Lab name:


Vision of the Institute

To impart quality technical education with a focus on Research and Innovation emphasising on Development of Sustainable and Inclusive Technology for the benefit of society.

Mission of the Institute

• To provide an environment that enhances creativity and Innovation in pursuit of Excellence.

• To nurture teamwork in order to transform individuals as responsible leaders and entrepreneurs.

• To train the students to the changing technical scenario and make them to understand the importance of Sustainable and Inclusive technologies.



(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)



|To prepare world class mechanical engineers having technical competency, and managerial skills, driven by human values and ignite the young minds |

|capable of addressing ever-changing global issues by research and innovation. |


| To provide a platform that imparts scientific knowledge and technical skills. |

| To train To train students to demonstrate their technical and managerial skills. |

|•   To engage students in professional activities through research, higher education and lifelong learning. |


|PEO-1: Graduates will have the ability to apply the knowledge of Mechanical Engineering to excel in their career path. |

|PEO-2: Graduates will understand the importance of vibration in design of elements. |

|PEO-3: Graduates will be able to analyze stresses and strains in a member subjected to combined loading of bending and torsion and also able to analyze |

|performance of Governor in internal combustion engine. |

|PEO-4: Graduates will have the ability to pursue higher education |

| |


| |

|PSO-1: Students will have the ability to learn, analyze vibration in machine elements and performance of governors. |

|PSO-2: Students will be capable of analyze behavior of photo elastic material when subjected to different loading conditions. |

| |


(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)




Sub. Code:10MEL77 IA Marks :

Hrs/Week : Exam Hrs :

Total Hrs: Exam Marks :

Course Objectives:

1) To make students expose to practical mode of analysis throughout the semester.

2) To make students to understand the importance of vibration in design of elements.

3) To expose students to understand stresses and strains in a member subjected to combined loading of bending and torsion.

4) To study the importance of Governor in internal combustion engine.

5) To study the behavior of photo elastic material when subjected to different loading conditions.

6) To study the importance of lubricating oil in Journal bearing.

7) To make the students to understand the importance of balancing of rotating masses.

Course Outcomes:

1) Students should be able to analyze the problems experimentally and compare the same with theoretical values.

2) Students should be able to calculate frequency of vibration experimentally.

3) Students should be able to calculate principal stress and principal strains in a member subjected to combined loading of bending and torsion.

4) Students should be able to understand importance of effort and power in governors.

5) Students should be able to study the pressure distribution under different experimental conditions in journal bearing.

6) Students should be able to understand balance of rotating masses in different planes.


|1 |Spring Mass system |

|2 |Free torsional oscillations |

|3 |Damped torsional oscillations |

|4 |Whirling of shaft |

|5 |Combined loading of bending and torsion |

|6 |Porter Governor |

|7 |Hartnell Governor |

|8 |Fringe constant of circular disc in diametrical compression |

|9 |Stress concentration factor in a circular ring subjected to compressive load |

|10 |Fringe constant in pure bending |

|11 |Journal Bearing |

|12 |Balancing of rotating masses |

|13 |Viva questions |



BENGALURU – 560078

Experiment No:________ Date:____________

Title of the Experiment

Experiment No: 01 Date: ____________



To determine the natural frequency and time period of longitudinal undamped vibrations of spring mass system and to calculate the percentage error by comparing with the theoretical value.

Apparatus/Components required: Spring mass system with stylus and graph sheet


when the particles of a system vibrate in a direction parallel to the axis the vibration is termed as longitudinal vibrations. An example of longitudinally vibrating system is a spring mass system, wherein the mass is constrained to move only along the axis of the spring.

In an undamped system, vibration takes place due to repeated conversion of one form of energy into another form of energy, i.e. kinetic energy of the mass into potential energy of the spring and vice versa

We have three methods to analyze the vibrations of an undamped system:

• Energy method: Since in an undamped system, there is no loss of energy, the total energy of the system should remain constant with time, i.e., kinetic energy + potential energy = constant, and its derivative is zero.

• Raleigh's method: it is a modification of the energy method, which directly leads to the determination of the natural frequency. It is based on the principle that, the potential energy of the system is maximum when the kinetic energy is zero and the kinetic energy is maximum when the potential energy is zero. Since, the total energy of the system is constant this implies that the maximum potential energy should be equal to the maximum kinetic energy.

• Applying Newton's second law

The first two methods can be applied to only undamped systems, whereas the third method can be applied to both damped and undamped systems.


1. Periodic motion: a motion, which repeats itself after equal intervals of time.

2. Time period: Time taken to complete one cycle

3. Frequency: The number of cycles per second.

4. Amplitude: the maximum displacement of a vibrating body from the mean position.

5. Natural frequency: frequency of free vibrations of the system.


Description of the apparatus: (Refer fig.). The apparatus consists of a central column supported on a base. A collet is provided at the top of the column through which a spring is attached. A cylindrical mass carrying a stylus is attached at the lower end of the spring. A Recording ebonite Drum is driven by a small electric motor rotating at 10 rpm and the assembly is fixed to a radial arm, which can be fixed at any desired angle about the central column. A graph sheet is fixed on the ebonite drum.

The Recording Drum is adjusted such that the stylus smeared with ink makes point contact with the graph sheet on the rotating drum. The electric motor is switched on and cylindrical mass is given a small vertical displacement (say 30 mm). The Mass starts oscillating about the mean position and the oscillations are recorded on the graph sheet.


1. Measure the diameter of the rotating drum.

2. Paste a graph sheet around the rotating drum.

3. Dip the stylus in ink and fix the stylus in the hole provided in the cylindrical drum.

4. Switch on the electric motor.

5. Adjust the rotating drum such that the stylus makes a point contact on the graph sheet.

6. Pull the mass down through a small distance (say 30 mm) and let it go.

7. Get the sine wave tracings recorded on the graph sheet.

8. Measure the horizontal distance between five crests and calculate the distance per cycle of oscillation.

9. Measure the extension of spring when it is loaded by the cylindrical mass.

Nature of graph



Mass of the cylinder, =‘M’= __kg.

Speed of the rotating drum =‘N’= __rpm.

