Continuous Learning Plan Template

Continuous Learning Plan

The College of the North Atlantic is committed to enabling employees to grow from individual, professional and organizational learning. This Continuous Learning Plan offers you an opportunity to summarize, highlight and communicate your own learning needs. You may use the definitions below to help guide you in this process.

Continuous Learning Definitions:

Continuous learning is defined as a learning activity which enables employees to grow both individually and professionally.

Individual Learning is defined as an employee embracing learning activities which enhances individual personal growth and provides benefit to individual professional and personal goals.

Professional Learning is defined as planned formal or informal activities that enhance short and/or longterm proficiency and professional excellence.

Organizational Learning is a strategic process of cross functional learning as required, to invest in growth and excellence of both employees and the College.


Administration Faculty


1. Briefly outline your short-term and long term individual or professional learning goals: Short Term (Up to 1 year)

Long Term (Up to 5 years)

Continuous Learning Plan

2. Identify how your Continuous Learning plan demonstrates growth for your individual, professional or organization learning goals.

3. Immediate Supervisor Comments:

4. Human Resources Comments:

NOTES: Plan should be discussed with your immediate supervisor. A more detailed learning plan may be attached to this document, if required.

?College of the North Atlantic

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