
HASKELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL & STEM MAGNET HASKELL HERALDAUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2015Website: Dear Haskell Parents/Guardians,It is my pleasure to welcome all our Haskell families and friends back for another great school year! I look forward to working with our entire school community to keep our students achieving.Thanks to our generous PTA, we are thrilled to begin another new school year with our great website! Special thanks go to our wonderful teachers and support staff for their outstanding efforts, and to all of our parents who support student achievement by working with their child(ren) on a daily basis. Parents, you are an integral part of your child’s education! Discussing your child’s daily homework, seeing that they come to school on time every day, volunteering, attending monthly Coffee with the Principal meetings, Back to School/Open House events and Parent Conferences, promoting the Six Pillars of character through our Character Counts! program, and seeing that your child reads every day are important ways to support their education. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a few new additions to our teaching staff. First, please welcome Ms. Vivian Perez-Kennedy, our new Assistant Principal, who will be on campus 2-3 days per week. We also are thrilled to welcome two new teachers to our resident school campus: Ms. Lauren Varon, (1st/2nd grade) and Ms. Janice Ben-Aderet (5th grade). Mrs. Jill Kleinberg, who last year did an outstanding job as our Intervention Teacher, will return to the classroom this year as a second grade teacher. One of our Resident school teachers, Ms. Stacy Lieberman, has also moved into the newly added 5th Grade Magnet position. We are excited to begin this year with so many wonderful teachers as we transition to a full STEAM Magnet (in 2016-2017).I am also sad to announce that Ms. Linh Casebier, our Primary Special Day Teacher, has been accepted into a new program at Lokrantz Special Education Center. Her promotion leaves a vacancy in Room 11, and we will be filling this opening before school starts. Our fabulous Parent Center Director, Ms. Ana Castillo, also will not be returning to Haskell this year. She has accepted a full-time position at another site, and although we are extremely proud of her accomplishments, and happy for her, we will keenly feel her loss. It also means that we must begin the search for a new Parent Center Director. If you are interested in this position and would like more information, please contact the office for details or to make an appointment for an interview.In order for children to succeed in school, they need to attend school! Congratulations to all those students who came to school every day on time! This year the attendance target moves even higher. Please be sure to do your part and see that your child comes to school on time, every day!Based on the results of a June Parent Survey regarding a School Uniform policy, over 70% of those returned indicated that parents favored the adoption of a school uniform policy. We will be holding a series of information meetings to draft this policy beginning with the Spring 2016 semester. Please look for the flyer announcing the first informational meeting, which will be held in the Parent Center at 8:15 a.m. during our first Coffee with the Principal, on August 25. Haskell is also famous for its Parent Outreach programs! We are especially thankful for your participation and support! At Haskell, there are so many opportunities for parents to become involved in their child’s education, from serving on our advisory council or governing committees, to volunteering in the office or classroom, to attending monthly Coffees with the Principal. Stop by and visit our Parent Center in Room 27 under the direction of our Community Representative, open daily from 8:30-11:30 a.m. This is a place where parents can drop in throughout the school day to visit, have a cup of coffee and a snack, share news and information, attend workshops, volunteer to assist teachers, and be a vital part of our school community. Younger siblings are welcome! Please come in and get involved in our school—we need you! We are also grateful for Haskell’s wonderful teaching and support staff. I am honored to be working with all of these dedicated professionals! From the teachers, paraprofessionals and front office technicians, to the Custodial and Cafeteria staff, all of them care deeply about the educational and emotional well-being of your children, and we are so fortunate to have them on our team.I look forward to seeing our continuing students and their parents again, and I extend a warm welcome to the many new families in both the resident and magnet schools. You make our Haskell Community great! I look forward to getting to know each and every one of our Haskell Rascals!Sincerely, Lorie Thompson*************************************************************************CALLING ALL INTERESTED PARENTS! HASKELL HAS AN OPENING FOR PARENT CENTER DIRECTOR! Are you a Haskell parent? Would you like to become even more involved in helping students, teachers, staff and other parents? Then this might be the role for you! What does the Parent Center Director do? Among other things, s/he: maintains the Parent Center; organizes and directs parent classes and workshops; acts as a liaison between teachers, support staff and parents; trains and oversees parent volunteers and their activities; attends District parent meetings; and provides information for parents on all our programs. This is a part-time position (12 hours per week) which runs from August through June. If you are interested in applying for this position or would like more information, please speak to our office staff or to Ms. Daisy Fernandez, Coordinator.BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT/ADVISORY COUNCIL ORIENTATION IS THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2015!Haskell parents and teachers will come together for the annual Back to School Night on Thursday, August 27, 2015 for the Resident and Magnet Schools. This year we will hold Back to School Night from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Teachers will share with parents the Common Core State Standards-Based curriculum and the expectations for students and parents – as well as themselves! The standards for each content area will be thoroughly addressed in every classroom, as well as the integration of STEAM elements (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) – to help our students prepare for college and careers. Teachers will also outline their homework schedules and classroom expectations. (Back to School is meant as an overview for the academic program and is not considered a time for Parent Conferences.) Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Immediately following Back to School Night, please join us in the Library from 6:30 – 7:00 p.m. for an informative Advisory Council Orientation meeting. Together we will ensure that Haskell students reach the highest levels of achievement!MAGNET “CHOICES” BROCHURES AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1, 2015!This year, Magnet School “Choices” brochures will not be mailed directly to parents. Brochures will be available at all school sites beginning October 1, 2015, and must be returned to the District no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2015. Haskell has scheduled tours of our Magnet classrooms every Friday at 9:00 a.m. starting October 2, 2015 through Friday, November 13, 2015. If you have any questions regarding the Magnet program, “Choices” Brochure, Haskell’s new designation as a STEAM Magnet School, or would like to schedule a tour, please call Ms. Frances Vargas, Magnet Coordinator at (818) 366-6431.COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL/PARENT ORIENTATION MEETING Please join us for our first Coffee with the Principal meeting, on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 8:15 a.m. in the Parent Center. This month’s topic - our plan to implement a School Uniform policy beginning in 2016. We also will have up to date information on all the wonderful and exciting programs and events this year. You can learn how to become a volunteer, meet other parents and join our Parent Center! Refreshments will be provided and young children are welcome. We look forward to meeting you!EMERGENCY INFORMATION SHEET – PLEASE RETURN PROMPTLYIt is extremely important for your child’s safety and well-being that we have on file a current and updated emergency information sheet. In the event of any emergency, we need to be able to reach a responsible adult. If your child is leaving school with someone other than a parent, that person MUST be listed on the emergency information sheet in order for us to release your child to that person. New addresses and phone numbers need to be kept current. Thank you for your assistance with this critical issue.CONNECT-ED UPDATE!Haskell Elementary is part of the Connect-Ed family, bringing greater communication capability to parents and community members. Connect-Ed is a telephone and email system that allows direct and instant communication between the school and the community on upcoming events. Along with our Haskell website, the school marquee, the Haskell Herald, parent bulletins and assemblies, you will be hearing directly from the school through phone calls regarding Back to School Morning, conferences and other important happenings at Haskell. Be sure to fill out and return the Connect-Ed Parent Contact Information sheet and keep your child’s emergency information sheet up to date so that you can continue to receive important information from our Connect-Ed system.BREAKFAST AND LUNCH APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE!Thank you to the many parents who have already submitted their applications online. There are still many more families that need to take time to complete their online meal application before the deadline. To access the online meal application, you may either log on to the Haskell website at , go to the box labeled NEWS and click on the link to the Cafeteria menus, or you may log on to cafela.. You may also pick up a paper application from the office. Please discuss any questions you may have with our wonderful cafeteria manager, Ms. Cristela Avila. She will be able to answer any concerns you may have. Thank you for getting your applications submitted promptly – this means continued Title I funding for all Haskell students! “CLOSED CAMPUS” POLICYDue to continued safety, security, instructional and attendance concerns, for the 2015-2016 school year, the campus policy for morning drop-off will be as follows:For the first week of school (August 18-21) only, parents may accompany their children onto the playground and walk them to their classroom door. Please do not engage the teacher in a conversation at this time, as it disrupts valuable instructional time for all students. From August 24, 2015 on, parents must wait until the 8:10 bell rings, then sign in at the front office before coming onto campus. Adult supervision on the playground and in the cafeteria area has been increased between 7:40 and 8:10 a.m. The gate on Bermuda St. will be monitored from 8:00 – 8:10 a.m. and will be locked promptly at 8:10.After 8:10 a.m. beginning August 24, 2015 through June, 2016, all students and visitors must check in (including for the Parent Center) at the office after 8:10 before proceeding onto the school grounds. Parents who volunteer for our Breakfast in the Classroom program may sign in between 7:40 – 8:10 a.m. daily). Students who arrive after the 8:10 a.m. bell are considered tardy and must sign in at the office before proceeding to class. Younger siblings are only allowed in the Parent Center and not anywhere else on the campus between 8:10 a.m. and 2:38 p.m. (1:38 p.m. on Banked Tuesdays). We ask all parents to bring their child to school before 8:10 a.m. Please assist us in maintaining good attendance and a safe learning environment for your child! All school gates will remain locked until the dismissal bell at 2:38 (1:38 on Banked Tuesdays).TRAFFIC SAFETY VALET PROGRAM – PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!Haskell needs parent volunteers for our Traffic Safety Valet program! If you are interested, please see our Community Representative, in Room 27. Training is provided. We need you!Parents, please be extra careful about safely dropping your