Diameter of the rotating drum‘D’ =___ mm


Spring constant, k= force on the spring (N) / spring extension 'x' (m)

= [pic] N/m

Theoretical circular frequency, ωth= [pic]rad/sec

Theoretical frequency of vibration, fth= [pic]= [pic] Hz

Velocity of the drum = [pic] m/s

Distance of one cycle on the graph sheet = [pic]

Experimental frequency of vibration,

fexp= [pic]

Percentage variation =[pic]

Tth = Time period of oscillation (Theoretical) = [pic],sec

Texp = Time period of oscillation (Experimental) = [pic],sec


Remarks :

Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 02 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the natural frequency and time period of torsional oscillations of a shaft and to calculate the percentage error by comparing with the theoretical value.

Apparatus: Torsional shaft system with stylus and graph sheet, vernier calipers or screw gauge.

Theory: When the particles of a shaft or disc move in a circle about the axis, then the vibrations --are known as torsional vibrations. In this case, the shaft is twisted and untwisted alternately and torsional shear stresses are induced in the shaft. The frequency of undamped torsional oscillations depends on two system constants, torsional stiffness of the shaft and the mass momentof inertia of the disc. Theoretically, the torsional stiffness can be calculated using the torsion equation or-the shaft. The mass moment of inertia of the disc can be calculated knowing the mass and radius of the disc: The experimental frequency can be directly measured and the two frequencies can be compared.

Description of the apparatus: (Refer fig.). The apparatus consists of a central column supported on a base. At the top of the column is fixed a shackle through which a rod is hung. At the other end of the rod, a cylindrical mass carrying a stylus is attached. A recording ebonite drum is driven by a motor and the assembly is fixed to a radial arm of a separate stand. A graph sheet is fixed on the ebonite drum.

The recording drum is brought near the cylindrical mass such that the stylus smeared with ink makes point contact with the graph sheet around the rotating drum. The electric motor is switched on and the cylindrical mass is given a small angular twist and set into oscillations. The oscillations are recorded on the graph sheet.



1. Paste a graph sheet around the rotating drum.

2. Dip the stylus in ink and fix it in the hole provided in the cylindrical mass.

3. Switch on the motor and the recording drum starts rotating.

4. Adjust the rotating drum such that the stylus makes a point contact on the graphsheet.

5. Give a small angular displacement to the cylindrical mass (say 30°) and let it go.

6. Get the sine wave tracings recorded on the graph sheet.

7. From the graph, measure the horizontal distance between five crests and calculate. the distance per cycle of oscillation.

8. Measure the diameter and the length of the rod.

9. Calculate the theoretical frequency of vibration, experimental frequency of vibration, time period and percentage error by using the formula


• Mass of the cylinder, M = __kg.

• Radius of the cylindrical mass, R =__ m.

• Diameter of the rotating drum at the center, D= ___ m.

• Diameter of the rod, d = __ m.

• Length of the rod,l = __ m.

• Speed of the rotating drum, N= __ rpm.

• Torsional rigidity of the material of the rod, G = ___ N/m2


We have the torsion equation of the shaft [pic]

T = Applied Torque N-m

J = Polar moment of Inertia of the shaft = [pic] m4

τ = Shear stress induced, N/m2

r = radius of the shaft, m.

G = Torsional rigidity of the material of the shaft, N/m2

Θ = angle of twist of the shaft, rad.

l = Length of shaft, m.

From the definition of the torsional stiffness of the shaft,

Kt = [pic]=[pic]=[pic] Nm/rad.

Mass moment of inertia of cylindrical mass (I)

I = [pic] kg-m2

Theoretical circular frequency of torsional oscillations

ωn= [pic] rad/s.

Theoretical frequency of torsional oscillations

fth= [pic] = [pic] Hz

Experimental frequency of vibration = fexp= [pic]

Velocity of drum V = [pic] , m/s


Distance per cycle on graph sheet = x, m

Experimental frequency of torsional oscillation, fexp= [pic] Hz

Percentage variation = [pic]

Tth = Theoretical period of oscillation = [pic] sec.

Texp = Experimental period of oscillation = [pic] sec.


Remarks :

Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 03 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the damped frequency of oscillations of the shaft in torsion and to calculate the damping coefficient, damping factor and logarithmic decrement.

Apparatus: Damped torsional shaft system with stylus and graph sheet, scale.

Theory: The natural frequency of the system is analyzed by applying Newton' second law. First, the differential equation governing the behavior of the system is set up assuming that the damping is viscous i.e., the damping force opposing the motion is directly proportional to the velocity. The equation is solved depending on whether the system is under-damped, critically damped, or over-damped.

The differential equation of damped torsional oscillations is given by

Iθ”+ Cθ + Ktθ = 0

Frequency of torsional oscillation = [pic]

Critical damping coefficient is given by Cc = 2[pic]I)

Damping factor=ζ = [pic]=damping coefficient/critical damping coefficient.

Damped natural frequency of torsional oscillation

ωd = ωn[pic]

Logarithmic decrement: The successive amplitudes of vibration in a viscous damped system are found to decrease in a definite ratio, which is given by,

δ= ln[pic] = [pic]

where, δ is known as the logarithmic decrement, xo and xnare the amplitudes of vibrations of zeroeth and nth cycle.

The logarithmic decrement is related to the damping factor by the relation, δ =[pic]


Damped torsional system

Description the apparatus: (Refer fig.) The apparatus consists of central Column supported on a base. At the top of the column is fixed a shackle through which a rod is hung. At the other end of the rod a cylindrical mass is attached which is immersed in oil contained in a tank. A stylus is attached to the cylindrical mass for recording the oscillations. A recording ebonite drum is driven by a motor and the assembly is fixed to a radial arm of a separate stand, so that the assembly can be fixed at any angle about the central column. A graph sheet is fixed on the ebonite drum.

The recording drum is brought near the cylindrical mass such that the stylus smeared with ink makes point contact with the graph sheet around the rotating drum. The

Electric motor is switched on and the cylindrical mass is given a small angular twist and set into oscillations. The oscillations are recorded on the graph sheet.


