Computer Applications Final Culminating Project

“How to do something using PPT as visual aid” –NO TEXT – 32 points

Student Name: ___________________Grade: ______/32 = ________%

|Communicates effectively |

|Speaks clearly with teacher and classmates throughout the duration of the project |

|Expresses enthusiasm during oral presentation |

|Communicates ideas and information in an organized manner |

|Communicates a clear message to a specific audience |

|Eye contact, voice volume, voice clarity and use of laser pointer |

|Includes introduction, each step, and conclusion |

| |Unacceptable-4 |Needs Improvement-24 |Proficient-28 |Exemplary-32 |

|Communicate|Student did not communicate |Expresses little enthusiasm when |Expresses some enthusiasm when |Expresses enthusiasm when presenting.|

|effectively|effectively duration this |presenting. Little oral communication|presenting. Most oral |All oral communication is expressed |

| |presentation or did not present. |is expressed clearly. The |communication is expressed |clearly. The communication of ideas |

| |Final product demonstrates an |communication of ideas and |clearly. The communication of |and information within the |

| |unacceptable ability to |information within the presentation |ideas and information within the |presentation are clear and easily |

| |communicate effectively. |are not very clear and misunderstood |presentation are somewhat clear |understood by the audience. |

| | |by the audience. Many aspects of |and understood by the audience. |Communicates a clear message to a |

| | |presentation could have been clearer.|Some aspects of presentation could|specific audience. |

| | |Communicates an unclear message to a |have been clearer. Communicates a | |

| | |specific audience. |somewhat clear message to a | |

| | | |specific audience. | |

-10 PTS if text on slides (No text in images)

-16 PTS if less than 45 seconds

-16 PTS if exceeds 3 minutes

Will receive a zero if not prepared to present when called.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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