
Heavy Handed ExperimentsFeaturing: Eva and CallumBy: hdalby33For Callum, business was booming. He shamelessly exploited the gluttonous desire found within a surprising number of his customers with secret additives and enhances. Taste of tongue did his bakery just as much justice as word of mouth, with a good deal of those who found their way into his establishment often leaving with a want for more. For the soft, jovial dragon it came easily. He knew the primary reason, amid all his ingredients and confections and gentle teasing of the customer, was an eye for those customers who wanted to get larger. His best advertisement sagged from his waist like a bag of flour - ripe, blue plates straining to hold back a swollen grey belly that tested every piece of clothing he wore. Often he’d bump into a customer by ‘accident,’ treating them to a taste of the softer side of things to see how they’d react. Nearly every single one of them responded positively.But then there were those who transcended the need for appraisal. Who needed no introduction to the heavier side of life or the edible riches it contained. These were the furs whose figures reflected hearty appetites and bountiful curves. Ones Callum already knew would come to the dark side the moment a smell of one of his pastries touched their noses. One such customer graced his shop now: a tall, curvy arctic fox with weight piled on at the hips, breast, and a bell-shaped belly. She padded in slowly, letting her weight swing her body in elliptical motion.There, she leaned across the counter and dinged the bell politely. “Could I place an order?”Callum, who’d been searching for a couple ingredients, jolted upright, slamming his head against a shelf and going beat red from embarrassment. He wheeled around on the fox with, stammering “Yeah! Sure! Just gimme a sec-” before being greeted by the voluptuous fur’s appearance. Shaking his head, the rotund reptile cleared his throat and stuck out a chubby paw. “Ahem...I mean certainly, ma’am. My name Callum, and who might you be?”The fox smiled nervously and took the paw. “I’m Eva. I was hoping to get a couple treats...”“Of course,” the dragon said, gesturing to the sprawl of different pastries in his display cases. “What would you like?” Eva went red as she traced a claw over the wooden countertop, waving her curvy, grey physique from side to side. “I’m not entirely sure to be honest. Anything you’d recommend?”“Well given the season, our pumpkin-spice themes are quite popular. Pies, cakes, fritters, cookies, cupc-”“Could I try all of them?” Eva blurted. Immediately she clapped her paws over her muzzle, burning even redder. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”Callum grinned comfortingly, rubbing one of his curved horns. “Well that depends.”“O-On what?”“On how much you can really want. Some furs are total lightweights so everything here,” he tapped the counter, “is perfect for them to sample. But some wanting to try everything do better back there.” He jerked a thumb behind him. Eva craned her head toward the back room, curiosity rising in her chest. “I mean I could try out the counter…” “Buuut?” the dragon coaxed the curvy vulpine a little more. “Maybe you’d like to try something more intense? I heard that passion in your voice.”That seemed to do the trick as Eva made up her mind. “I-I guess there’s nothing wrong with trying new things.” Callum nodded, extending a paw to the far side of the counter where a pair of saloon doors lead into the back of the bakery. “Right this way then.”He led the way into the back, where stores of additional food were kept along with great vats of apple cider. As soon as Eva entered, Callum could already tell what kind of padding she’d be putting on. The kind that sloshed about at first, before turning into lovely amounts of pillowy flab. She looked up at the cider vats in awe while Callum chuckled and bought out a hose and muzzle. “Good choice,” he said, guiding her to sit down. “Hope you don’t mind ripping a your outerwear a little.”“I don’t mind,” the fox giggled nervously, letting the baker fit the muzzle on. She patted her stomach and rolled her breasts around. “How big will this make me?” “As big as you want,” Callum grunted as he finished fixing up the hose and walked over to the vat. “It can be very slow and relaxing...” he switched the flow to ‘On’ and a torrent of cider gushed forth, making Eva yelp and begin gulping fervently. “Or you can take it full force.”As she laid back, the swollen baker smiled down at her. “I figured you wouldn’t mind the latter.” Her only response was to blush and give his belly a tweak as her stomach began to bow out and swell with cider. Callum took that as a “yes” while his newest guest steadily became yet another one of his very satisfied customers. Eva clutched her sides as she felt waves of cinnamon-spiced cider pour down her throat. The sensation was surreal as her stomach rapidly pushed out to accommodate the influx of liquid. In her paws, the grey fur of her stomach grew taught and rubbery, forcing her to lay back while Callum watched above. The intensity of the cider had caught her off guard at first, but now she began to grow used to the flow, finding it rather pleasant as she bloated with cider. Callum gave her a little rundown of the cider barrel she was drinking from as she slowly rounded out. “These bad boys hold approximately 500 gallons each,” the dragon chuckled. He gently nudged her swelling gut, feeling it slosh and grow taut against her sweater. “Mmmph!” was all she could manage between the gurgling and gulping, her paws clutching her stomach as it began to slouch against her legs. She felt like a warm sack of cement had been plopped in her lap and it was now spilling through the rest of her body.