• Measure the diameter of the rotating drum at the center.

• Paste a graph sheet around the rotating drum.

• Dip the stylus in ink and fix the stylus in the hole provided in the cylindrical mass.

• Switch on the motor and the recording drum starts rotating.

• Adjust the rotating drum such that the stylus makes a point contact on the graph sheet.

• Give a small angular displacementto the cylindrical mass (say 300) and let it go.

• Get the sine wave tracings recorded on the graph sheet.

• From the graph, measure the horizontal distance between five (crests and calculate the distance per cycle of oscillation.

• Measure the diameter and the length of the rod.

• Calculate the theoretica1 frequency of undamped torsional oscillation. Experimental frequency of damped torsional oscillations, damping coefficient, damping factor, logarithmic decrement, theoretical time period and experimental time period.


Mass of the cylinder, M,= __ kg.

Radius of the cylindrical mass, R,= __ m

Diameter of the rotating drum at the center, D,= __ m

Diameter of the rod, d, =___ m

Length of the rod, l, = ___ m.

Speed of the rotating drum, N, = ___ rpm.

Torsional rigidity of the material of the rod, G, = ___ N/m2


Polar moment of inertia of the rod, J =[pic], m4

Torsional stiffness of rod (Kt)

We have the torsion equation of the shaft [pic]

T = Applied Torque N-m

J = Polar moment of Inertia of the shaft = [pic] m4

τ = Shear stress induced, N/m2

r = radius of the shaft, m.

G = Torsional rigidity of the material of the shaft, N/m2

Θ = Angle of twist of the shaft, rad.

l = Length of shaft, m.

From the definition of the torsional stiffness of the shaft,

Kt = [pic]=[pic]Nm.

Mass moment of inertia of cylindrical mass (I)

I = [pic] kg-m2

Circular frequency ofundamped torsional oscillations

ωn= [pic] rad/s.

Also, the theoretical frequency of undamped torsional oscillations

fth= [pic] = [pic] Hz

Velocity of drum = v = πDN/60, m/sec

Experimental frequency of damped torsional oscillations = fexp= [pic] Hz


Damped circular frequency =ωd = 2πfexp , rad/sec

Critical damping coefficient = CC =2 [pic]

Damping factor

ζ= [pic])

Also, damping factor = ζ=[pic]

Therefore, C=ζCC

Logarithmic decrement = δ= [pic]/n


Remarks :

Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 04 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the critical speed or whirling speed or whipping speed and mode shapes of the shaft.

Theory: The critical speed of a rotating shaft is the speed at which the shaft starts to vibrate violently in the transverse direction. It is very dangerous to continue to run the shaft at its critical speed since the amplitude of vibration builds up very fast to such a level that the system may go to pieces. The whirling of the shaft results mainly from unbalance of the rotating system. The critical speed of the shaft is also found to be equal to the natural frequency of lateral vibrations of the shaft.


Description of the apparatus: (Refer fig) It consists of a long shaft supported at the two ends by ball bearings. One end of the shaft is coupled to an electric motor. The motor is connected to the main power supply through a rheostat. By operating the rheostat, the speed of the motor can be changed over a wide range. Three metallic rings are provided in between the supports to prevent the shaft from building up the amplitude beyond limits. The entire assembly is supported on a stand.


• Measure the diameter and-the length of the shaft between support

• Initially, keep the rheostat in cut-in position. Switch on the motor -.and increase the speed by slowly cutting-out the rheostat until the shaft starts vibrating violently in the transverse direction.

• Measure this speed of the shaft using a tachometer. Note the mode shape vibration.

• Calculate the frequency of vibration and RPM of the shaft using the formulae.


Length between supports of the shaft,l = __ , m:

Diameter of the shaft, d, = __ m.

Mass per unit length of the shaft, m, = __ kg/m.

Weight per unit length of the shaft, w, = __ N/m.

Young's modulus of the material of the shaft, E, = __ N/m2


Moment of inertia of the shaft, I = [pic] , m4

Mass per unit length of the shaft, m, kg / m.

The frequency of vibration of a shaft is given by ωn = [pic] , rad/sec

Where, n=1,2,3,… for different modes.


Theoretical critical speed of the shaft

Nth= [pic] , rpm.

Experimental critical speed of the shaft by direct measurement = Nexp rpm.

By approximate method, frequency = ωn= [pic]

Where, static deflection = δst= [pic] , m.


Remarks :

Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 05 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the principal stresses and principal strains m a member subjected to combined loading of bending and torsion, using strain rosettes and compare the experimental values with calculated values.

Theory: In a general biaxial stress field, wherein the directions of principal stresses are unknown, three-element strain rosettes are utilized to determine the principal stresses and strains. From the three gauge readings, both the magnitude and directions of the principal stresses can be established. In such cases, a rectangular strain rosette i.e., three gauges with axes spaced at 45° intervals is used.

Ifε1,ε2, and ε3 are strains measured at a point in three directions, then the principal -strains εu and εy, the principal stresses σu and σy and their directions can be calculated

The above principal stresses and their directions at a point can also be calculated by calculating the bending stress and the torsional stress due to actual loadingof the component. These values can be compared with the principal stresses calculated from themeasured strain values and the percentage error is calculated.

Description of the apparatus:(Refer fig.). The specimen is a long plate of rectangular cross section. The plate is fixed at one end and the free end is connected to a cross arm which is loaded at its end by weights. This imposes both bending and torsional stresses in the plate. Near the fixed end, a rectangular strain rosette is fixed on the top surface of the plate and the strain rosette measures the strains in the three directions. An electronic digital display unit in micro-strains indicates the output from the rosette. The outputs from the three strain gauges are measured one after the other. The plate is subjected to combined bending and torsional stresses by loading the pan with weights. For each loading, the display unit indicates the strains in the three arms of the strain rosette.



• Switch on the display unit and wait till it is ready for use.

• Load the pan with weights. Switch on the three arms of the strain rosette one after the other and note down the readings of the gauges 1,2, and 3.

• Repeat the procedure for different loads and tabulate the readings. Switch on the display unit and wait till it is ready for use.

