (i.e. monitor, mouse, etc.)

2. Explain at least 5 hardware components found inside a PC (i.e. graphics card, CPU, RAM etc.)

3. Describe at least 3 additional peripherals for a PC (i.e. printer, scanner etc.)

4. Include a glossary for the following common terms associated with a PC:

A list of the different types of hardware available including:-

i. Processors

ii. Motherboard

iii. BIOS

iv. RAM

v. Peripherals

vi. PSU

vii. Storage devices

viii. Fan & heat sink

5. On one page produce a diagram to show how data is input, processed, output and stored/retrieved in a computer system. Use examples for illustration purposes.

6. Explain briefly the binary nature of storage and associated terminology (Bit, Byte, Kilobyte etc). Give examples of storage capacities of some commonly used backup devices.

HOMEWORK: For homework research the internet for data on heat sinks. What may these be made from? Find out at what temperature and happens if the fan stops working on a PC or the heat sink is removed or not correctly connected to the processor chip.

Print out or use screenshots showing all the evidence of your work for your folders (if necessary)


Task 2: Operating System Software—P2 & M1

James and Cliff are unsure about operating systems and are in need of clarification about which one to use for their business.

1. James and Cliff need to know a little bit more about your skills and they have asked you to design a poster outlining the basic functions of operating systems. Use need to explain how they help the user. (P2)

2. Write an 800 word report comparing the 4 different types of operating systems that exist. What features do they/do they not have? What type of user will use one over the other? (M1)

Print off the poster and report and place them in your folder marking.

HOMEWORK: What are the 4 main types of Operating Systems that exist? Give a brief description of what type of user will use each one.

Task 3: Utility Software—P3 & D1

1. Cliff and James also know little about utility software. Using a tabular format, explain the purpose of 5 different software utility tools. (P3)

2. Explain, using examples how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems. In each instance state when you may need to run each utility software package. (D1)


Task 4: Choosing the Right System—P4

Cliff and James are now fairly knowledgeable about computers and are keen to see what you would recommend for their business.

First go back to the original letter from Cedar Musik and highlight the business’ main requirements. Make a list of these business requirements.

1. Now you must create two computer system specifications that could be suitable for Cedar Musik to use for their needs. Use a table to list the hardware and the software for both computer systems you create.

2. Label each component to show which category it belongs to i.e input, processing, output, storage.

3. Do some research to find realistic costs for the components of both your computer systems and then add these to your table for part 1) above. Make sure you total up the costs at the end for each system. (P4)

Task 5: Justify Your Choices—M2

Cliff and James have a lot more knowledge now than before, so they are likely to question why you chose these two computer systems.

1. Design a presentation to justify the choices you have made for each computer system. Include your findings from parts 1 and 3.

2. You may wish to discuss each part separately in terms of its speed, cost, capacity, availability, compatibility with other parts, durability, industry reputation, how quickly it changes (life span), reliability, ease of use, additional functionality, etc. (M2)

Choose the Final System

You must now make a decision to choose the right system for Cedar Musik. In the conclusion of your report for Task 5 you must compare the two systems in terms of their performance, ability to do the required tasks for Cedar Musik, and their value for money.

1. Choose one system to recommend for Cedar Musik and write an email to James including your final report.

2. Include a copy of the reply you receive from Cedar Musik in your evidence file. (M2)


Task 6: Configure Hardware Device & Software—P5

Following on from your recommendations Cliff and James have now purchased a computer system with a scanner and a printer. However, there are really struggling to get the printer and scanner working properly and change. You must record your actions of how the installations are completed and create a blog and/or a website to present your footage to help them with the set up next time.

1. Attach a scanner or printer to a PC and write a full account of how you did this (step-by-step). Allow a colleague to take pictures whilst you do this and include these in your final guide.

2. Once you have attached the peripherals you will need to follow the on-screen instructions to install and configure the devices so they can be used. Take screenshots of the process when installing these devices and include them in your final guide.

3. Get your teacher to complete a witness statement sheet, proving that you have achieved this task.


Task 7: Configure the Software—P6

As you may remember Cliff is now getting very old and he is quite conscientious about his health. He has recently attended a computer health and safety class and would like you to help make some necessary adjustments to his computer system to help him use it better– for this section you must produce a step-by-step guide. Your step-by-step guide must record your actions of how the installations are completed by using a blog and/or a website to present your footage to help Cliff

1. Cliff is left handed and so needs the mouse settings changing so that he can use it with his left hand. Write down instructions on how to change mouse settings to left handed.

2. Cliff suffers from Presbyopia (also know as being long-sighted) this means he needs to see things bigger when they are up-close (like the monitor). Write down instructions on how to change the screen settings to help make everything bigger for Cliff to read.

3. Cliff spends a lot of time looking at the dictionary to check the spellings for words in English. Write down instructions on how to change the computers language settings so that they are in English (UK)


Task 8 Testing the functionality of the system—P7,M3,D2 & P8

Before you allow Cliff and James to use the system you must make sure that you test it to ensure that the system works as expect. Draw up a test plan using a template similar to the one below to create a test plan of software and hardware items that you have installed and configured for the system. You must develop at least 8 tests which are related to the user’s requirements. You must also be aware of which user requirement belongs to which configuration set up to evaluate the performance of the computer system.

1. Complete the test plan below for the computer system. (P7)

|Test Number |Item to test |Expect result (against the |Actual Result |Reasons for failures |

| | |user requirements) | | |

|1 | | | | |

|2 | | | | |

|3 | | | | |

2. For each user requirement evaluate the configuration against the user requirements. Explain which user requirements which are met as well as those that have not been met. (M3)

|User Requirement |Configuration used |Met? If not, why? |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

3. Explore the different types of routine maintenance which exist and explain and justify in a letter to Cliff and James the improvements that could be made to the computer system considering the costs involved and potential benefits gained for both now and in the future for Cliff and James. (D2)

4. Undertake the following tasks of routine maintenance: DISK DEFRAGMENTATION, VIRUS SCANNING, and BACKUPS. You will be assessed by your partner of whether you follow the correct procedures for each task. Once completed, obtain a witness statement for your file. (P8)

Glossary of Common Terms

CLI – Command Line Interface is a type of system that uses only text based instructions for its functionality.

Client – A person/persons that have requested your business

Configuration – The settings of a piece of hardware/software

Data – Information in its most basic form

Email – Electronic mail, used to communicate using the PC over the internet

GUI – Graphical user Interface, a common type of software that uses a mouse pointer, buttons, links, and other such features for its functionality.

Hardware – The physical devices associated with a given system.

Legal – Requirements from the government (Law)

Mainframe – A central computer used as a main source of processing and storage for large organisations

PC – Personal Computer usually associated with desktop computer systems use in homes and businesses

Peripherals – Additional devices such as printers, scanners, cameras etc.

Portable – A device that can be easily moved/transported and is often used in mobility

Purpose – The main reasons or aims of something

Requirements – The needs and wants of a client or system

Software – The electronic applications found on computer systems that help to run certain functions of the computer and perform specific tasks.

The table shows the assessment criteria used.




Teacher: Miss Ahakpo

Date Started: ……………………

Deadline Date: …………………..


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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