CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIORThe Consumer Decision Making ProcessHow does a consumer actually make a decision to buy a product?Most marketers think that many consumers use a 6-step decision making process.Awareness of a ___________________________ or ______________________________.__________________________ SearchSources of:__________________________ of OptionsDecision to ___________________________________________________________________________________ EvaluationDoes it take longer to buy a pair of athletic shoes or a tube of toothpaste? Why?4 Levels of Decision Making No research or thoughtGreat deal of research or thoughtImpulseDid not consciously plan to buy, but the urge came over you!What are some examples of impulse purchases you have made?What are some strategies that marketers use to encourage impulse buying?What are some disadvantages towards impulse buying?Where does it fall on the spectrum?RoutineDo not think about the buying process much.Made _________________________ and with not much ____________________.Purchased ___________________________ and often brand _________________.Examples of routine purchases:LimitedMade with some __________________________ and ________________________.May be the first time purchasing and may be a little more expensive (investment)What might be some examples of limited decision making purchases you have made?ExtensiveMajor impact on your daily life, finances, etc.Large amount of time spent on _________________________ and __________________________.What might be some examples of purchases that you will make/have made with an extensive decision making process?CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIORThe Consumer Decision Making ProcessName____________________________________________ Score_______________/15 pointsExplain the statement: The type of decision-making process varies both with the consumer and with the product. (2 points)At the checkout counter, you see a magazine. Before you know it, you are paying for the magazine. What level of purchase decision would you have just made? (1 point)You regularly buy the same brands of milk, bread and peanut butter. Which level of purchase decision is this? (1 point)How can marketers assist and influence in the following steps of the consumer decision making process?(6 points)Information Search:Purchase:Post-Purchase Evaluation:What is a recent purchase that you have made? Explain the role that the consumer decision making process played in your purchase?What level of purchase decision would it be? Explain. (5 points) ................

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