OFFICE / CONTACT INFORMATION Kenneth H. Burdine Associate ...

Curriculum VITAE

Kenneth H. Burdine, Associate Extension Professor Appointment: 70% Extension, 15% Administration, 15% Teaching

OFFICE / CONTACT INFORMATION Kenneth H. Burdine Associate Extension Professor UK Agricultural Economics 415 Charles E. Barnhart Building Lexington, KY 40546-0276 (859) 257-7273


Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. University of Kentucky. December 2011. Dissertation Title: "Factors Affecting Feeder Cattle Prices in the Southeast."

M.S. in Agricultural Economics. University of Kentucky. December 2003. Thesis Title: "A Detailed Sector Analysis of the Holstein Beef Market."

B.S. in Agricultural Economics, Minor in Business. University of Kentucky. December 1999.


Associate Extension Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. July 2016 ? Present.

Assistant Extension Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. July 2012 ? June 2016.

Extension Farm Management Specialist III, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. January 2010 ? July 2012.

Extension Farm Management Specialist II, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. May 2007 ? January 2010.

Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. January 2006 ? May 2007.

Agricultural Economics Extension Associate, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky. February 2000 ? January 2006.


M.D. Whiteker Excellence in Extension Award. Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals. May 2020.

Teacher Who Made a Difference. University of Kentucky College of Education. April 2020.

SAEA Extension Award (Group Category). Co-author on financial stress materials written by Southern Region Extension Committee entitled: Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn. 2020.

Ken Freedman Outstanding Faculty Advisor Nominee. 2018.

Garry D. Lacefield Alfalfa Public Service Award. 2016. Kentucky Forage and Grassland's Council.

Farm Public Relations Award. Kentucky Farm Bureau. 2015.

Outstanding Extension Specialist. Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals. 2012.

Outstanding Extension Associate. Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals. 2005.


Cow-calf Profitability Conferences ? A new program developed with Greg Halich and Jonathan Shepherd and funded by the Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund through the Kentucky Beef Network. Topics include controlling overhead, hay production costs, breeding stock depreciation / investments, improved winter feeding practices, cowherd management strategies, tax management, and optimizing stocking rates. Five of these conferences were held during the winter of 2019 / 2020 before COVID forced the cancellation of all remaining conferences. A total of 319 people attended one of the 5 inperson programs. In March 2021, the program was delivered in a virtual setting over 3 consecutive nights, reaching approximately another 200 individuals each evening. Sessions were also recorded to reach additional people over time.

Risk Management Strategies ? Risk management programs include several different types of programs, but typically are focused on utilizing the futures and options market, Livestock Risk Protection Insurance, or Pasture Rangeland and Forage Insurance. On fewer occasions, I have been able to discuss advanced risk management strategies after a session focused on the basics. I have also discussed Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) insurance for dairy and Dairy Revenue Protection (RP) insurance in limited dairy settings.

Beef Integrated Resource Management (IRM) Programming ? I continue to serve as the economist on the UK Beef IRM team, working with several established and highly regarded programs that fill a large portion of my extension calendar. In addition to the Cow-calf Profitability Conferences previously discussed, these include Master Cattleman, Master Marketer, Master Stocker, Weaning 101, and Beef Bash, where I offer programming in marketing and profitability for beef cattle producers. I also contribute a monthly market update to our Off-the-Hoof newsletter, which gets a great deal of circulation within our system, other extension systems, and popular press. This group also rewrote and published the Kentucky Beef Book in 2021.

Cattle Market Notes Weekly ? I began writing a weekly Kentucky Cattle Market Update in the spring of 2020 as a way to keep stakeholders informed during the COVID pandemic. Beginning in the fall of 2020, I am now collaborating with colleagues at Mississippi State and the University of Arkansas to offer Cattle Market Notes Weekly on a rotating basis.

General market outlook and decision making ? Beyond the programming described above, I get many requests for general market outlook and decision-making programs. These are offered in many settings and are generally tailored to the needs of the audience. Most often they include market update and outlook, budgeting scenarios for various enterprises, and key factors affecting profitability. More recently, I have focused much more of these programs on backgrounding and stockering, heifer development, and cowherd expansion, and cull cow marketing. These have been conducted almost exclusively virtually since spring of 2020.

Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation (KAFC) ? I was honored in 2009 to be appointed by Governor Steve Beshear to serve as the agricultural economist on the KAFC board of directors. I have since been reappointed twice and am currently serving my third term on this board. The KAFC board meets monthly and evaluates loan applications for the KAFC. The KAFC has an asset base of nearly $100 million and makes low-interest loans to farmers and agribusinesses by partnering with other lenders. In addition to providing a valuable service to Kentucky agriculture, the role also allows me to network and build relationships with many key stakeholders in Kentucky agriculture and learn a great deal about agricultural lending.


AEC 311 Livestock and Meat Marketing. This course is taught each year in the fall semester and covers basic components of livestock and meat marketing. Teaching evaluations are typically well above college and university average. I typically have around 30 students each year. Topics covered include basic marketing concepts to the livestock and meat sector including supply and demand analysis, price determination and forecasting, budgeting and breakeven calculation, price risk management, and marketing strategies. I am also able to incorporate discussion of dairy, hogs, and poultry, which provides student with a solid overview of the livestock sector.


1) John Allison Jr.*, Kenneth H. Burdine. Carl Dillon, and S. Ray Smith, David M. Butler, Gary E. Bates, and Gina M. Pighetti. "Optimal Forage and Supplement Balance for Organic Dairy Farms in the Southeastern United States." Agricultural Systems. January 2021. Most Recent WOS Impact Factor (2019): 4.212.

2) Mercier, Kelly M., Chris Teutsch, S. Ray Smith, Edwin L. Ritchey, Eric S. Vanzant, and Kenneth H. Burdine. Nitrogen Effects on DM Yield and Botanical Components of Summer Annual Forage Mixtures. Agronomy Journal. Forthcoming, but accepted in November of 2020. Most Recent WOS Impact Factor (2019): 1.683.

3) Boyer, Christopher N., Kenny Burdine, Justin Rhinehart, and Charley Martinez. "Replacing Late Calving Cows to Shorten the Calving Season. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Forthcoming, but accepted in 2020. Most Recent WOS Impact Factor (2019): 1.184.

4) Boyer, Christopher N., Kenneth H. Burdine, and Kevin Laurent. "Factors Affecting Bred Heifer Sale Prices in a Sequential Auction. Applied Animal Science. October 2020. Most Recent Scopus CiteScore (2019): 1.3.

5) Boyer, Christopher N., Andrew P. Griffith, Jada M. Thompson, Justin Rhinehart, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Kevin Laurent. Journal of Applied Farm Economics. 2020. No Impact Factor Available.

6) Hawkins, Anna*, Kenneth H. Burdine, Donna Amaral-Phillips, and Joao H.C. Costa. "Effects of Housing System on Dairy Heifer Replacement Cost from Birth to Calving: Evaluating Costs of Confinement, Dry-lot, and Pasture-based Systems and Their Impact on Total Rearing Investment. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. July 2020. Most Recent WOS Impact Factor (2019): 2.245. Total citations to date = 1.

7) Shockley, Jordan M., Tyler B. Mark, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Levi Russell. "Financial Implications from Contracting Avian Influenza in a US Broiler Operation." Journal of Applied Farm Economics. 2020. No Impact Factor Available. Total citations to date = 1.

8) Hawkins, Anna*, Kenneth H. Burdine, Donna Amaral-Phillips, and Joao H.C. Costa. "An Economic Analysis of the Costs Associated with Pre-weaning Management Strategies for Dairy Heifers." Animals. July 2019. WOS Impact Factor: 2.323. Total citations to date = 8.

9) Peake, Madeline D.*, Kenneth H. Burdine, Tyler B. Mark, and Ben M. Goff. "Factors Affecting Hay Prices at Auction: A Hedonic Analysis." Agronomy

Journal. March 2019. WOS Impact Factor: 1.683. Total citations to date = 1.

