Section 1. Order of Business 4

Section 2. Membership Meetings 4

a. Annual 4

b. Special 4

c. Voting Rights 4

d. Quorum 4

e. Adoption 4

Section 3. Board of Directors 4

a. Regular 4

b. Special 4

c. Notice and Consent 4


Section 1. Voting Members 5

Section 2. Non-Voting Members 5

Section 3. Honorary Members/Non-Active Members 5

Section 4. Review of Membership 5

Section 5. Transfer of Membership 5

Section 6. Expulsion/Loss of Membership 5

a. Notice of Inactive Status 5

b. Request for Hearing 5

c. Notification 5

d. Hearing 6

e. Removal 6


Section 1. Board of Directors 6

a. Composition 6

b. Qualifications 6

c. Nominations 6

d. Elections/Terms of Office 6

e. Duties 6

f. Vacancy 7

g. Removal 7

Section 2. Officers 7

Section 3. The President 7

a. Duties 7

Section 4. The Senior Director 7

a. Qualifications 7

b. Election 7

c. Term of Office 8

d. Vacancy 8

e. Resignation 8

f. Removal 8

1) Cause 8

2) Investigation 8

3) Notice 8

4) Hearing 8

Section 5. Staff/Associates (Directors) 8

a. Qualifications 8

b. Selection 9

c. Term of Office/Removal 9

d. Resignation 9

e. Membership 9

Section 6. The Vice President 9

a. Election 9

b. Duties 9

c. Removal 9

Section 7. The Secretary 9

a. Election 9

b. Duties 9

c. Removal 9

Section 8. The Treasurer 9

a. Election 10

b. Duties 10

c. Removal 10




Section 1. Real Property 10

Section 2. Personal Property 10

Section 3. Contracts 10




The following Constitution and Bylaws are hereby adopted this 27th day of December, 2002.


Whereas it is our purpose to establish and maintain a place and a forum for the development of skills; whereas it is our aim o provide training in righteousness for those of need; to provide for Christian fellowship for those of like precious faith where the Holy Spirit may be honored according to our distinctive testimony; whereas we want to assume our share of responsibility and the privilege of propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ by all available means, both local and internationally; we, whose names appear on the membership roster under the above date, do hereby recognize ourselves as a non-profit and non-denominational organization and declare that we hereby adopt the following articles of bylaws and submit ourselves to be governed by them.



The name of this corporation (hereinafter referred to as SDM) shall be: SKILLS DEVELOPMENT MISSION, of the City of Richland, County of Benton, State of Washington.


The objectives of SDM shall be to:

a. Provide basis of fellowship among Christians of like precious faith, promote worship

of God and encourage the edification of believers through praises, exhortations, and intercessory prayers.

b. Provide discipleship and leadership training through prayer, Bible instruction and study, in order to buildup faithful men and women of God who have vision for the work of God.

c. Promote growth in righteousness, individual responsibility, and basic literacy in all spheres of life including but not limited to science, health and technology

d. Establish and maintain centers for skills development.

e. Own, hold in trust, use, sell, convey, mortgage, lease, or otherwise acquire or dispose of such property (real or chattel) as may be needed for the prosecution of its work

f. To establish a mobilizing umbrella that will gather and procure science and technology equipment.

g. Establish strong financial base for helping persecuted Christian youth towards their educational training.

h. Consolidate plans with brethren, community and church leaders, local and international, to host SDM training sessions and centers.

i. Reach out to individuals who are seeking to know God through Jesus Christ and those who are troubled, heavy laden, weary and overburdened.

j. Promote the oneness of the body of Christ.


SDM accepts the Bible as our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice. SDM shall as nearly as possible represent the body of Christ as described in the New Testament and upholds the principles of unity, fellowship, cooperation, and equality.


In the event SDM ceases to function or is dissolved for any reason, its assets shall be distributed to another non-profit organization that has the similar attributes and operations provided it qualifies at such time for exemption as an organization described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or a successor statute.


Amendments to this Constitution may be made at any annual or special meeting of the Leadership Assembly of SDM and shall be adopted upon receiving a two-thirds’ vote of all listed, active voting members (whether present or not). Note: Only those members present and whose names appear on the active Membership Roster shall have the right to cast a vote. Absentee ballots or voting by proxy shall not be accepted.



