1 - Quia

1. Treaty of Fort Laramie

2. Sitting Bull

3. George Custer

4. Assimilation

5. Dawes Act

6. Battle of Wounded Knee

7. Longhorns

8. Chisholm Trail

9. Long Drive

10. Homestead Act

11. Exodusters

12. Soddy

13. Morrill Act

14. Grange

15. Farmers’ Alliances

16. Populism

17. Bimetallism

18. Gold Standard

19. William McKinley

20. William Jennings Bryan

21. Bessemer Process

22. Thomas Alva Edison

23. Alexander Graham Bell

24. Transcontinental Railroad

25. George Pullman

26. Credit Mobilier

27. Interstate Commerce Act

28. Munn v. Illinois

29. Andrew Carnegie

30. Vertical Integration

31. Horizontal Integration

32. Social Darwinism

33. John D. Rockefeller

34. Sherman Antitrust Act

35. Samuel Gompers

36. American Federation of Labor

37. Eugene V. Debs

38. Industrial Workers of the World

39. Mary Harris Jones

40. Ellis Island

41. Angel Island

42. Melting Pot

43. Nativism


44.Chinese Exclusion Act

45. Gentleman’s Agreement

46. Urbanization

47. American Movement

48. Tenement

49. Mass Transit

50. Social Gospel Movement

51. Settlement House

52. Jane Addams

53. Political Machine

54. Graft

55. Boss Tweed

56. Patronage

57. Civil Service

58. Rutherford B. Hayes

59. James A. Garfield

60. Chester A. Arthur

61. Pendleton Civil Service Act

62. Grover Cleveland

63. Benjamin Harrison

64. Louis Sullivan

65. Fredrick Law Olmstead

66. Orville and Wilbur Wright

67. Booker T. Washington

68. W. E. B. Du Bois

69. Niagara Movement

70. Ida B. Wells

71. Poll Tax

72. Grandfather Clause

73. Segregation

74. Jim Crow Laws

75. Plessey v. Ferguson

76. Debt Peonage

77. Joseph Pulitzer

78. William Randolph Hearst

79. Mark Twain

80. Rural Free Delivery

81. Progressive Movement

82. Florence Kelley

83. Prohibition

84. Muckraker

85. Scientific Management

86. Robert M. La Follette

87. Initiative

88. Referendum

89. Recall

90. Seventeenth Amendment

91. NACW

92. Suffrage

93. Susan B. Anthony


95. Upton Sinclair

96. The Jungle

97. Theodore Roosevelt

98. Square Deal

99. Meat Inspection Act

100. Pure Food and Drug Act

101. Conservation

102. NAACP

103. William Howard Taft

104. Payne-Aldrich Tariff

105. Bull Moose Party

106. Woodrow Wilson

107. Clayton Antitrust Act

108. Federal Trade Commission

109. Federal Reserve System

110. Nineteenth Amendment

111. Imperialism

112. Alfred T. Mahan

113. Pearl Harbor

114. Jose Marti

115. Yellow Journalism

116. U.S.S. Maine

117. George Dewey

118. Rough Riders

119. San Juan hill

120. Treaty of Paris

121. Foraker Act

122. Platt Amendment

123. Protectorate

124. Emilio Aguinaldo

125. John Hay

126. Open Door Notes

127. Boxer Rebellion

128. Panama Canal

129. Roosevelt Corollary

130. Dollar Diplomacy

131. Pancho Villa

132. John Pershing

133. Nationalism

134. Militarism

135. Allies

136. Central Powers

137. Lusitania

138. Zimmermann Note

139. Selective Service Act

140. Convoy System

141. Conscientious Objector

142. Armistice

143. War Industries Board

144. Bernard Baruch

145. Propaganda

146. George Creel

147. Espionage and Sedition Acts

148. Great Migration

149. Fourteen Points

150. League of Nations

151. Treaty of Versailles

152. Reparations

153. War-Guilt Clause

154. Henry Cabot Lodge

155. Isolationism

156. Communism

157. Anarchists

158. Quota System

159. Warren G. Harding

160. Fordney-McCumber Tariff

161. Ohio Gang

162. Teapot Dome Scandal

163. Albert B. Fall

164. Calvin Coolidge

165. Urban Sprawl

166. Installment Plan

167. Prohibition

168. Speakeasy

169. Bootlegger

170. Fundamentalism

171. Clarence Darrow

172. Scopes Trial

173. Flapper

174. Double Standard

175. Harlem Renaissance

176. Price Support

177. Credit

178. Alfred E. Smith

179. Dow Jones Industrial Average

180. Speculation

181. Buying on Margin

182. Black Tuesday

183. Great Depression

184. Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

185. Shantytown

186. Soup Kitchen

187. Bread line

188. Dust Bowl

189. Direct relief

190. Herbert Hoover

191. Boulder Dam

192. Federal Home Loan Bank Act

193. Reconstruction Finance Corporation

194. Bonus Army

195. Franklin Roosevelt

196. New Deal

197. Glass-Steagall Act

198. Federal Securities Act

199. Agricultural Adjustment Act

200. Civilian Conservation Corps

201. National Industrial Recovery Act

202. Deficit Spending

203. Huey Long

204. Eleanor Roosevelt

205. Works Progress Administration

206. National Youth Administration

