Report on Customer Service - Texas Health and Human ...

2020 Report on Customer Service

As Required by Texas Government Code,


Texas Health and Human Services System June 1, 2020

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ............................................................................... 1 Individual Agency Surveys......................................................................1

1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 4 HHS System Mission and Budget Strategies ..............................................4 Previous Reports on Customer Service .....................................................4 Surveys Included in 2020 Report on Customer Service...............................5 Updates Resulting from HB 2110 (86th Legislature, Regular Session)..........10 Report Format.....................................................................................28

2. Department of State Health Services ............................................... 29 I. Community Health Improvement ......................................................29 II. Consumer Protection Division ...........................................................31 III.Laboratory and Infectious Disease.....................................................34

3. Health and Human Services Commission ......................................... 45 I. Healthcare Coverage .......................................................................46 II. Access and Eligibility Services...........................................................83 III.Quality Reviews ..............................................................................88 IV. Health, Development, and Independence Services ............................ 100 V. Mental Health Services .................................................................. 111 VI. Disability Services ......................................................................... 125

4. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 129

Appendix A. Customer Inventory for the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) ............................................................................. A-1 Services Provided to Customers by Budget Strategy, as listed in HHS System Strategic Plan 2019?2023, Volume II, Schedule A............................. A-1

Appendix B. Customer Inventory for the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) ....................................................................... B-1 Services Provided to Customers by Budget Strategy, as listed in HHS System Strategic Plan 2019?2023, Volume II, Schedule A............................. B-1

Appendix C. List of Acronyms.............................................................. C-1


Executive Summary

This "2020 Report on Customer Service" is prepared in response to ?2114.002 of the Government Code, which requires that Texas state agencies biennially submit information gathered from customers about the quality of agency services to the Governor's Office of Budget and Policy and the Legislative Budget Board.

This report reflects the cooperative efforts of two Texas agencies belonging to the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) system during the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2018 and SFY 2019 reporting period (September 2017 to August 2019). Specifically, this report includes information from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).

The HHS system mission is "Improving the health, safety, and well-being of Texans with good stewardship of public resources." In pursuit of this mission, HHS agencies administer a series of surveys to assess the quality of HHS services. This report includes the results of 289,132 individual survey responses from 31 surveys conducted by HHS agencies. Many of the surveys reported here are recurring efforts; for the most part, responses are from surveys conducted during SFY 2018 and SFY 2019. HHS agencies use this feedback to help improve customer service.

Individual Agency Surveys

HHS agencies independently conduct surveys that include questions about customer satisfaction with specific agency programs and services. This report presents descriptions and major findings from the following surveys.

Department of State Health Services

I. Community Health Improvement a. Children with Special Health Care Needs Systems Development Group Case Management and Family Supports and Community Resources Family Satisfaction Surveys

II. Consumer Protection Division a. Business Filing and Verification Section ? Customer Service Satisfaction Survey


b. Surveillance Section Customer Service Satisfaction Survey III. Laboratory and Infectious Disease

a. Texas Vaccines for Children Program ? Clinic Site Visits b. Laboratory Services Testing Customer Satisfaction Survey c. Laboratory Courier Program Satisfaction Survey d. South Texas Laboratory ? Water Sample Testing e. South Texas Laboratory - Clinical Testing

Health and Human Services Commission

I. Healthcare Coverage a. STAR Child Caregiver Member Survey b. STAR Health Caregiver Member Survey c. STAR Kids Caregiver Member Survey d. CHIP Caregiver Member Survey e. Child Core Measures Survey f. Medicaid and CHIP Dental Caregiver Survey g. STAR Adult Member Survey h. STAR+PLUS Member Survey i. Adult Core Measures Survey j. Medical Transportation Program Member Survey

II. Access and Eligibility Services a. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Community Partner Interview (CPI) Surveys b. Survey

III. Quality Reviews a. Nursing Facility Quality Review (NFQR) b. Long Term Services and Supports Quality Review (LTSSQR) c. Consumer Rights and Services (CRS) Survey


IV. Health, Development, and Independence Services a. Early Childhood Intervention Family Survey b. Autism Program Satisfaction Survey c. Your WIC Experience Survey

V. Mental Health Services a. Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program Youth Services Survey for Families b. Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program Adult Services Survey c. Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program Inpatient Consumer Survey d. House Bill 13 Community Mental Health Grant Program

VI. Disability Services a. Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services Survey and Disability Services Survey

Overall, the HHS system of agencies obtained feedback from a diverse group of customers. Most respondents provided positive feedback regarding the services and supports they received through HHS programs, whereas a small percentage offered opportunities for improvement. These results support the HHS system mission of improving the health, safety, and well-being of Texans.



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