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Debraj GhoshFull corre- spondence addressAssociate Professor,Department of Civil Engineering,Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, Karnataka, India.Email(s) and contact number(s)Email:,debrajghosh@ Phone: +91-80-22932813InstitutionIndian Institute of ScienceDate of birth 4th July, 1976GenderMAcademic qualification (undergradu- ateonwards)PhD in Civil Engineering 2005, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.M.E. in Civil Engineering (Structures) 2001, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.B.E. in Civil Engineering 1997, Bengal Engineering College, Howrah, In- dia.PhD thesis detailsTitle : On the characterization and analysis of the random eigenvalue problem. Guide: Prof. Roger Ghanem, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. Thesis submitted and defended in 2005, degree awarded in 2006.Research InterestComputational mechanics, Probabilistic methods, Domain decomposition tech- niques, Parallel computing, Multiscale mechanics.Work ExperienceProject Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The Uni- versity of Tokyo, Oct-Dec 2017Associate Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, 2014 -Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, 2008 - 2014Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2005 - 2008Visiting Scholar, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, Jan - Sept 2005Research Assistant, Dept of Civil Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, 2002-2005Teaching Assistant, Dept of Civil Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University Software Engineer, Geometric Software Soln. Ltd., Pune, India, 2001Design Engineer, Arora Associates, New Delhi, India, 1997-1998AwardWon the USACM Travel Award to attend the 8th World Congress on Com- putational Mechanics, 2008. This was a nationwide competition among the young researchers.Journal PublicationsHossain Md. N and Ghosh D. “Adaptive reduced order modeling for nonlinear dynamical systems through a new a posteriori error estimator: Application to uncertainty quantification”,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Accepted, 2020.Dasgupta A and Ghosh D. “Failure probability estimation of linear time varying systems by progressive refinement of reduced order models”, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 1007-1028, 2019.Hossain Md. N and Ghosh D. “Reduced order modeling of random linear dynamical systems based on a new a posteriori error bound”, Interna- tional Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 116, Issue 12-13, Pages 741-758, 2018.Pranesh S and Ghosh D. “Cost reduction of stochastic Galerkin method by adaptive identification of significant polynomial chaos bases for elliptic equations”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 338, 0-15, 2018.Sarkar K, Ganguli R, Ghosh D, and Elishakoff I. “Random eigenvalue characterization for free vibration analysis of axially-loaded Euler-Bernoulli beams”, AIAA Journal, Volume 56, Number 9, 3757-3765, 2018.Pranesh S and Ghosh D. “A FETI-DP based parallel hybrid stochas- tic finite element method for large stochastic systems”, Computers and Structures, Volume 195, 64-73, 2018.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. “Mechanics of metal-nanocomposites at multiple length scales: A case study on Al-BNNT”, Journal of Nanome- chanics and Micromechanics, ASCE, Volume 7, Issue 4, 04017014-1-10, 2017.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. A semi-intrusive stochastic perturbation method for lift prediction and global sensitivity analysis, Artificial In- telligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Volume 31, Issue 3, 277-285, 2017.Chandra A, Krishnan A N M, Patra P K, and Ghosh D. “Coaxial Boron- Nitride/Carbon nanotubes as a potential replacement for double-walled carbon nanotubes for high strain applications”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 17, Number 8, 5252-5260, 2017.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. “Buckling analysis of cylindrical thin- shells using strain gradient elasticity theory”, Meccanica, Volume 52, Issue 6, 1369-1379, 2017.Pranesh S and Ghosh D. ”Addressing the curse of dimensionality in SSFEM using the dependence of eigenvalues in KL expansion on domain size”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 311, 457-475, 2016.Sarkar K, Ganguli R, Ghosh D, and Elishakoff I. “Closed-form solu- tions and uncertainty quantification for gravity-loaded beams”, Mecca- nica, Volume 51, Issue 6, 1465-1479, 2016.