July 12-13, 2001 Original: Spanish

Miami, Florida, USA




I. BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………….. 1

II. AGENDA……………………………………………………………………. 1

III. PARTICIPANTS……………………………………………………………. 2

IV. PROCEEDINGS …………………………………………………………… 2

A. Inaugural Session…………………………………………………… 2

B. Working Sessions………………………………………………….. 3

1. First session……………………………………………….. 3

2. Second session……………………………………………. 5

3. Third session……………………………………………… 5

4. Fourth session…………………………………………….. 6

5. Fifth session………………………………………………. 6

6. Closing session…………………………………………… 6



Draft Ottawa Declaration and Plan of Action considered at the

Fifth Session of the Preparatory Technical Meeting of the

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor,

July 12-13, 2001, Miami, Florida………………………………………… 7


Preliminary Agenda of the Preparatory Technical Meeting

of the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor……………. 13


List of Participants……………………………………………………….. 16


List of Documents ………………………………………………………. 39

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The Preparatory Meeting of the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) is an activity carried out within the scope of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI). Its purpose is to prepare the XII Conference, which is scheduled to take place in Ottawa, Canada on October 17-19, 2001. The Preparatory Meeting was held on July 12-13 in Miami, Florida, United States of America, and received technical and financial support from the Ministry of Labor of Canada, among others.

The Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor is a specialized conference of the Organization of American States and the central organ of the Inter-American System of Labor. The conference is inter-governmental in nature and its objective it to conduct a periodic review of the labor situation in the region and to formulate policies for regional cooperation on social and labor matters. The IACML is composed of the Ministers of Labor of the member States of the OAS, and has three advisory organs: a) the Permanent Technical Committee on Labor Matters (COTPAL), b) the Trade Union Technical Advisory Council (COSATE), composed of representatives of national workers’ confederations, and c) the Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labor Matters (CEATAL), made up of representatives of employers’ organizations. The IACML and its advisory bodies make up the Inter-American System of Labor.


The agenda for this meeting was as follows:

1. General report on the implementation of the Viña del Mar Declaration and Plan of Action, Verónica Oxman, Pro Tempore Chair, Ministry of Labor of Chile

2. Report by the Chair of Working Group I, Sagrario Urgel, Ministry of Labor of Bolivia

3. Report by the Chair of Working Group II, Fernando Trejo Ballesteros, Ministry of Labor of Costa Rica

4. Other reports:

• Child Labor in Latin America, International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC/ILO)

• Inclusion of a Gender Focus in Programs and Policies of the Ministries of Labor, Inter-American Commission of Women (IACW/OAS)

• Health of the Workers of the Americas, Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)

• General Considerations on Labor Standards and the Integration Process, International Labor Organization (ILO)

• Project “Modernization of Labor Administration in Central America, Belize, Panama and the Dominican Republic” (MATAC/ILO)

• Information System on Labor Markets (SISMEL/OAS)

• ECLAC’s Activities on Labour and the Social Dimension of Globalization, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

• Relationship between Work, Education and Social Development (OAS)

The list of documents is attached as Annex 4 of this Report.

5. Proposed structure and working methodologies for the XII Conference: consideration of the agenda, the schedule and the technical documents


The list of participants is attached as Annex 3 of this Report.


The meeting consisted of an inaugural session, three plenary sessions and a closing session, as described below.

A. Inaugural Session

The inaugural session was called to order at 09:30 on July 12, 2001. The Honorable Claudette Bradshaw, Minister of Labor of Canada, who chaired the meeting took the floor and welcomed the representatives of the Ministries of Labor, which included ministers and vice ministers. She also thanked the representatives of OSATE and CEATAL, as well as the representatives of the agencies of the OAS, the IDB, ECLAC, CARICOM, ILO, PAHO and PROALCA/AID, for attending. In her presentation, she highlighted the growing economic integration occurring at both the regional and world levels, and reminded participants that the work of the Ministries was to ensure that the benefits stemming from this process reach all workers. She reiterated the importance of the XII Conference in view of the fact that the Presidents and Prime Ministers at the Quebec Summit had asked the ministers to meet to examine the labor-related dimensions of the Summits of the Americas process, and to strive to garner the greatest support possible from other ministries and key international institutions working in this area. She added that the leaders at Quebec had requested the ministers to address the special needs of small economies, promote the historic declaration of the ILO regarding the fundamental principles and rights at work and to consider the needs of women, the disabled, children and many other groups requiring special attention. She went on to say that the present challenge was to take the earlier commitments of the Viña del Mar Declaration as a basis, and to move from there in the new direction set out in the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas. She thanked the OAS, the IDB and the ILO for supporting the work of the Conference, and the Working Groups for the concrete results they had achieved. She underscored the importance of and the need to address labor issues together with representatives of employers and workers, adding that she hoped that this Technical Meeting would approve the draft Declaration and Plan of Action to be considered by the ministers at their upcoming Conference in Ottawa, Canada. This instrument, she affirmed, will help put into practice efforts to address the challenges of globalization and technological change in order to improve the general welfare of workers and their families, pursuant to the guidelines set forth at the Third Summit of the Americas in Quebec.

The Technical Secretariat of the meeting was exercised by the OAS Unit for Social Development and Education.

B. Working Sessions

1. First Session

The first session was held on the morning of July 12, 2001. Under point 1 of the agenda, the Representative of Chile spoke about the progress made to comply with the Viña del Mar Plan of Action. The delegations received copies of the document TRABAJO/RP/doc.3, Report of the Pro Tempore Chair on Progress to Implement the Viña del Mar Declaration and Plan of Action. This document reports both on the progress made and the difficulties encountered in this regard. She noted the growing interrelation between the ministries of labor in the last three years, which had been encouraged by the activities of the Working Groups established at Viña del Mar. She referred to networks as an effective way to achieve results, democratize relations among countries, move toward more decentralized and participatory practices, develop common platforms for operation in labor matters, move forward in conducting assessments on almost all the thematic areas and achieve a clearer vision of the needs of the ministries of labor to facilitate implementation of joint, complementary and coordinated projects to benefit the workers of the region. Other achievements included the follow-up meeting held, as agreed at Viña del Mar, to present interim reports on the progress made, and to establish the commitments for the next Conferences (Ottawa, 2001 and Brazil, 2003). She also referred to several horizontal cooperation projects under way to modernize the ministries of labor. The document contains a detailed table of achievements.

Next, the representatives of Bolivia and Costa Rica reported on the activities of the Working Groups established in October 1998 at Viña del Mar. The delegations received the documents TRABAJO/RP/doc.4, containing the Report of the Chair of Group I: “Globalization of the Economy and its Social and Labor Dimensions,” presented by Bolivia, and TRABAJO/RP/doc.5, "Final Report of the Activities of Working Group II: Modernization of the State and Labor Administration," presented by Costa Rica.

