
Agirowen to English Dictionary

Made by Distrar Subcat

Notation: semicolons separate distinct meanings, parentheses clarify specifics of a continued meaning, words with periods in them are being spaced out for easy readability. Meanings are listed roughly in the order of most common usage to least common usage.

A note about dictionary section headers (and other formatting standards): Ya know how English dictionaries use the first letter of a set of words as a header for that section? Well Agirowen does that too, but it does it a bit differently that you might be used to (just like pretty much anything else), and that is an integral part of the lore of my story world, so I'm keeping with it. I'm sure it will be interesting to see. The biggest differences are that the header is a syllable (since the runic script is a syllabary) and that the “alphabetical order” is different.

Agirowen's “ABCs”: Garm Ten Ran Kan Vorn Darm Barm Sub Norm Mer Yan Wan Lar

Update/Edit notes: The newest version of this dictionary omits most of the nasals that some dialects of Agirowen automatically add to syllables/words ending in r since it has now been established that this feature of the language varies based on dialect (plus it makes the English/Romanization version a lot easier to read overall.)

Also, now every word (based on a stem that is listed with all its word role suffix variants) is on a separate page of its own. This is mainly because it makes the organization more regular and makes it easier to sort out and sort through. It will be much easier to read if you keep this in mind. You'll see what I mean when you read this dictionary.

One last thing to keep in mind while reading it: If you encounter, for example, the word for “strong” and are wondering where the word for “weak” is, or the word for “generosity” and wonder where the word for “greed” is, then temporarily scroll down to/flip to the appendix, since those words come right before the appendix. Due to the unique thematic nature of those words, such words will be placed after all the positive words, which makes them not in pattern with the alphabetical order that is otherwise present, but that's kind of fitting for that type of negative words as such. The generic words for “bad”, “evil”, and “corrupted” are within the the alphabetical list, but that's mainly because they don't perfectly fit the pattern that other negative words do. Anyways, the negative words are near the end, right before the appendices, being somewhat like an appendix listing but still part of the main dictionary. This is mainly because in Chinereyan culture the negative words are more like after-thoughts than main thoughts, in that they would rather talk about what is positive traits something has instead of what it lacks.


Gar.gen ten: Physical Strength

Gar.gen ran: A feeling of being physically strong

Gar.gen lar: A person who is strong in the body ; a jock ; an athlete

Gar.gen ren: To push or move something physically ; to exert impressive physical strength

Gar.gen ron: Physically strong ; arrogant or flashy about one's physical strength

Gar.gen laren: to flex or show off one's physical strength ; to compete athletically

Gar.gen renlar: a currently competing athlete ; a person whose reputation seems to imply that their only purpose in life is to show off physical strength (especially for arrogant reasons)

Gar.gen bin: Lift! ; Push!

Gar.gen.dor ren: To keep perspective on one's strength ; to show good sportsmanship as a caring winner rather than a sore winner.

Gargen: Proper Noun, this one is a “Gender” Pronoun used to stand in for gendered pronouns when speaking in Agirowen or to someone who grew up in Chinereya, and as such does not understand the human concept of gender. (Or me, since Chinereya's confusion is based on my confusion, as horrifying as that might sound in general). This is the preferred pronoun for those whose identify as Gargentens, either the species of creature or literal jocks.

(Note: For training strength rather than showing it off, see Gar.nak- )

Gargon ten: Sport Participation

Gargon lar: A sport ; A sport-like activity

Gargon ren: To play a sport

Gargon renlar: A sport's player (especially when talking about one that is currently participating their sport, on the field, in order to distinguish them from other kinds of people like the referee who are on the field normally but don't play the sport themselves)

(Note: Be careful, especially when saying this word aloud, to distinguish it from saying Gargen- instead, if it matters for the situation. Gargen- is a much more common word, and much more important culturally, so using this less majorly popular word can be a tad tricky and should be done with mindful caution. That said, the two words have very similar denotations, just very different connotations, so it's not always a serious error, just something to be aware of. If you don't worry about it, the one you are talking to won't either. The difference between them when there is a clear differentiation made between them is that Gargonlar implies humility and Gargenlar implies arrogance, but it's rarely treated as a stark difference.)

Garges ten: Emotive force

Garges ren: To try to make someone feel a certain way ; to toy with or manipulate someone's emotions in order to get a certain response from them (especially for business purposes)

(Note: There are many similar words that start with Ga- , and especially Gar- , but the S in Garges- makes it particularly easy to emphasis how it's different from similar sounding words.)

Gargeston ten: Emotion (as a general concept/essence)

Gargeston lar: An emotion

Gargeston ren: To feel (emotionally)

Gargeston ron: Sentimental ; Having more to do with emotional considerations than logical or moral ones

(Related phrase: “Gargestonren vorgendaron verm?” = “How are you doing today?”, literally “Feeling good which/what ?” )

(Note: This word is very similar to the one for emotive force, but the addition of -ton- in this word species a natural flow of emotional energy, in contrast to Garges- relating to causing an unnatural flow of emotional energy.)

Gargeslit ten: Physical sensation

Gargeslit lar: A physical sensation ; one of the senses, such as sight or touch, that allow one to gather sensory input from ones surroundings in order to learn about them

Gargeslit ren: To touch or physically feel something ; to physically sense something with one of the basic senses, such as sight or touch

Gargeslit ron: Capable of feeling or sensing (either in general or in regards to a particular object or sensation) ; Able to use a specified basic sense, such as sight or touch

Garlit ten: Kinestetic Awareness

Garlit ren: To know your physical surroundings (especially to know them well)

Garlit ron: Relating to knowing your physical surroundings

Gar.ton ten: Awareness of the Outward environment

Gar.ton ran: A sense of connectiong with others or with nature

Gar.ton lar: 2nd person subjective pronoun (you/yourself) ; a strong connection with other people

Gar.ton ren: To connect with other people ; to focus on outward awareness

Gar.ton ron: 2nd person possesive adjective (your/yours)

Gar.ton laren: to focus on others rather than oneself in a conversation or group activity

Gar.ton renlarm: a greeter ; a stationary scout

Gar.ton renron: highly alert or aware of one's surrondings ; well connected

Gar.ton bin: Pay attention!

