

Part Outline

1. Sound: Pitch, Dynamics, and Tone Color

Pitch: Highness or Lowness of Sound


Tone Color

Listening Outlines, Vocal Music Guides, and the Properties of Sound

2. Performing Media: Voices and Instruments


Musical Instruments

String Instruments

Woodwind Instruments

Brass Instruments

Percussion Instruments

Keyboard Instruments

Electronic Instruments

3. Rhythm



Accent and Syncopation


4. Music Notation

Notating Pitch

Notating Rhythm

Notating Silence (Rests)

Notating Meter

The Score

5. Melody

6. Harmony

Consonance and Dissonance

The Triad

Broken Chords (Arpeggios)

7. Key

The Major Scale

The Minor Scale

The Key Signature

The Chromatic Scale

Modulation: Change of Key

Tonic Key

8. Musical Texture

Monophonic Texture

Polyphonic Texture

Homophonic Texture

Changes of Texture

9. Musical Form

Techniques That Create Musical Form




Types of Musical Form

Three-Part (Ternary) Form: A B A

Two-Part (Binary) Form: A B

Listening for Form

10. Musical Style

Listening Guides in Part I

• The Firebird: Scene 2, by Igor Stravinsky

• C-Jam Blues, by Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra

• The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op.34, by Benjamin Britten

• Prelude in E Minor for Piano, Op. 28, No. 4, by Frédéric Chopin

• Farandole from L'Arlésienne Suite No.2, by Georges Bizet

• Dance of the Reed Pipes from Nutcracker Suite, by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

• Contradance No. 7 in E Flat Major from Twelve Contradances for Orchestra, by Luwig van Beethoven

Terms in Part I

sound pitch tone

interval octave pitch range; range

dynamics accent decrescendo

diminuendo crescendo tone color; timbre

voice strings woodwind

brass percussion keyboard

register conductor baton

concertmaster bow pizzicato

double stop vibrato mute

tremolo harmonics plectrum

reed single-reed woodwinds double-reed woodwinds

mute theme variations

rhythm beat meter

measure downbeat duple meter

triple meter quadruple meter upbeat

sextuple meter quintuple meter septuple meter

accent syncopation tempo

tempo indication notation note

staff ledger lines sharp sign

flat sign natural sign clef

treble clef bass clef grand staff

middle C stem beam

dotted note dotted rhythm tie

rest time signature melody

step leap climax

legato staccato phrase

sequence cadence theme

harmony chord progression

consonance dissonance resolution

triad tonic chord dominant chord

cadence broken chord; arpeggio tonic; keynote

key scale tonality

major scale half step whole step

minor scale major key minor key

chromatic scale modulation tonic; home key

monophonic unison polyphonic

counterpoint imitation homophonic

form repetition contrast

three-part form two-part form style


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