Section 1. Membership Meetings:

a. Annual: The annual meeting of SDM shall be held no later than the last day of May, in each year. Written, printed, or email notice of the annual meeting shall be given to SDM members not less than ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of said annual meeting.

b. Special: Special meetings of SDM may be called from time to time at the discretion of the Director, the Board of Directors, or by petition listing twenty percent (20%) of SDM local membership. Notice of all special meetings shall be given by the Secretary (officer on the Board of Directors) and shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is to be called and shall be given to each voting member of the mission, either personally, or by mail, or by email not less than ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of the meeting. No other business shall be considered at any special meeting other than that described in the said notice.

b. Voting Rights: Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be allowed.

c. Quorum: At least forty percent (40%) of the membership shall be present to constitute a quorum.

d. Adoption: The vote of a majority of those votes entitled to be cast by the members present shall be necessary for adoption of any matter voted upon by the members unless a greater proportion is required by laws, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Bylaws.

Section 3. Board of Directors

a. Regular: The Official Board of this corporation shall hold regular meetings not later than the last day of each month, and such special meetings, as they shall deem necessary for the competent management of the affairs of the corporation.

b. Special: Special meetings may be called by any one of the Directors upon two days’ notice. Meetings may be conducted in person or by conference call or by email. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular meeting need be specified. One-half of the members of the Official Board shall constitute quorum.

c. Notice and Consent: The Board of Directors shall not meet without notification to the Director and with his/her consent. The Director shall preside at all meetings unless he/she appoints someone to act on his/her behalf.

d. Leadership and Duties:

• Fellowship Co-ordinator

• Shall be overall coordinator for the fellowship.

• Shall preside over business meetings.

• Shall arrange for the provision of refreshments for the fellowship.

• Shall be the official representative of the Skills Development Mission in matters related to school and other organizations.

• Shall organize discipleship training programs.

• Shall be the arbiter, and hence shall not vote except in case of tie votes.

• Bible Study Co-ordinator

• Shall organize general Bible study.

• Shall provide Bible study outlines and other study materials.

• Shall appoint Bible study leaders.

• Shall coordinate small group Bible studies.

• Shall represent the fellowship in the absence of the Fellowship Co-ordinator.

• Shall provide study materials for children and appoint those to lead children's section from time to time.

• Prayer Co-ordinator

• Shall organize general prayer meeting.

• Shall organize small group prayer meetings and prayer networking.

• Shall organize prayer workshops/training.

• Shall organize all-night prayer and other intercessory prayer campaigns.

• Outreach Co-ordinator

• Shall organize outreach at the beginning of each season and during the season.

• Shall organize outreach to African-American, Hispanic, and other communities in the region.

• Shall organize nursing home, hospital, and prison ministries.

• Shall organize dormitory and house-to-house evangelism.

• Shall contact media organizations for announcing and reporting

outreach activities.

• Shall explore possibility of starting SDM at other institutions.

• Shall organize follow-up activities.

• Worship/Praise Co-ordinator

• Shall act as a secretary for Skills Development.

• Shall disseminate organizational information to brethren and general public.

• Shall organize fellowship phone and email directory.

• Shall organize singing and provide singing materials.

• Shall organize SDM choir.

• Shall organize concerts of praise.


SDM is a nondenominational Christian fellowship that is open to all nations, race and peoples (Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe, Caribbean, etc.), who are believers ( professing faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God) as well as those who are interested in seeking to know God through Jesus Christ.

Section 1. Voting Members: All persons who qualify for membership as noted above and whose names appeared on the original Membership Roll of the corporation at the time that it was first organized, together with those names that have been added, shall constitute the legal voting membership of the corporation, providing they are eighteen (18) years of age or over.

Section 2. Non-Voting Members: Non-voting membership shall be available for persons under eighteen (18) years of age who meet the qualifications established by this corporation.

Section 3. Honorary Members/Non-Active Members: Honorary members shall consist of those members who are serving in the armed services, making it impossible to serve as active members. Honorary membership recognition shall continue as long as the member maintains a cooperative attitude towards the home corporation. Voting privilege may be granted at the discretion of the corporation.

Section 4. Review of Membership: In order to keep the active Membership Roster current, review shall be made during the sixty (60) days prior to the annual business meeting. The Director and the Board of Directors shall be authorized to revise the membership roll of the corporation annually, and to remove from the list of active members all names of those who have deceased during the year, together with the names of those who may have been removed from membership as noted in the following provisions.