Gar.ton.dor ren: To analyze one's relationship problems introspectively

Gar.nak ten: Physical Training

Gar.nak ran: A sense of improvement or accomplishment in one's physical training

Gar.nak lar: An exercise ; an incrimentation or noticiable increase in physical strength

Gar.nak ren: To exercise ; to physically train

Gar.nak ron: Physicall stronger than before ; obviously improved by exercise

Gar.nak laren: To attempt an exercise program

(Related: Dargendor ron Gar.nak laren: To persistently attempt an exercise program → To follow an exercise program)

Gar.nak renlar: A personal trainer ; someone who is currently exercising

Gar.nak bin: One More Rep! ; Feel the Burn! (figuratively)

Gar.nak.dor ren: To sympathize with and console someone whose physical training is not helping them or is making them feel ill.

Gar.nar lar: Thing/Thingie ; This/That (as a direct object pronoun, but native Agirowen speakers rarely use direct object pronouns, instead using implicit reference to previously mentioned objects)

(Questions containing “... garnarlar verm ...” are fill-in-the-blank type questions. For example, saying “Gartonlar gantonren garnarlar verm” means something like “You are a what?”)

Gar.nar ron: This/That (demonstrative adjective, implies that the object being referred to is present in the same area as the speaker and is close enough to the speaker to be clearly visible and distinguishable as a particular object by the speaker, whether or not the speaker can identify that particular object in distinguishing it from other, clearly distinct, objects)

Gar.nar yun: This place (Here) ; That place (There)

(In most contexts, it just by default means “Here” or “In this place”, even if “this place” is a chat room or a web page rather than a town, building, or room. You can also ask “where?” type questions with it, like how “seyVoklar gantonren garnaryun verm” means “We are where?”)

Gar.nar sey: Some (generic amount, usually medium amount)

(For a totally ambiguous or truly unknown quantity, use sey by itself, unless you are asking “how much?” with “Garnarsey verm”, like how “Garnarsey-butrutlar verm” means “How many canines are there?”)

(Final note: “garnar-... verm” type questions don't have to be at the end of the sentence. Instead, the “garnar-... verm” part appears wherever in the sentence there would be info that needs to be supplied by someone else, essentially a “fill in the blank” type blank and hint as to what type of word goes there, just as a normal question rather than a puzzle. The word role suffix of garnar- acts as the part of speech hint in such a question.)

Gar.nir ten: Obedience

Gar.nir ran: A feeling of servitude ; A sense that you owe someone action on their behalf

Gar.nir lar: A contract of servitude ; an obedient or enthusiastic follower

Gar.nir ren: To obey ; to follow someone else's plan ; to insist on acting as a follower rather than a leader.

Gar.nir ron: Obedient or cooperative ; more enthusiastic about following than leading

Gar.nir laren: To enter a contract of servitude ; to volunteer to be a servant

Gar.nir renlar: A follower ; one who only trusts the strategies or choices of others

Gar.nir bin: Obey!

Gar.nir.dor ren: To rebel against a tyrant

Ganton ten: Existence (especially the elemental nature of existence itself, especially as a philosophical concept)

Ganton lar: An existence (as a concrete object) ; A state of being (as a general object)

Ganton ren: To be (Am, Is, Are) ; To exist

Ganton ron: Present in the same area/room as the speaker

Gantondor ron: Non-existent ; Theorectical

Gantondor lar: Nothing ; Void (as an abstract concept rather than a physical empty space)

(Note: The Ganton- words related to existence can easily be confused with the Garton- words for second person pronouns. The way to tell them apart is that the pronouns contain R in the stem and the existence words don't. You might want to come up with your own mnemonic for that one if you continually get confused by it.)

Giygan.nak ten: Exaggeration ; Grandiosity, Decadence, or Splendor

Giygan.nak lar: A giant ; An exaggeration

Giygan.nak ren: To exaggerate (especially, exaggerate the size of something) ; To bedazzle someone with the illusion that something is larger or grander than it is

Giygan.nak ron: Abnormally or unexpectedly large ; exaggerated to seem gigantic even if it isn't ;

Giygan.nak bin: Woah, it's gigantic! ; Woah, he's huge! (strangely enough, I never hear that phrase used for a lady. In any event, Agirowen is genderless as far as the human gender system is concerned, so it shouldn't matter what you substitute in for that pronoun, it is still a correct translation, even if you wouldn't have a use for such a word with a giant of a non-masculine gender.)


Tangon ten: Attentiveness

Tangon ran: Hearing (as one of the basic senses that creatures use to gather input from their surrounds)

Tangon lar: An ear (or any other organ or device used for basic hearing)

Tangon ren: To listen

Tangon ron: Attentive to what others are saying

Tanyan lar: A sound or noise

Tanyan ren: To make noise

Tanyan ron: Noisy

Tanyanton ten: Language (as a general concept)

Tanyanton ran: A language (as in a specific one)

Tanyanton lar: A sentence or phrase ; a stream of info encoded in a specific language

Tanyanton ren: To speak (a language)

Tanyanton ron: Lingustic

Tanyanlit ten: Auditory Comprehension (like a language class exam would test for)

Tanyanlit lar: Word (as in a discrete unit of auditory input that maps to a specific concept)

Tanyanlit ren: To comprehend what someone else is saying ; to recognize a sound

Tanyanrun ten: Speech (Ability)

Tanyanrun ran: Annoyance at long-winded ranting or babbling

Tanyanrun lar: Spoken words or phrases

Tanyanrun ren: To speak ; To chat

Tanyanrun ron: Talkative ; Long-winded

Tanyanrun laren: A speech or conversation (as an event)

Tanyanrun renlarm: A public speaker ; one who reads aloud or vocally interprets visual information

Tanyanrun bin: Speak up!

