
Monthly Breakdown: January- Nervous SystemFebruary- Endocrine SystemMarch- Cardiovascular and Immune SystemCore Curriculum Standards: Nervous System- Standard 5: Students will describe the structures and functions of the nervous system and special sensesEndocrine System- Standard 6: Students will describe the structures and functions associated with the endocrine systemCardiovascular/Immune System- Standard 8: Students will describe the components and functions associated with blood, and the structures and functions of the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. MonthDayContentStandardsAssessment/ActivitiesJanuary7Diagram and discuss anatomy of the brain6.08-Identify the four principle parts of the brain (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, diencephalon)Journal Questions and discussionReview Power Point and NotesStart brain posters (p.235-242)January9Discuss locations and functions of ventricular choroid plexus and brain stem6.09-Describe the location, and function of CSF (ventricles, subarachnoid space)Reading JQ’s and discussionPower Point and notesWork on Brain PostersObserve and discuss a real human brainJanuary11Discuss functions of the Diencephalon and the cerebrum6.11-Describe the structures and functions of the diencephalon(thalamus, hypothalamus)6.12-Describe the locations and functions of the four lobes of the cerebrum(frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital)1. JQ’s and review2. Power Point and Notes3. Work on brain posters4. The amazing brain videoJanuary15Review structures and functions of the brain6.08-Identify the four principle parts of the brain1. JQ’s and review2. Today video clips-brain injury3. Finish Amazing brain video4. Brain study guideJanuary17Review brain parts and discuss brain disorders6.13-Explain the major functions of the cerebellum6.14-Identify the following diseases or disorders of the nervous system (ALS, Alzheimers, bacterialmeningitis, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s)1. JQ’s and discussion and practice quiz2. Power point and notes 3. Finish study guide/review4. Coma videoJanuary22Review the brain and discuss nervous system disorders 6.13-Explain the major functions of the cerebellum6.14-Identify the following diseases or disorders of the nervous system (ALS, Alzheimer’s, bacterial meningitis, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s1. Review2. Power point, notes, and discussion3. Brain quiz and hand in study guide4. Coma videoJanuary24Observe treatment of cornea patients and identify structures of the eye6.15-Describe the principle anatomical structures of the eye (accessory structures[eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal, apparatus, extrinsic muscles] layers of the eyeball(fibrous tunic[sclera, cornea], vascular tunic [choroid, cilary body, iris, lens, pupil], nervous tunic [retina])1. JQ’s and discussion2. cornea video3. PowerPoint, notes, and discussion4. Label eye diagram (p. 276)January28Identify and describe structures of the eye6.15-Describe the principle anatomical structures of the eye 1. JQ’s and review2. Power point and notes3. Cow eye disectionJanuary30Discuss the physiology of the eye6.15-Describe the principle anatomical structures of the eye 1. JQ’s and review2. Power point, notes, and discussion3. Sight video and 10 facts4. Study guide questionsFebruary1Learn parts of the ear6.16-Describe the principle anatomical structures of the ear. (outer ear[auricle, auditory canal], middle ear [tympanic cavity, tympanic membrane, auditory (Eustachian) tube, auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)], inner ear [bony labyrinth, membranous labyrinth, semicircular canals, vestibule, cochlea, organ of corti]) JQ’s and reviewColor and label ear study guide Describe the structure and function of each ear partContinue working on study guideFebruary5Discuss senses of hearing, smell, and taste6.16- Describe the principle anatomical structures of the ear.1. Reading JQ’s and discussion2. Label and color nose/mouth in study guide3. Finish discussing ear4. Complete and hand in study guideFebruary7Discuss eye and ear disorder and test your understanding of special senses6.17- Identify the following diseases or disorders associated with special senses. (presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, cataracts, conjunctivitis, deafness [conductive, sensorineural], glaucoma, macular, degeneration, middle ear infection, strabismus, tinnitus, vertigo) 1. JQ’s and review2. Ear review3. Eye and ear disorders4. Special senses quizFebruary11Introduce the endocrine system and diagram the structure and function of the pituitary gland7.01- Identify the general functions of the endocrine system1. Reading, JQ’s, and discussion2. Power point and notes3. Pituitary Gland-draw and label (p.297-298)February13Diagram and explain the