SAMPLETexasUIL HighSchoolPracticePacket Spring 2021

S UIL PCroamctpicuetePraAckpeptliSca2t1ions Written & edited by

Linda Tarrant, Nancy Barnard, and Beth Mader

ACopyright ? 2021 by Hexco Academic. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that

permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is

M unlawful. The purchaser of this product is responsible for adhering to this law which prohibits the sharing or reselling of

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P We are a small company that listens! If you have any questions or if there is an area that you would like fully explored, let us hear from you. We hope you enjoy this product and stay in contact with us throughout your academic journey. ~ President Hexco Inc., Linda Tarrant LHEXCO ACADEMIC P.O. Box 199 Hunt, Texas 78024 E Phone: 830.367.3825 Fax: 830.367.3824 Email: hexco@

IF YOU LIKE THIS PRODUCT, WE ALSO RECOMMEND UIL Concepts books for Excel, Access, Integration, Functions, Word, and Advanced Word II

Advanced Practice Packets and Practice Packets for previous years Computer Applications Videos


Computer Apps Practice Packet Contents - 6 Tests Each test in this packet

Sshould include the following

STUDENT MATERIALS Tiebreaker Instructions Tiebreaker Test Test 2021 Starter Files (as needed)

INSTRUCTOR MATERIALS Scoring Sheet(s) Sample Printout(s) Tiebreaker Score Sheet Tiebreaker WPM key

A Practice Packet S21 Test A

Test B

Excel Spreadsheet Printout

Import Spreadsheet to Access with Report

M Simplified Letter Blocked for Window Envelope Simplified Letter Blocked for Conventional

with Chart

Envelope with Merge Fields and Merge Codes

Tiebreaker ? Unbound Report

Tiebreaker ? Left-bound Report

P Test C

Excel Spreadsheet Printout with Chart Database with Labels Tiebreaker ? Business Report

LE Test E

Test D Block Letter with Embedded Chart and Formulas Import Excel Spreadsheet to Access Report Tiebreaker ? Unbound Report

Test F

Starter Files Exported to Access with Report Simplified Memo with Embedded Formulas

Starter Files Exported to Excel and Import to Database with Report Simplified Memo with Embedded Chart and Formulas

Tiebreaker ? Left-bound Report

Tiebreaker ? Left-bound Report

Note: Test E and F use the 2021 Starter Files on the enclosed CD. These are also available for purchase on the complete S21 Solutions Disc!

?2021 HEXCO ACADEMIC ? PO Box 199 ? Hunt, TX 78024 ? 830.367.3825 ? Do not scan, post to web, or share electronically.

UIL Computer Applications Instructions & Scoring - continued

C. Equipment malfunction during a contest 1. If a problem occurs during the tiebreaker, every effort must be made to correct the problem or the student may NOT participate in the 3-minute preview or 30-minute test. A student may not continue to try to make his equipment work during the preview as no one may use computers at that time. a. If a student does not create a tiebreaker, but his equipment is repaired, he/she may continue with the actual 3-minute preview and 30-minute contest. b. In case of a tie, the student without a tiebreaker paper automatically loses the tie. 2. Prior to a contest, every effort should be made to correct equipment problems by substituting equipment, keyboards, printers, etc. with a backup or borrowed equipment from another contestant

S or from the contest director, if possible. 3. The tiebreaker output should be proof that everything was working at the beginning of the contest. 4. A contestant should raise his/her hand and advise the contest director during the contest if any equipment problems occur. 5. One of the director's assistants should be assigned to attempt to resolve the problem. The assigned assistant must not be the student's coach or a related party. A6. If a system is inoperative and the problem cannot be resolved, the contestant can turn in only what he or she has completed before the equipment failed; and, after the contest, he or she can print anything that had been saved onto diskette/cd/flash drive on a different system or on the same system that has been made workable with the assistant overseeing. No changes may be made to any printout. 7. If the problem is a printer and it cannot be resolved within 5 minutes time, the student may continue M working the test and saving to his/her saving device. He/she will be allowed to print from the saving device after the contest on the same system that has been made workable or on a different system with the assistant overseeing. No additional changes may be made to any printout. 8. A contestant may not complete the contest at a later time. 9. If a contestant has not attempted any printing before the two-minute warning and a printer malfunctions, the process is the same, but only one printout will be graded. 10. Printing may only be done after conclusion of a contest if both of the following have occurred. P a. The contest director was apprised of a malfunction during the contest. b. Time was expended during the contest by an assistant addressing the problem. D. Conclusion 1. Have all students select their Printout 1 and 2 and be sure their contestant number is on each page. 2. If a student printed a chart or graph separate from a document that he/she did not have time to embed in a document, the student should put his/her contestant number in the upper right corner L and turn this in along with printout(s). Credit will be given for some chart elements that are correct, but all credit will be lost for margins, indenting a chart, spacing before and after a chart, etc. If a student's printout already has a chart or graph embedded in a printed document, the extra chart is not E graded, even if the chart in the document was simply a placeholder from a template. 3. Have students label their saving device with their Contestant number. 4. Turn all printouts and students' saving device in to officials (or place them in manila envelopes). 5. If you use manila envelopes, warn that no printouts will be graded that are not in their envelope. 6. Explain that if a student turns in more than one printout for one of their documents, the graders will arbitrarily grade the first one encountered, whichever that is. No attempt will be made by graders to determine which is the better printout. 7. Ask students to verify that their Contestant number is on every page being turned in for grading, as well as on the manila envelope, if you are using envelopes. 8. Ask students to pass in their tests and saving devices (or envelopes with these inside). 9. Ask students then to pass in their scratch paper to be put in the trash. 10. Have students remove all equipment or make arrangements to remove it after grading.