Tanyanrundor ren: To whisper in fear of disturbing others ; to be oddly silent in a lively conversation (for good reason)

Tanyanbis ten: Thunder

Tanyanbis ran: Pain or ringing in the ears from something that was too loud

Tanyanbis lar: Loud noise

Tanyanbis ren: To scream ; To roar ; To hit something with a thunder attack

Tanyanbis laren: Thunderstorm (as a weather event)

Tar ten: Void ; Emptiness

Tar lar: the Void ; Empty space ; Outer space (as a literal object)

Tar ron: Open or spacious ; Expansive in a way that feels overwhelmingly empty.

Tar yun: the Lonely Emptiness known as The Void After The End Of The World (usually interpreted as a proper noun as such) ; Outer space (as a specific place one can theoretically visit)

Torgon ten: Weather ; Sunlight

Torgon lar: Clear skies ; Sunshine

Torgon ren: To clear something or restore it to default value ; (For the sun) to shine

(Does not apply to anyone else shining a light or generating light or heat. Those have their own words unrelated to this one) ; To act in a normal or predictable manner

Torgon ron: Clear ; Normal ; In default/natural state ; Sunny

Torgon laren: Sunrise ; the clearing of the sky that follows a storm (especially when the sun starts peeking out of the hole in suddenly receding storm clouds following an epic battle against the forces of darkness)

Torgon/Torron: (Proper noun) The Sun, which to Earth people refers the star Sol, but to Chinereyans, who have no native star (their planet is lit from the inside by elemental stars of each Untidin Attribute), it usually refers to the red sun of Krypton, which they think of as “the multi-elemental energy draining planet” and said red sun is a symbol of a greatly feared power of energy draining nullification. Saying “Oh Torron!” or “By the red sun Torron!” are popular swears/cuss phrases, especially among those who want to seem edgy.

(Note: Torgonlaren gantonren vorgendaron, which literally means "Sunrise is good", is often used figuratively to mean “Good morning”, though at least in Chinereya/natively, using the emotion-based greeting words like “Yanyarbin” (“Hello!”, happy) or Waskarbin (“Hello!”, sad) is much more common.)

Torsar lar: A very flat surface ; a Plane (geometric)

Torsar ron: Flat ; Planar (geometric)

Torsar ren: To flatten or smooth out

Torsar yun: the Plains (as in the biome) ; incredibly flat area of land

Timton ten: Power or Force

Timton ran: An invisible/indirect Force (such as gravity or magnetism)

Timton lar: A visible/direct Force (such as that of pushing a boulder or the impact of punching something)

Timton ren: To exert force on something, to push or pull it

Timton ron: Powerful ; Forceful ; Intense

Timtoner: (proper noun) A concept entity that conveys a force of nature. (this is one of those concepts that started out as a religious concept in my home village's belief systems but got adapted for magical purposes in stories I write. Hence it's not really an Agirowen word, just a word more likely to show up alongside other Agirowen words since it's a word in the mini language that Agirowen is based on)

Timtondor ron: Gentle ; Meek

Tiybik ten: Startlement

Tiybik ran: An abstract feeling of dread ; fear of an unknown enemy

Tiybik lar: A spook ; an unnecessarily spooky or startling event

Tiybik ren: To spook someone

Tiybik ron: Startled ; spooked

Tiybik laren: To nervously tiptoe around in fear or dread

Tiybik renlar: An imaginary monster made by fear ; an actor at a haunted house


Rayal ran: An ambiance of serenity

Rayal lar: A calm or soothing feeling or environment

Rayal ren: To becalm or soothe someone

Rayal ron: Serene ; easily becalmed, especially by logical reasoning

Raydon ten: Courage

Raydon lar: Warrior

Raydon ren: To act bravely ; To fight courageously ; To attack fear directly ; To attack Fear elemental monsters in an elementally advantaged and specialized way

Raydon ron: Courageous ; Brave

Rag.gav ten: Decorum of Consent

Rag.gav ran: Consent (as an abstract object that can be given, received, or taken back)

Rag.gav lar: A signature on a contract

Rag.gav ren: To ask for Consent

Rag.gav ron: Consensual

Rag.gav laren: To make it clear that you respect Consent or someone's related sense of autonomy ; The event of a contract being signed or validated

Rag.gav bin: No means No! ; Leave me be!

(Note: Due to the nature of this word as often relating to informal affairs, the -lar form can be validly used in place of -ran for the abstract object, such that Ragavlar could mean a signature giving consent or the consent itself, whether it is a binding kind of consent or not.)

(Note 2: In case anyone asks, this word is not being put in to placate any group, but rather simply because it is a word that exists in some form in both English and Agirowen, and for that matter the author of this dictionary feels that it is an important topic to be able to discuss regardless of one's feelings or lack thereof about the topic's usage.)

Rag.gav.voy.yik ten: The Caring Power

Rag.gav.voy.yik ran: The healing aura of a highly caring person who is most strong in the heart

Rag.gav.voy.yik lar: The healing power of someone's caring nature ; the restoration of one's caring strength in one's heart

Rag.gav.voy.yik ren: To care for someone in a deeply passionate or unneccesarily altruistic or self-sacrificial way

Rag.gav.voy.yik ron: Caring or altruistically kind to a fault (idiomatically)

Rag.gav.voy.yik laren: To show caring in an extremely shocking way that mends someone's heart or restores their faith in humanity

Rag.gav.voy.yik renlar: A Binding Battery or Decorum of Caring while they are on duty

Rag.gav.voy.yik bin: I love you too much to do that! Don't leave me, I truly care about you!