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. “Reliability based optimization in aeroelas- tic stability problems using polynomial chaos based metamodels”, Struc- tural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Volume 53, Issue 5, 1069-1080, 2016.Hossain Md. N, Sarkar S, and Ghosh D. “Identification of dominant modes in random dynamical and aeroelastic systems”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 357, 128-144, 2015.Sarkar S and Ghosh D. “A hybrid method for stochastic response analysis of a vibrating structure”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Volume 85, Issue 11, pp 1607-1626, 2015.Pranesh S and Ghosh D. “Faster computation of the Karhunen-Lo`eve expansion using its domain independence property”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 285, 125-145, 2015.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. “Wind speed prediction using spatio- temporal covariance”, Natural Hazards, Volume 75, 1435–1449, 2015.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. “Defect induced plasticity and failure mechanism of boron nitride nanotubes under tension”, Journal of Ap- plied Physics, Volume 116, 044313 (1-6), 2014.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D, “A novel method for studying the buckling of nanotubes considering geometrical imperfections”, Applied Physics A, Volume 117, 945-953, 2014.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D, “Chirality dependent elastic properties of single-walled boron nitride nanotubes under axial and torsional loading”, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 115, 064303 (1-5), 2014.Ghosh D and Suryawanshi A, “Approximation of spatio-temporal ran- dom processes using tensor decomposition”, Communications in Com- putational Physics, Volume 16, Number 1, 75-95, 2014.Ghosh D. “Probabilistic interpretation of conjugate gradient iterations in spectral stochastic finite element method”, AIAA Journal, Technical note, Volume 52, No. 6, 1313-1316, 2014.Ghosh D. “Application of the random eigenvalue problem in forced re- sponse analysis of a linear stochastic structure”, Archive of Applied Me- chanics, Volume 83, 1341-1357, 2013, published by Springer.Ghosh D and Ghanem R. “An invariant subspace based approach to the random eigenvalue problem of systems with clustered spectrum”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 91, Number 4, 378-396, 2012.Ghosh D. “Some interesting properties of the response covariance of stochastic linear dynamical systems”, International Journal of Engineer- ing Under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment and Mitigation, Volume 2, 141-149, 2010.Ghosh D, Farhat C and Avery P. “A FETI-preconditioned conjugate gradient method for large-scale stochastic finite element problemsO?, In- ternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 80, 914-931, 2009.Ghosh D and Farhat C “Strain and stress computations in stochastic finite element methods”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 74, Issue 8, 1219–1239, 2008.Ghosh D and Ghanem R “Stochastic convergence acceleration through basis enrichment of polynomial chaos expansion”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 73, Issue 2, 162-184, 2008.Ghanem R and Ghosh D “Efficient characterization of the random eigen- value problem in a polynomial chaos decomposition”, International Jour- nal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 72, Issue 4, 486-504, 2007.Ghosh D, Ghanem R and Red-Horse J “Analysis of eigenvalues and modal interaction of stochastic systems”, AIAA Journal, Volume 43, No. 10, pp. 2196-2201, 2005.Book Chapters 1. Gupta S and Ghosh D, Uncertainty quantification in structural engineer- ing: current status and computational challenges, Uncertainty Quan- tification in Computational Science: Theory and Application in Fluidsand Structural Mechanics, World Scientific Publishing, ISBN-13: 978- 9814730570, 2016.2. Abhinav S, Ghosh D, and Manohar CS, Substructuring methods for finite element analysis, Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-35343-7, 3691-3704, 2015.Conference PublicationsHossain Md. N and Ghosh D. POD based reduced order modeling of stochastic linear and nonlinear dynamical systems,7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), Mandi, HP, India, December 11-13, 2019Ajith G and Ghosh D. Uncertainty quantification of large scale stochas- tic nonlinear problems, 7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), Mandi, HP, India, December 11-13, 2019Ghosh D. (Invited talk), Uncertainty quantification using domain decom- position and parallel computing, 7th International Congress on Compu- tational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), Mandi, HP, India, December 11-13, 2019Hossain Md. N and Ghosh D. Certified reduced order modeling for un- certainty quantuification of stochastic dynamical systems, Indo-German Conference on Computational Mathematics: Challenges and Opportu- nities towards Exascale Computing, Bangalore, India, Dec 2-4, 2019Hossain Md. N and Ghosh D, A posteriori Error Bounds for Linear and Nonlinear Reduced Order Models: Application to Uncertainty Quantifi- cation, 15th U S National Congress on Computational Mechanics (US- NCCM15), Austin, Texas, USA, July 28 -August 1, 2019.Hossain Md. N and Ghosh D. Uncertainty