Next, several organizations presented reports on the following issues:

Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (ILO). The ILO representative started by describing the situation of child laborers, an estimated population of 7.6 million between the ages of 10 and 14; the concentration of child labor by sector; conditions and situation in the different occupations; and concluded by stating that this problem severely affects the health, education and maturation rate of boys and girls. He then referred to the causes and constraints affecting the different areas, reported on the priority attached in the countries’ social policies to eradicating this situation, showed what progress had been made in the past decade, and presented the principal guidelines for and the future challenges of child labor in the region.

Inclusion of the Gender Perspective - Inter-American Commission of Women (IACW/OAS). The representative of the IACW referred to the "Inter-American Program to Promote the Rights of Women, Equity and Gender Equality," saying that its objective was to work to include the gender focus in the bodies and agencies of the inter-American system and to encourage member States to formulate policies, program and strategies for promoting the human rights of women and gender equity and equality. She stated that the recommendations she was presenting at this meeting were for the ministers of labor and represented a consensus established with other agencies, including PAHO and ILO. She added that IACW will conduct an evaluation after the next meeting of ministers of labor, and will propose concrete measures for implementing the Plan that is adopted.

Health of the Workers of the Americas (PAHO). The representative of the Pan American Health Organization described health situation of workers in the hemisphere and referred to the PAHO Health Plan for 1999-2002, indicating that its aim is to improve living conditions, occupational health and safety on the job, and the welfare of the working population. Its vision is comprehensive and emphasizes the prevention of disease and occupational accidents, and the promotion and protection of the health of the working class. She reported that agreements had been signed with the ministers of labor in eight Central American countries for implementing the plan in the maquila and the flower sectors. She mentioned other agreements, including the Global Network of Collaborating Centers, which seek to strengthen resources in the areas of human resources training and research as preventive measures in the areas of occupational health, safety, toxicology and occupational epidemiology in the region.

Project to Modernize Labor Administrations in Latin America, Belize, Panama and the Dominican Republic (MATAC/ILO Project). This project is financed by the Kingdom of Spain and Spain's Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and is executed by the ILO. Its aim is to strengthen and modernize the ministries of labor and to bring them into line with the objectives of the ILO as concerns the promotion of fundamental rights, employment, protection, improvement of working conditions and environment, promotion of social dialogue and strengthening of programs and policies targeting women, migrants and other special groups. The project representative reported on the project’s achievements and said that, according to a recent evaluation of same, it can be used as a pilot experience in the Andean or Southern Cone countries.

Information System on Labor Markets (SISMEL/OAS) The representative of the General Secretariat stated that this project was developed in response to a specific request from the IACML to the OAS, and discussed its origins, the activities carried out, achievements, and proposed a working program for the operation of this information system in the future.

General Considerations on Labor Standards and the Integration Process (ILO) The delegations received document TRABAJO/RTP/doc.6/01. The ILO representative said it was necessary to leave preconceived notions behind in order to be able to respond to the globalization process with social responses, standards, mechanisms and institutions that will orient the process toward the common good and especially to generating "decent" work. The document surveys the progress made vis-à-vis agreements and principles adopted at the international level, and identifies possible areas of consensus related to labor standards that the Heads of State of the Americas requested be examined. Finally he referred to aspects of the social dimension that are not associated with labor standards and concluded that the social dimension of integration processes could no longer be ignored, and that it is important to understand the role that productivity plays in these processes.

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. The speaker reported that ECLAC was analyzing the relationship between the social and the labor dimensions and the impact of globalization in the Americas, through a series of different research efforts. One is a project being carried out in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru, entitled "Growth, employment and equity: the impact of economic reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean," which contained a module on labor markets. The two other projects deal with: a) institutionalization of the gender focus and b) policies for improving vocational education and training in Latin America and the Caribbean. Finally, he indicated that ECLAC would be happy to make these studies available to the ministers of labor.

Relationship between Labor, Education and Social Development (OAS) The representative of the OAS underscored the importance of adopting a global view and of being able to move beyond the compartmentalized visions generally associated with education, labor, poverty, social development and culture, as called for at the Quebec Summit of the Americas. In this connection, she reported that the OAS is conducting comparative analyses, based on United Nations human development indicators, which are revealing common points in the subject areas dealt with by the ministries and the sectors vis-à-vis the preparedness of the labor force, the generation of productive employment, the struggle against poverty, and in general, the improvement of the educational, social development and cultural levels of OAS member States.

2. Second Session

The second session was called to order on July 12, 2001 at 14:45. The session began with the presentation of the draft Ottawa Declaration and Plan of Action. After explaining the working methodology, the Chair opened the floor for discussion. With the draft Declaration under consideration, several delegations expressed their agreement with the general scope of the Declaration and congratulated the Canadian delegation for the document. COSATE and CEATAL made presentations to underscore that, among other things, it was important that the Plan of Action take into account the participation of the labor and business sectors through those two bodies. The working methodology consisted of submitting each paragraph of the draft Declaration to the plenary for discussion; during the session, the changes to the first part of the document suggested and discussed by the delegations were introduced into the Declaration.

3. Third Session

The third session was called to order on July 13 at 09:30. The plenary continued considering the draft Ottawa Declaration and Plan of Action, following the methodology agreed to earlier.

Pursuant to the agenda, the draft Plan of Action of the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor was also presented to the consideration of the plenary. The delegations make observations and suggestions, and the relevant changes were included in the Plan of Action of the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor. One of these changes consisted of substituting the proposal for holding a conference on the ILO Declaration in 2002, due to its high cost and to the possibility of verifying, through the working groups, the measures taken by the member States to comply with labor standards. The document, with the amendments introduced during the meeting, can be found in Annex 1.

The representative of Mexico stated for the record that her country wished to serve as the site of the next meeting of Working Group I called for in the proposed Plan of Action. Uruguay expressed its interest in participating in one of the working groups. The United States also indicated that it wanted to participate in Group 1. Saint Vincent offered to serve as vice chair of Group II.

4. Fourth Session

The fourth session continued at 15:00. Danielle Vinette, Director of the Secretariat for the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor, made a presentation on behalf of Canada, regarding preparations for the October Conference. Information on the Conference, including registration forms, were distributed. Regarding the thematic agenda of the Conference, it was agreed that within the framework of the proposed Declaration and Action Plan the Technical Secretariat of IACML would send out suggested topics so that the ministers could make presentations on their countries’ experience in those areas.

5. Fifth Session

In the fifth session, at 16:45, the draft Declaration and Plan of Action was read for the last time. It was agreed that the delegates have until August 15 to submit comments on matters of style to the draft. Regarding substantive matters still pending, it was agreed that interested countries would continue the dialogue in search of consensus. The Pro Tempore Chair and the Technical Secretariat will work together to send the official version to the delegates.