Rag.gav.voy.yik.dor ren: To help someone in a timid or slow manner for fear of startling them

Raster ten: {The general concept of Cutting someone Free from binding chains} Cutting, Freedom

Raster ran: Freedom from binding chains, concrete or figurative ; A successful Escape from a prison or tyrannical leader

Raster lar: Claws ; Chain cutting tools ; Tool or weapon designed to help free people from oppression

Raster ren: To free someone from danger or oppression ; To literally or figuratively break the chains that bind someone to a bad place or situation ; To tear off someone's clothing or armor in order to improve their bodily receptiveness to healing or proper medical treatment ; To abruptly slash something but only damage or hit the outermost surface or shell of it

Raster renlar: An Anarchist or Revolutionary warrior who tries to fight back against a legal or governmental system because they believe that such is the right thing to do and because it matches up with their personal strict moral compass (Just think of my sona Marcus Liton for this one, if you know about that, since voyik embodies this word and even this general concept to the utmost)

Raster laren: Operation to free prisoners ; Revolt


Kar.sat.tal.yan ten: Formality or ettiquette

Kar.sat.tal.yan lar: A social norm ; a rule of ettiquette ; a formality

Kar.sat.tal.yan ron: Graceful or careful in one's movements or mannerisms ; formally proper

Kas.ser ten: Friendship ; Unity

Kas.ser lar: A Union or Team

Kas.ser ren: Unite ; make friends ; strengthen community bonds

Kas.ser ron: United ; harmonious ; cooperative as a team ; socially adept

Kas.ser renlar: A team leader ; one who unifies a team spell or team effort ; a community builder ; an includer

Kas.ser.dor ren: To sympathize with someone who feels lonely

Kastan ten: Backward Movement

Kastan lar: Back-tracking ; disagreement

Kastan ren: To step back ; to disagree ; to retrace one's steps

Kastan bin: No!

Kastandor ren: To wander too far forward ; to be unable to go back the way you came

Kastandor bin: Come back!

Kastanlit ren: To think about the past

Kastanlit ron: Nostalgic

Kastun bin: Forward Movement

Kastun lar: Progress ; agreement

Kastun ren: To step forward ; to agree ; to get a headstart

Kastun bin: Yes!

Kastundor ren: To get stuck overthinking the past ; to get left behind too far, unable to catch up

Kastundor bin: Snap out of it!

Kes.sen ten: Partnership

Kes.sen ran: Acquaintance or friend (especially someone you are on good terms with, but don't feel close to, but might feel that you will soon become much closer friends with them)

Kes.sen lar: Friend (especially a close friend or best friend)

Kes.sen ren: To make friends ; to build a deeper platonic bond with someone

Kes.sen ron: [Extremely] Friendly [for good reason] ; Deeply attached to someone in a platonic way

Kam.mer.ray ten: Affection ; Generous Kindness

Kam.mer.ray ren: To engage in intimate affectionate activities ; to be affectionate with everyone equally and fairly across the community

Kam.mer.ray ron: Related to intimate affection

Kam.mer.ray yun: Literally “Affection Land” or “Affection Country”, this is the native name for Chinereya

(Note: Chinereya is actually a loanword that is a stylized variant of Kamerayun. It is formatted to be valid with Japanese pronunciation, and is meant to sound like it would make some sense in an Anime. Hence it is “Chi ne re ya”, or in Japanese characters, チネレヤ )

Kam.mur.rey ten: Lust

Kam.mur.rey ren: To arouse or seduce someone

Kam.mur.rey ron: Aroused ; Blindsided by lust

Kurey ten: Rotation

Kurey lar: A rotation ; a circular revolution around a visibly obvious center point ; a daze or bout of dizziness that requires rest

Kurey ren: To spin

Kurey ron: In the middle of spinning ; dizzy ; in the middle of a cycle with definitive endpoints, whether by unified popular consensus or the actual nature of the cycle

Kureykurey.nognog ten: Vast Confusion

Kureykurey.nognog ren: To inflict Vast Confusion in a difficult to cure way or so strongly that it takes an absurd amount of time to rest to recover from it

Kureykurey.nognog ron: Vastly Confused to the point of being unable to think clearly enough to form a question that could resolve one's confusion ; Vastly Confusion to the point that one forgets whether it was originally physical or mental dizziness that caused this state


Vor ten: Reliable Resource Availability

Vor ran: A overall feeling of having stable and reliable resource inflow

Vor lar: A steady inflow/source of resources

Vor ren: To acquire resources (especially to acquire them easily enough as to not need to worry about not finding enough)

Vor ron: Readily available or steady ; Well maintained with a surplus of resources

Vor laren: A hunt or search for resources (especially a confident one)

Vor renlar: A hunter or gathered of resources ; Someone who organizes resource acquisition and distribution

Vorgen ten: Necessity

Vorgen lar: A need ; a Requirement or Prerequisitve

Vorgen ren: To need (something) ; To require (that someone do something) ; (for a situation or object) to demand attention

Vorgen ron: Important ; Necessary ; Mandatory

Vorgendar ten: Good/Virtuousness

Vorgendar lar: A [Moral] Virtue

Vorgendar ren: To act in a wholesome and clearly virtuous manner

Vorgendar ron: Virtuous ; Good (as in “feeling good” just as much as in “doing good in the world”. Agirowen speakers treat those as similar things, partially since they presume those who do bad feel bad about it)

Vorgendarm: (Proper noun) Good Creature ; Critter (this is actually the generic term used to refer to a creature or a person. It is respectful in a generic way.)

Vanar: Of ; upon ; inside of ; within (This is the Agirowen version of the Argon word "arar", and is used as a conjuction and a preposition at the same time. It is most formally translated as "within the context of" or “within the scope of”. Basically, it is a conjunction that implies that the objects or activities in the clause that are before it/to the left of it, belong in some way to the objects or context events that come after it. For example, "Barlar vanar bersonlar" in Agirowen, or "Barmar arar personar" in Argon, means "the Bear of the person" or more specifically "the Bear belonging to the person". This usage of vanar/arar is quite familiar to anyone who uses Spanish, Italian, or similar languages, with prepositions like "de" or "di" serving similar purposes in such statements. However, vanar/arar can also be used for things like, for example, "Kestanbin litonren vanar gartonlar gantonren waskaron", which is literally translated as "Not [I] understand within-the-context-of you are sad", but really means "I do not understand that you are sad", but the use of vanar here specifies that while the listen is sad, or rather within the situational context of the listener being sad, the speaker does not understand something about the situation in general, even if the speaker understands the listener's sadness. If instead it is specifically that the speaker does not understand the listener's sadness, perhaps thinking that they understand everything else about the situation but finding the listener's sadness out of place anyways, they would say “Kestanbin litonren gartonron waskaron”, which literally means “Not [I] understand your sadness”.)