• Load the pan with weights. Switch on the three arms of the strain rosette one after the other and note down the readings of the gauges 1,2, and 3.

• Repeat the procedure for different loads and tabulate the readings.

• Calculate the principal strains and principal stresses, compare them with theoretical values and calculate the percentage variation.


Width of the specimen, b, = __ m.

Thickness of the specimen, t, = __ m.

Length of the cantilever beam, l, = __ m.

Length of the torsional arm, x, = __ m.

Young's modulus of the material ofthe specimen, E, = __ N/m2.


Principal strains

εu= [pic]+ [pic]

εv= [pic]- [pic]

tan 2φ = [pic] = - [pic] = [pic]

Principal stresses

σu = E[pic] + E[pic]

σv = E[pic] - E[pic]

Mass in the pan = P, = __ kg

Load in the pan = P*9.81, = __ N

Torsion on the beam, T=P*9.81*x, = __ Nm.

Moment of inertia of the specimen, I=[pic], = __ m4

Bending moment, M=P*9.81*l, Nm.

Distance of the top edge from the neutral axis, y = [pic], = __ m

Bending stress = σb= [pic] , = __ N/m2

Shear stress = τ = [pic], = __ N/m2

Where ‘α’ depends on the ratio b/t

(From machine design data hand book)

Principal stress

σ 1= [pic]

σ 2= [pic]

Percentage variation in maximum principal stress = [pic]

Percentage variation in minimum principal stress = [pic]



Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 06 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the mean speed of rotation of rotation of the governor and to calculate the sensitivity, effort and the power of the governor

Apparatus: Porter governor system, tachometer.

Theory: A governor is required to maintain a constant mean speed of rotation of the crankshaft over long periods during which the load on the engine may vary from no load to full load. If the load on the engine changes, the mean speed of rotation changes unless the output of the engine is adjusted to the new demand. It is the purpose of the governor to make this adjustment automatically.

A governor is different from a flywheel in that the flywheel serves to limit the inevitable fluctuations of speed during each cycle and has absolutely no control on the mean speed of rotation.

There are two types of governors – centrifugal and inertia type. In the centrifugal type of governor. The governor balls revolve about the axis of the shaft, which is driven through a suitable gearing from the engine crankshaft. When the load on the engine decreases, the speed of rotation increases causing the governor balls to move outwards and consequently moving the sleeve upwards. This upward movement of the sleeve is transmitted by the governor mechanism to the engine valve, which decreases the amount of energy supplied to the engine .This restores the engine speed to the original value. When the load on the engine increases, the speed of rotation decreases causing the governor balls move inwards and consequently moving the sleeve downwards. This movement is transmitted by the governor mechanism to the engine valve, which increases the amount of energy supplied to the engine, restoring the engine speed to the original value.

The frictional force and theoretica1speed are calculated as follows:


Taking moments about I,

FC*BD = mg*ID + Mg*IC/2

FC=mg*ID/BD + Mg*IC / (2*BD)

= mg tan α + Mg(tan α + tan β)/2

= tan α [ mg +Mg(1+ tan β / tan α)/2]

= tan α [ m + M(1+k)/2]*g, where k = tan β / tan α

mω2 r = [ m + M(1+k)/2]*rg/h.

ω2 = [ m + M(1+k) / 2] g/mh.

(2πN/60)2 = [ m + M (1+k)/2]g/mh.

N = 60/2π*√(9.81/h)*√{[ m + M(1+k)/2]/m}, rpm

Considering frictional force,

N = [pic], rpm

+ sign is used when the speed is increasing and

-sign is used when the speed is decreasing.

Sensitiveness: Sensitiveness is defined as the ratio of difference between the maximum speed and minimum speed to the mean equilibrium speed.

Sensitiveness = 2(Nmax – Nmin) / (Nmax + Nmin)

Governor effort: Governor Effort is the mean force required on the sleeve to raise it or lower it for a given change in speed.

Let C = percentage increase in speed, then the height of the governor,

h = [pic] ----------- [1]

For the increase in speed (1+C)N, height remaining the same, more sleeve effort is required, then,

h = [pic] ----------- [2]

Where M1g is the new load

Equating [1] and [2], and simplifying (neglecting the term C2)

M1 – M = [pic] * 2C

M1 – M = 4C[m/(1+k)+M/2]

Governor effort, Q = (M1-M)g /2

= C[{2m/(1+k)}+M]g.

Governor power: Governor Power is the work done at the sleeve for a given percentage of change in speed. Thus it is the product of governor effort and the sleeve displacement (x).

Governor power, P = Q* rise of sleeve x, N-m.


Description of the apparatus: The porter governor consists of two governor balls revolving about the axis of a shaft. The governor balls are connected to the shaft at the top by a top arm and to the disc and sleeve at the bottom by a bottom arm. The sleeve can slide up and down freely on the shaft. A pulley is keyed on to the shaft and is driven by a V belt using an electric motor. The motor speed can be varied by a rheostat. The whole assembly is supported on a rigid structural frame. A vertical scale is fixed to the frame to read the position of the disc.


• note the initial scale reading against the top surface of the disc.

• Switch on the electric motor and adjust the speed to a minimum value by operating the rheostat.

• Note the scale reading against the top surface of the disc and note down the speed of the electric motor using tachometer.

• Increase the speed in steps and for each speed note down the height and speed of the disc.

• Repeat the procedure for decrease in the speed of the motor.

• Measure the angles α and β graphically by plotting the configuration of the arms for different speeds.

• Calculate the friction force for each speed, and calculate sensitiveness, governor effort and governor power for every change in the speed.


Length of the upper arm, = __ m.

Length of the lower arm, = __ m.

Distance between lower pivot on the sleeve and the axis of the governor, = __ m.

Mass of the sleeve, M, = __ kg.

Mass of fly ball, m, = __ kg.


N = 60/2π*√(9.81/h)*√{[ m + M(1+k)/2]/m}, rpm

Considering frictional force,

N = [pic], rpm

+ sign is used when the speed is increasing and

-sign is used when the speed is decreasing.

Sensitiveness,C = 2(Nmax – Nmin) / (Nmax + Nmin)

Governor effort, Q = (M1 – M)g/2 = C[{2m/(1+k)}+M]g.