“Each gallon is about 10 pounds,” the baker continued, rubbing her sides with his tail as he held up ten digits. Eva groaned as she gripped her swelling breasts, feeling them slowly push outward in tandem with a belly now roughly the size of a beach ball. Her legs bowed out to either side, struggling to cradle the tremendous weight between them. Each gulp made her insides flutter and her mind grow heavy. She only hoped it didn’t exceed her maximum capacity.“So mathematically,” Callum chuckled, rubbing the top of her belly and gently tearing away her sweater as it grew skin tight, “that roughly equates to one biiiig, wobbly fox.” He purred as he scritched her rubbery hide, making Eva whimper from the pressure of her gut straining under his claws. It felt delightful and painful at the same time, sending constant shivers through the fox’s body as she sloshed back and forth like an ocean. Then, out of nowhere, the torrent of ale stopped as quickly as it started. The gurgling of the ale pouring down Eva’s throat died away and the pressure in her stomach came to a standstill. She groggily looked around, groaning as her belly swayed in a prominent bulge. Then she spotted Callum standing next to the ale barrel, where he’d turned the switch off. The confusion must’ve shone bright in the swollen vulpine’s eyes as Callum smiled when he came back around to her. “Don’t worry,” he explained as he took the muzzle and nozzle out of her lips, “there’s still plenty more to go. I just use the ale to make sure you have the capacity for continuing.” He wobbled her swollen middle from side to side, making Eva groan as her medicine ball of a middle grumbled. “Th-that *hic* wasn’t very nice,” she growled. “You seemed to enjoy it,” the tubby dragon shot back. He took ahold of her paws and slowly hoisted her to her feet.Eva’s vision swam as she slowly came upright, yelping when her stomach sagged alarmingly toward the ground. She almost dove face first into the wall before Callum caught her. “OOOOH…*hic* Soooo heavy,” she moaned in a mixture of bliss and ache. She rubbed her sides, blushing at how little of her top remained. The ale had dealt considerable damage to her figure, blowing her already ample thighs and rump to luxurious proportions. Though they were incredibly tight now, her pants remained hugged around her lower half, creaking where plump slivers of fur peaked through the seams. Beneath her arms and hips, rolls of silver pudge formed cushy love handles that were rather fun to squeeze. Naturally her belly and chest bore the bulk of the gain, with breasts the size of melons and a gut that could rival a prize-winning pumpkin. Her paws sank up to the elbows when she pressed them in, making her blush at just how soft she’d become. When she caught her reflection in the door of a nearby over, Eva could also see her face had acquired a respectable layer of padding. Her muzzle now sported adorably plump cheeks, a cascade of chins, and an alarming absence of a neck. “S-So what now?” she asked, turning to Callum with a jiggle. “Well one of two things,” the baker explained. He ran his paws over her globular figure, enjoying the supple warmth the ale had produced. “You can walk er… stomp your way out of here as is. Enjoy the rest of the day as a quadruple plus-sized doughball.”Eva reddened, burying her glowing snout in her pudgy collar. “Oooor?”Callum gestured to a table nearby which held two ornate pastries. “You can help me with developing some Halloween-themed pastries.”The wobbling from the Arctic fox’s figure as her tail wagged from side to side gave the dragon his answer. He smirked as he pointed the gluttonous fox to a sturdy, well-padded seat beside the table. Eva padded over to it, feeling her belly bounce against her knees with each step. The chair, or more accurately a bench of sorts, accepted her voluminous rear with ease. It was big enough to support her with a little room to spare, though her gut sagged precariously close the armrests. “Think this’ll *hic* support me?” she asked with a giggle. “Nope!” Callum laughed, taking the first pastry and putting it on a little serving plate. “I’d wager it holds out for the first one.” “So what do these *hic* do?” Eva asked, eyeing the pastries over her expansive midriff.