Vanaron = Belonging to (This is a variant of Vanar that is used only for possession, and is used either when using Vanar instead would change the meaning of the sentence or when someone really wants to use a possessive pronoun but can't use one since the object in question has no gender. Needless to say, the grammar of these two uses is slightly different, but it should be obvious how. If it's not obvious, feel free to contact the writer of this dictionary about it, but I doubt it.)

Vondan: With ; Alongside (Yet another conjunction that, among other things, can be used as a substitute for Vanar, in this case either to clarify an ambiguity or to make the sentence more readable that if all instances of Vanar's function used Vanar. That said, this conjunction does have a somewhat different meaning, just not usually a vastly different one. Where it matters is when differentiating between two events happening in the same area/scope, or happening in parallel in different areas/scopes, when either is a possible interpretation of the sentence.)

Von: And (Used in numeric expressions, like “Narsey von Dansey Butrutlar” for saying “1 plus 5 Dogs” (which will actually be interpreted by a Chinereyan speaker of Agirowen as meaning “6 Dogs”, since that's just how their number system works and they are accustomed to it), and also in lists, like “Generen Butrutlar von Kitritlar von Gustinrenlar”, which means “[We] Have a Dog and a Cat and a Bird”.)

Vonren: Plus, literally “To Add” or “To And” (For more mathematical or logical uses of “And” than Von covers.)

Vok ten: Inwardness ; Introspection

Vok lar: (1st person subject/object pronoun) I/Me ; self-analysis ; the inner space of something

Vok ren: To analyze oneself carefully or critically ; to go inside something

Vok ron: (1st person possessive pronoun) Mine ; Inside ; introspective

Voy.yik ten: Heart Strength

Voy.yik lar: A person who is mainly (or only) strong in the heart ; a floasty artist or lofty philosopher who takes pride in their unique way of caring for the world

Voy.yik ren: To shine forth the strength of one's heart ; to do something using only the strength of ones heart ; to do daily activities with virtue magic even when this clearly is no needed nor significantly better

Voy.yik ron: Heartfelt ; spiritual ; related to properties or activities unique to virtue magic ; Possesive Adjective related to the pronoun Voyik

Voy.yik laren: To use virtue magic for everything ; to judge every situation with intuitive morality, without regard for logical calculation for physical logistics

Voy.yik renlar: A virtue mage ; a person whose only job is as an artist or philosopher

Voy.yik: Proper Noun, this one is another “Gender” Pronoun, this time for Binding Batteries, as well as for artists or philosophers who feel that their main (or only) strength is in their beautiful heart.


Dar.gen ten: Stability

Dar.gen ren: To stop, to pause in order to regain one's balance

Dar.gen ron: Slow and steady

Dar.gen.dor ten: Persistence

Dar.gen.dor ren: To persist in attempting something ; to repeat ; to iterate in a cyclical manner

Dargendorn: (Proper Noun) Name that means “Persistence” that several famous warriors have. (The most notable example in my stories about Chinereya is Dargendorn Kunser, whose full name means “Persistence Self-Sacrifice”, though Kunser really means “helping others at some noticeable cost to oneself, regardless of whether or not one considers that cost significant”, and is the guild name for Binding Batteries and the Gargentens that work most closely with them in their mission to heal the world with magical self-sacrifice. Dargendorn Kunser is the Gargenten of Persistence.)

Dar.gen.tor.gen ten: Strictness ; Law Enforcement

Dar.gen.tor.gen lar: A drill sergeant ; a police officer ; a law-enforcement soldier or scout

Dar.gen.tor.gen ren: To punish children sharply, especially more than necessary ; to enforce a law or formal policy ; to act on behalf of a law-maker or judge in punishing a convicted criminal

Dar.gen.tor.gen ron: Very strict ; known for sharp punishment or strict leadership ; strongly concerned with the letter of the law and insisting upon following it

Dar.gen.tor.gen renlar: A Lawyer or Law enforcer (especially one notorious for being very strict about sharply exacting justice no matter how petty the infraction)

Dan.gon ten: Innocence (as opposed to intimacy)

Dan.gon ran: SFW Content

Dan.gon lar: Innocent child

Dan.gon ren: To assert innocence or fight to protect it ; To identify as Ace ; to act in an innocent child-like manner

Dan.gon ron: Innocent ; Child-Friendly ; Wholesome

Dan.gon laren: The act or event of censoring NSFW content to make it SFW and then showing it to children once it is clean enough for them to view

Dan.gon renlar: A Whitefire Warrior or other professional trained to fight to protect innocence in one way or another ; A censoring fuzz/bar/whiteout (but only a truly effective one)

Dan.gon yun: Hatching grounds/Child birth clinic ; Daycare/Preschool (essentially, place where most or all of the expected residents are newborns, babies, or small children)

Related special words:

-dangonyon: Innocence honorific (An honorific used when speaking aloud that shows respect for someone's child-like innocence, or their compliance with requests to not make affection advances.)