quantification of linear dy- namical system using POD based reduced order model, 4th Indian Con- ference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2019), Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019Ajith G and Ghosh D. A study on domain decomposition method for solving nonlinear mechanics problems 4th Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2019), Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019Bharti C and Ghosh D. Numerical integration of nonconforming meshes with different time steps 4th Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM 2019), Bangalore, India, July 3-5, 2019Dasgupta A and Ghosh D. Progressively refining reduced order models for estimating failure probabilities of dynamical systems, SIAM Con- ference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ18), California, USA, April 16-18, 2018.Pranesh S and Ghosh D. A domain decomposition based hybrid frame- work for high dimensional stochastic mechanics problems, U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 17-20, 2017.Sarkar K, Ganguli R, and Ghosh D, Random eigenvalue analysis for the free vibration of rotating beams using inverse problem approach, 58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materi- als Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-1985), Grapevine, Texas, USA, 2017.Hossain Md. N and Ghosh D, Dominant mode identification in stochas- tic system, 8th ISSS National Conference on MEMS, Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Septem- ber 28-30, 2016.Sarkar S and Ghosh D. Iterative solution of random eigenvalue problem in an SSFEM framework, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantifica- tion (UQ16), Lausanne, Switzerland, April 5-8, 2016.Pranesh S and Ghosh D. Cost reduction via domain simplification in the Karhunen-Lo`eve expansion, U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM), San Diego, USA, July 26-30, 2015.Ghosh D and Suryawanshi A. A new tensor-based decomposition of spatiotemporal random processes, U.S. National Congress on Compu- tational Mechanics (USNCCM), San Diego, USA, July 26-30, 2015.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. Reliability based optimization in aeroe- lasticity using a PCE based surrogate model, Asian Conference on Me- chanics of Functional Materials and Structures, Nara, Japan, October 10-13, 2014.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. Effect of temperature, strain-rate and pre-stress on single-walled carbon nanotubes under axial loading, MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, MIT, Cam- bridge, USA, June 12-14, 2013.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. Stochastic buckling analysis of carbon nanotubes, International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), New York, USA, June 16-20, 2013.Sarkar S and Ghosh D. Implementation issues for polynomial chaos char- acterization of the random eigenvalue problem, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Hyderabad, December 9- 12, 2012.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. Uncertainty quantification for 2D poten- tial flow around a submerged body, International Congress on Compu- tational Mechanics and Simulation, Hyderabad, December 9-12, 2012.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. A probabilistic study of carbon nanotube buckling, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Sim- ulation, Hyderabad, December 9-12, 2012.Krishnan A N M and Ghosh D. Variation of stress-strain ratio for single- walled carbon nanotubes under compression, Asian Conference on Mul- tifunctional Materials and Structures, Delhi, December 5-8, 2012.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. Uncertainty analysis in a static aeroe- lasticity problem, Asian Conference on Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Delhi, December 5-8, 2012.Sarkar S and Ghosh D. Numerical challenges in solving the random eigen- value problem using polynomial chaos expansion, Asia Pacific Network Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), Ban- galore, July 27-28, 2012.Ghosh D. Response analysis of a linear stochastic structural dynamic system using stochastic finite element method, International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM-2012), Howrah, January 4-6, 2012.Choudhary S and Ghosh D. Efficient Computation of Karhunen-Lo`eve Decomposition, International Symposium on Engineering under Uncer- tainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM-2012), Howrah, January 4-6, 2012.Suryawanshi A and Ghosh D. Probabilistic studies on potential flow around submerged bodies (Poster) , IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Flows ( blubof 2011), Kanpur, Dec 12-16, 2011.Ghosh D. Computational cost reduction via dominant subspace identifi- cation in stochastic elliptic PDEs, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Vancouver, Canada, July 18-22, 2011Ghosh D. Bounds of Eigenvalues of