Section 5. Transfer of Membership: Members in good standing, who may wish to sever their relationship with the corporation, or who may desire to be transferred to some other corporation, may apply with a letter. Said letter is to be signed by the Director of the corporation.

Section 6. Expulsion/Loss of Membership: Members who shall, without good cause, absent themselves from the meetings of the corporation for three (3) consecutive months or more, or who shall be under charges of misconduct, shall by implementation of the Director and Board, and by action so stated in the minutes, be automatically placed on inactive membership status (in other words, become a non-voting member) and shall lose any legal standing associated with membership until such time as the affected member’s case has become final either by the members own inaction, or if an appeal is initiated (by the member), after the case has been fully reviewed by the official Board. Examples of the above reasons for being placed on inactive status include, but are not limited, to the following: (1) departure from the tenets of faith as delineated in Article V. of this Constitution, (2) living a sinful life and refusing to change (II Thessalonians 3:6,10, Galatians 5;19-21, and Ephesians 5:3-7), and (3) engaging in the disruption of fellowship by sowing discord among brethren; persisting in gossip; and creating trouble in general (James 2:2-12, Proverbs 6:19, and Romans 2:1,3).

a. Disciplinary actions:

• If it is reported by the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses that a brethren of the fellowship (brother/sister/leader) is behaving in a way that is demeaning to Jesus Christ (a disorderly manner) the following steps shall be taken:

• A person shall be contacted by an executive officer for a session of counseling and prayer. If individual prayer and counseling prove ineffective, the person shall be brought before the executive officers for further counseling and prayers. If counseling and prayers by the executive 0fficers prove ineffective, the person shall be brought before the entire fellowship for open rebuke and prayer. If open rebuke and prayer prove ineffective, the person shall be suspended from further participation and association with the fellowship until change of attitude (repentance) is manifested. If the person is an executive officer when suspended from the fellowship, the person shall immediately be relieved of all leadership responsibilities.

• Intercessory prayer without ceasing shall be made for the affected brethren by the entire fellowship.

• If a change of attitude (repentance) occurs with the person, the person shall be restored to the fellowship in the spirit of meekness, by the testimony of at least 3 executive officers.

The following Bible passages are relevant to the above section and should be read and studied.

Matthew 18: 15-22 1 Timothy 6:3 1 Corinthians 5,6

2 Corinthians 7:8-12 Galatians 5:18-6:1 1 Timothy 5:19-20

1 Timothy 1:19-20 2 Timothy 3:1-6 Titus 3;8-11

b. Notice of Inactive Status: Notice of inactive status and the reasons therefore shall be sent via certified mail to the affected member’s last known address as noted in the business files. It shall be each member’s responsibility to keep the business Secretary notified of his/her current address. Receipt of said notice shall be presumed on the third (3rd) day following the letter being posted.

c. Request for Hearing: Any member who has been placed on inactive membership status and notified in the manner as delineated above has seven (7) days from which to file a written request with the business Secretary for a hearing (and an opportunity to be heard) with the Board of Directors. If the business Secretary fails to receive said request within fourteen (14) days, the affected member shall automatically lose his/her membership with this corporation and shall have nor further right or review or appeal.

d. Notification: Upon receipt of a request for an opportunity to be heard, the affected member shall be notified via certified mail of his/her hearing date. Receipt of said notice shall be presumed on the third (3rd) business day following the letter being posted. Said hearing shall not be conducted for at least fifteen (15) days following receipt of the notice.

e. Hearing: The affected member has no right to the presence of an attorney at said hearing but does have a right to present his/her defense and cross examine witnesses who testify against him/her.

f. Removal: If reinstatement is not granted, the affected person shall immediately be expulsed from membership in this corporation and have no further right to appeal or redress in this corporation, the civil courts, or elsewhere.


Section 1. Board of Directors

A Board of Directors shall govern SDM.

a. Composition: The Official Board shall consist of the Officers and other Directors elected by SDM.

b. Qualifications: Directors shall be persons of mature Christian experience and knowledge, who shall be expected to meet the requirements as set forth in 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6. Directors shall be at least 21 years old, and with the possible exception of the Senior Director, have been voting members of this corporation at least (3) months. Directors are expected to adhere to 1 Timothy, and be believers and practicers of Biblical principles to the local organization.