? 2021 HEXCO ACADEMIC ? PO Box 199 ? Hunt, TX 78024 ? 830.367.3825 ?

UIL Computer Applications Instructions & Scoring - continued

III. Grading

A. All coaches are required to grade. 1. If a coach cannot grade, it is the coach's responsibility to provide a substitute, preferably someone somewhat familiar with the contest, and advise the director that they are providing a substitute. 2. If a coach does not grade, the director can disqualify his/her student(s).

B. View all papers from each contestant. 1. Consider covering ALL contestant numbers with post-it notes. 2. Verify that all pages have contestant numbers. If a printout does not have identification, the director can try to determine which contestant produced it and grade it. 3. Verify that there are no "extra" printouts. If there are more than one of a given printout, simply take

S the first one you encounter as the one to grade, and mark an X on the "extra" printout. 4. If there is an "extra" printout with a chart or graph, verify that the document with which it is associated does not have a chart or graph already printed. If it does, mark X on the stand-alone chart and grade the chart/graph embedded in the document, even if it is from a template. 5. Paperclip all printouts to be graded together (and to the outside of the envelope if using these). A6. Tiebreakers remain in a separate stack or are returned to the student's envelope. C. Sort tests into 1A, 2A, 3A, etc., and arrange coaches into like groups. 1. Give 1A tests to 3A coaches, 2A tests to 4A coaches, 3A tests to 5A coaches, 4A tests to 1A coaches, and 5A tests to 2A coaches or something of this ilk. 2. No coach should grade his/her own student's printouts. D. Follow these grading rules. M 1. Grading is all or nothing (i.e. each item on the score sheet is worth zero or the specified points). 2. Zero is the lowest possible grade for a printout. There are no negative grades for either printout. 3. Rulers, other than those in computer software, should not be used during the contest or during grading. Grading of centering, margins, etc. is a visual check. Do not attempt to be "ruler-exact." Do not fold papers to ascertain an exact center. 4. If there is a significant error on the test, notify the UIL state office or contact the State Contest Director for clarification. Mistakes in the keys should be corrected, and all printouts should be graded P on correctness, not on an incorrect answer. That is, if a word is obviously misspelled (like alternations instead of alterations), credit is given for either spelling. 5. Do not disqualify a printout on "mailability" standards. 6. Allow about ?" differential between requested margins and printed margins. 7. Right-justified data in a printout may vary between alphabetic data and numeric data with numeric data leaving the rightmost character position in numbers presumably for a minus sign if one were L present. 8. Do not grade parts of a template that a contestant has not entered in a document. No credit is given for possible correct information in a document that was brought in as a template in the complimentary close, reference initials, or other parts of a document beyond where a contestant had E entered information in the document. 9. If a contestant skipped to alter information at the bottom of a template for a document, such as a sender's name, then he/she effectively completed the entire document and gets credit for completing all paragraphs even if one or more are incomplete or missing altogether. In these cases, the entire document is graded for typos, and credit is given for correct data in the close, sender's name, etc. 10. If a contestant completed most of a paragraph and omitted a sentence or line, the student gets credit for completing the paragraph if it appears that he or she inadvertently skipped over a portion and continued typing beyond that part. Deduct typos for the omitted portion.

? 2021 HEXCO ACADEMIC ? PO Box 199 ? Hunt, TX 78024 ? 830.367.3825 ?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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