Chemistry I

CP Chemistry SyllabusAppoquinimink High School 2015-2016 Room A209 Mrs. Ferguson Vision Statement: Appoquinimink High School is a school committed to fostering personal growth through positive character development and the use of state of the art tools and practices to enable students to make a positive impact on today’s global society.Mission Statement:Achievement: Promote an engaging learning environment every day in every classroom. Honor students’ unique strengths and needs.Honor: Model positive character attributes. Recognize acts of integrity and leadership.Service: Increase students’ awareness of the global society. Emphasize the individual’s role in the community.Course Description:This one credit elective course is designed to provide a background in chemistry for students who may choose to pursue careers in science or medicine. College Prep Chemistry uses the Natural Approach to Chemistry curriculum, which places an added emphasis on developing critical thinking skills and making connections between the material being covered in the course and its real world applications. The content covered in this course will be presented through a variety of means, including required readings, lectures, laboratory experiments, and research. The units taught reference the Next Generation Science Standards, focusing on the Physical Science standards of structure and properties of matter (PS:1.A, 1.B, 3.A 3.B) Many topics require the application of mathematical principles and strong math skills are highly recommended for students who choose to enroll in this course. Outline of Course Topics: I. Scientific Inquiry (Chapter 1)a. Unit Conversionsb. Significant Digitsc. Density Calculations II. Matter & Energy (Chapter 2) III. Thermodynamics (Chapter 3)a. Temperature conversionsb. Specific Heatc. Phase changesd. Laws of Thermodynamics IV. Physical & Chemical Change (Chapter 4) V. Atomic Structure (Chapter 5)a. Evolution of atomic theoryb. Bohr Modelc. Spectroscopyd. Electron ConfigurationsVI. Elements & the Periodic Table (Chapter 6)Element FamiliesPeriodic TrendsVII. Chemical Bonding (Chapters 7&8) a. Ionic and Molecular Substancesb. Naming / Writing Formulasc. Molecular Structures and Geometriesd. Intermolecular Forces VIII. Stoichiometry (Chapters 10 & 11) a. The Moleb. Balancing chemical equationsc. Types of chemical reactionsd. Reaction chemistryIX. Solution Chemistry (Chapter 9 & 14)Concentration and SolubilityProperties of SolutionspH Course Expectations:It is expected that all students will:Abide by the Appoquinimink School District Code of Conduct at all times.Arrive to class on time and be prepared to work. Respect other people, their property, and their opinions.Always put forth their best effort and ask for help when needed.Help maintain a safe laboratory environment by following all safety rules. It is expected that the teacher will: Be prepared for class every day.Maintain high expectations for all students in the class Provide engaging lessons that are aligned to applicable content standards.Materials: Students need to bring the following to class each day.Their textbook. Each student will be issued a copy of the textbook: A Natural Approach to Chemistry by Hsu, Chaniotakis, Carlisle, and Damelin. Students should bring their textbook with them to class daily. 3-ring binder (1or 2inch) with 10dividersA supply of loose-leaf paper for notes, class work, labs, and homework.A scientific calculator and graph paperA writing instrument (pencils and a pen with blue or black ink).Other materials that may be needed: index cards, colored pencils, highlighters and dry erase markers and eraser. (Tissues and hand sanitizer are always useful as well)Each student should keep an organized binder and bring it with them to class each and every day. The binder can be divided into a section for each unit of study. Binder checks may be conducted as a process grade during the marking period.Grading Policies:In each marking period, points will be accumulated from a combination of class and homework assignments, tests, quizzes, projects and lab reports. A student’s grade will be determined according to the district’s grading policy:(30%) Formative evaluation of student work used for the purpose of providing feedback to the student and teacher regarding progress toward standards. This may include but is not limited to: homework, class work, participation, projects, quizzes, writing process, lab participation and assignments(70%) Summative assessment used to measure the degree to which a standard has been attained. This may include but is not limited to: tests, quizzes, projects, rubric scored presentations, lab reportsHomework Policy: Homework will be assigned to reinforce the material covered during class. Homework assignments may be graded for completion or accuracy at the discretion of the instructor. Each student should make an honest effort to complete all assignments to the best of their own ability. Students must make a reasonable effort to complete the assignment or no credit will be given. For any assignment involving mathematical calculations, students must show their work in order to receive full credit for the assignment. Students are expected to complete all assignments before the beginning of class on the assigned due date. Late work is accepted only with a parent note. Attendance Policy: When a student is absent from class for any reason, it is his or her responsibility to get all make-up work, including class notes. For excused absences, the student will have one day for every day absent to make up the missed work as per the attendance policy found in the Appoquinimink School District Student Code of Conduct. When students are absent on the date of an exam, it is their responsibility to schedule a time to take a make-up examination. If a student fails to make up an exam, they will receive a grade of zero on the exam. Academic Dishonesty: Any student who participates in an act of academic dishonesty will receive a score of zero on the assignment in question and may also be subject to other disciplinary action as described in the Appoquinimink School District Code of Conduct. According to the Code of Conduct (S0141) this includes “Fraudulent deception in preparing, or presenting coursework or class assignments as a student’s own work when it is not. This includes, but is not limited to: (1) copying another student’s work, (2) unauthorized use of notes or sharing answers during a test, (3) presenting another person’s work as one’s own, or (4) presenting quotations, words or ideas without proper references or credit (plagiarism).”Contact InformationAt any time during the semester, please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress. The best way to contact me is via e-mail to If you do not have access to e-mail or wish to contact me by phone, please call me at (302) 449-3840, extension 1209. I cannot always return phone calls immediately, but I will try my best to get back to you within 48 hours. Parents, please sign the following page and have your child return it to me, acknowledging that you have received and read the syllabus for this course. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please write them in the space provided at the bottom of the following page. I look forward to meeting you at the open house.Terms of AgreementCP Chemistry 2015-2016Ms. FergusonAppoquinimink High SchoolAs the teacher of this course, I am committed to abiding by this syllabus. The dates and timelines are subject to change based on students’ assimilation of the material. Any changes will be communicated to the class by the teacher. By signing this document, you are affirming that you have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies, and agreements stated in this syllabus.As a student in this course, I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.Student Name (please print): __________________________________________________Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________As the parent/guardian, I have read and agree to support this student in an effort to follow the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.Parent Name(s) (please print): ______________________________________________________Parent Signature(s): ______________________________________ Date: ___________________Preferred E-mail (please print neatly)__________________________________________________(I will send an email to provide information about our class such as open house or conference times)Phone Contact (best daytime number): ________________________________________________If you have any questions or concerns at this time, please write them in the space below:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This document should be signed by the student and parent and returned to the instructor as soon as possible, please. ................

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