“Dunno,” the baker shrugged, holding out the first one. “That’s why you’re here.” He winked and offered the first pastry to her. “They should be safe though. And you’ll definitely put on...considerable weight.” Eva accepted the treat while the baker kneaded her stomach soothingly. When she plopped it in her mouth, Callum fetched a clipboard to take some notes. The pastry was a pleasant combination of spicy and sweet, very similar to the ale she’d just ingested. As Callum hovered over her, Eva suddenly felt a popping sensation bubble up in her gut. Then her figure began widening in a series of rapid jiggles and her belly suddenly turned a luminous orange. The fox yelped as she was pushed back into her chair under the ponderous burden of her stomach, watching it bulge into a heavy, orange sphere. Callum took a step back, watching the transformation with wide eyes. On his clipboard he wrote one note: Fat o'Lantern. Eva’s stomach gradually ballooned into a warm, wobbly jack o'lantern, complete with glowing orange fur and a luminous, green face painted around her navel. The fox herself couldn’t see it, but internally, her stomach bounced and shifted around like pop rocks going off, filling her with increasing amounts of flab. In a matter of seconds, the fox’s silver belly had graduated to a boulder-sized mass of fluff and flab colored a brilliant orange. Eva groaned as her legs became absolutely entrenched beneath her girth. Slivers of silver-orange fat spilled through her fingers where she clutched her bowing sides, feeling her padded rear pile into the seat’s remaining space in a manner of seconds. Above her, her belly became a broad sphere of towering fat that pressed her chins against her chest and formed ripe saddlebags against the chair’s armrests. Though the surge in weight had lasted no more than five or six seconds, Eva felt as though she’d been forced to inhale a freaking whale. She panted as Callum dipped in and out of view around her belly, always jotting down notes and occasionally giving her pillowy middle an indulgent squeeze. Once the transformation stopped, the Arctic fox had been rendered 110% prepared for the upcoming winter months. Layers upon layers of adipose insulated her midriff and rendered her limbs little more than chubby cylinders poking out of a bulging torso. Grumbling, Eva called over a now heavily padded bosom to Callum. “Hey...Hey!” she growled when the baker seemed to pretend not to hear her, writing away and constantly disappearing from view. Then he popped up on her right side with an innocent grin. “Hey there, tubby.” “Mmmph, be quiet,” Eva laughed, struggling to shift her weight. “Why didn’t you answer me?” Callum cocked his head. “Were you calling for me?” He leaned against her swollen figure and gave it a comforting squeeze. “I guess I couldn’t hear you.” Eva rolled her eyes. “Very funny, doughball. What'd you do to me?” The baker looked over his own figure and then at hers, before shrugging. “Made you into a great pumpkin, I guess.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” the very full vulpine demanded. “One second,” Callum padded out of view once more and Eva heard the familiar click of a camera before the baker returned. He plopped his phone on her chest.Eva took the device in her chubby paws and immediately turned red. “That’s currently on my belly at this moment?” she stammered, handing the phone back to her feeder.Callum nodded, softly kneading her immense middle. He glanced at the picture again and smirked. The curve of Eva’s middle showed a glowing, green face with a jagged grin and sharp, triangular eyes. It rippled and distorted with any jiggle the fox’s figure made and its nose had been painted on directly over the vulpine’s softened navel. Callum tickled the jack o’lantern’s features, making Eva yelp and squirm ticklishly while the pumpkin’s face morphed with the wobbles.“Hey! Quiddit! You’re gonna make me hurl!” The fox groaned as her efforts only yielded more wobbling. She was going nowhere. Defeated, Eva plopped back in the seat and massaged her girth nervously. Then Callum reappeared with the next confection.This one was a single shade of black. Eva narrowed her eyes, before realizing it was black frosting. Groaning softly, she looked up at the beaming dragon and asked, “What’s this one gonna do?” The baker paused for a moment. “Well… it’ll get rid of the pumpkin belly!” he chuckled. “Annnnd?” the Arctic fox wobbled her midriff for emphasis. “No clue,” Callum replied. “Remember, these are experimental!” With that, he gave her sides another tickle, making Eva giggle, and then stuffed the pastry in her maw. The fox ‘mmmphed’ for a second as a ball of rich chocolate filled her cheeks. Within the black ball of a pastry, a mixture of raspberry and white chocolate leaked out and trickled down her throat. Slowly she chewed through the pastry, heart pounding in her pillowy chest, and swallowed. Callum loomed over her with his clipboard eager to witness the results. This second pastry reacted in an entirely different manner to the first. As Eva cradled and kneaded her immense midriff, the pastry dropped down her gullet and into the pit of her stomach like a cannonball. There it sat, unmoving and dense, anchored in the endless layers of the fox’s doughy pudge. Together, Callum and Eva waited. And waited. And waited. Watching for something to happen, their nerves creeping up their throats with each passing moment. Callum