Additional General Qualifications

• Must be faithful (trustworthy) (I Corinthians 4:2).

• Must be of honest report, full of Holy Spirit, and wisdom

(Acts of Apostles 6:3).

• Must aspire to grow in the word of God and to the qualities listed in these Bible passages: I Timothy 3: 1-8 and Titus 1:6-8.

• Must have a clear testimony of how they became born-again.

• Fellowship Co-ordinator must have been a Christian for at least 3 years, other executive officers must have been Christians for at least 2 years.

• Must have a testimony of current attendance in a local church.

• Must have a testimony of the gift of the Holy Spirit related to the post to which they are nominated.

• Must not hold too many leadership positions in other Christian fellowships or churches in order to be effective executive officers in the SDM.

• Must not use the SDM leadership platform to promote personal church.

c. Nominations: a nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board and chaired by the Director. Said committee shall present to the active voting members the names of those eligible to be considered for election as Directors. The number of positions on the Board of Directors to be filled will also be stated. Positions on the Board of Directors will be filled with those who have received votes from a majority of those voting. Additional ballots will be cast where the number of individuals receiving a majority is less than the number of positions being filled. Additional ballots will be limited to the two persons with the highest number of votes on the previous ballot for each open position.

d. Election/Terms of Office: With the exception of the Director, members of the Board of Directors shall serve two (2) year terms. There is no limit on the number of consecutive terms that may be served. Directors shall be chosen by the voting members of this corporation in such a manner that the terms of at least two (2) members shall expire each year. Alternating the election process is to preserve experience on the Board and to prevent re-election of all Board members at the same time.

e. Duties:

1) Its Board of Directors shall manage the internal business affairs of this corporation. These include:

• Fellowship Co-ordinator

• Shall be overall coordinator for the fellowship.

• Shall preside over business meetings.

• Shall arrange for the provision of refreshments for the fellowship.

• Shall be the official representative of the Skills Development Mission in matters related to school and other organizations.

• Shall organize discipleship training programs.

• Shall be the arbiter, and hence shall not vote except in case of tie votes.

• Bible Study Co-ordinator

• Shall organize general Bible study.

• Shall provide Bible study outlines and other study materials.

• Shall appoint Bible study leaders.

• Shall coordinate small group Bible studies.

• Shall represent the fellowship in the absence of the Fellowship Co-ordinator.

• Shall provide study materials for children and appoint those to lead children's section from time to time.

• Prayer Co-ordinator

• Shall organize general prayer meeting.

• Shall organize small group prayer meetings and prayer networking.

• Shall organize prayer workshops/training.

• Shall organize all-night prayer and other intercessory prayer campaigns.

• Outreach Co-ordinator

• Shall organize outreach at the beginning of each season and during the season.

• Shall organize outreach to African-American, Hispanic, and other communities in the region.

• Shall organize nursing home, hospital, and prison ministries.

• Shall organize dormitory and house-to-house evangelism.

• Shall contact media organizations for announcing and reporting

outreach activities.

• Shall explore possibility of starting SDM at other institutions.

• Shall organize follow-up activities.

• Worship/Praise Co-ordinator

• Shall act as a secretary for Skills Development.

• Shall disseminate organizational information to brethren and general public.

• Shall organize fellowship phone and email directory.

• Shall organize singing and provide singing materials.

• Shall organize SDM choir.

• Shall organize concerts of praise.

(2) The Board of Directors shall be authorized to transact business for this corporation between annual membership meetings, except in those matters that by their very nature affect the entire corporation. Matters that by their very nature affect the entire corporation include, but are not limited to, those circumstances and/or transactions listed in Article VI. Of these Bylaws.

3) The Board of Directors shall be specifically responsible for overseeing the business activities of this corporation, including but not limited to the entering into of contracts, owning, holding in trust, using, selling, conveying, mortgaging, leasing, or otherwise acquiring or disposing of such property (both real and chattel) as may be needed for the prosecution of its work and consistent with Article VI. Of these Bylaws. They shall serve as trustees of the corporation and be responsible for maintenance of corporation buildings and equipment.

4) The Board of Directors shall act in an advisory capacity with the directors and elders in all matters pertaining to SDM in its life.

(5) The Board of Directors shall consider applications for SDM membership and make decisions with respect to receiving applicants into SDM membership.

