
Part 2: Controlling Idea StatementContinuing the failing war on drugs in the United States by not legalizing marijuana is more costly to the nation than allowing marijuana to become legal.Annotated Bibliography?ReferencesCurran, W. J. (1972, August 1). Decriminalization, demythologizing, desymbolizing and deemphasizing marijuana. US National Library of Medicine . Retrieved July 8, 2013, from ncbi.nlm.pmc/articles/PMC1530369/?page=1Curran (1972) wrote this article on the first reported by the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse that found many of the same reasons that the supporters today use for the decriminalization of marijuana use. These include that physical and psychological harm only come from heavy use of marijuana and that marijuana use itself does not contribute to people engaging in violent, aggressive or criminal behavior. The article then goes on to explain why the Commission?€?s report was under fire which is similar to how opponents of decriminalizing marijuana react today, such as claiming automobile accidents will rise or that decriminalizing it makes people believe that marijuana cannot pose any ill health effects. Ghosh, P. (2010, October 19). The pros and cons of drug legalization in the U.S.. International Business Times. Retrieved July 8, 2013, from pros-cons-drug-legalization-us-246712Ghosh (2010) wrote this article before several states passed laws decriminalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use. The article focuses on the economic boon that selling currently illegal drugs in the same fashion as cigarettes and alcohol would be for the states. This would be between the money saved by not having to send marijuana users through the system, not having to employ as many police officers for drug units and profit of sales of the narcotics by the state. The author does discuss the reasons for why opponents of decriminalization of marijuana feel that it is the wrong move to take, such as smaller growers worried about larger corporations putting them out of business, along with social and health concerns over decriminalizing smoking marijuana.NORML Report on Sixty Years of Marijuana Prohibition in the U.S.. (2003, July 12). . Retrieved July 8, 2013, from pdf_files/NORML_Report_Sixty_Years_US_Prohibition. (2003) examines several aspects of criminalization of marijuana use in the United States. The article begins by giving a brief history on the use of marijuana before it was criminalized. Most importantly for this project, it notes the facts and figures of how many arrests are made in America on average for marijuana possession and use, the cost of putting these drug cases through the system, the cost of incarcerating individuals for these particular drug crimes, and inequality in sentencing laws on drug crimes. It makes an interesting point that nonviolent marijuana users can be sentenced to more time in prison than violent criminals. The article also offers similarities between Prohibition and the current criminalization of marijuana use.Sarachan, S. (2012, November 19). Legalizing marijuana. PBS. Retrieved July 9, 2013, from (2012) sat down and interviewed three experts that are for marijuana legalization on what this legalization will impact the country. There are several points made that help to support decriminalization over the war on drugs focusing on marijuana. The experts agree that decriminalizing marijuana will take the profits away from criminals and drug cartels that sell marijuana and put it in the pockets of the government and organizations that sell it. People will not worry over being arrested for possession or using a small amount of marijuana and will no longer seek to purchase it from illegal sources creating a lack of demand for cartels, gangs and drug dealers to sell this particular drug. Scott, D. (2013, May 10). 5 Regulations for Legal Marijuana in Colorado. GOVERNING. Retrieved July 8, 2013, from (2013) focuses on how Colorado is regulating the use of recreational marijuana in the state. It lists five ways that this law is placing regulations on this new industry, and these regulations can help combat all those reasons that critics have on decriminalizing marijuana. They include how marijuana will be treated similarly to alcohol with regard to minimum age to use and prohibition of using a motor vehicle while under the influence. Marijuana sellers must be approved to sell their product similar to how alcohol distilleries are approved. Also, the way that the marijuana is marketed and sold is regulated similar to alcohol and tobacco products.? ................

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