
Every day, you must complete the Plague Journal and ONE other option from below (please indicate the number of the option you selected! You can only repeat an option 3 times, then you must select a new option):Plague Journal: During our time apart, you will keep a daily journal covering your experience waiting out Covid-19. You will have to write an entry EVERY DAY, and this will count as one of your daily assignment options. You will have at least 11 entries. You will need to WRITE AT LEAST ONE PARAGRAPH EVERY DAY. Your paragraphs will need to be AT LEAST five sentences each. Each entry will need to be dated, just like a real journal/diary. Your entries will need to cover the following information: -How you’re feeling (mentally AND physically) -How you’re spending your time. If you work, is your job still open and expecting you to come in? What are you doing during your shifts? -Are you keeping up with the news? How is it making you feel? Worried? Comforted? Something else (and if so, what? Be specific!)? EXTRA CREDIT: Illustrate at least five of your journal entries. Stick figures are perfectly fine. Color is optional, but ALWAYS appreciated!EXTRA CREDIT: Create a video/TikTok that informs your audience how to avoid the Coronovirus and how this “social distancing” experience is going for you.Read for a minimum of 25 minutes per day and write a summary.Choose a character from a story or novel that you have read and compose a monologue for the character. The monologue should be based upon a scene from the text. Include an illustration/drawing of the character.Choose 5 academic vocabulary words from a book or story you have been reading and create an infographic that includes: definition, synonym and antonym, a sentence using the word in context, and an image/illustration. This should be colorful and creative. Journal It! -- Pretend you are a character in your book, story, or article. Write a journal from his/her point of view. Each entry should be a well-written paragraph (at least 5-8 sentences).Comic Creator! -- Create a miniature graphic novel for your book, story, or article. Include 5 important scenes that summarize the text. Each page should include illustrations, dialogue, and a two-sentence (minimum) caption explaining the scene. Can be hand-drawn or digitally created. Video Director! -- Create a movie trailer for your book, story, or article. Write the script. Film the trailer. Save your movie in an electronic format that can be brought to school. Add music to your trailer. Needs to be 3-5 minutes in length.Dear _____, -- Write a letter to a character or person in your book, story, or article. Choose a theme or issue to advise him/her about and support your advice with reasons from the text. Include introduction of the issue or person. Include at least 3 reasons to support your argument/claim. Include a conclusion paragraph. This should be three paragraphs total.Watch an episode of the news to consider how government impacts your life. How many stories relate to government and government decisions? Write a paragraph discussing bias in the media.Write an objective summary based on a news report (e.g. CNN, Fox, MSN, Newspaper, etc.)If you were going to visit a historic place in the United States, where would you visit and why? Write a persuasive letter convincing someone why they should take you.Create a timeline of the major events surrounding the spread of a disease and plague such as Bubonic Plague, COVID-19, etc. Choose a political cartoon. What point is the cartoonist trying to make with this cartoon? What evidence do you see in the cartoon that supports your claim? Were you persuaded? Why or Why not?Choose a set of three primary sources from your favorite time period in history. After reading, what do you notice first? What do you notice that you didn’t expect? Why do you think the sources were written? Who do you think the intended audience was? Why do you think this was important? What can you learn from examining these? What else do you wonder about (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?)Interview a relative/neighbor about the flu pandemic of 1918 OR research the 1918 flu pandemic (a helpful source: Extra History on Youtube did a video series on the pandemic). Write a summary of the interview or about what you learned.TikTok Inferences: Watch 5 TikTok videos that have to do with Covid19. Pretend that you are an anthropologist viewing these videos in the future, and these TikToks are the only source you have for learning about the pandemic. What inferences can you make about the pandemic and how the world is handling it? Write at least two paragraphs (minimum 5 sentences each) sharing your inferences.Listen to a medical podcast (like Sawbones or This Podcast will Kill You) about the Coronavirus and give an objective summary of the show. What did you learn? What information surprised you? What questions do you still have? List the podcast you listened to and respond in 2-3 well developed paragraphs.Is the Coronavirus Pandemic a conspiracy? What do you think? Explain your thoughts and back up your view with evidence. Do you think we are getting all of the facts? Is the government and/or media only telling us what they want us to know? ................

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