Uncertain Systems, IISc Cente- nary International Conference on Aerospace Engineering and Exhibition (ICEAE’2009), Bangalore, May 18-22, 2009.Ghosh D. On Covariance of Response of an Uncertain Linear Dynamical System”, IISc Centenary International Conference on Aerospace Engi- neering and Exhibition (ICEAE’2009), Bangalore, May 18-22, 2009.Ghosh D and Farhat C. Uncertainty quantification of large structures using domain decomposition, Inaugural International Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EM08), Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 18-21, 2008.Ghosh D, Avery P and Farhat C. Uncertainty quantification of large- scale systems using domain decomposition, 9th U.S National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, California, July 22-26, 2007.Ghanem R and Ghosh D. An enrichment scheme for polynomial chaos expansion applied to random eigenvalue problem, ASME 2005 Interna- tional Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and In- formation in Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, September 24-28, 2005.Ghosh D and Ghanem R. Polynomial chaos enrichment for analyzing stochastic systems with clustered eigenvalues, EURODYN 2005, Paris, France, September 4-7, 2005.Ghosh D and Ghanem R. A new algorithm for solving the random eigen- value problem using polynomial chaos expansion, 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/ AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Austin, TX, April 18-21, 2005.Ghosh D and Ghanem R. Random eigenvalue analysis of an airframe, 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, Palm Springs, CA, April 19 - 22, 2004.Ghanem R and Ghosh D. Modal interaction of random dynamical sys- tems, IMAC XXII, Dearborn, MI, January 26-29, 2004.Ghosh D, Ghanem R and Petit C. Polynomial chaos representation of stochastic eigenmodes of complex structures, JANNAF 39th Combus- tion/27th Airbreathing Propulsion/21st Propulsion Systems Hazards/3rd Modeling and Simulation Joint Subcommittee Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, December 1-5, 2003.Ghosh D, Ghanem R and Petit C. Stochastic buckling of a joined wing, Stochastic Dynamics Conference, Hangzhou, China, May 26-28, 2003.Ghanem R and Ghosh D. Eigenvalue Analysis of a Random Frame, EU- RODYN 2002, Munich, Germany, September 2-5, 2002.Teaching1. Mathematics for EngineersIntroduction to Finite ElementsComputation is Structural MechanicsStructural DynamicsNonlinear Structural MechanicsUncertainty Modelling and AnalysisStudent supervisionPostdocHridya PCurrent PhD studentsMd. Nurtaj HossainGopika AjithAbhiram B RChandan BhartiRohit SachdevaFormer studentsSrikara Pranesh, PhD, currently Postdoctoral Scholar at the Mathemat- ics Department in University of Manchester.Soumyadipta Sarkar, PhD, currently in a multinational company.Anup Suryawanshi, PhD, has formed his own company.Anoop Krishnan, PhD, currently Assistant Professor at IIT Delhi.Santhosh Kumar Tutika, MEShalu Choudhary, MSc(Engg.)Mohd. Ataullah Khan, MESubhayan De, ME (Jointly supervised by Prof. C S Manohar)Madhav S Kumar, MENurtaj Hossain, MEMriganka Roy, MEAgnimitra Dasgupta, MTechU Chandrasekhar, MTechChandan Bharti, MTechRupesh Yawale, MTechShashikant Kumar, MTechSatyam Jha, MTechRohit Sachdeva, MTech (Jointly supervised by Prof. C S Manohar)Funded research projectsIntegrating collective behaviour with biomechanics of social spider webs, funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), 2019-’22, (inter-institutional collaboration ), total INR 3.7 million, Co-Principal Investigator.Analysis of polymer nanocomposites using nonlocal theories, funded by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), 2018-’21, INR 4.68 million, Principal Investigator.Structural safety assessment of large structures using the spectral stochas- tic finite element method, funded by Board of Research in Nuclear Sci- ences (BRNS), 2011-’15, INR 1.3 million, Principal Investigator.Uncertainty quantification in multiscale analysis of nanocomposite mate- rials, funded by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), 2012-’15, INR 2.19 million, Principal Investigator.Making performance based structural engineering for fire resistance at- tainable, funded by UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), 2012- ’14, GBP 20075, Team member.Probabilistic behavior of modal properties of an airframe, funded by ISRO-IISc Space Technology Cell, 2011-’13 , INR 0.95 million, Principal Investigator.Prediction of microvibrations in a spacecraft, funded by ISRO-IISc Space Technology Cell, 2009-’11 , INR 0.76 million, Principal Investigator.Other informationReviewer of the journals: Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Journal of Computational Physics; Mathematical Reviews; SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing; Jour- nal of Sound and Vibration; Shock and Vibration. ................

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