10) Mark, Tyler B., Kenneth H. Burdine, Jerry Cessna, and Erik Dohlman. "The Effects of the Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers." Economic Research Service Research Report Number 214. September 2016. No Impact Factor Available. Total citations to date = 15. a. Lead authorship is shared between Mark and Burdine

11) Yang, Shang Ho and Kenneth H. Burdine. "Facebook Closed Group Surveys Can Provide Representative Data in Certain Situations." Journal of Extension. February 2016. Scopus CiteScore: 0.7.

12) Mark, Tyler B., Kenneth H. Burdine, and Greg Halich. "How Sensitive are the Frequencies and Magnitudes of MPP-Dairy Indemnities?" Journal of Agribusiness. Fall 2015. No Impact Factor Available.

13) Burdine, Kenneth H. and Greg Halich. "Payout Analysis of Livestock Risk Protection Insurance for Feeder Cattle." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Summer 2014. No Impact Factor Available. Total citations to date = 2.

14) Burdine, Kenneth H., Leigh J. Maynard, Greg S. Halich, and Jeff Lehmkuhler. "Changing Market Dynamics and Value-added Premiums in Southeastern Feeder Cattle Markets." The Professional Animal Scientist. June 2014. Scopus CiteScore: 1.8. Total citations to date = 10.

15) Burdine, Kenneth H., Yoko Kusunose, Leigh J. Maynard, Don P. Blayney, and Roberto Mosheim. "Livestock Gross Margin-Dairy: An Assessment of its Effectiveness as a Risk Management Tool and its Potential to Induce Supply Expansion." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. May 2014. No Impact Factor Available. Total citations to date = 1. a. Lead authorship is shared between Burdine and Kusunose

16) Burdine, Kenneth H., Roberto Mosheim, Don P. Blaney, and Leigh J. Maynard. "Livestock Gross Margin-Dairy Insurance: An Assessment of Risk Management and Potential Supply Impacts". Economic Research Report Number 163. March 2014. No Impact Factor Available. Total citations to date = 9.

17) Maynard, Leigh J., Kenneth H. Burdine, and A. Lee Meyer. "Market Potential for Locally Produced Meat Products." Journal of Food Distribution Research. July 2003. No Impact Factor Available. Total citations to date = 47.

GRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEES ? DIRECTOR / CO-DIRECTOR Anna Hawkins. MS in Animal Science (Dairy). Expected Graduation: 2020. John Allison. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: August 2019. Madeline D. Peake. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: May 2017. Owen Townsend. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: May 2017.

GRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEES ? MEMBER Luke Cummings. MS in Agricultural Economics. Expected Graduation: May 2021. Kelly Mercier. PhD in Agronomy. Expected Graduation: May 2021. Julia Reid. MS in Science Translation and Outreach. Expected Graduation: May 2021. Samantha N. Saunders. MS in Science Translation and Outreach. Expected Graduation: May 2021. Lindsay S. Haynes. MS in Science and Translational Outreach. Expected Graduation: May 2021. Jersey Jaromczyk. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: August 2020. Alex Schwartz. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: August 2019. Jessica Richard. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: December 2017. Derek Nolan. MS in Animal Science. Graduation: 2016. Andrew McLaughlin. MS in Agricultural Economics. Graduation: December 2015. Tarrah Dunaway. "Farm Financial Performance of Kentucky Farms." Graduation: August 2013.


1) Burdine, Kenneth H. Kentucky Beef Book, 2021: Marketing Chapter. February 2021.

2) Kevin D. Bullock and Kenneth H. Burdine. Kentucky Beef Book, 2021: Record

Keeping Chapter. February 2021.

3) Martinez, Charley, Christopher Boyer, Justin Rhinehart, and Kenneth Burdine. "Replacing Late Calving Beef Cows to Shorten Calving Season." University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. W-996. March 2021.

4) Griffith, Andrew P., Christopher N. Boyer, Jada M. Thompson, Justin Rhinehart, Kenny Burdine, and Kevin Laurent. "Factors Influencing Bred Heifer Price." University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. W-997. March 2021.

5) Kevin D. Bullock and Kenneth H. Burdine. Kentucky Beef Book: Record Keeping Chapter. Forthcoming in 2021.

