Digital Lesson for Computer Lab

Six Weeks: Fourth Six Weeks Grade Level : 1st Grade Objectives for Six Weeks: Students will develop technology skills using appropriate tools to develop and design products using technology tools. Students will use digital resources to enhance the learning of skills. Students will create webs with information using digital resource. Math: Students will create digital products showing the concept of addition. Social Studies: 1(A) Students understands the origins of customs, holidays, and celebrations.Students will describe the origin of customs. Holidays, and celebration of holidays. TEKS Addressed: (1) Creativity and innovation. The student uses creative thinking and innovative processes to construct knowledge and develop digital products. The student is expected to:(A) apply prior knowledge to develop new ideas, products, and processes;(B) create original products using a variety of resources;4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. The student applies critical-thinking skills to solve problems, guide research, and evaluate projects using digital tools and resources. The student is expected to:(D) collect, analyze, and represent data using tools such as word processing, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages.6) Technology operations and concepts. The student demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of technology systems, concepts, and operations. The student is expected to:(A) use appropriate terminology regarding basic hardware, software applications, programs, networking, virtual environments, and emerging technologies;(B) use appropriate digital tools and resources for storage, access, file management, collaboration, and designing solutions to problems;(C) perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files;(D) use a variety of input, output, and storage devices;(E) use proper keyboarding techniques such as ergonomically correct hand and body positions appropriate for Kindergarten-Grade 2 learning;(F) demonstrate keyboarding techniques for operating the alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, and symbol keys appropriate for Kindergarten-Grade 2 learning5)Digital Citizenship : (A) adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting appropriate behavior in a digital environment;Weeks /Learning applied/ Applied to curriculum 1st week Cyberbullying : This six weeks in Birdville Cyberbullying is being taught by the teachers and librarians. If you have a site that you like for this age level you can go to it. Most sites are not practical and not appropriate for students. You can discuss kindness that it the virtue this six weeks in district. If students have finished Linking and attributes lessons in you can teach: “Kidpsiration” and in the main idea type: Kindness. (If you need to download Kidspiration go to \\mis-techpc\fileserver: Open CD folder. Load “Kidspiration”. Be sure to get the key code to add at the end. Have students link three bubbles to the main idea and let them type three sentences about how they practice being kind to others. You can teach how to change the color and font. If you have discussed Cyberbullying they could make a sentence about that. They could add pictures to their diagram. Save to student folders. 2nd week Note: The site has been put in the favorites along with Tumblebooks for easy access. First grade is working on addition: Sites that contain games that they can practice facts in a fun way. : Open Kid Pix and have students write an addition sentence with text tools. Then let them draw objects that represent their addition sentence. Save to student folder. Listening to Reading: One More Story or Tumblebooks Assign certain stories in digital resources. 3rd week Exploring Web 2.0 tools to produce digital products. Introduce the online resource Kerpoof: We now have a site for the elementary team where these sites are posted along with PDFs to help you in making this successful. Also the link for Kerpoof and other Web 2.0 tools are listed on the ITS site for students easy access. will use this online resource to draw pictures. Pictures can be printed but not saved except for saving in Kerpoof for Online resource for you to learn Kerpoof will draw pictures using tools. You will need to model how to use the basic drawing tools.4th week Students in First Grade are learning about Seasons. One of their guiding questions is, How do the seasons change how we dress? Using the tool Kerpoof learned last week have the students draw each season and draw themselves with the correct clothes on for that season. Save to student folder. This project should take both times that the students come to lab. Word Work: Assign A Word Work Site in Daily Five Favorites . Have students work with sight words for reading. 5th week Valentine’s Day Origin- 1st Graders are learning about the why people celebrate the holiday called Valentines. Click on the following link for view the two videos. The Origins of Valentine’s Day of Valentine’s Day students can choose a program like Word, KidPixs, Kerpoof to write one thing that they learned about Valentine’ s Day from the videos. Second Activity: Tumblebooks: Students will use the online resource Tumblebooks and read the story that has an underling message of Valentine’s Day. Porcupining: A Prickly Love Story. It is found in story books. Open: Word, KidPixs, or Kurpoof and draw something that happened in the story. Write a sentence if possible. 6th week Working with Microsoft Word 2010: In Assign Microsoft Office Tutorials or you may want to teach each lesson below using projector and demonstrating to students the applications in Microsoft Word. This will prepare them for typing in final drafts for their writing. Opening Word Exploring the File Tab How to Create a New Document How to use the Cursor How to Select Text How to Change TextHow to Change Text Size How to Cut, Copy, and PasteHow to Insert Clip Art into a Document How to Insert Pictures into a DocumentHow to Save your Document ................

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