6. Closing Session

The closing session was called to order on July 13, 2001 at 17:00. Several delegations took the floor to thank the delegations of Canada and Chile for their work in preparing the XII Conference, and to thank the other delegations and the international organizations that participated in the meeting (especially the OAS, IDB and ILO) for their contributions. In his closing remarks, the Chair of the meeting, Undersecretary for Labor and Social Security of Chile, Yerko Ljubetic Godoy, thanked the technical teams and the delegations from the countries for their efforts to successfully conclude the work of the meeting. He also thanked the OAS General Secretariat for its support and reminded the Ministries of their responsibility to continue to promote the importance of these meetings for the benefit of our workers and in search of a better future for our Hemisphere. The meeting was closed thereafter.




JULY 12-13, 2001, MIAMI, FLORIDA

Final Draft EN 2

7/13/2001 3:55 PM


We, the Ministers participating in the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour of the Organization of American States, have met in Ottawa, Canada, October 17 to 19, 2001, to address issues related to globalization which affect employment and labour in the Americas.

We note that this Conference is one of the first ministerial meetings to follow up on the Declaration and Plan of Action of the Third Summit of the Americas held in Quebec City, Canada, in April 2001. The Heads of State and Government have charged us to address the labour and employment dimensions of the Summit process.

Our deliberations are taking place within the goals set out in the Declaration agreed to at the Third Summit of the Americas. We recall the commitment of hemispheric leaders to pursue a coherent Plan of Action aimed at improving the political, economic and social well-being of the citizens of the Americas. It is with this broad vision of our hemispheric context that we have met to contribute to the further development of a socially just, economically prosperous community of the Americas in which citizens are able to achieve their full human potential.

We are building upon the Declaration of the XI Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour held in Viña del Mar, Chile in October 1998. We have also taken into account the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) 1998 Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up.

We recognize the important progress achieved by the working groups established by the XI Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour which have provided an understanding of existing and emerging issues related to the labour and social dimensions of economic integration, and addressed the challenges related to the modernization of labour ministries. The Working Group on Modernization of the State and Labour Administration reached an important consensus in areas for technical cooperation and assistance.

The substantial efforts being made in sub-regional groupings of nations to address the labour dimensions of economic integration have been extensively studied and reported by the Working Group on Globalization of the Economy and its Social and Labour Dimensions. We believe that this and other progress in pursuing the Plan of Action of the XI Conference has provided the necessary foundation for actions that we are now undertaking.

We agree that it is fundamentally important that the economy and business benefit the whole population and that we apply the ILO concept of “decent work” for the well-being of our citizens. We agree to promote and respect the basic rights of workers in accordance with what has been established in the ILO’s Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights and its Follow -Up.

We will strive to improve working conditions for people in all countries of the region, with special attention to those in the informal sector, people belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, and other persons with different experiences and needs including women, youth, older workers, indigenous people, migrant workers, persons with disabilities and persons with HIV/AIDS. We will seek to ensure that workers in the informal sector of the economy have access to social protections and security in such a way that they may better contribute to the general welfare of society. We recognize the importance of investing in human resource development, of promoting employment security consistent with economic growth, of developing mechanisms to assist workers with periods of unemployment, and of strengthening cooperation and social dialogue on labour matters among workers, unions and worker representatives, employers, and governments.

(Proposed by Mexico/CEATAL) We recognize the importance of taking action to create employment as an effective means of combating poverty.

[We shall pay special attention to the situation of migrant workers and their families so as to guarantee their labour rights and provide them with social protections, including access to education, free from all discriminatory practices and under the safeguard of timely and effective legal protection.]

[Bearing in mind that the Quebec Declaration affirms that “free trade, without subsidies or unfair practices…will permit improvement in labor conditions of the peoples of the Americas…”

We recognize that remedying distortions in the international trade system in the agricultural sector could reduce poverty and contribute to increase employment, higher wages and better working conditions.]

We will examine the labour dimensions of the Summit of the Americas process in order to identify areas of agreement and issues where further work needs to be done, and in particular, we will create a process for improved collaboration and coordination on these matters with other appropriate ministries. We will also promote improved cooperation with key international institutions within the Americas that have a critical role to play in the improvement of labour conditions, including the ILO, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the World Bank.

(Proposed by Mexico: We will work towards the implementation of legislation and policies and promote the respect of We will adopt and implement legislation and policies that provide for the effective application of) core labour standards as recognized in the ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-Up, and we call upon the ILO to increase assistance to member states in order to attain these objectives. We will also promote the ratification of fundamental conventions of this organization. We note with satisfaction the ratification by many states in the Americas of a wide range conventions and encourage continued support of that organization’s standards.

We will develop new mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of projects and other technical assistance designed to build the capacity of smaller economies and their institutions, to effectively implement labour laws and standards and to foster equality of opportunity with respect to gender, among others, in strategies to promote employment, training, life-long learning and human resource development programs, with the objective of promoting full and equal access to more and better employment.

We will strengthen the capacity of ministries of labour to develop and implement effective labour and labour market policies. We will collaborate with employer and worker organizations to develop and generate information on labour markets and will foster tripartite consultations to address labour and workplace issues. We will support alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and adopt effective strategies to respond to the training needs of workers.

We acknowledge the need to continue to improve methods and procedures for the development, compilation and analysis of labour information in order to strengthen the participation of the Ministries of Labour in government decision-making.

We will continue to work towards the elimination of child labour and, as a priority, will promote hemisphere-wide ratification and implementation of the ILO Convention No. 182 against the Worst Forms of Child Labour, 1999. We will work to bring all national laws, regulations and policies into conformity with this convention and will take immediate action to eliminate the worst forms of child labour.

We are committed to integrate a gender perspective into the development and implementation of all labour policies, to promote work-life balance, to protect the rights of women workers, and to take action to remove structural and legal barriers, as well as stereotypical attitudes to gender equality at work; to address gender bias in recruitment, working conditions, occupational segregation and harassment, discrimination in social protection benefits, women’s occupational health and safety, unequal career opportunities and pay.

(Proposed by Chile) We recognize the importance of the effects that aging has and will have on the global population, particularly in our region, and we emphasize the need for social protections and policies that enable an active, productive and healthy aging process.

As expressed by our Heads of State and Government, we welcome and value the contributions of civil society, including business and labour organizations (proposed by Mexico/CEATAL) and in particular those of COSATE and CEATAL. We affirm that openness and transparency are vital to building public awareness and legitimacy for our undertakings. We call upon all citizens of the Americas to contribute to our work, and look forward to cooperating with the non-government sector.