Governor power, P = Q* rise of sleeve x, Nm.

Tabular Column: Increase in speed

|Sl No. |Height of sleeve, m |Tan α |Tan β |

| | | | |

|A |Crossed |Crossed |Dark |

| | | | |

|B |Crossed |Parallel |Light |

| | | | |

|C |Parallel |Crossed |Light |

| | | | |

|D |Parallel |Parallel |Dark |

Arrangements A and B are normally recommended for light and dark field use of the polariscope since a portion of the error introduced by imperfect quarter plates is cancelled out.


Stress optic law: this law relates the changes in the indices of the refraction of a material exhibiting temporary double refraction, to the state of stress in the material. For 2D or plane stress problems, this law is expressed as

(σ1 – σ2 ) = NF/t

Where, σ1 and σ2 are plane principal stresses.

F is the material fringe constant.

t = thickness of the model, mm.

N = relative retardation in terms of a complete cycle of retardation or fringe order (iso-chromatics).

Fringes associated with principal stress directions are called iso-clines and those associated with stress magnitudes are called iso-chromatics. In plane polariscope, both iso-clines and iso-chromatics are obtained. In circular polariscope, only iso-chromatics are present. Hence plane polarized mode is called direction mode and circular polariscope is called as magnitude mode. A circular disc when subjected to diametrical compression gives the following stress distribution along the horizontal:

σx= 2P[D2 – 4x2]2 / πDt [ D2 +4x2]2 and

σy= - 2P[{ 4D2 / (D2 + 4X2)2}-1] /πDt

At the centre x=0, therefore, σx= 2P/πDt andσy= -6P/πDt

Therefore, σx– σy= 8P/πDt

But from stress optic law for 2D stress system,

σx– σy= NF/t

Where, N = fringe integer.

F = fringe constant of the material of the disc.

t = thickness of the disc, mm.

Therefore, NF/t = 8P/ πDt

F = 8P/πDN, N/mm/fringe.


Description of the apparatus: The apparatus consists of a circular polariscope with a point source of light and a collimating lens, which converts the spherically divergent light into paralles rays. The polarizer is aligned with its axis of polarization in vertical direction whereas; the analyzer is oriented with its axis of polarization in horizontal direction. The QWP1 and QWP2 are oriented with their axes of polarization at 450 to the vertical but with their fast axis at 900 to each other. This gives the dark field arrangement. The specimen is loaded by a loading bar arrangement. The self-weight of the loading bar is balanced about the fulcrum by adjusting the balancing weight to keep the bar horizontal. The loading bar carries a pan with weights for loading the specimen. The circular polariscope, source light, collimating lens, and the loading bar arrangement are supported on a rigid frame.


• With no weights placed in the pan, adjust the balancing weight so that the loading bar is horizontal

• Place the model in line with the axis of polariscope and bridge it between the loading bar and the bottom surface of frame.

• Measure the distances 'a' and 'b' of the specimen, and the weights from the fulcrum.

• For each of the fractional load placed in the pan, observe the specimen through the analyzeer.

• Determine the loads required for getting integral fringe orders (1,2,3) at the centre of the circular disc and tabulate the results.

• Draw the graph of load versus fringe order 1,2,3 and calculate the slope of the line.

• Calculate the fringe constant of the photo elastic material of the specimen using the formula


Diameter of the specimen, D, = __ mm.

Thickness of the specimen, t, = __ mm.

Distance from the fulcrum to specimen a, = __ mm.

Distance from fulcrum to weight pan b, = __ mm.

Tabular column:

|Sl No. |Fringe order, |Weight in pan |Load applied |Slope of the line |Material fringe constant |

| |N | |P = w*b/a |P/N |F=8P/πDN |

| | | | |N/fringe |N/mm/fringe |

| | |mkg |W = m*9.81 | | | |

| | | |N | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


Mass in the pan = m, = __ kg

Weight in the pan = w = m*9.81, = __ N

Load applied on the specimen P = w*b/a ,= __ N

Slope of the line on the graph P versus N = P/N , N/fringe

Material fringe constant F=8P/πDN, N/mm/fringe



Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 09 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the stress concentration factor in a given photo elastic material under diametrical compression.

Apparatus: Circular polariscope with accessories, photo elastic circular ring specimen, loading arrangement.

Theory: A polariscope is an optical instrument which utilizes the properties of polarized light in its operation. For experimental stress analysis work, two types are generally employed - the plane polariscope and the circular polariscope. The names follow from the type of polarized light used in their operation. Plane polarized light is produced with an optical element known as plane polarizer. The production of circularly polarized light requires the use of a plane polarizer, together with an optical element known as a wave plate.

Plane polariscope: It is the simplest optical system used in photo elasticity. It consists of two plane polarizer’s and a light source. The plane polarizer nearest to the light source is called the polarizer, while the second linear polarizer is known as the analyzer. In the planer polariscope, the two axes of the plane polarization are always crossed. Hence no light is transmitted through the analyzer and this optical system produces dark field. In operation, a photo elastic model is inserted between the two crossed elements and viewed through the analyzer.

Circular polariscope: The circular polariscope employs circularly polarized light. The photo elastic apparatus contains four optical elements and a light source. The first element following the light source is called the polarizer. It converts the ordinary light into plane polarized light. The second element is a quarter wave plate set at an angle of 450 to the plane of polarization. The first quarter wave plate converts the plane polarized light into circularly polarized light. The second quarter wave plate is set with its fast axis parallel to the slow axis of the first quarter wave plate. The purpose of this element is to convert the circularly polarized light into plane polarized light, which is again vibrating in vertical plane. The last element is the analyzer, with its axis of polarization in the horizontal plane and its purpose is to extinguish the light. This series of optical elements constitute the standard arrangement for a circular polariscope, and it produces a dark field. Actually four arrangements of the optical elements in the polariscope are possible depending upon whether the polarizer’s and quarter wave plates are crossed or parallel. They are:

|Arrangement |Quarter wave plates |Polarizer and analyzer |Field |

| | | | |

|A |Crossed |Crossed |Dark |

| | | | |

|B |Crossed |Parallel |Light |

| | | | |

|C |Parallel |Crossed |Light |

| | | | |

|D |Parallel |Parallel |Dark |

Arrangements A and B are normally recommended for light and dark field use of the polariscopesince a portion of the error introduced by imperfect quarter plates is canceled out.

