M3 MBBS Therapeutic Assessment Dec 2004

1. The following drugs are used for hypertension

a) α-blockers

b) diuretics

c) ACE inhibitors

d) Calcium channel blockers

2. In controlling hypertension,

a) it is imperative to expeditiously control blood pressure

b) 90% of patients can be controlled on monotherapy

c) Diuretics + ACE inhibitors

d) ACE inhibitors + β-blockers

3. Treatment for atopic dermatitis on hairy scalp

a) Cream

b) Ointment

c) Lotion

d) Gel

4. Preventor therapy for persistent asthma

a) Replace inhaled steroids with long acting β-agonist

b) Short acting β-agonist can be used to control asthma



5. Anaphylaxis

a) Mechanism for respiratory distress is laryngoedema and bronchospasm

b) Urticaria and angioedema are common

c) Can result in cardiovascular collapse

d) Adrenaline is indicated

6. Treatment for anaphylaxis

a) Β-antagonist for refractory hypotension

b) Histamine is not first line treatment even though effects are mediated by histamine

c) We cannon prevent it because we don’t know the mechanism

d) Patient can be discharged after the acute episode and arrange for follow up at an early date.

7. Failure of treatment in type 2 diabetic on diet and metformin

a) May be due to decreased compliance

b) May be due to decreased sensitivity

c) Insulin is indicated

d) Sulphonylurea may be added

8. The following are contraindicated in children below 3 years

a) digoxin

b) aspirin

c) fluoroquinolones

d) diazepam

9. The following drugs and their antidotes are matched:

a) parathion:atropine

b) warfarin: protamine sulphate

c) morphine: ? (smtg other than naloxone)

d) d-tubocurarine: neostigmine

10. Morphine causes the following:

a) increase in biliary pressure

b) decreased urine output

c) psychosis

d) hypertension

11. Regarding clinical trials:

a) only one out of ten drugs entering phase 1 clinical trials will eventually become a licensed drug.

b) it is generally accepted that the highest dose of drug is tested on a single animal species for 14 days before considered safe for human trials.

c) phase 3 trials consist of small studies to obtain safety data in man.

d) phase 4 trials comprise of large 'pharmacosurveillance' studies of patients  to further understand safety of the drug.

12. The Pharmacokinetics in neonates differ from that in adults in the following

a) decrease glomerular filtration rate

b) decrease total body water

c) increase hepatic mixed function oxidase

d) increase albumin binding of drugs

13. Question on GCP

15. Helps to prevent peptic ulcer disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis taking NSAIDS

a) PPI

b) H2 antagonist

c) antacid

d) COX 2 selective inhibitors

14. Endocsopy sees an gastric ulcer

a) Biopsy is not indicated

b) Start H.pylori treatment

c) History of traditional Chinese medicine is important as many of them contain NSAIDs

d) History of 100mg/day aspirin ingestion is no significant

15. Risk factors for liver failure in paracetamol overdose

a) Ethanol > 25 units/week

b) Phenytoin 300mg daily for epilepsy

c) Malnutrition

d) Hep B carrier

16. King’s criteria for liver transplantation in fulminant hepatitis failure

a) Arterial pH < 7.3

b) Prothrombin > 50s

c) Encephalopathy of grade II or more

d) Creatinine > 301umol/L

17. Methanol poisoning

a) Ethanol is the antidote that competes for alcohol dehydrogenase

b) Blindness is caused by acetyldehyde

c) Osmolar gap and anion gap will both be elevated

d) Hemodialysis can remove methanol and toxic products rapidly.

18. Side effects of SSRIs





19. In controlling depression with paranoid delusion

a) Diazepam only

b) Citalopram only

c) Haloperidol and fluoxetine

d) Rusperidone and ozalapine

20. Topical steroids can cause

a) Telangectasia

b) Acne

c) Purple striae

d) Premalignant skin lesion

21. Glycerly trinitrate contraindications

a) Cimetidine

b) Aspirin

c) Sidenafil


22. Prescribing drugs for elderly

a) Drugs excreted by kidneys are contraindicated in patients with renal impairment

b) Digoxin and aspirin should be given together


d) Gentamicin is contraindicated

23. Working definition of asthma

a) It is a chronic inflammatory disease

b) It is a disorder mainly of airway smooth muscles

c) Inflammation leads to airway hyper responsiveness and chronic airflow limitation

d) It is largely irreversible even with therapy

24. Diabetes mellitus in obese patient

a) Diet and exercise are first line treatment

b) Metformin and tolbutamide are prescribed during the first visit

c) Acarbose for first 2 months to lose weight

d) Chlorpropamide is a better choice than tolbutamide to induce hypoglycaemia

25. Lidocaine can cause

a) Sedation

b) AV block


d) Hypertension

27. Regarding drugs used in angina pectoris:


a. their main mode of action is by increasing myocardial oxygen perfusion.

b. calcium channel blockers, nitrates and beta blockers are all effective. 

c. beta blockers, nitrates and dihydropyridines can be combined if monotherapy is inadequate.

d. verapamil and beta blockers can be used together.


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