We resolve to:

a) Develop and implement a Plan of Action based upon this Declaration and the Declaration and Plan of Action of the Third Summit of the Americas; build on the work of the XI Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour; and dedicate the necessary resources to this end.

b) Establish two working groups: One will examine the labour dimensions of the Summit of the Americas process, including the questions of globalization related to employment and labour, to identify areas of agreement and issues where further work needs to be done, and to create a process for improved collaboration and cooperation on these labour dimensions with other government ministries. The other will continue to focus on building the capacity of labour ministries and their institutions to effectively implement labour laws.

c) Establish an Action Plan Implementation Committee which will work to improve collaboration and coordination with key international institutions in the hemisphere that have a critical role to play in the improvement of labour conditions, in particular the OAS, PAHO, the ILO, and ECLAC, as well as the IDB and the World Bank.

d) Hold the XIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour in the Federative Republic of Brazil in 2003.


We, the Ministers of Labour, meeting in Ottawa, Canada, October 17 to 19, 2001, on the occasion of the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour of the Organization of American States, are committed to carry out the following Plan of Action:


The Action Plan Implementation Committee will be presided by the Chair pro tempore (Canada) with the assistance of the past Chair (Chile) and the future Chair (Brazil) of the Conference of Labour Ministers and the host country of the Fourth Summit of the Americas (Argentina), and will be composed of any interested labor ministry with the participation of COSATE and CEATAL, and representatives of the OAS, the IDB, the ILO, the OPS, the World Bank and CEPAL. It will be responsible for promoting the implementation of the Plan of Action and for improving collaboration and coordination with key international institutions.


Member states shall devote the necessary and available economic and/or technical resources to enable the implementation of the Action Plan. Furthermore, the Action Plan Implementation Committee will call upon member states and relevant international organizations to make voluntary contributions intended to offer support for specific activities and projects under this plan, and to facilitate the participation of COSATE and CEATAL.


Working Group 2 shall work with the ILO to develop means to promote public awareness of the Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at work and its follow-up to promote business and labour initiatives linked to the respect of these rights. Working Group 2, together with the ILO, will also address challenges that member states are facing in pursuing these objectives, and the ways in which these challenges can be addressed through technical assistance. Working Group 2 shall also promote Convention 182 against the Worst Form of Child Labour and other conventions. Member states call upon the Director General of the ILO to insure these issues are properly addressed in its next Regional Conference of the Americas to be held in 2003.

The Committee will liaise with the ILO to discuss ways the latter could ensure support to member states to the adoption and implementation of legislation and policies as set out at the ILO Declaration of Principles and Rights at Work and its follow-up.


The Action Plan Implementation Chair will schedule technical workshops to review means for improving the working conditions of female and male workers, paying particular attention to those with specific needs as set out in this Declaration, and for promoting human resources development initiatives, employment and income security and labour information systems. It will seek partnerships with relevant international agencies, other government departments and civil society representatives in the organization of these workshops.

The Chair will schedule a workshop to address the challenges facing labour ministries, including new employment relationships, the digital divide and the technological capacity of member states.

The Chair will set the schedule for these workshops prior to June 2002.


We agree to form two working groups with the following terms of reference:


This working group will examine the labour dimensions of the Summit of the Americas process, including labor and employment globalization issues, to identify areas of agreement and issues where further work needs to be done, and will prepare a report containing recommendations for consideration at the XIII Conference.

The working group will build upon the results of the Working Group on Globalization of the Economy and its Social and Labour Dimensions created under the Viña del Mar Declaration. It will examine the implications of the ILO report “Labour Standards and the Integration Process in the Americas” and consider discussion papers from member states.

The group will create a process for improved collaboration and coordination on the labour dimensions of the Summit of the Americas process between Labour Ministries and other appropriate ministries and key international institutions within the Americas that have a critical role to play in the improvement of labour conditions, in particular the OAS, the ILO, ECLAC, as well as the IDB and the World Bank. COSATE and CEATAL shall be members of this working group.


This working group, which in addition to the member countries shall include the OAS, the ILO, the ECLAC, as well as the IDB, the World Bank, COSATE and CEATAL, will continue the work of the Working Group on Modernization of the State and Labour Administration. In particular, it will develop new mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of projects and technical assistance to build the capacity of smaller economies and their institutions, and will cooperate with other inter-governmental committees within the Summit of the Americas process responsible for addressing the special needs of these economies.

The working group will focus on the most effective means to implement labour laws and standards and to foster equality of opportunity as well as strategies to promote employment, training, life-long learning and human resource development, and access to more and better employment, as well as to guarantee full compliance with the rights that the national legislations ensure migrant workers.

The working group will build on regional and sub-regional initiatives and prepare a report on how best practices could be promoted in the Hemisphere. The findings will be presented to the Conference of Labour Ministers.


Working groups will be coordinated by a chair and vice-chair who shall be Ministers we have elected at this Conference and supported by the OAS Technical Secretariat. The Ministers may perform their functions directly or through representatives.

The working groups will prepare their respective programs of activities, which shall include scheduled meetings as well as any necessary studies. In carrying out these activities, the chairs and vice-chairs may request support of the Action Plan Implementation Chair.

Each working group will strive to hold its first meeting before the end of 2002.



Miami, Florida, Radisson Mart Plaza Hotel

July 11-13, 2001

Draft Agenda

Wednesday, July 11

13:00 – 22:00 Registration

Hotel Lobby

18:00 – 20:00 Reception hosted by the Minister of Labour of Canada, the Honorable Claudette Bradshaw

South Ballroom C-D

Thursday, July 12

08:00 – 12:30 Registration

Hotel Lobby

08:00 – 09:00 Continental Breakfast for delegates

South Ballroom C-D

09:00 – 12:30 MORNING SESSION

Royal Poinciana Ballroom G-H

09:00 – 09:15 Inauguration of the Meeting and Adoption of the Agenda by the

Pro Tempore Chair, Yerko Ljubetic Godoy, Vice-Minister of Labour

of Chile

09:15 – 09:30 Opening Remarks by the Minister of Labour of Canada, the Honourable

Claudette Bradshaw

09:30 – 10:00 Report on the implementation of the Viña del Mar Declaration and Plan of

Action, Verónica Oxman, Ministry of Labour of Chile

10:00 – 10:15 Report by the Chair of Working Group I, Sagrario Urgel, Ministry of Labour

of Bolivia

10:15 – 10:30 Report by the Chair of Working Group II, Fernando Trejo Ballesteros,

Ministry of Labour of Costa Rica

10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break

South Ballroom C-D

10:45 – 12:30 Other reports

Eliseo Cuadrao, International Program on the Elimination of Child Labour, International Labour Organization (IPEC/ILO)

2. Carmen Lomellin, Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM/OAS)

3. Maritza Tennassee, Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)

4. Luis Miguel Díaz, ILO

Jesús López, Project of Modernization of Labour Administrations (MATAC/ILO)

6. Germán Zincke, Information System on Labour Markets


7. Rex García, Economic Commission for Latin America and the

Caribbean (ECLAC)

• Sofíaleticia Morales (OAS) Relationship between Work, Education and Social Development

