Grade 11 and 12 English work for 17 April and the weekendDear Grade 11 and 12 English Home LanguageThis is the memo to the comprehension test posted on 6 April. Mark and assess yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Do not become despondent if your answers are not exactly the same as the memo. Part of the learning curve is to learn how to answer a comprehension. This requires reading with comprehension of a variety of material which you might not normally choose to read. As they say, “Practice makes perfect.”PARAGRAPH 11. What is the function of the dashes in the second sentence?2. The dashes separate a clause that interrupts the sentence from the rest of the sentence. 2. Explain why the coronavirus is topical at the moment.2. Covid-19 is a global phenomenon at the core of all news coverage. It overrides any other event in the world. The Covid-19 dominates the news. 3. Discuss whether, according to this paragraph, the article will focus on the personal and professionals fears that we might have concerning coronavirus. Quote a phrase of seven words to substantiate your answer. 2.Instead of focusing on fears the article will focus on how we can find effective solutions to the problems created by the virus. “outside of the immediate fear and concern” 4. Suggest a reason why the coronavirus could be classified as a “unicorn problem”? 2. Globally the virus hit unexpectedly and nobody had a tailor-made solution. Now it requires the world to come up with unique solutions to combat the virus. PARAGRAPH 2 5. In your opinion how would an organisation prove to be resilient during a pandemic like the Covid-19? 2.Businesses that research the lockdown market needs and offer services like online shopping and advertise on social media so that the consumer will stay aware of the company and product. Resilient companies will also look after their employees. 6. What is the function of the hyphen in “ever-evolving”?2.It links “ever and “evolving” to form a compound adjective.PARAGRAPH 37. Discuss the writer’s opinion concerning the functionality of society during the Covid-19 pandemic.merce and social interaction need to continue if we hope to survive the long-term effects of the virus.8 Is the clause “the economic and social contagion we trigger” figurative or literal? Give a reason for your answer.2.Figurative – it is a metaphor to explain consequences that the situation will spark. There is no real gun or trigger.PARAGRAPH 4 Read the sub-heading (blurb) to the article (We are under pressure as business and society to create “unicorn solutions” for “unicorn problems”) and critically evaluate whether according to paragraph 4 the writer believes he has the answer to the “unicorn problems”. 3.The writer clearly believes that technology is key – he calls it “the solution itself”. He also sees it as the answer. In the article he will give the solution to the problem that he addresses in the blurb. PARAGRAPH 510. In your opinion is the example in paragraph 5 applicable to teaching and learning during the lockdown period. Substantiate your answer. 3. It is applicable as quality learning and teaching have to continue online while learners and teachers are on lockdown. Learners still need to pass their grades. The process has to be valid and have integrity.11. From the paragraph quote one word that is an antonym for “being in the same room”. 1.“Remotely” – REMEMBER THE INVERTED COMMAS 12. Critically discuss whether it would always be possible to run businesses remotely where employees are productive. 3.No, it is not always possible. Technical hitches and load shedding could cause problems. Personal problems could prevent the employee from being productive. Lack of motivation while in isolation could also prevent productivity. Bad distance management could also be a barrier to productivity.PARAGRAPH 6 13. Discuss to what extent the writer is a visionary.3.He is a visionary as he is looking beyond the Covid-19 to the next crisis and looking for solutions that will last beyond the present crisis. PARAGRAPH 7 14. From the last paragraph quote three separate words that, according to the writer, are key to finding solutions for the Covid-19 crisis in business.3.“technology” / “adapt’ / “solutions” / “smart” / “together”Choose any three /33/ ANDPASSAGE B 15. Discuss how the cartoon supports the core ideas of PASSAGE A.3.The passage focuses on technology and in the cartoon the computers / notepads have replaced humans. The passage also calls for unusual solutions and the cartoon refers to “out-of-the box creative”. The passage also refers to linking remotely as shown by the linking computers in the cartoon.16. Explain the irony that the cartoon alludes to.2.At a time when we are socially distanced and isolated we have, through social media, become much more connected. At a time of crisis instead of seeing problems we are creatively finding solutions. /5/ TOTAL – 38 ................

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