child(ren) off in the morning. Take the time to pull up to the curb, stop your car and let your child(ren) off on the passenger side. We have set up “Traffic Safety Valet - Cone Zones” for drop-off only in front of the school on Tulsa Street. Please do not make U-Turns or double-park during drop-off or pick-up! We ask that you follow these guidelines for your child’s safety. If you cross the street, you need to walk your child across at the corner. Please do not jaywalk or walk through the cones! The time you take to do this could save your child’s life. Please be reminded that for safety reasons, no students are to be dropped off or picked up in either of the staff parking lots. Thank you for making safety a top priority for our Haskell students!Please note the following important information:Learn the school rules. Read the 2015-2016 LAUSD Parent/Student Handbook, available in five languages at schools and online at . Click on “Parents”.Learn about the emergency plan at school/join the Haskell Safety Committee. School staff and students receive annual training in emergency procedures such as earthquake and fire drills. Know what you as a parent/guardian can do in the unlikely event that there is an emergency at your child’s school.Update your child’s emergency contact information sheet and Connect-Ed form whenever home, work or cell phone numbers change so that school personnel can contact you or another appropriate person when an emergency occurs.Know your child’s schedule every day. What time does school begin and end? What time do after-school activities end? Where will you meet your child(ren)?Obey traffic rules around campus and whenever you are dropping off or picking up your children from school. No U-turns, double-parking or jaywalking, please!BANKED TUESDAYS BEGIN EARLY Haskell Elementary will begin its schedule of early dismissal Tuesdays every week, starting Tuesday, August 18, 2015 and ending the last week of school, Tuesday, June 7, 2016. Please remember to pick up your child(ren) at 1:38 p.m. on every Banked Tuesday. Reminder: Kindergarten and First Grade students must be picked up from their classroom immediately after school every day! The office and teaching staff are not able to baby-sit children after school. Students who ride one of our buses will be picked up at 1:38 p.m. every Banked Tuesday beginning August 25, 2015 through April 5, 2016.AFTER SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM PROVIDER CONTINUES AT HASKELL!Haskell welcomes back our after school providers, Youth Development Program (YDP) for the 2015-2016 school year. This program is run by LAUSD’s “Beyond the Bell” Branch under the direction of our fabulous coaches. The YDP program is open to neighborhood and Magnet students in grades K-5 at no cost to parents. The program begins at school dismissal and ends at 6:00 p.m. every school day. All students must be signed out daily by an adult 18 years or older. Class size is 20:1. Students enrolled in the YDP program rotate through four supervised activities: Homework Assistance, Academic Enrichment, Recreation and Read-Aloud. YDP also offers an additional Enrichment component. It is known as the Traveling Enrichment program and consists of a variety of arts, technology and fitness programs, including music, dance and multi-media. These enrichment programs operate on a three-week rotation and conclude with a special performance for all to attend. A daily snack is part of the program. Students are registered through an application process on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested in enrolling your child in the YDP after school program, please see the coaches to pick up an application during the first week of school. YDP staff will be on campus beginning Monday, August 17, 2015, from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to enroll students. Completed applications must be returned to YDP and will not be accepted by the office. YOUTH SERVICES AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM TO CONTINUE!We are pleased to announce that Beyond The Bell’s Youth Services (YS) after-school program will continue for the 2015-2016 school year! This program is open to students in grades 2-5 only. Parents will be required to read and sign an agreement in order for their child to participate in the Youth Services program. Look for the flyer, which will be sent home in the opening packet for parents.AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS ARE BACK!Haskell is pleased to announce that our after-school enrichment programs will be returning for the 2015-2016 school year! We are bringing back the ever-popular Mad Science program, and Lego Robotics, which are for students in grades K-5. There is a small fee for these classes. If you are interested in registering your child for these classes, please look for the information flyer going home with the opening week packet. You may also register online at parker-, or you may call the school office for more information.CHARACTER COUNTS PERFECT ATTENDANCE ASSEMBLIES Student achievement begins with good character! At Haskell, all students are expected to learn and model the Character Counts! Program’s six Pillars of Character: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness, Trustworthiness, and Citizenship. Approximately every two months, assemblies will be held to recognize specific students who have exhibited good character while at school. These students receive a certificate of recognition and other rewards. Parents of the award-winners are invited to attend these exciting assemblies. More information will be sent home before the first assembly. Please assist us by reviewing and practicing the six Pillars of Character with your child.During each Character Counts! assembly, students who maintain perfect attendance for the reporting period (no absences, tardies or leaving school early) will be honored with a certificate and a special key-tag. Students who collect all five Perfect Attendance key-tags throughout the year will be invited to a very special Perfect Attendance Lunch with the Principal, in June 2016. Please assist us by ensuring that your child comes to school every day on time! ................

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