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

South Ballroom C-D


Royal Poinciana Ballroom G-H

14:00 – 16:00 Discussion of draft Declaration of the XII IACML

16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break

South Ballroom C-D

16:15 – 17:30 Discussion of draft Plan of Action

Evening Free

Friday, July 13

08:00 – 09:00 Continental Breakfast for delegates

The Cascades Restaurant

09:00 – 12:30 MORNING SESSION

Royal Poinciana Ballroom G-H

09:00 –11:00 Discussion of draft Plan of Action (continued)

11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break

Royal Poinciana Ballroom

11:15 – 12:30 Discussion of draft Plan of Action (continued)

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

Traders Restaurant, Hotel Lobby


Royal Poinciana Ballroom G-H

14:00 – 14:30 Overview of logistic aspects for the XII IACML, Danielle Vinette, Director

of the XII IACML Secretariat

14:30 – 16:00 Review of the proposed agenda and schedule of events for the XII IACML,

John McKennirey, Labour Program of Canada

16:00 – 16:30 Closing Remarks by the Pro Tempore Chair, Yerko Ljubetic Godoy, Vice-

Minister of Labour of Chile





Austin Josiah

Labour Commissioner

Ministry of Labour, Co-operatives and Public Safety

Labour Division

Redcliffe Street

St. John's, Antigua

tel: (268) 1-268-462-4988; 1789

fax: (268) 1-268-462-4988; 2906


Pedro Galín

Asesor de la Dirección Nacional de Relaciones del Trabajo

Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Formación de Recursos Humanos

Av. Leandro N. Alem 650, piso 11

Código Postal 1001

Buenos Aires

tel: (54114) 310-6080

fax: (54114) 310-6367

e-mail: igalin@.ar


Donald Symonette

Under Secretary

Ministry of Labour and Immigration

East Hill St.

2nd floor, Post Office Building

P.O. Box N-3008


tel: (242) 502-1051

fax: (242) 323-4691


Edla Lowe

Chief Labour Officer

Department of Labour

Ministry of Labour, Sports and Public Sector Reform

Dockland Place

Cavans Lane


tel: 246) 426-5565/ 436-6320

fax: (246) 426-9898

e-mail: labour@


Paul Williams

Acting Labour Commissioner

Ministry of Sugar Industry, Labour and Local Government

3rd floor, Diamond Building

Constitution Drive


tel: (5018) 23-990 / 23924 / 22663

fax: (5018) 23-365

e-mail: msillg@.bz or dol.bze.@


Jaime Prada

Cónsul General

Consulado General de Bolivia

9100 South Badadelan Blvd., Suite 406

Miami, Florida 33156

tel: (305) 670-0710

fax: (305) 670-2548


Chefe da Delegação

Paulo Jobim Filho

Secretário Executivo

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 5º andar, Sala 555

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70.059-900

tel: (5561) 225-1242 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-0814

e-mail: internacional@.br


Nassim Gabriel Mehedff

Secretário de Políticas Públicas de Emprego

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 3º andar

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70059-900

tel: (5561) 223-6324 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-7593

e-mail: nassimg@.br

Alvaro Alencar

Embaixador, Assessor Especial do Ministro

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 5º andar, Sala 555

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70.059-900

tel: (5561) 225-1242 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-0814

e-mail: internacional@.br

Maria Helena Gomes dos Santos

Chefe da Assessoria Internacional

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 5º andar, Sala 555

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70.059-900

tel: (5561) 225-1242 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-0814

e-mail: internacional@.br

Sylvio Coelho

Assessor do Secretário Executivo

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 5º andar, Sala 555

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70.059-900

tel: (5561) 225-1242 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-0814

e-mail: internacional@.br

Adailton da Rocha Teixeira

Assessor do Secretário Execcutivo

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 5º andar, Sala 555

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70.059-900

tel: (5561) 225-1242 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-0814

e-mail: internacional@.br

José Márcio Camargo

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F, 5º andar, Sala 555

Brasilia, D.F. CEP 70.059-900

tel: (5561) 225-1242 / 317-6126

fax: (5561) 224-0814

e-mail: internacional@.br

Antônio José Ferreira Simões


Núcleo de Coordenação de Área de Livre Comércio das Américas

Ministério das Relações Exteriores

Explanada dos Ministerios

Código Postal 20000

Brasilia, D.F.

Tel: (5561) 226-4457 / 411-6021

Fax: (5561) 322-0855


Claudette Bradshaw

Minister of Labour

Human Resources Development Canada

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 11eme étage

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Québec, K1A OJ2

tel: (819) 953-5646

fax: (819) 994-5168

e-mail: claudette.bradshaw@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

John McKennirey

Director General

Strategic Policy and International Labour Affairs

Human Resources Development Canada - Labour Program

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 8th floor

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Québec, K1A 0J2

tel: (819) 953-7405

fax: (819) 953-0227

e-mail: john.mckennirey@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Warren R. Edmondson

Assistant Deputy Minister

Labour and Head of the Federal Mediation

and Conciliation Service

Human Resources Development Canada – Labour Program

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 11th floor

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Québec, K1A 0J2

tel: (819) 997-3290

fax: (819) 953-5685

e-mail: warren.edmondson@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Gérald Pelletier

Special Assistant

Human Resources Development Canada – Labour Program

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 11eme étage

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Québec, K1A 0J2

tel: (819) 953-5646

fax: (819) 994-5168

e-mail: gerald.pelletier@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Kevin Banks

Director – Inter-American Labour Cooperation

Human Resources Development Canada – Labour Program

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 11eme étage

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Québec, K1A 0J2

tel: (819) 953-5646

fax: (819) 994-5168

e-mail: kevin.banks@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Frantz Pierre-Jerome

Senior Policy and Program Officer

Human Resources Development Canada – Labour Program

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 11eme étage

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Quebec

Tel: (819) 994-9941

Fax: (819) 953-8484

e-mail: Frantz.pierrejerome@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Judy Longfield

Parliamentary Secretary

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

Tel: (613) 992-6344

Fax: (613) 992-8320

David Klug

Press Attaché

Human Resources Development Canada - Labour Program

165, rue Hotel de Ville, 11eme étage

Phase II, Place du Portage

Hull, Québec, K1A OJ2

tel: (819) 953-5646

fax: (819) 994-5168

e-mail: david.klug@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Jim Lawson