207. Wagner Act

208. Social Security Act

209. New Deal Coalition

210. Congress of Industrial Organizations

211. The Grapes Of Wrath

212. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

213. Securities and Exchange Commission

214. National Labor Relations Board

215. Parity

216. Tennessee Valley Authority

217. Joseph Stalin

218. Totalitarian

219. Benito Mussolini

220. Fascism

221. Adolf Hitler

222. Nazism

223. Francisco Franco

224. Neutrality Acts

225. Neville Chamberlain

226. Winston Churchill

227. Appeasement

228. Nonaggression Pact

229. blitzkrieg

230. Charles de Gaulle

231. Holocaust

232. Kristallnacht

233. genocide

234. ghetto

235. concentration camps

236. Axis Powers

237. Lend-Lease Act

238. Atlantic Charter

239. Allies

240. Hideki Tojo

241. George Marshall

242. Women’s Auxiliary Army Corp

243. Manhattan Project

244. Office of Price Administration

245. War Production Board

246. Rationing

247. Dwight Eisenhower

248. D-Day

249. George Patton

250. Battle of the Buldge

251. V-E Day

252. Harry S. Truman

253. Douglas MacArthur

254. Chester Nimitz

255. Battle of Midway

256. Kamikaze

257. Hiroshima

258. Nagasaki

259. Nuremberg Trials

260. GI Bill of Rights

261. Congress of Racial Equality

262. Internment

263. United Nations

264. Satellite Nation

265. Containment

266. Iron Curtain

267. Cold War

268. Truman Doctrine

269. Marshall Plan

270. Berlin Airlift

271. North Atlantic Treaty Organization

272. Chiang Kai-shek

273. Mao Zedong

274. 38th Parallel

275. Korean War

276. HUAC

277. Alger Hiss

278. Joseph McCarthy

279. McCarthyism

280. Blacklist

281. H-Bomb

282. John Foster Dulles

283. Brinkmanship

284. Central Intelligence Agency

285. Warsaw Pact

286. Eisenhower Doctrine

287. U-2 Incident

288. Baby Boom

289. Consumerism

290. Conglomerate

291. Franchise

292. Mass Media

293. Federal Communication Commission

294. Beat Movement

295. John F. Kennedy

296. Fidel Castro

297. Berlin Wall

298. Hot Line

299. Limited Test Ban Treaty

300. New Frontier

301. Peace Corps

302. Warren Commission

303. Lyndon Baines Johnson

304. Economic Opportunity Act

305. Great Society

306. Medicare and Medicaid

307. Warren Court

308. Immigration Act of 1965

309. Reapportionment

310. Thurgood Marshall

311. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

312. Martin Luther King Jr.

313. Southern Christian Leadership Conference

314. Sit In

315. Freedom Riders

316. Civil Rights Act of 1964

317. Voting Rights Act of 1965

318. de facto Segregation

319. de jure Segregation

320. Malcom X

321. Nation of Islam

322. Black Panthers

323. Stokely Carmichael

324. Civil Rights Act of 1968

325. Affirmative Action

326. Ho Chi Minh

327. Vietminh

328. Domino Theory

329. Geneva Accords

330. Vietcong

331. Tonkin Gulf Resolution

332. Napalm

333. Agent Orange

334. Draft

335. Free Speech Movement

336. Dove and Hawk

337. Robert Kennedy

338. Tet Offensive

339. George Wallace

340. Richard Nixon

341. Henry Kissinger

342. Silent Majority

343. Kent State University

344. Pentagon Papers

345. War Powers Act

346. Cesar Chavez

347. United Farm Workers Organizing Committee

348. American Indian Movement

349. Feminism

350. Betty Friedan

351. Equal Rights Amendment

352. Counterculture

353. Woodstock

354. Stagflation

355. OPEC

356. Détente

357. Salt I Treaty

358. Watergate

359. Committee to Reelect the President

360. Gerald Ford

361. Jimmy Carter

362. Human Rights

363. Camp David Accords

364. Ayatollah Khomeini

365. National Energy Act

366. Earth Day

367. Environmental Protection Agency

368. Three Mile Island

369. Moral Majority

370. New Right

371. Conservative Coalition

372. Ronald Reagan

373. Reaganomics

374. Supply-side Economics

375. Strategic Defense Initiative

376. Sandra Day O’Connor

377. George H.W. Bush

378. AIDS

379. Mikhail Gorbachev

380. Glasnost

381. Perestroika

382. INF Treaty

383. Sandinistas

384. Tiananmen Square

385. Operation Desert Storm

386. William Jefferson Clinton

387. H. Ross Perot

388. North American Free Trade Agreement

389. Newt Gingrich

390. Contract with America

391. Al Gore

392. George W. Bush

393. Downsize

394. Bill Gates


396. Genetic Engineering

397. Proposition 187

398. 9/11/01

399. War on Terror

400. Patriot Act

Mr. Johnson

Semester 2 Vocabulary List

You Must Know These



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