(Cultural Note: Calling someone merely “Dangonyon” or attaching this honorific to a new acquaintance's name is considered a generic polite way to address a new acquaintance or someone you don't know but are now talking to anyways. Honorifics are a much bigger deal in spoken Agirowen than in written Agirowen, and this is the most generic of them. However, note that Agirowen's honorifics don't tend to match up with Japanese ones, since -dangonyon is theoretically just as much like -kun as like -san even though those are not only not interchangeable, but actually relate to different contexts and politeness levels, and for that matter care about age whereas Agirowen only cares about virtues when deciding which honorific to use, with -dangonyon being generic in the sense that it is considered acceptable to use even if you do not know the person you are addressing well enough to know which virtue to emphasize when addressing them.)

Dan.kalver ten: Clothing (literally Soft Armor)

Dan.kalver lar: Clothes (especially fluffy clothing that offers great protection) ; Armor worn for fashion purposes rather than necessity (which is how Chinereyan fashion works, since normal clothing is not allowed in Chinereya in most places, so all they would have is armor even when it comes to fashion. That said, Plushing Meray Creatures pull it off well, especially since their armor is soft and fluffy anyways) ; Thick fur that offers good protection

Dan.kalver ren: To protect someone with softness ; To clothe oneself (especially with fashionable armor)

Dan.kalver: (Proper noun) A type of living cloth creature often confused for a mummy but being unrelated to one and having a much more continuous body and having a much more lighthearted origin. It is a living suit of clothing armor that can equip itself onto someone else and be worn as extra sturdy but soft protection. (Btw, this isn't a creature I came up with. A Furry named Adder Jones came up with it, and Dan kalver is really just my conlang and world's name for his kind, though from what I've heard his species has changed a bit since then to be a hybrid of this and a Panther.)

Day.yan.gor ten: Versatality

Day.yan.gor ren: To adapt ; to change one's behaviour ; to change one's shape in a functionally significant way

Day.yan.gor ron: Adaptable ; versatile

Dayangorn: (proper noun) a Shapeshifter creature whose most famous trait is that it is permanently of indeterminate form (that is, it has not true default form, and when forced to devolve to default form it becomes a visually confusing swirling blob of amorphous material, energy, and color/light)

Dis.tar ten: Evil (as a general concept)

Dis.tar lar: Demon

Dis.tar ren: To do something very evil or obviously viceful ; to directly cause a definitively inexcusable injustice ; to commit a heinous crime

Dis.tar ron: Incredibly evil or vile

Dis.ter ten: Monstrosity (as a general concept)

Dis.ter lar: Monster ; vile beast

Dis.ter ren: To do something horrendous or socially inexcusable ; to do something in an unseemly manner that alienates oneself ; to act foreign in a way that associates one with an enemy nation's culture ; to severely betray one's true purpose or political loyalty

Dis.ter ron: Traitorous ; fulfilling a purpose opposite that of its original creation, or otherwise inhibiting rather than helping the cause it was meant to be used for

Dis.tir ten: Corruption (as a general concept)

Dis.tir lar: A corrupted creature ; something that has been distorted by darkness or other sense inhibiting or interfering substances or forces, such that it directly appears to be something it is not (and this word usually implies that this was an intentional deception crafted by dark arts)

Dis.tir ren: To commit a crime ; to defile something sacred ; to act corrupted, improper, or strange in a dangerous way

Dis.tir ron: Corrupted ; distorted

Dis.tor ten: Trickery ; Naughtiness

Dis.tor lar: Naughty trickster ; improper or obscene prankster ; something that has been distorted to appear different than it actually is (but probably accidentally and not as severely as it would be if it was intentional)

Dis.tor ren: To do something naughty or obscene ; to be affectionate in an uncoventional or frowned upon way

Dis.tor ron: Affectionately naughty ; playful with improper or obscene things that ought to be treated with more seriousness and distanced respect

Dis.tur lar: A flaw or mistake ; A petty crime ; An infraction that violates the letter of the law but not the spirit of it

Dis.tur ren: To commit a crime that was only a crime for reasons of outdated or no longer valued laws or minor policies ; to play around in a way more acceptable if children do it, but likely to get an adult scolded ; to make a mistake that is not technically wrong, but certainly sub-optimal

Dis.tur ron: A bit odd or out of place ; Wrong, but in an easily excusable or minimally harmfully way ; Flawed, but only a degree as to be imperfect or sub-optimal, rather than requiring serious remedy

Dis.tur renlar: A clumsy or not very careful or organized person, who often does things sub-optimally or not as directed, but still does okay or fairly good work overall ; Someone you feel disappointed in or mildly annoyed by but who has not done something that causes you serious enough trouble to be able to act against them for it, someone you dislike for petty reasons and probably will continue to dislike for only petty reasons


Bar ten: Ursine (based on Appearance)

Bar lar: A creature that looks like a bear or similar ursine

Bar ren: To act in a manner that visually resembles that of a bear or similar ursine

Bar ron: Visually similar in some clear and direct way to a bear or similar ursine

Bay.yer ten: Generosity

Bay.yer lar: Volunteer ; Helper ; energy or resources that were the result of direct generation

Bay.yer ren: To help ; to generate energy

Bay.yer ron: Helpful ; Generous

Bay.yer renlar: Generator ; one who manages or directly participates in the generation or production of resources, especially in the “innovative and eco-friendly” kind of way

Bay.yer laren: To freely give energy or resources you generated yourself

Bay.yen ten: Charity

Bay.yen lar: Gift

Bay.yen ren: To give forth an object as a gift ; to give currency as a donation rather than expecting something in return

Bay.yen ron: Gifted to someone ; charitably donated

Bay.yen renlar: A notable sponsor ; someone who continues to repeatedly donate to a particular charity organization

Bay.yen laren: The event of gift giving, especially in regards to a holiday

(How to best remember the difference in meaning: Bayeren gives time and effort freely, Bayenren gives forth things, like money and gifts.)

(A potentially helpful mnemonic: Bayeren the Batter-y energizes Bayenlaren at season's end.)

Bersen ten: New Birth (New Life)

Bersen lar: Life Spark(s)

Bersen ren: To give Life Sparks to a potential Birth Giver

Bersen ron: Pregnant ; Incubating ; Prototypical

Bersen laren: The event of life sparks being transferred to a Birth Giver ; The event of becoming pregnant

Bersen renlar: One who is directly involved in the creation of new life

(Related words, most of which are lore-specific, include...