Canadian Employers’ Council

17 Highbourne Road

Toronto, Ontario M5P 2J1

tel: (416) 482-3541

fax: (416) 482-1313


Yerko Ljubetic Godoy

Subsecretario de Trabajo

Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social

Huérfanos 1273 piso 8


tel: (562) 753-0548

fax: (562) 753-0557

e-mail: yljubetic@mintrab.gob.cl

Verónica Oxman Vega

Asesora Relaciones Internacionales

Ministerio del Trabajo y Previsión Social

Huérfanos 1273 piso 8


tel: (562) 753-0548

fax: (562) 753-0557

e-mail: voxman@mintrab.gob.cl


Carlos José Guarnizo Rico

Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social

Carrera 7a No 34-50

Santafé de Bogotá

tel: (571) 287-3434 / 285-8362

fax: (571) 285-7091


Fernando Trejos Ballestero

Viceministro de Trabajo

Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social

Apartado 10133-1000

San José

tel: (506) 233-7498 / 223-7958

fax: (506) 258-4094

e-mail: ftrejos@ministrabajo.go.cr


Arthur Smith

Acting Labour Commissioner

Ministry of Legal Affairs, Immigration and Labour

Government Headquarters


tel: (767) 448-2401

fax: (767) 448-8960


Marcel M. Feraud

Consulado del Ecuador

Miami, Florida

fax: (305) 539-0039


Carlos Ernes Hernández Zúñiga

Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social

Paseo General Escalón No. 4122

Col. Escalón

San Salvador

tel: (503) 263-5423 / 263-5439

fax: (503) 263-5272


Senator Lawrence Joseph

Minister of Labour

Ministry of Legal Affairs, Labour and Local Government

Church Street

St. George's

tel: (473) 440-2050

fax: (473) 440-6630


Bertha Lidia Falla

Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social

14 calle 5-49, Zona 1

Edificio NASA, 6 nivel

Ciudad de Guatemala

tel: (502) 251-4140 / 253-3953

fax: (502) 230-1363


Mohamed Akeel

Chief Labour Officer

c/o Sugar Industry, Labour Welfare and Fund Committee

87 Barracks & Dulce Streets

Kingston, Georgetown

tel: (592) 225-7302

fax: (592) 225-0765


José María Reina Vallecillo

Asesor del Despacho Ministerial

Secretaría de Trabajo y Seguridad Social

3ra Calle 5 y 6 Ave.

Frente al Parque de la Libertad


tel: (504) 222-8951

fax: (504) 222-3220

e-mail: jmreinav@


Anthony Irons

Senior Advisor

Ministry of Labour and Social Security

Lf North Street

P.O. Box 481


tel: (876) 922-9500 / 14

fax: (876) 922-6902


Catarina Rock

Directora General de Política Laboral Internacional

Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social

Periférico Sur, N1 4271

Edif. A, piso 4

Colonia Fuentes del Pedregal

Delegación Tlalpan

14149 México, D.F.

tel: (525) 645-5591 / 2962

fax: (525) 645-5594

e-mail: crock@stps.gob.mx


Pilar Pérez

Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral

Avenida Balboa

Edificio de Diego, 7o piso

Aptdo. Postal 2441

Zona 3, Panamá

tel: (507) 211-4100-2

fax: (507) 211-0416

e-mail: mitrabs2@


Nelson Reyes Ureña

Director de Relaciones Internacionales

Secretaría de Estado de Trabajo

Av. Jimenez Moya

Centro de los Héroes

Santo Domingo

tel: (809) 535-4404

fax: (809) 535-4590

e-mail: secret.trabajo@.do


Jennifer Archibald

ILO Desk Officer

Department of Labour

Ministry of Education, Labour and Social Security

P.O.Box 333

Church Street


tel: (869) 465-2521

fax: (869) 465-9069

e-mail: MINELSC@


Andrew James

Labour Commissioner

Ministry of Legal Affairs, Home Affairs and Labour

Erdiston’s Place

Manoel Street


tel: (758) 452-3622 / 3722

fax: (758) 758-453-6315


Edwin Snagg

Minister of State

Office of the Prime Minister

Richmond Hill


tel: (784) 456-1410

fax: (784) 457-1688


Alphonsius M. Karg

Inspector General

Directorate of Labour Inspection

Ministry of Labour, Technological Development

and Environment

22 Wagenwestraat

P.O.Box 911


tel: (597) 477-045

fax: (597) 410-465

e-mail: arbeid@


Lisa Madray-Valadere

Ministry of Labour, Manpower Development

and Industrial Relations

Riverside Plaza

Besson Street

Port of Spain

tel: (868) 623-4241 / 7

fax (868) 624-4091

Chandradath Singh

Consul General for Trinidad and Tobago

Miami, Florida


Jorge Pérez-López


Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB)

Department of Labor

200 Constitution Ave. N.W.

Room S-5006

Washington, D.C. 20210

Teléfono: (202) 693-4883

e-mail: perez-lopez-jorge@

Jane H. Richards

Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB)

Department of Labor

200 Constitution Ave. N.W.

Room S-5006

Washington, D.C. 20210

Teléfono: (202) 693-4884

e-mail: richards-jane@

Robert D. Wholey

Area Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Department of Labor

200 Constitution Ave. N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20210

Teléfono: (202) 693-4814

Fax: (202) 693-4784

e-mail: wholey-robert@


Juan Bosch


Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social

Juncal 1511, Piso 4


tel: (5982) 916-3492

fax: (5982) 916-3442

e-mail: convocar@.uy


Ambar Gudiño

Asesora de la Ministra

Ministerio del Trabajo

Edificio Sur, Piso 5

Centro Simón Bolívar, El Silencio

Caracas, D.F.

tel: (582-12) 483-1881

fax: (582-12) 481-9124

e-mail: ambargp@yahoo.as

Rasghill Eugenia Guerrero

Directora General del Trabajo

Ministerio del Trabajo

Edificio Sur, Piso 5

Centro Simón Bolívar, El Silencio

Caracas, D.F.

tel: (582-12) 481-4859

fax: (582-12) 481-9097

e-mail: rasghill@


Eliseu Oriol Pagés

Consejero Laboral y de Asuntos Sociales

Embajada de España

2375 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C. 20037

tel: (202) 728-2331

fax: (202) 822-3731

e-mail: claswash@


Trade Union Technical Committee on Labor Matters (COSATE)

Gerardo Martínez


Consejo Sindical de Asesoramiento Técnico

en Asuntos Laborales (COSATE)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Faz: (54114) 384-7164

Jesús Urbieta


Consejo Sindical de Asesoramiento Técnico

en Asuntos Laborales (COSATE)

Caracas, Venezuela

Tel: (582-12) 576-2747

Fax: (582-12) 576-3049

Antonio Valiño

Director Departamento Legal

Unión Obrera de la Construcción de la República Argentina

Avenida Belgrano 1870, 6◦ piso

Casilla Postal 1094

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel: (54114) 384-7140/51 – Int. 6600

Fax: (54114) 384-7140

e-mail: avaliño@

Stanley Gacek

Assistant Director of International Affairs

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO)

815 16th St. N.W.

Washington, D.C.

