
1. The diagram above best indicates the concept of a. hierarchical diffusionb. assimilationc. barriers to diffusiond. distance decay e. acculturationThe map below, known for its distortion of the high latitudes, is a:Robinson projectionMercator projectionIsoplethicEqual Area projectionCartogram3. Which of the following correctly lists the usual hierarchy of political-administrative units in order from the largest to the smallest? a. Empire, county, province, nation-state b. Province, empire, nation-state, county c. Empire, nation-state, province, county d. County, nation-state, province, empire e. Empire, nation-state, county, province4. International company headquarters, significant global financial functions, and a polarized social structure are defining characteristics of a. primate cities b. entrepots c. forward capitals d. world cities e. edge cities5. Which of the following characteristics is currently shared by Switzerland, Canada, and New Zealand? a. Low population-growth rates b. Megalopolis urban systems c. High infant-mortality rates d. Membership in the European Union (EU) e. More than ten percent of the population involved in sheep farming6. On the map above, which letter represents the region of the greatest proportion of the Canadian population? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E7. The Canadian government created the new territory of Nunavut in order to a. re-create the pre-1912 boundary of Quebec b. recognize the territorial rights of indigenous people in the area c. facilitate the exploration of mineral resources in the Northwest Territories d. grant autonomy to the Cree and Mohawk people living in eastern Canada e. guarantee Canadian fishing rights in the Atlantic Ocean8. All of the following have helped create ghettos in North American cities EXCEPT a. blockbusting and racial steering b. redlining by financial institutions c. concentration of public housing and social services d. fixed school district boundaries e. Economic Enterprise Zones9. A country in which the majority of the population are Shi’a (or Shiite) Muslims is a. Iran b. Morocco c. Saudi Arabia d. Egypt e. Indonesia10. Which of the following is useful for describing a settlement node whose primary function is to provide support for the population in its hinterland? a. Von Thunen’s model of land use b. Concentric zone model c. Core-periphery model d. Rostow’s model of economic development e. Christaller’s model of central place11. Which of the following is most characteristic of societies currently in the last stage of demographic transition? a. Hyperinflation b. Unemployment c. Youth dependency d. Aging population e. Overpopulation12. Land parcels in the American Midwest tend to be rectilinear becausea. the federal survey system adopted in the late eighteenth century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape b. Native American settlement patterns were rectangularc. English-speaking settlers replicated the landscape patterns of Englandd. Spanish colonists laid out settlements in a rigid geometric patterne. there were no mountains or rivers to use as boundaries13. Which of the following was NOT a reason for rapid suburbanization in the United States after the Second World War? a. Mass production of the automobile b. Reduction in long-distance commuting c. Expansion of home construction d. Expansion of the interstate highway system e. Availability of low down payment terms and long-term mortgagesThe map above shows the production of one product. Which food taboo is highlighted on the map?muttonchickenduckbeefporkThe photograph above could best be described by which of the following terms?homogeneityethnocentrismheterogeneityrelativismfolkWilber Zelinsky attempted to define cultural landscapes/regions by using information found in _______________.signsethnicitiescamerasjournalsphonebooksUsing the diagram and your photo analysis skills, the housing type above was primarily built to live in a cold climate?TrueFalseThe following quote is from a New York Times article and should be used to answer questions 18 & 19.Rose Hamid drives a Ford station wagon, leads a local Girl Scout troop, shops at The Gap, and just attended her 20-year high school reunion in Cleveland. But, Mrs. Hamid says that since she began wearing a head scarf two years ago in keeping with her Muslim faith, she has felt like a foreigner fighting for acceptance. Her employer refused to allow Mrs. Hamid to continue working as a flight attendant because her head scarf violated company rules on uniforms.18. Rose’s employer’s policies wereethnocentricculturally relativistic19. Rose’s head scarf is most indicative of __________ culture, while her shopping habits were more _________ culture.A. pop, folkB. folk, popC. pop, popD. folk, folk20.The dark colored country above is BEST described by which morphology?a. perforatedb. proruptc. elongated d. fragmentede. oblique21.The country highlighted in the lighter color is best described as a ______________ state.a. protrudedb. proruptedc. permanentd. permeated e. perforated22.The shaded areas on the map above most likely depict which of the following types of agricultural practice?a. livestockb. commercialc. hydroponicsd. subsistencee. dairy23. Which of the following statements about agriculture is FALSE?Hog production in China is high, while the hog production is low in Pakistan.Globalization has caused most farmers to begin practicing commercial farming.In many cases multinational corporations control up to 90% of certain markets.Food Chains demonstrate the vertical and horizontal nature of agribusiness.Wheat farms and livestock ranching are examples of extensive commercial farming.24. The map above shows which agricultural practice?a. extensiveb. patchc. commerciald. Mediterraneane. plantation25. Given your knowledge about the Model African City, which of the following is CORRECT?a. Ethnic and mixed race neighborhoods are found just outside the CBDs.b. The urban development “fans” out from a major port facility.c. The mall area is directly opposite of the industrial part area.d. African cities are characterized by large zones of gentrification.e. Colonial CBDs and Traditional CBDS are identical in appearance.26. Harris and Ullman’s multiple nuclei model of urban structure arose from the idea that ______________ was losing its dominant position in the metropolitan city to other competition.a. the exurbb. edge cityc. public transportationd. the suburbe. the CBD27. Using the scattergram above, which cities use the most gasoline per person?a. Copenhagenb. New Yorkc. Brisbaned. Houstone. Toronto28. Footloose industriesa. tend to be highly capital intensive in natureb. are reliant upon all of Weber’s location factorsc. can locate in most any place regardless of site or situationd. have experienced sharp declines due to computers e. are shoe factories which have relocated offshore29. Which of the following is an example of a business/industry in the primary sector? A chewing gum factory An iron ore mine An insurance company A private university A call center30. Use the graph above and your knowledge of transport modes & costs, which of the following is MOST correct?a. The terminal costs are highest for mode B.b. Mode A is the cheapest way to transport goods.c. Air transport is the likely type for Mode C.d. B is the best long-haul transport mode.e. Mode D is very expensive for short distance use.31. Using the chart below, which of the following is most accurate about the location diagram?a. Point A shows the decreasing costs of processing bulky raw materialsb. Point D indicates processing closer to the market making bulky items cheaper to producec. The shift between Points B and C indicate the profit losses incurred by moving locationsd. Point E indicates raw materials being processed closest to the marketD B – distortion and high latitudes C D – never heard of any of these? A – process of elimination E B E A E D A – rectilinear and geometric B – negative words E – study maps as part of your test preparation E E A A B D E D B B A E D – very easy – looks hard C B E D ................

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