
Name KEY

Date ___________________

Period __________

Directions: Use the Flow Chart and reading on the back of this worksheet to answer the questions that follow.

How long can it take to amend the constitution? Months or even years. A Long Time!

Which Article (Section) of the Constitution outlines how to amend the constitution? V (Five)

How many ways can an amendment be proposed? 2

How many ways can an amendment be ratified? 2

How many amendments are there in the Bill of Rights? 10

When was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? 1791

How many amendments are there in the Constitution today? 27

Explain the four ways that the constitution can be amended.

a. Propose in Congress and pass with 2/3 of each House, then Ratify by 3/4 of State Legislatures

b. Propose in Congress and pass with 2/3 of each House, then Ratify by 3/4 of State Conventions

c. Propose by National Convention and pass with 2/3 of State Legislatures, then Ratify by 3/4 of State Legislatures

d. Propose by National Convention and pass with 2/3 of State Legislatures, then Ratify by 3/4 of State Conventions

Why do you think our founding fathers made it so difficult to amend the Constitution?

A constitution is a framework of government, and if we are going to change how the government works, it better be VERY IMPORTANT!

To prevent unnecessary amendments from being added to the constitution.

Why is it so important that we have the ability to add amendments to the Constitution?

To allow the Constitution to Change over time, as the needs of the country change. .

The framers did not want to make it too easy for Americans to change the Constitution. As a result, they created a complex amendment process. The process may take months, or even years, to complete. Article V (five) of the Constitution outlines two ways to propose an amendment as seen in the two rectangles at the top of the chart. An amendment may also be ratified in one of two ways as seen in the two bubbles at the bottom of the chart. Since the addition of the Bill of Rights (1st Ten Amendments) in 1791, the Constitution has only been amended 17 more times for a grand total of 27 amendments. Many of these later amendments reflect changing attitudes about equality and the expansion of democracy.

The Constitution can be amended, or changed in several ways, if necessary. An amendment can be proposed by (1) a two-thirds vote of BOTH houses in Congress (Senate, and House of Representatives) or (2) a national convention called by Congress at the request of two thirds of the state legislatures. (This second method has never been used.) An amendment must be ratified, by (1) three fourths of the state legislatures or (2) special conventions in three fourths of the states. Congress decides which method will be used.


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