Tel: (202) 508-6916

Fax: (202) 637-5325

e-mail: sgacek@

Hassan Yussuf

Executive Vice President

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

2841 Riverside Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7

Tel: (613) 521-3400

Fax: (613) 521-4655

Sheila Katz

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

2841 Riverside Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7

Tel: (613) 521-3400

Fax: (613) 521-4655

Víctor Baez

Secretario de Política Social y Económica

Organización Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores

de la Conferencia Internacional de Organizaciones Libres (ORIT)

Avenida Andrés Eloy Blanco, Edif. CTV, piso 15

Los Caobos

Caracas 1010, Venezuela

Tel: (582-12) 578-3538

Fax: (582-12) 578-1702

e-mail: orit@

Benjamín Davis

Coordinator, Americas Office

Solidarity Center

American Federation of Labor and Congress

of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO)

1925 K St. N.W., Suite 300

Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: (202) 778-4507

Fax: (202) 778-6344

e-mail: bdavis@

Zoveida Serrano-Jenkins

Representante Mercosur

746 Thayer Ave. #1

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

Tel: (301) 589-8750

e-mail: acils@.py

Gilbert Brown


Costa Rica

Carlos Mancilla



Salvador Medina



Alfredo Padilla



Business Technical Advisory Committee

on Labor Matters (CEATAL)

Octavio Carvajal Bustamante

Asesor, Consejo Empresarial de Asesoramiento

Técnico en Asuntos Laborales (CEATAL)

Carvajal Bustamante & Asesores

Homero 1425 Despacho 405

Colonia Polanco C.P. 11540

México, D.F.

Tel: (525) 580-2827

Fax: (525) 580-0044


Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Gustavo Márquez

Investigador Principal de Economía

Departamento de Investigación

Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

1300 New York Ave.

Washington, D.C. 20577

tel: (202) 623-2885

fax: (202) 623-1772

e-mail: gustavoma@

International Labor Organization (ILO)

Anthony Freeman

Director, Washington Branch Office

International Labor Organization

1828 l St., N.W., Suite 600

Washington, D.C. 20036

Tel: (202) 653-7652

Fax: (202) 653-7687

e-mail: freeman@

Willi Momm

Director, ILO Caribbean Office

P.O. Box 1201

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Tel: (868) 628-1453

Fax: (868) 628-2433

e-mail: momm@.tt

Daniel Martínez

Director a.i.

Oficina de Arca y Equipo Técnico Multidisciplinario

para los Países Andinos

Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)

Las Flores 295

Lima 27, Perú

Teléfono: (511) 221-2565

Fax: (511) 421-5292

e-mail: martinez@.pe

Luis Miguel Díaz

Coordinador del Proyecto Regional RLA-OO-M51/USA

Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)

New Mexico State University

Academic Research Center

Bdg.B, RM. 110-Standley Dr.

P.O. Box 30001, MSC 3CRC

Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA 88003-8001

Tel: (505) 664-8195

Fax: (505) 646-1092

e-mail: lmd@crc.nmsu.edu

Pablo Lazo

Consultor Proyecto CIMT-OIT

Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)

Santiago, Chile

Tel: (562) 201-2727

Fax: (562) 201-2031

e-mail: lazo@oitchile.cl

Mario Velasquez

Consultor Proyecto CIMT-OIT

Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)

Luis Carrera 1131, Vitacura

Santiago, Chile

Tel: (562) 201-2727, ext. 315

Fax: (562) 201- 2031

e-mail: velasquezp@oitchile.cl

Cecilia Huneeus

Consultora Proyecto CIMT-OIT

Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT)

Santiago, Chile

Tel: (562) 201-2727, ext. 302

Fax: (562) 201-2031

e-mail: huneeus@oitchile.cl

Eliseo Cuadrao

Coordinador Subregional para América del Sur

Las Flores 295

San Isidro

Apartado Postal 14-124

Lima, Perú

Tel: (511) 221-2565 / 215-0300

Fax: (511) 421-5292

e-mail: cuadrao@.pe

Sr. Jesús López San José

Director Adjunto

Proyecto de Modernización de las

Administraciones de Trabajo de América Central

Belice, Panamá y República Dominicana

de la Librería Universal 200 Sur, 100 Oeste

200 Sur y 25 Oeste, Sabana Sur

Aptdo. 10170-1000

San José, Costa Rica

Tel/Fax: (506) 290-8844

Tel: (506) 231-2306

e-mail: matac@oit.or.cr


Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Rex D. García-Hidalgo

Economic Commission for Latin America

and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

1825 K Street, N.W., Suite 1120

Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: (202) 955-5613

Fax: (202) 296-0826

e-mail: rgarcia@

Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM)

Stephen MacAndrew

Assistant Secretary General

Manpower Development

Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM)

Bank of Guyana Building

Avenue of the Republic

P. O. Box 10827

Georgetown, Guyana

Tel: (592) 25-1960

Fax: (592) 25-8039

e-mail: stevenm@

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Luz Maritza Tennassee

Workers’ Health Advisor

Division of Health and Environment

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

525 23rd. St., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20037

Tel: (202) 974-3307

Fax: (202) 974-3645

Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)

Carmen Lomellín

Secretaria Ejecutiva

Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM)

1889 F Street, Suite 880-A

Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: (202) 458-6084

Fax: (202) 458-6094


Carlos Monge Rodríguez

Asesor Técnico Principal


Calle 31 entre Avenidas 10 y 12

San José, Costa Rica

Tel: (506) 280-5437

Fax: (506) 280-7462

e-mail: proalca@sol.racsa.co.cr


Carlos Araújo

Consultor Proyecto SISMEL/OEA

Lima, Perú

Tel: (562) 202-1741

Fax: (562) 202-5879


Danielle Vinette


XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 994-6231

Fax: (819) 997-4612

e-mail: danielle.vinette@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Paola Monk

Secretariat and Liaison Manager

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 997-4618

Fax: (819) 997-4612

e-mail: paola.monk@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Ron Lapensée

Facilities and Operations Manager

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 997-4127

Fax: (819) 997-4612

e-mail: ron.lapensé@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Rachel Messier

Accommodations, Accreditation and Transportation Manager

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 997-3768

Fax: (819) 997-4612

Shannon Sheil

Communications and Media Relations Manager

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 997-4156

Fax: (819) 997-4612

e-mail: info@

Diana Nelson

Financial Officer

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 997-3946

Fax: (819) 997-4612

E-mail: diana.nelson@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca

Mélanie Mineault

Administrative Assistant

XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour Secretariat

165, rue Hôtel-de-Ville, 9e étage

Place du Portage, Phase II

Hull, Québec, Canada K1A 0J2

Tel: (819) 997-3728

Fax: (819) 997-4612

e-mail: mélanie.mineault@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca


Sofíaleticia Morales


Unidad de Desarrollo Social y Educación

1889 F Street

Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: (202) 458-3428

Fax: (202) 458-3744


Jorge D. García

Secretario Técnico de la Conferencia

Interamericana de Ministros de Trabajo (CIMT)

1889 F Street

Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: (202) 458-3311

Fax: (202) 458-3280

e-mail: jdgarcía@

Germán Zincke

Asesor Técnico de la Conferencia

Interamericana de Ministros de Trabajo (CIMT)

