Section 1

Section 2.1 – Organizing Qualitative DataWhat must be done with data that is collected from a survey or designed experiment?What is raw data?What is a class?Identify Objective 1: S.ID.A.3 Summarize distributions of univariate data.S.ID.A.5 For univariate measurement data, be able to display the distribution and describe its shape; select and calculate summary statistics.What is a frequency distribution?Example: Organizing Qualitative Data into a Frequency DistributionThe data at the bottom represent the color of M&Ms in a bag of plain M&Ms. Construct a frequency distribution of the color of plain M&Ms.brown, brown, yellow, red, red, red, brown, orange, blue, green, blue, brown, yellow, yellow, brown, red, red, brown, brown, brown, green, blue, green, orange, orange, yellow, yellow, yellow, red, brown, red, brown, orange, green, red, brown, yellow, orange, red, green, yellow, yellow, brown, yellow, orangeColorTallyFrequencyBrownYellowRedOrangeBlueGreenWhat is relative frequency? (Give the formula for finding it.)?What is a relative frequency distribution?Example: Organizing Qualitative Data into a Relative Frequency Distribution.Use the frequency distribution obtained in the prior example to construct a relative frequency distribution of the color of plain M&Ms. ColorTallyFrequencyRelative FrequencyBrownYellowRedOrangeBlueGreenHow is a bar graph constructed?What does the height of each rectangle represent?Example: Construct a Frequency and Relative Frequency Bar Graph.Use the M&M data to construct a frequency and relative frequency bar graph.ColorFrequencyRelative FrequencyBrown120.2667Yellow100.2222Red90.2Orange60.1333Blue30.0667Green50.1111 a frequency bar graph and b) a relative frequency bar graph.lefttopWhat is a Pareto chart? What is a pie chart?Example: Constructing a Pie Chart.The following data represent the marital status (in millions) of U.S. residents 18 years of age or older in 2006. Draw a pie chart of the data. Marital StatusFrequencyDegrees=Percent=Never Married55.3Married127.7Widowed13.9Divorced22.8 ................

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