
January 7, 2020 Geography NotesGEOGRAPHY: the study of earth and its human inhabitants There are 2 main branches of geography: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY (or cultural geography)Neither branch can be studied and understood apart from the other branch PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYPhysical Geography is basically the study of the natural earth, the way God made it, what he put in and on it, and how His Creation sustains and affects humans.Physical Geography includes the study of the earth’s natural features:OCEANS, CONTINENTS, ISLANDS, RIVERS, DESERTS, MOUNTAINSCOASTAL FEATURES SUCH AS Bays, gulfs, straits, and capesFEATURES OF TOPOGRAPHY: plains, plateaus, hills, valleys, canyons, etc.NATURAL PHENOMENA such as climate, ocean currents, storms, eclipses, tides, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.An understanding of physical geography is necessary because it has a profound effect on humans.A lack of geographical knowledge reduces understanding of how and where humans live.POLITICAL GEOGRAPHYPolitical geography’s main emphasis is on humans and how they interact with their environment and with each other. Just as humans are profoundly affected by physical geography, people also alter physical geography.3 key elements in the study of Political geography: RELIGION, ECONOMICS, and GOVERNMENT Taken as a whole, these 3 elements of political geography are the primary builders of CULTURE, an important topic in any geography class.The following are topics that will be covered as part of our study of political geography:IMMIGRATION, RACISM, POVERTY, TRADE, ENERGY, JIHAD, OPEN/CLOSED BORDERS, REFUGEES, etc. Some of the topics are controversial but merit our attention. For example, IS CLIMATE CHANGE REAL? IF SO, ARE HUMANS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE? IF SO WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT? Geography is a broad subject. We can only ‘scratch the surface’ in terms of total geographic knowledge, but we will at least examine a number of issues that are crucially important in the world of 2020. Much of our study of current issues will be incorporated into our study of various regions of the world. A very important study of the Middle East and Asia is scheduled. Hopefully, time will permit quick visits to Europe, South America, Central America, and the Islands of the Caribbean. JUDEO-CHRISTIAN TRADITIONBegins with GENESIS/Story of Creation—God is CreatorJudeo-Christian Values originally developed in Jewish history beginning withAbraham, Isaac, JacobJudeo-Christian values further developed through God’s leaders such as Moses It was to Moses and the Children of Israel—in the wilderness as they fled Egypt—that God gave the 10 COMMANDMENTS (the basis for our modern legal system!) The Judeo-Christian value system was fully and eternally completed byJesus Christ whose birth is the ‘pivot point’ of historyFoundational beliefs of the Judeo-Christian ‘worldview’ 1. God is Creator He knows us and provides for us2. Worth of the individual (every individual human is special because he or she is made in God’s image) and as a result, the Judeo-Christian value system guides our interactions with other people: Golden Rule Compassion/Empathy GenerosityWhat happens to the INDIVIDUAL person is particularly important in the Judeo-Christian value system Hence our Constitution contains a Bill of Rights From a theological standpoint, Christians believe that God deals with individuals, especially through the process of salvation in that each person is called upon to exercise faith in Christ.3. Moral Behavior—Conduct based on the 10 Commandments and on the Golden Rule love and Integrity are integral parts of the Judeo-Christian Worldview In what parts of the world has the JUEDO-CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW greatly influenced history?Western Hemisphere (USA, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America) Western EuropeBelow is a very brief description/explanation of the primary beliefs of most people with a Judeo-Christian Worldview. The Congress of Christian Leaders explains what most Christians and Jews who embrace a Judeo-Christian worldview believe:We believe in One God who is the source of all existence, and without which nothing would exist.We believe that, despite the gap between finite Man and the infinite God that we understand some things about Him, which allow us to relate to Him. First and foremost, we believe in His goodness.We believe that all human beings are created in His image, and that this stands behind Man’s claim to specialness.We believe in the eternity of the soul. We believe that God communicates to Man, and that the chief record of this communication is the Bible.We believe that God makes demands on people. These demands are given to us out of His love. They reflect His wisdom. They reflect realities that are immutable and unchangeable.? Not everything is up for grabs. Absolutes exist. Individuals and societies that ignore them will not achieve the happiness and fulfillment that they should.? A few of the values He communicated through scripture are 1. The family is the optimum way to nurture the next generation.2. Loving others (love your neighbor as yourself) goes hand in hand with loving and obeying God.3. Moral living4. The TEN COMMANDMENTS summarize God’s expectations and form the basis for our JUDEO-CHRISTIAN legal system The Judeo-Christian Worldview was shared by almost all Americans in 1776. A reading of the Declaration of Independence is proof that our ‘Founding Fathers’ saw the world through their Judeo-Christian beliefs and built our nation upon the firm foundation of Judeo-Christian values. The Judeo-Christian Worldview, cherished by Americans for many years, has always been an integral part of the success story that is the United States of America. It has guided Christians and non-Christians alike by shaping our behavior toward our fellowman. It has produced the most generous, forgiving, and compassionate people on earth. NOTE: As Americans, we have NOT been perfect in our application of Judeo-Christian principles! The two most glaring contradictions to Judeo-Christian value—SLAVERY and TREATMENT OF INDIGENOUS AMERICAN INDIANS—conclusively proves the weakness and sinfulness of man! HOWEVER, THE MISTAKES MADE BY AMERICA ARE NOT THE FAULT OF OUR JUDEO-CHRISTIAN VALUES BUT TO OUR SINFULNESS AS HUMANS. THIS WORLD GEOGRAPHY CLASS WILL BE TAUGHT FROM A JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE!!!THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN RELEVANCE TO WORLD GEOGRAPHYThe Judeo-Christian Worldview has shaped the CIVILIZATION, PEOPLE, VALUES, and CULTURE of most of the WESTERN WORLD: Western Europe North, South, and Central America Australia, New ZealandThere are other worldviews, some secular and some influenced by religions other than Christianity.You will discover that conflict has often been created when opposing worldviews clash. Understanding our worldview, the JUDEO-CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW, will help you understand why we Americans think and act the way we do and why the Judeo-Christian Worldview is superior to other worldviews. Additional Important Thoughts on Judeo-Christian Values:Having a Judeo-Christian Worldview does NOT save you—Jesus does that when an individual has faith in Him, repents of sin, and asks for forgiveness—but it absolutely influences people to live moral lives. Most people, whether Christians or not, want God’s favor and live their lives accordingly We tend to believe that people are basically good because in the Judeo-Christian world most people have been taught to respect the rights of others and to obey the law—they have been taught “TO BE GOOD”. Scripture, however, and even a cursory study of history tells us that evil is real, that ALL MEN SIN AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD, and that we ALL need a SAVIOR! (Jesus would not have had to die on a cross if people were good!) Email me if you have a message to communicate. Jpiercey146@ ................

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