6) Peel, Derrell S., Dustin Aherin, Randy Blach, Kenneth H. Burdine, Don Close, Amy Hagerman, Josh Maples, James Robb, and Glynn Tonsor. "Economic Damages to the U.S. Beef Cattle Industry Due to COVID-19." CR-630. April 2020. a. This OSU fact sheet was our team report conducted at the request of the National Cattleman's Beef Association.

7) Anderson, L. H., Kevin D. Bullock, Jeff W. Lehmkuhler, Kenneth H. Burdine, S. Ray Smith, Greg K. Rentfrow, and Michelle Arnold. IRM Beef Calendar. 2019.

8) Shepherd, Jonathan, Jordan Shockley, Todd Davis, Greg Halich, Alison Davis, Steve Isaacs, Sarah Bowker, and Kenny Burdine. "Resources Available for Farmer Struggling with Farm Financial Stress". April 2019.

9) Ribera, L., David Anderson, and Kenneth H. Burdine. "Impacts of the Increased Dependence on Trade on the Farm Economy." Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn. Southern Region Extension Committee. 2018.

10) Anderson, David, Andrew Griffith, and Kenneth H. Burdine. "Livestock Outlook." Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn. Southern Region Extension Committee. 2018.

11) Griffith, Andrew, Kenneth H. Burdine, and David Anderson. "Managing the Beef Cattle Herd though the Cattle Cycle." Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn. Southern Region Extension Committee. 2018.

12) Anderson, Les, Dahhr Bullock, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Kenneth H. Burdine, Roy Burris, Gregg Rentfrow, Ray Smith, and Michelle Arnold. "Beef Integrated Resource Management Calendar. 2017.

13) Kruze, Owen*, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Tyler B. Mark. "The Unique Qualities of the Southern Milk Marketing Orders." AEC 2017-12. 2017.

14) Kruze, Owen*, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Tyler B. Mark. "The History and Class Pricing of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders." AEC 2017-13. 2017.

15) Cessna, Jerry, Tyler B. Mark, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Erik Dohlman. "Historical Analysis of MPP-Dairy Suggests Limited Impact on Average Margin but Considerable Potential for Risk Reduction. Amber Waves. February 2017.

16) Halich, Greg, Ray Smith, and Kenny Burdine. "Profitability of Nitrogen Applications for Stockpiling Tall Fescue Pastures ? 2015 Guide." AEC 2015-15. July 2015.

17) Dunnaway, Tarrah and Kenny Burdine. "Taking Advantage of a Strong Cattle Market." AEC 2014-17. September 2014.

18) Burdine, Kenny. "The Margin Protection Program for Dairy in the 2014 Farm Bill." AEC 2014-15. September 2014.

19) Halich, Greg, Kenny Burdine, and Jeff Lehmkuhler. "Valuing Corn Silage for Beef Cattle Feed 2014 Guide." AEC 2014-18. August 2014.

20) Halich, Greg, Ray Smith, and Kenny Burdine. "Profitability of Nitrogen Applications for Stockpiling Tall Fescue Pasture 2014 Guide. AEC 2014-14. July 2014.

21) Halich, Greg, Kenny Burdine, and Jeff Lehmkuhler. "Valuing Corn Silage for Beef Cattle Feed 2013 Guide." AEC 2013-17. August 2013.

22) Burdine, Kenny and Greg Halich. "Using the Futures Market to Predict Prices and Calculate Breakevens for Feeder Cattle." AEC 2013-09. August 2013.

23) Halich, Greg, Ray Smith, and Kenny Burdine. "Profitability of Nitrogen Applications for Stockpiling Tall Fescue Pastures 2013 Guide." AEC 2013-15. July 2013.

24) Burdine, Kenny. "Using Futures Markets to Manage Price Risk for Feeder Cattle: Advanced Strategies." AEC 2013-03. March 2013.

25) Burdine, Kenny. "Using Futures Markets to Manage Price Risk for Feeder Cattle". AEC 2013-01. February 2013.

26) Halich, Greg, Ray Smith, and Kenny Burdine. "Profitability of Nitrogen Applications for Stockpiling Tall Fescue Pastures 2012 Guide." AEC 2012-14. August 2012.


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