1889 F Street

Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: (202) 458-3225

Fax: (202) 458-3476

e-mail: gzincke@



No. del

Documento Título 1/ Idiomas 2/

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.1/01 |Lista de documentos registrados por la Secretaría | |Textual |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.2/01 |Calendario de actividades de la Reunión Preparatoria de la XII | |E I F P |

| |Conferencia Interamericana de Ministros de Trabajo | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.3/01 |Informe de la Presidencia Pro Tempore sobre el Avance de la Declaración| |E I |

|Declaración y el Plan de Acción de Viña |y el Plan de Acción de Viña del Mar, a cargo de Chile | | |

|del Mar, a cargo de la Presidencia | | | |

|Pro Tempore, Chile pendiente | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.4/01 |Informe del Coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo I: “Globalización de la | |E I |

| |Economía y su Dimensión Social y Laboral”, a cargo de Bolivia | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.5/01 pendiente |Informe Final de Actividades del Grupo de Trabajo II: “Modernización | |E I |

|“Modernización del Estado y de la |del Estado y de la Administración Laboral”, a cargo de Costa Rica | | |

|Administración | | | |

|Laboral”, a cargo de Costa Rica | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.6/01 Integración en |Consideraciones Generales sobre Las Normas Laborales y los Procesos de | |E I |

|Las Américas, a cargo de la OIT |Integración, a cargo de la OIT | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.7/01 |Proyecto de Declaración y Plan de Acción de Ottawa | |E I F P |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.8/01 E I F P |Calendario preliminar de la XII Conferencia Interamericana de Ministros| |E I F P |

|Interamericana de Ministros de Trabajo |de Trabajo | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.9/01 los Programas y|La Incorporación de la Perspectiva de Género en los Programas y | |E I |

|Políticas de los Ministerios |Políticas de los Ministerios de Trabajo – Comisión Interamericana de | | |

|de Trabajo – Comisión Interamericana de |Mujeres | | |

|Mujeres | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.10/01 |Areas de Política Laboral que Pudiesen ser Objeto de Programas de | |E I |

| |Cooperación Técnica | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/doc.11/01 |Lista de Participantes | |Textual |

| | | | |

TRABAJO/RTP/doc 12/01 Informe Final E I



1. Título registrado en el idioma original.

2. E=Español; I=Inglés: F=Francés; P=Portugués.


|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-1/01 Plan de Acción de|Plan de Acción de la Cumbre de las Américas 2001 – Trabajo y Empleo | |E I F P |

|la Cumbre de E I F P | | | |

|Las Américas 2001 – Trabajo y Empleo | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-2/01 |Informe de Sistema de Información sobre Mercados Laborales (SISMEL) | |E I |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-3/01 . |Informe Acerca de la Política y el Derecho Social Comunitarios de la | |E I |

|Experiencia de la Unión Europea, |Unión Europea. Tomás Sala Franco, consultor Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo | | |

|Tomás Sala Franco, consultor |de Trabajo I, “Globalización de la Economía y su Dimensión Social y | | |

|Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo I,|Laboral” | | |

| | | | |

|“Globalización de la Economía | | | |

|y su Dimensión Social y Laboral” | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-4/01 Experiencia del|La Dimensión Social de la Integración. La Experiencia del MERCOSUR. | |E I |

|MERCOSUR, |María Carmen Ferreira, consultora Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo | | |

|María Carmen Ferreira, consultora |I, “Globalización de la Economía y su Dimensión Social y Laboral” | | |

|Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo I,| | | |

| | | | |

|“Globalización de la Economía | | | |

|y su Dimensión Social y Laboral” | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-5/01 |La Inmigración Laboral Temporal en la Región de América del Norte, | |E I |

|de América del Norte, Mónica Verea, |Mónica Verea de Yturbe, consultora Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo| | |

|consultora Proyecto CIMT/OIT, |I, “Globalización de la Economía y su Dimensión Social y Laboral” | | |

|Grupo de Trabajo I, “Globalización de| | | |

|la | | | |

|Economía y su Dimensión Social y | | | |

|Laboral” | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-6/01 La Justicia |Justicia Laboral y Medios Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos | |E I |

|Laboral y Medios Alternativos |Colectivos e Individuales del Trabajo. Jorge J. Sappia, consultor | | |

|Pendiente |Proyecto CIMT/OIT- Grupo de Trabajo II, “Modernización del Estado y de | | |

|de Solución de Conflictos Colectivos |la Administración Laboral” | | |

|Individuales | | | |

|del Trabajo, Jorge J. Sappia, | | | |

|consultor | | | |

|Proyecto CIMT/OIT- Grupo de Trabajo | | | |

|II, | | | |

|“Modernización del Estado y de la | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-7/01 Pendiente |Inspección del Trabajo en el Marco de la Modernización de la | |E I |

|en el Proceso de Modernización |Administración del Trabajo. Vera Lúcia Jatobà, consultora Proyecto | | |

|Administrativa, Vera Lúcia |CIMT/OIT- Grupo de Trabajo II, “Modernización del Estado y de la | | |

|Jatobà, consultora |Administración Laboral” | | |

|Proyecto CIMT/OIT- Grupo de Trabajo | | | |

|II, | | | |

|“Modernización del Estado y de la | | | |

|Administración Laboral” | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF- 8/01 Panorama Laboral|Reformas Laborales Implementadas en la Región en el Contexto de los | |E I |

|en los países de la OEA, Pendiente |Procesos de Integración, durante el Período de 1980 a 2000, Adolfo | | |

|Adolfo Ciudad, consultor Proyecto |Ciudad Reynaud, consultor Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo I, | | |

|CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo I, |“Globalización de la Economía y su Dimensión Social y Laboral” | | |

|“Globalización | | | |

|de la Economía y su Dimensión Social y| | | |

|Laboral” | | | |

| | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-9/01 Plan de Acción de la|Trabajo Infantil en América Latina, Programa Internacional para la | |E |

|Cumbre de E I F P |Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil (IPEC-OIT) | | |

|Las Américas 2001 – Trabajo y Empleo | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-10/01 |Salud de los Trabajadores en la Región de las Américas (OPS) | |E |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-11/01 . Experiencia |Proyecto de Modernización de las Administraciones del Trabajo de | |E |

|de la Unión Europea, |América Central, Belice, Panamá y República Dominicana (MATAC-OIT) | | |

|Tomás Sala Franco, consultor | | | |

|Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo I, | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-12/01 |Declaración de la CEPAL sobre la Dimensión Laboral y Social de la | |E |

|María Carmen Ferreira, consultora |Globalización (CEPAL) | | |

|Proyecto CIMT/OIT, Grupo de Trabajo I, | | | |

|TRABAJO/RTP/INF-13/01 |Vinculación entre Trabajo, Educación y Desarrollo Social (OEA) | |E |

| | | | |

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Inter-American Council for Integral Development



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