Stress optic law: This law relates the changes in the indices of the refraction of a material exhibiting temporary double refraction, to the state of stress in the material. For 2D or plane stress problems, this law is expressed as

(σ1 – σ2) = NF/t

Where, σ1 and σ2 are plane principal stresses.

F is the material fringe constant.

t = thickness of the model, mm.

N = relative retardation in terms of a complete cycle of retardation or fringe order (iso-chromatics).

Fringes associated with principal stress directions are called iso-clines and those associated with stress magnitudes are called iso-chromatics. In plane polariscope, both iso-clines and iso-chromatics are obtained. In circular polariscope, only iso-chromatics are present. Hence plane polarized mode is called direction mode and circular polariscope is called as magnitude mode. In most photo-elastic analysis, the stress distribution in a complex model is sought as a function of load. To determine this stress distribution accurately, a careful calibration of the material fring constant F is required. In any calibration, a stress field for which the theoretica1 stress distribution is known is selected.


A ring is loaded by a compressive load P, along the diameter ABCD. The normal stress is given by

σnom = P/[(D-d)t], N/mm2

where D = outer diameter of the ring, = __ mm.

d = inner diameter of the ring, = __ mm.

t = thickness of the material, = __ mm.

However, at points B and C, the actual stress is more than the nominal stress due to stress concentration. The actual stress at points B and C are determined by photo-elasticity. When the ring is loaded, find out the fringe order number which passes through the point B or C.

Then by stress optic law, σ1-σ2 =NF/t,

Since σ2 = 0, at these points, σ1= σact= NF/t

Thus stress concentration factor,

Kt = actual stress at B or C / Nominal stress at B or C = σact/σnom

= NF (D-d) t / tp = NF (D-d) / P


Description of the apparatus: The apparatus consists of circular polariscope with a point source of light and a collimating lens which converts the spherically divergent light into parallel rays. The polarizer is aligned with its axis of polarization vertical, whereas the analyzer is oriented with its axis of polarization horizontal. The QWP1 and QWP2 are oriented with their axes of polarization at 450 to the vertical, but with their fast axes at 900 to each other. This gives the dark field arrangement. The specimen is loaded by a loading bar arrangement. The self-weight of the loading bar is balanced about the fulcrum by adjusting the balancing weight to keep the bar horizontal. The loading bar carries a pan with weights for loading the specimen. The circular polariscope, source of light, collimating lens and the loading bar arrangement are supported on a rigid frame.


• with no weight in the pan adjust the balancing weight so that the loading bar is horizontal

• place the specimen in line with the axis of the polariscope and bridge it between the loading bar and the bottom surface of the frame

• measure the distances a and b of the specimen and weights in the pan from the fulcrum.

• For each of the fractional weights placed on the pan, observe the specimen through the analyzer. Find out the highest fringe order number N which passes through the point B or C

• repeat the experiment for different loads

• assuming the fringe constant of the material of the specimen, calculate the stress concentration factor using the formula.


Outer diameter of the specimen, D, = ___ mm.

Inner diameter of the specimen, d, = ___ mm.

Distance from the fulcrum to the specimen, a, = ___ mm.

Distance from the fulcrum to the weight pan, b, = ___ mm.

Thickness of the specimen, t, = ___ mm.

Tabular column:

|Sl No. |Fringe order |Weight in pan |Load applied |Nominal stress |Actual stress |Stress concentration |

| |N | |P=w*b/a |σnom = P/[(D-d)t], |σact= NF/t |Kt =σact/σnom |

| | | |N |N/mm2 |N/mm2 | |

| | |m kg |w=mg | | | | |

| | | |N | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


Mass of the specimen in the pan = m kg.

Weight in the pan = w = m*9.81, N

Effective load applied on the specimen = P = wb/a, N

Nominal stress at point B or C = σnom = P/[(D-d)t], N/mm2

The highest fringe order passing through B or C = N

Actual stress at B or C = σnom= NF/t , N/mm2

Stress concentration factor = Kt =σact/σnom = NF(D-d)t/(D-d)t = NF(D-d)/P



Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 10 Date: ____________


Aim: To determine the fringe constant of the photo elastic material of the specimen loaded under pure bending

Apparatus: circular polariscope with loading arrangement, photo elastic model, pure bending load arrangement

Theory: A polariscope is an optical instrument which utilizes the properties of polarized light in its operation. For experimental stress analysis work, two types are generally employed - the plane polariscope and the circular polariscope. The names follow from the type of polarized light used in their operation. Plane polarized light is produced with an optical element known as plane polarizer. The production of circularly polarized light requires the use of a plane polarizer, together with an optical element known as a wave plate.

Plane polariscope: It is the simplest optical system used in photo elasticity. It consists of two plane polarizer’s and a light source. The plane polarizer nearest to the light source is called the polarizer, while the second linear polarizer is known as the analyzer. In the planer polariscope, the two axes of the plane polarization are always crossed. Hence no light is transmitted through the analyzer and this optical system produces dark field. In operation, a photo elastic model is inserted between the two crossed elements and viewed through the analyzer.

Circular polariscope: The circular polariscope employs circularly polarized light. The photo elastic apparatus contains four optical elements and a light source. The first element following the light source is called the polarizer. It converts the ordinary light into plane polarized light. The second element is a quarter wave plate set at an angle of 450 to the plane of polarization. The first quarter wave plate converts the plane polarized light into circularly polarized light. The second quarter wave plate is set with its fast axis parallel to the slow axis of the first quarter wave plate. The purpose of this element is to convert the circularly polarized light into plane polarized light, which is again vibrating in vertical plane. The last element is the analyzer, with its axis of polarization in the horizontal plane and its purpose is to extinguish the light. This series of optical elements constitute the standard arrangement for a circular polariscope, and it produces a dark field. Actually four arrangements of the optical elements in the polariscope are possible depending upon whether the polarizer’s and quarter wave plates are crossed or parallel.