circled his swollen test subject multiple times, pushing his paws in and feeling Eva’s resilient belly spring them back out. The pumpkin face rippled from a crooked grin to a howling face; something Callum noted in his clipboard. Eva felt her insides twist uncertainly. Beneath the avalanche of blubber, her toes wiggled against the voluminous weight. Despite all the poundage she’d acquired, the fox could somehow still feel the leaden pastry residing in her gut and the weight of it bearing down on her legs. Eventually Callum broke the silence, looking disappointed. “Well sometimes this happens,” he sighed, jotting down notes and giving Eva’s middle a soft rub. “I’ll grab you another pastry if you want. And hey! At least the first one made you h-”BWOOOMPH! Callum cried out as a wall of grey-furred pudge slammed into him with enough force to send him crashing into the far side of the bakery. Eva gasped as her stomach rebounded inward briefly, before exploding out in a shockwave of gain. The chair shattered under her tremendous rear as two cheeks large enough to project movies on tore apart her pants and blimped out in the blink of an eye. She flopped on her back as her belly swelled into a jiggling mass that practically filled the bakery. Cooking utensils and baking equipment crumpled like tinfoil under the tidal wave of blubber, pinning the poor vulpine under it as it greedily ate up all the remaining space. Eva had briefly glimpsed Callum flying into the far wall… and then crashing through it. He had yet to reappear as her tummy dominated her view and became its own horizon line.In the midst of the chaos, Eva groaned and clutched what she could of her burdened belly, but even that was becoming difficult. Whatever that pastry had been, it’d affected every aspect of her figure. Her paws had become cartoony versions of their former selves, with chubby digits capping absolutely spherical arms. Her belly swelled like a balloon stuck on the end of a fire hydrant, rapidly squishing up against the sides of the bakery and burying everything in lard. All Eva could do was lay back and hope she didn’t squish anyone important.The fox realized her expansion had halted when she saw a dusky sky above her rather than the bakery’s ceiling. Around her resided a sea of grey rolls, pieces of wreckage, and one extremely surprised dragon. Blinking rapidly, Eva tried to sit up, but her humongous waistline simply pushed her back down like an incoming tide. Her tummy pulsed as if struggling to recall what had just happened. Amid all the wreckage, the swollen vulpine finally got some sense of reality as she saw Callum tentatively hop onto her belly and wade over to her. “What happened?” Eva groaned, feeling the baker’s paws sink into her engorged figure. “You brought the house down,” Callum laughed as he finally arrived at the fox’s overpacked chest and rested atop one beanbag-sized breast. Eva only groaned louder. “I meant with that pastry, doughboy.” “Ah!” Callum retrieved a now broken clipboard and rubbed his bruised snout. He only remembered being airborne for a moment or two, then blackness, some loud sounds, and then waking up to a monstrously stuffed fox in place of where his bakery once stood. “Well it appears I gave you the “Black Hole.” Supposed to have a sort of ‘reverse black hole’ effect on the consumer.” He rubbed her chest and bounced about a little. “You know… all-expanding instead of all-consuming.” Eva blushed, realizing the dragon was teasing her. “What was that delay about?”“That I’m not sure,” Callum mused, rubbing her middle with his tail. “Definitely scared the hell out me though!” “How do you think I felt?” Eva laughed, purring softly as Callum’s tail sifted deeper and deeper into her belly. She felt a wave of guilt roil up as she took in the carnage around her. “And what about your bakery?”The baker shrugged. “What about it?”That was not the reaction the colossal fox had expected. “Well I mean I leveled it!” she stammered, the guilt eating at her nerves. “Sh-should I pay for damages or something?”“I think your waistline’s paid enough,” Callum chuckled, circling his tail about and relaxing the springy pudge of Eva’s upper abdomen. “As far as the bakery’s concerned, I have insurance.”“Insurance? Seriously?” Callum nodded. “Yep! You think I wouldn’t? Given how many times I’ve been blown up to the size of a blimp thanks to my little projects, it’s become a bit of a necessity.”Eva nodded thoughtfully, finally allowing herself to relax. “S-so what now then?” She purred as the baker continuously kneaded her belly around, making the silver waves of adipose wobble in the fading sunlight. “Well,” Callum mused, allowing a mischievous smirk to cross his face. “I’d say you have two options. You could relax and enjoy your current stature,” he squeezed her chest for emphasis. “Ooor?” the fox pressed.“Or you could try one more pastry.”Eva pondered her options for a moment, feeling her weight shift and sway. Eventually she matched Callum’s grin with her own. “I suppose I could go for one more…” ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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