structure, hormones, and functions of the thyroid and adrenal glands7.02- Describe a hormone and how it functions in the body7.03-Describe the locations, secretions, and functions of the major endocrine glands. (pituitary gland [GH, TSH, ACTH], thyroid gland {thyroxine], adrenals [Epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, pancreas [glucagon, insulin] 1. JQ’s and review2. Draw, color, and label the thyroid3. List 3 hormones and their functions (p.300)4. Draw, color, and label the adrenal glands5. Adrenal hormones February15Identify and discuss structures and function of the Pancreas7.03-Describe the locations, secretions, and functions of the major endocrine glands.1. JQ’s and review2. Diabetes article and questions3. Power point notes and discussionFebruary20Discuss endocrine disorders and test your understanding of the endocrine system7.04- Identify the following diseases or disorders of the endocrine system. (acromegaly, cretinism, diabetes mellitus, dwarfism, gigantism, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, myxedema)1. Reading/JQ’s2. Review3. Power Point and notes4. Endocrine Quiz/test/Quest/Learning Evaluation February22Discuss functions and components of blood8.01- Identify the components of blood and their functions (erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes, plasma)1. JQ’s and discussion2. Go over endocrine test3. Power point and notes4. Blood coloring activityFebruary26Diagram and explain the ABO/Rh blood typing system8.06- Identify the antigens found on the erythrocytes and the antibodies that determine the ABO blood types and the Rh factor1. JQ’s, discussion, and review2. Leukocyte functions3. Blood typing4. Study guideFebruary28Read about and discuss steps of blood clotting8.04- Describe the process of hemostasis (vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation)1. JQ’s and discussion2. Read p.328-3313. Answer check your recall4. Finish the study guide5. Blood disordersMarch5Read about and discuss blood disorders8.07- Identify the following diseases or disorders associated with the blood. (anemias, hemolytic disease of the newborn, hemophilia, leukemia, mononucleosis, polycythemia) 1. Reading and JQ’s2. Blood disorders- hand out and discussion3. Review4. Blood quiz5. House episodeMarch7Trace the path of blood flow through the body8.19- Trace blood flow through the heart1. JQ’s and review2. Blood quiz3. heart power point and notes4. Heart labeling (p.343)5. Trace blood flow through the bodyMarch11Identify and explain parts of the heart and the cardiac conduction system8.20- Identify the components of the conduction system of the heart and trace the pathway. (SA node, AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers [conduction], fibers)1. JQ’s and review2. Diagrams and discussions-heart parts3. Study guide questions4. Video “cut to the heart”March13Observe structures of the heart8.14- List the general functions of the cardiovascular system1. JQ Practice quiz 2. Finish “cut to the heart “ video3. Safety4. Heart dissections and questions March15Explain Cardiac Cycle and compare and contrast arteries, veins, and capillaries8.21- Sequence the principle events of the cardiac cycle in terms of systole and diastole8.23- Contrast the structures and functions of arteries, capillaries, and veins1. JQ’s video questions2. Review info3. Cardiac cycle and cardiac output4. Cardiac risk factor survey5. Blood vesselsMarch19Describe blood pressure and practice taking blood pressure8.25- Describe blood pressure and how to measure it1. JQ’s and discussion2. Review 3. Notes- blood vessels and pulse4. Heart rate and blood pressure labMarch21Test your understanding of the cardiovascular system8.14- List the general functions of the cardiovascular system1. JQ’s and discussion2. Practice quiz3. Hand in study guide and review4. Cardio test5. Reading/writing assignment-cardio disordersMarch25Identify structures and functions associated with the lymphatic system8.08- Identify the components of the lymphatic system. (tonsils, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, lymph vessels)1. JQ’s and discussion2. Disease prevention questionnaire 3. Power point, notes, and discussion4. Lymphatic WorksheetMarch27Describe methods of acquiring immunity8.12- Distinguish between active and passive immunity, and natural vs. artificial acquisition of immunity1. JQ’s and review2. Hand out and discussion3. Work on lymphatic worksheet4. Questions and answersMarch29Review lymphatic system and introduce the reproductive system8.08- Identify the components of the lymphatic system. (tonsils, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, lymph vessels)1. ZJQ’s and review2. Power point-intro3. Label and color male reproductive system4. Notes-testosterone/male puberty ................

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