They are:

|Arrangement |Quarter wave plates |Polarizer and analyzer |Field |

|A |Crossed |Crossed |Dark |

| | | | |

|B |Crossed |Parallel |Light |

| | | | |

|C |Parallel |Crossed |Light |

| | | | |

|D |Parallel |Parallel |Dark |

Arrangements A and B are normally recommended for light and dark field use of the polariscope since a portion of the error introduced by imperfect quarter plates is canceled out.

Stress optic law: This law relates the changes in the indices of the refraction of a material exhibiting temporary double refraction, to the state of stress in the material. For 2D or plane stress problems, this law is expressed as

(σ1 – σ2 ) = NF/t

Where, σ1 and σ2 are plane principal stresses.

F is the material fringe constant.

t = thickness of the model, mm.

N = relative retardation in terms of a complete cycle of retardation or fringe order (iso-chromatics).

Fringes associated with principal stress directions are called iso-clines and those associated with stress magnitudes are called iso-chromatics. In plane polariscope, both iso-clines and iso-chromatics are obtained. In circular polariscope, only iso-chromatics are present. Hence plane polarized mode is called direction mode and circular polariscope is called as magnitude mode. A rectangular specimen is loaded as shown in the figure. The portion of the beam BC is subjected to a constant bending moment of Pe. The bending moment diagram for the loaded specimen is shown.


The bending stress of the beam is given by

σb = [pic] = [pic] = [pic] N/mm2

From stress optic law, σ1- σ2 = NF / b, N/mm2

But σ2 = 0 and σ1= σb,

Therefore σb= NF / b = 3Pe / bd2

or, F = [pic], N/mm/fringe.

Where, P = load, N.

b = thickness of the specimen, mm.

d = depth of the specimen, mm.

Description of the apparatus: The apparatus consists of a circular polariscope in the dark field arrangement. The specimen is loaded by a four point bending load arrangement.



• Fix the specimen in the shackles of the four point bending arrangement taking care to see that the joints are free to move.

• Measure the distances ‘a’ and ‘b’ of the specimen and the weight pan from the fulcrum.

• Measure the thickness’t’ and depth of the specimen’d 'and the load overhang 'e'.

• Load the specimen gradually by putting fractional masses in the loading pan, inducing pure bending in the specimen and observe through the analyzer. Adjust the load to get integral fringe orders (1, 2, and 3) at the top and bottom edge of the specimen.

• Tabulate the results for different loads.

• Plot a graph of P versus N and calculate the slope of the line.

• Calculate the fringe constant of the material using the formula.


Thickness of the specimen, b, = ___ mm.

Depth of the specimen, d, = ___ mm.

Tabular column:

|Sl no. |Fringe order |Weight in the pan |Load applied |Slope of the line |Material fringe |

| |N | |P=w*b/a |P/N |constant, F |

| | | |N |N/fringe |N/mm/fringe |

| | |m, kg |w = mg, N | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


Mass in pan = m, = ___ kg

Weight in pan = w = m*9.81, N

Effective load, P = w*b/a, N.

Bending moment on specimen, M = Pe/2, N-mm.

Bending stress, σb = 3Pe/bd2, N/mm2

Material fringe constant = F = 3Pe/ (d2N), N/mm/fringe.



Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 11 Date: ____________


Aim: to study the pressure distribution under different experimental conditions (load, speed ) and verify the same theoretically.

Apparatus: and materials: Journal bearing setup, weights and lubricating oil.


A journal bearing supports a shaft and permits rotary motion. These causes wear of surfaces due to friction between the contact surfaces and heat is generated, resulting in loss of power. To minimize this lubricating oil is introduced in the clearance between the journal bearings. This provides a thin film, separating the contact surfaces. The amount of separation depends on the thickness of the film formed. The oil film formation of sufficient thickness, results from the pressure developed in the annular space between the bearing and journal surfaces. The magnitude of pressure is a function of properties of the lubricant, speed of rotation, clearance between the surfaces, load on the bearing, dimension of the bearing and oil leakage from the surfaces.

The study of pressure distribution and variables associated with the bearing can be used for design purposes.


μ = Dynamic viscosity of the oil

r = radius of the bearing

U = πdN/60 = peripheral velocity

N = rpm of journal

c = radial clearance

n = attitude

φ = angle measured from the inlet valve to any given position.


• Fill the tank with lubricating oil (say SAE – 40) and position the tank at desired height.

• Switch on the motor and note down the direction of rotation.

• Rotate the dimmer stat knob gradually till the desired speed is reached

• Add the desired loads

• Run the setup at this speed and load, till the oil levels in all the manometer tubes are in steady state

• Note down the pressure of oil in all the manometer tubes and tabulate them

• Change the speed or load and repeat the experiment

• After the experiment is over remove the loads

• Bring down the speed to zero

Steps for plotting pressure distribution graph

1. Select a suitable scale to plot the pressure distribution curve.

2. With the initial pressure head as radius draw a circle.

3. Divide the circle into 12 equal divisions to represent the location of the pressure tapings on the bearing along the circumference

4. Draw the radial lines from the centre of the circle along these 12 points and number them sequentially in cw, if rotation of the shaft is I CCW direction, starting from the top vertical.

5. Mark the pressure heads along these radial lines corresponding to the tapings.

6. Join these points with a smooth curve

7. Mark the direction of rotation of the journal on the figure

8. Select the points on the curve having equal pressures (approximately) and 180 degrees apart and join them with a straight line passing through the centre of the circle. This is the reference line OO'.

9. Measure any angle ø from this reference line in the direction of rotation of the journal.

10. Comment on the result.

Formulae Used

• Calculation of attitude n: cosφm = [pic]

Where φm is the angle measured from reference line to the line of maximum pressure, in the direction of rotation.