Voy.yik-bersen renlar: Birth Giver

Gargen-bersen renlar: Life Giver

Mur.rey-bersen renlar: Overseer of Life Sparks ceremonies/rituals ; Pregnancy-specialist doctor

Mur.rey-giygar: A special third person in certain kinds of Gigarships who acts as a personal overseer of a couple's private Life Sparks ceremony, and also a midwife.)

(This page's entry has both a lore specific version of a word and the more general version of the word. Feel free to skip past the lore one if it confuses you.)

(General Version)

Bersen.nar ten: Life Force (as an element or general essence)

Bersen.nar lar: The energy of Life Force

Bersen.nar ren: To give Life Force to something ; To heal with Life Force rather than a more specific healing method

Bersen.nar ron: Brimming with vitality ; Lively

(Lore version)

Bersen.nar ten: “Life as a Force rather than something that merely exists to be consumed by creatures” (quoted from the Legend of the Five Diamonds, which has both an Agirowen version And an English version)

Bersen.nar lar: The Life Force Laser of the Five Diamonds, it comes forth as a bright light

Bersen.nar ren: To harness the power of the Life Force Laser directly, as a Binding Battery, a Life Force Generator of Caring power

Bersen.nar ron: Expressing one's virtue as power directly, in a manner analogous to how the light of the Five Diamonds does

Bersen.bay.yen ten: Birth Giving

Bersen.bay.yen lar: A baby or very young newborn ; an older person acting like a baby

Bersen.bay.yen ren: To give birth

Bersen.bay.yen ron: Fresh, like new ; infantile

Bersen.bay.yen laren: Birthday ; the event of new birth ; the act of giving birth

Bur.rey ten: Attractiveness ; Beauty/Handsomeness

Bur.rey lar: An attractive or beautiful fashion or gesture

Bur.rey ren: To attract others, especially for affectionate purposes ; to show off one's beauty

Bur.rey ron: Attractive ; beautiful


Sub ten: Supportiveness

Sub ran: A sense of empowerment

Sub lar: A compliment or words of encouragement ; a Boost, Support, or Empowerment spell

Sub ren: To encourage ; to compliment in a sincere and meaningful way

Sub renlar: A bouncy supporter kid ; a fan or personal supporter

Sub laren: To act starstruck ; to make art representing one's grandiose view of a celebrity

(Note: Superonren Kunser's first name is related to this word, being the Argon form of the word Subrenlar. The Argon stem for Supportiveness is Super, with Sub {which meant “Weaken” in Argon} switching meanings as Agirowen speakers lost the ability to articulate /p/ as the language evolved. Agirowen used Dis.sub as the root for “Weaken”, as it is the corrupt opposite of “Boost” or “Encourage”.)

Sub.voy.yik.kar ten: The Binding Might of Empowerment (a variant of Binding Battery power)

Sub.voy.yik.kar lar: A strength of the heart (spirit) that empowers or inspires others ; and inspiring aura from someone's bouncy or encouraging personality

Sub.voy.yik.kar ren: To empower someone with the strength of one's heart (spirit) ; to use the Binding Might of Empowerment ; to use passive empowerment spells with one's aura

Sub.voy.yik.kar ron: Naturally empowering and inspiring to the soul ; Enlightening or inspirational


Nak ten: Largeness ; Size (in the sense of taking up a noticeable amount of space)

Nak ren: To grow [someone] ; To become or act large

Nak ron: Large ; Full-grown ; Well grown

Nay.yer ten: Smallness ; Compression

Nay.yer lar: A small object ; A compressed or compacted object

Nay.yer ren: To shrink [someone] ; To compress [something]

Nay.yer ron: Small ; compacted

Nay.yer laren: Compacting process (as an event)

Nay.yer.buk lar: Dwarf

Nay.yer.buk ren: To imitate well or speak well of Dwarves

Nir.riy.yan lar: A pet ; someone who is pampered or paid for tricks they do rather than productive work

Nir.riy.yan ren: To pamper or care for someone or something as if they were a pet

Nog ten: Confusion

Nog ren: To inflict confusion

Nog ron: Confused or dazed

Nog laren: To act upon idea from confused brain as event (btw, that sentence has intentionally bad grammar, both for a bit of comedy and for a large dose of case-in-point.)


Mer.ray ten: Rebirth

Mer.ray lar: a Refresh/Respawn/Rebirth

Mer.ray ren: To Refresh/Make someone be reborn

Mur.rey ten: Mental Strength

Mur.rey lar: One who is strong in the mind ; a nerd (in the complimentary sense of being studious) ;

Mur.rey ren: To think ; to ponder

Mur.rey ron: Strong in the mind ; having the mannerisms of a nerd, scholar, or othe such intellectual

Mew ten: Eating (as a general concept)

Mew ran: The feeling of being full after eating ; The enjoyment of eating

Mew lar: Food ; meal (as an object)

Mew ren: To eat

Mew ron: Hungry

Mew laren: A regularly occuring meal (as an event)

Mew renlar: Someone who seems to be always eating, almost as if they thought their job was to eat

Mew bin: Eat, eat! ; I'm stuffed, thank you! ; I'm too full to eat that!

Mew.mur.rey ten: Extreme enjoyment of eating in any way ; addicted to food or eating

Mew.mur.rey lar: Werebeast ; Furray/Furry ; Voreigner

Mew.mur.rey ren: To enjoy eating more than most would ; to eat out of addiction ; to snack when not hungry

Mew.mur.rey ron: Voracious (especially in the way a Werebeast would be)


Yargen ten: Justice

Yargen ren: To thoroughly punish a criminal ; to slay a wild beast or monster

Yanyar ten: Happiness

Yanyar lar: A smile

Yanyar ren: To enjoy something ; to smile

Yanyar ron: Happy ; enjoyable (experience)

Yanyar bin: Hello! (said cheerfully)

(The happy greeting word, said on a normal, cheerful day, when one is feeling in a good mood overall, even if some minor things disturb it.)


