PREFA CE. - University of Toledo


THE advent of Kossuth in the "Gnited States, and the intense interest universally felt in the cause which ne represcnts, create a demand for an American biog? raphy of the distinguished man, and a condensed his? tory of the struggle that summoned him to the council? chamber of State, and to the field of battle. Notices of both hO\'e appeared, and cxcellent books on Hun gary are accessible to all. B ut many current skctches of the :llagyar Chief, and the scencs through which hc passed, arc incorrect. Besides, the people have neither timo nor incl ination to study the annals of any nation, in detached fragments, or elaborate detail; a comprchcn::ivc view of great events and men?, is the morc popular and useful narrative. The volume now offered to the reader is designed to mcet this want. Not only were a number of foreign works consulted, among ,vhich the interesting lIemoirs of Count



Pulszky and his Lady, lind the Annals of Klapko, may he particularly mentioned; but other important facts were furnished by tbe Count, and oy permission the volume is dedicated to him, though it was not possible to submit the pages to his eye for correction.

The brief Introduction by 1Ifr. Greeley is a spirited glance at tbe mission of gifted leaders in reyolutionary times. .A. large part of the Appendix was compiled from sources approved by the noble IIungarian to whom allusion has been made.

This volume is therefore added to the reeords of a \iingular and brave people, whose pantings after free? dom haye an impersonation in LOL"JS KOSSL"TH, with the hope that while it is not devoid of interest, it may elevate the aims of yontb, and teach again the lesson that goodness alone can confer immortality- that moral excellence embalms the memory of even hum. ble benefactors of a struggling race.

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