(6) The Board of Directors is authorized to appoint such committees or individuals as may be necessary for the prosecution of its work. All committees or individuals so appointed shall be amenable to and work under the supervision and control of the Board of Directors.

f. Vacancy: In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, they shall be empowered to appoint a successor to serve until the next annual or special business meeting of the voting members of the church.

g. Removal: With the exception of the Director, any member of the Board of Directors (including Officers) may be removed without cause by a two-thirds’ vote of those members present constituting quorum at any annual or special meeting of the members of this corporation. Any Director so removed shall have no right to appeal.

Section 2. Officers


3. a. Officers of this corporation shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person except the offices of the President and the Secretary.

b.All officers shall be members of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. The President

4. a. Duties:

1) The Director shall be the overall coordinator for the corporation and preside over business meetings.

2) The Director shall be the official representative of the SDM in matters related to other organizations.

3) The Director shall be authorized to perform any functions that may be customary for the offices that he/she holds or as may be directed by the corporation or the Board of Directors.

4) In addition to those duties listed above (under either President or Director), the Director shall be considered as the overseer of the corporation and shall direct all of its activities. The Board of Directors is not established to provide oversight, but can act in an advisory capacity in matters.

5) The Director shall provide for the functions of the corporation and shall arrange for all special meetings, conventions, or campaigns. No person shall be invited to speak in the corporation without the Director’s approval.

6) Shall organize skills in righteousness training programs.

Section 4. The Senior Director:

a. Qualifications: The directoral candidate shall be a member in good standing and shall comply with scriptural standards for ministry (1 Timothy 3:2-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:2-3).

b. Election: A two-thirds’ vote of the active voting members present at any meeting called for the purpose of electing a director shall be required for an election. A majority vote of active voting members present at any meeting called for the purpose of re-electing a director shall be required for a re-election.

c. Term of Office: The tenure of office for the Director’s first term shall be three (3) years. If re-elected, the Director’s second term shall be for an indefinite duration.

d. Vacancy: In the event of a vacancy in the directorate, a Director shall be selected in the following manner:

1) The Board of Directors shall immediately seek appropriate candidates. They shall coordinate a temporary replacement.

2) The Board of Directors shall select one candidate from those considered and ask him/her to present her work.

3) Said candidate shall be elected by the membership as noted in 4.b. of this article.

e. Resignation: It is recommended the Director give thirty (30) days’ notice of intent to resign. Resignations shall be submitted to the official corporate Secretary. If the resignation is silent as to its effective date, it is effective when received. If the resignation states that it is effective upon a particular date, then said date becomes the effective date. The Board of Directors need not take any official action to receive or accept a letter of resignation.

f. Removal:

(1) Cause: Directors may be removed only for cause—cause being defined as a failure to maintain the qualifications for office (See section 4.a.), unscriptural conduct, or departure from the tenets of faith held by this corporation.

2) Investigation: In the event charges based on grounds for cause are preferred against the Director, the Board of Directors shall conduct a preliminary investigation.

3) Notice: The Board of Directors shall determine the facts as best they can, recording same. If facts supporting the complaints are determined facially groundless, it shall be dismissed with *prejudice. (No further action will be taken, and if a member be the source of the complaint, said member shall have no right of redress in either the civil courts or elsewhere.) in the event that facts supporting the complaint have some merit, a preliminary hearing shall be conducted before the Board of Directors with a designated representative presiding as chairman. The Director shall be given written notice via certified mail delineating the charges. Receipt of said notice shall be presumed three (3) days after said notice is mailed. The Director shall have the right to cross examine any witness testifying against him/her.

4) Hearing: If after the preliminary hearing the Board of Directors decides the charges unjustified, said complaint shall be dismissed with *prejudice. In the event the charges are considered substantiated, and there is no other apparent solution, the matter shall be referred to a hearing within fourteen (14) days before the active voting members of this corporation. A representative shall chair the meeting. The Director is entitled to all rights possessed at the initial hearing during this second hearing. A two-thirds’ vote of all active members, present and voting, shall be required to dismiss a Director and sustain the action of the Board. Note: Only those members actually present shall be entitled to cast a vote.

*Prejudice refers to the fact that the complaint has been dismissed and will not be considered again in any fashion.

Section 6. The Vice President

5. a. Election: The Vice President shall be elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors, from among the members of the Board.