Waskar ten: Sadness ; Water

Waskar lar: Sorrow ; Tears (from crying)

Waskar ren: To cry ; To douse something (especially something or someone who melts and/or dies from being doused) ; To drown

Waskar ron: Sad (regarding a person) ; Forlorn or Causing Sadness (of an object) ; Wet

(Note: most uses of this word are affected by the perspective of Meray Creatures as beings whose biology makes touching water injurious and being submerged in water fatal for them. It takes a lot longer for them to respawn if they died due to water. As such, this word has just as many connotations and denotations of grief and sorrow as it does denotations of getting wet (and especially, getting harmed because of getting wet), so this word has a very distinctive meaning in Chinereya. On Earth, it would probably just be interpreted to mean Water as an element, though it could still be used for sadness in statements that are otherwise clearly about feelings, since saying “I feel sad today” is much more normal conversation than saying “I feel wet today”.)

(However, there is a use of Waskar- that does not normally carry the more grim connotations, and it is the following one: )

Waskarbin: Hello! (said sorrowfully)

(The sad greeting word, which one uses when one is just feeling way too down today or at the moment to muster the same cheerful energy as “Yanyarbin” usually carries.)

Wes.tever.res ten: Contentment

Wes.tever.res ren: To be content with one's current situation or belongings


Lit ten: Logic

Lit ran: True (as a binary logical value)

Lit lar: the Truth

Lit ren: To logically compute ; to tell the truth that is logically truthful with regards to the actual situation or state of the world (whether or not one happens to honestly believe the truth that one speaks)

Lit ron: Logically True or accurate

(Note: Litran is used with the verb for “to have”, specifically “X generen litran” means “X has the value True”. In contrast, Litlar and Litron are used with the verb for “to be”, as in the sentences “Garnarlar gantonren litlar” which means “That is the truth (of the situation)”, and “Garnarlar gantonren litron” which means “That is true/correct”)

Lit.ton ten: Honesty

Lit.ton lar: Honest truth ; logical data ; knowledge

Lit.ton ren: To learn ; to tell the truth ; to logically compute

Lit.ton ron: Honest, truthful ; logical

Agirowen to English Dictionary, part Negative

Dis.giston ren: To bully someone

Dis.giston ron: Mean or rude (unkind)

Dis.giygan.nak lar: A tall tale ; an overestimate

Dis.giygan.nak ron: Exaggerated ; Larger than Life (semi-literally)

Dis.giygan.nak bin: That's too good to be true!

Dis.tim.ton ren: To push on something weakly or ineffectually : To attempt to use strength one does not have and in so doing reveal one's weakness

Dis.tim.ton ron: Weak : Unable to exert meaningful force on things one needs to move

Dis.raydon lar: A coward

Dis.raydon ren: To flee in fear

Dis.raydon ron: Timid or easily spooked

Dis.vor ran: A deficit of resources ; the pain, both physical and emotional, caused by not having enough resources

Dis.vor lar: A famine, drought, or other disastrous deficit of resources or means by which to acquire resources

Dis.vor ren: To run out of resources ; To use up resources too quickly

Dis.vor yin: To run low or run out of money ; To go into debt (especially unexpectedly)

Dis.sub ren: To weaken someone ; To criticize them more harshly than necessary and in so doing dishearten them.

Dis.sub ron: Weakened ; Discouraged : Disheartened

Dis.nay.yer.buk.sen lar: A dissenter of the commonplace mentality of favoring Dwarves ; someone who tends to devalue or underestimate the significance of people or objects that they interact with

Dis.nay.yer.buk.sen.dor ren: To treat major details as insignificant merely because they look small ; to belittle someone because they are small (especially someone with a lot of fame or strength that is not obvious from their apperaance) ; to speak badly of Dwarves

Dis.nak lar: An obvious lie about the real size of something

Dis.nak ron: Dishonest overexaggeration or overselling ; False advertising

Dis.nak bin: That's false advertising!

Agirowen's “ABCs”: Garm Ten Ran Kan Vorn Darm Barm Sub Norm Mer Yan Wan Lar

Appendix 1: Syllables that have a specific meaning on their own (and thus, can have a word role suffix attached directly to them, but also can help one understand the meaning of longer stems that include them). Note that some of these are special pairs of syllables that tend to appear together and don't have the same meaning (and sometimes don't even have a meaning at all) on their own.

Gar: Solid/Physical

Gen: Stability

Gon: Hard

Gos: Boulder

Ton: Flow

Kurey: Spin

Vor: Resource supply

Vok: Self

Dan: Soft

Dis: Corruption/Distortion/Dark opposite of

Bis: Sharp

Sub: Encouragement/Supportivess

Nak: Big

Nog: Confusion

Nayer: Small

Meray: Rebirth

Murey: Mind

Mew: Eat

Yar: Holy

Lit: Truth

Appendix 2: Word role suffixes that stand alone with their meaning as a word when doubled (used much more heavily in Argon than Agirowen, but still valid in Agirowen)

Ran => Ranran: Abstraction/Intangibility

Ren => Renren: Action/Movement

Dor => Dordor: Compliment/Supplement/Compatible opposite

Bin => Binbin: Interjection/Emphatic Stress

Sey => Seysey: Number/Numeral

Yen => Yenyen: Color

Yin => Yinyin: Currency/Unit

Yon => Yonyon: Honorific/Honor

Yun => Yunyun; Country/Land

Wan => Wanwan: Assertion

Wen => Wenwen: Doubt

Win => Winwin: Exclamation

Won => Wonwon: Denial

Wun => Wunwun: Question/Interrogation

Lar => Larlar: Object


“renbin ... binren” is a construct used as “magical programming braces”, used to enclose a sentence meant to be used as an impromptu incantation.


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