• Calculation of pressure head of oil: h = P/w

Where w= specific weight of oil

• Load carrying capacity of bearing:


Where U = 2πrN / 60, m/sec

|Tube No. |Final manometer Reading |Head above the centre of bearing |Pact = hact x w |Ptheo |

| |hf(mm) |hact=(hf-hb) mm |Actual pressure | |

|1 | | | | |

|2 | | | | |

|3 | | | | |

|4 | | | | |

|5 | | | | |

|6 | | | | |

|7 | | | | |

|8 | | | | |

|9 | | | | |

|10 | | | | |

|11 | | | | |

|12 | | | | |

|13 | | | | |

|14 | | | | |

|15 | | | | |

|16 | | | | |

|17 | | | | |



Signature of Staff Incharge with date:

Experiment No: 12 Date: ____________


Aim: To balance several masses rotating in different planes


Because of manufacturing irregularities the actual axis of rotation does not coincide with one of the principal axes of inertia of body, and variable disturbing forces are produced which results in vibration.

In order to remove these vibrations and establish proper operation, balancing becomes necessary. The forces generated due to an unbalance are proportional to the rotating speed of the rotor squared. Therefore the balancing of high speed equipment is especially important.

Experimental setup:

The long rigid rotor is supported in its bearings and is driven by a motor whose speed can be controlled. Note that the cradle on which these are mounted has been isolated from the supporting structure. If the system is balanced correctly then the oscillations of the cradle in the setup should be nil (since the values are found from graphical technique which is an approximate one, mild oscillations may exist)


With reference to the figure shown and data in the tabular column determine the values of x and y and the inclinations of plane A and B. Mass D make an angle of 300 with C.



1. complete the tabular column

2. draw the force polygon and determine ɵA and ɵB

3. Draw the couple polygon selecting C as a reference plane. From this determine x and y

4. Arrange the balancing machine with the masses at respective radius, planes and angular positions as determined and run the machine.

5. If the system is balanced correctly then the oscillations of the cradle in the setup should be nil.

Tabular Column:

|Plane |Mass |Radius r (mm) |Force |Distance from Ref Plane |Couple |

| |'m' (gms) | | |(mm) |mrl |

|A |206 |50 | | | |

|B |206 |35 | | | |

|C (RP) |206 |45 | | | |

|D |206 |40 | | | |

Procedure to draw force polygon:

• Select a suitable scale to the 'mr' value

• Since C is reference plane, draw a horizontal line equal to 'mr' value of C

• Angle between C and D is 300whose length is equal to 'mr' value of D.

• Now the angle of planes A and B is unknown. Only 'mr' value is known. Therfore from the end of the line D draw and arc equal to 'mr' value of A. Draw one more arc to cut the previous arc from the starting point of C with radius equal to the 'mr' values of B.

• Join these lines to get the force polygon as shown in figure and determine ɵA and ɵB.

Procedure to draw couple polygon

• select a suitable scale to the 'mrl' value

• Draw a line at an angle 30o equal to the 'mrl' value of D

• From the end of this line draw a line parallel to BA of the force polygon

• From the starting point of the first line a line parallel to CB of the force polygon is drawn to intersect the previous line.

• Join these lines to get couple polygon as shown in figure.



Fig: Couple polygon


We have ‘mrl’ value of A = -10300 x

(Note: minus sign because mass A is to the left side of the reference plane C)

From the couple polygon we have A = 340000

340000 = -103000 x

x = (-340000 / 10300)

x = 33 mm to the left of C

We have ‘mrl’ value of B = -7210 y

(Note: minus sign because mass B is to the left side of the reference plane C)

From the couple polygon we have b = 784000

784000 = -7210 y

y = (-784000 / 7210)

y = 109 mm to the left of C

Position of masses

The angular positions of the balancing masses are obtained from the force polygon and the axial distances between the planes are obtained from the above calculations. The angular positions and the distances between the planes for the given problem are shown as below.


Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department




1) What are the elements of a vibrating system?

2) Explain the role of the following elements in a vibrating system

a. Inertia b. Damping element c. Elastic element d. Excitation

3) Explain the terms

a. Spring constant b. Torsional stiffness of shaft c. Damping coefficient

4) Explain the terms

a. Under damped system b. Over damped system

c. Critically damped system d. Damping coefficient

5) Explain the terms

a. Natural vibration b. Forced vibration c. Resonance frequency

6) Explain the different methods of finding the natural frequency of a vibrating system and state their advantages and limitations

7) What is logarithmic decrement? Explain how it is related to the damping, existing in a system

8) What is meant by critical speed of a shaft? Explain how it is related to the natural frequency of transverse vibration of the shaft.

9) Explain the effect of damping on the critical speed of a shaft.

10) What is a strain rosette? Explain how it is utilized in determining the principal stresses and strains in a combined loading system.

11) What is the difference between a governor and a flywheel

12) Explain the principle of working of an inertia governor

13) Explain the principle of working of an centrifugal governor

14) Mention the different applications of a governor

15) Explain the principle of working of a polariscope

16) What is meant by plane polarized light and circular polarized light

17) Explain how stresses can be calculated using photo-elasticity

18) Explain the terms fringe order and material fringe constant.






Semester /Section : Batch :

|SNo. | USN | student Name |Expt. No: 1 |Expt. No:2 |Expt. No:3 |Expt. No:4 |

| | | |Date: |Date: |Date: |Date: |

| | | |Viva |Record |

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|Name of the Faculty Incharge |(1) |

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(1) Viva questions to be asked w.r.t the current experiment of the particular week.

(2) The above same page format is used for next set of experiments i.e. 5, 6,….expts.

(3) Separate sheets must be used for different batches.






Semester /Section: Batch :

|SN |USN |Name Of The Student |Continual |IA Test Marks |Final Marks |Signature of |

| | | |Evaluation Marks |(10) |(25) |Student |

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VII Semester (10MEL77)


Accredited by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ’A’ Grade

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi


ISO 9001:2008 Certified)





VII Semester (10MEL77)


(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)





Name of the Student :

Semester /Section :


Batch :

Name of the Student:

Semester /Section :


Batch :


➢ Adhere and follow timings, proper dress code with appropriate foot wear.

➢ Bags, and other personal items must be stored in designated place.

➢ Come prepare with the viva, procedure, and other details of the experiment.

➢ [pic]x[?]

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