7. b. duties:

1) the Vice President, subject to this or any other provisions in these Constitution and Bylaws, and any other corporate officer shall act in all business matters pertaining to the corporation and business affairs of the corporation In the absence of the President.

2) The Vice President is not regarded as the leader of this corporation in the president’s absence.

3) The Vice President shall perform any other functions as may be customary or as may be directed by the corporation or the Board of Directors.


c. Removal: The Vice President may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article III., Section 1.g., of these Bylaws.

Section 7. The Secretary

a. Election: The Secretary shall be elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors, from among the members of the Board.

b. Duties: The Secretary shall be elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors, from among the members of the Board.

1) The Secretary’s duties shall include keeping a true and accurate record of all business meetings of the church and the Board of Directors.

(2) The Secretary shall be custodian of all legal documents and shall be authorized to sign all official and legal documents, to conduct church correspondence where required, and to perform any other functions as are customary or as may be directed by the church or Board of Directors.

c. Removal: The Secretary may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article III., Section 1 g. of these Bylaws.

Section 8. The Treasurer:

a. Election: The Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote of the Board of Directors, from among the members of the Board.

b. Duties:

1) The Treasurer’s duties shall include being the custodian of all organization funds which shall be deposited into a bank account designated by the Official Board.

2) The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks and make disposition of funds as may be required in the accurate conduct of organization business under the supervision of the Board of Directors and consistent with this or any other provision of these Constitution and Bylaws.

3) The Treasurer shall give a financial report to the Board of Directors at its monthly meeting and to the corporation at its annual meeting.

4) The Treasurer shall perform any other functions that may be customary or as may be directed by the organization or the Board of Directors.

5) The Treasurer shall be bondable.

c. Removal: The Treasurer may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article III., Section 1.g., of these Bylaws.


There shall be no membership fee nor annual dues.

Financial support for the fellowship shall consist of free-will donations (offerings) from bretbren, church organizations, Skills Development alumni, and other organizations.

There shall be an account under the name of Skills Development. Funds for the fellowship account shall be accessed by the President, Vice President, and Secretary. To access funds, the signatures of any two of the above listed signatories shall be required.

Prayer Coordinator shall present a financial report once a year to the fellowship.


The Director and other persons who are supported in whole or part by this corporation shall have such compensation reviewed by the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of this corporation’s fiscal year.


All property, real or chattel, shall be held in the name of this corporation.

Section 1. Real Property; No real property of this corporation shall be purchased, sold, leased, mortgaged, or otherwise alienated without same having been authorized by at least a two-thirds’ vote of those active voting members present at any annual or special meeting called for such purpose.

Section 2. Personal Property: No personal (chattel) property of this corporation shall be bought or sold without same having been authorized by at least a two-thirds’ vote of those active voting members present at any annual or special meeting called for such purpose, except transactions amounting to $15,000 or less.

Section 3. Contracts: No contract of any nature shall be entered into on behalf of this corporation without same having been authorized by at least a two-thirds’ vote of those active voting members present at any annual or special meeting called for such purpose, excepting consideration amounting to $15,000 or less.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any annual or special meeting of the voting members of this corporation and shall be adopted only upon receiving a majority vote of all listed, active voting members (in good standing) whether present or not. Amendments proposals shall be announced at 4 weekly meetings and written copies provided prior to being voted on. Note: Only those members present and whose names appear on the active membership roster shall have the right to cast a vote. Absentee ballots or voting by proxy shall not be accepted.

DATED this 24th day of September, 2002.

September 24, 2002 was the date of the meeting of the members at which these amendments were adopted. A quorum was present at the meeting, and the amendments received a unanimous vote of those members present and entitled to vote.


By: _________________________

Asopuru Okemgbo


Board of Directors:

Gracie Valle

Karen Dennis

Alejandro Romero


We, the undersigned, being persons whose names appear on the Membership Roster of SKILLS DEVELOPMENT MISSION, a religious, non-profit corporation, do hereby severally waive any and all notices as may be required by the statutes of the State of Washington, Articles of Incorporation, or Constitution and Bylaws of this corporation and consent that the business meeting be held at Pasco, Washington, on September 24, 2002 at 7:00 p.m., and we do further consent to the transaction of any business required in order to complete the re-organization of this corporation, and to do any and all business that may properly come before the said meeting.

DATED this 24th day of September, 2002.


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