Table Talk

Weekend Sermon Follow-Up Study:

Table Talk:

*Spiritual Conversation Starters for Families

I Samuel: Week of February 16, 2014

*Read I Samuel 8-10

1. Describe a time when you were inclined to do something just to be like everyone else. How do you prevent sin from blinding you and your choices today?

2. When was the last time you bulldozed over God's will, only to find the walls crashing around you? What did you learn for your future?

3. How can you ask God for something in the confidence he will say no if it is bad for you? Do you really want him to?

4. If a prophet were reading all that was in your heart and tell you where your lost items were, would you have reacted as Saul did? Why?

5. What insight does Samuel give you into Jesus’ prophetic ability to know what was in the heart of a person (see John 2:25)?

6. What insight does Saul's search for the lost donkeys give you regarding Jesus’ compassion and seeking to save the lost (sheep, coin, and son in Luke 15)?

7. When has God mercifully used your disobedient choices to bring good in your life? When has God used random events, good or bad, to bring you to the point where he could bless you?

8. In what area in your life right now do you feel the need for some valiant men to accompany you? Who could help you? How do you think they could help you?

Weekend Sermon Follow-Up Study:

Digging Deeper:

*Sermon Follow -Up Study for Individuals, Couples, & Groups

I Samuel: Week of February 16, 2014

*Read I Samuel 8-10

1. Why did the Israelites request a king? Which reason most disturbed Samuel?

2. Is rejecting Samuel the same as rejecting God (8:7)? Why? What does this pattern represent (8:8)?

3. If you heard the warning in 8:11-8:18, would you have acted as Israelites did? Why? What is wrong with their willful intent to have a king? What were the kings of other nations like in those days? Why does the Lord seem to give in to them?

4. What physical advantage does Saul have over his peers? How might that impress others with his “electability”?

5. What distinguishes a “man of God” (9:6)? What was the prophetic office like back then? What does Saul's ignorance of Samuel indicate?

6. What is God's purpose for the king to be (9:16)? What do you think Samuel saw in Saul's heart (9:19)? In Saul’s fortunes and future (9:20)? How does Saul react to Samuel's prophetic insight (9:21)?

7. What meaning did events at Gibeah have for Saul? For those who knew him? Why such surprise and cynicism?

8. In what sense was there no one like Saul? Do you think Samuel had any clue that Saul would turn bad later in his reign?

9. How do the Israelites respond to their new king (10:24-27)? How does Saul take it? Would your feelings have been more like the valiant men or the troublemakers?


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