
Fundamentals of data representationa.State how many: i.bits there are in a byte[1]ii.bytes there are in a kilobyte [1]iii.bytes there are in a megabyte[1]b.A DVD can hold about 4.5 Gigabytes. Which unit of measurement would be most appropriate for the following storage media: [3]DVDGigabyteCD-ROMHard DiskUSB Flash Memory StickA computer stores data and instructions in binary form. Explain why computers use binary. [2]Calculate the denary value of the 8-bit number 01101001. Show your working. [1]Convert the binary number 01001110 to denary. Show your working. [1]Arithmetic can be performed on binary numbers.Add together the following three binary numbers. [3]11011+010011+1111000=Convert the total to decimal?[1]Binary numbers can be shifted left or right to alter their value.Perform a binary shift left of one place on the number below. [1]01100111Explain the effect on the value of the number after a shift left of one place. [1]Use the segment of the ASCII code below in this question. Convert the following binary data into text characters: [1]01000110 01000001 01000011 01000101BinaryCharacter01000001A01000010B01000011C01000100D01000101E01000110FHow many bytes would the following message require: [1]Bring hat!What are the limitations of the ASCII character set? State why it is limited in this way.[2]d.Name a character set designed to overcome these limitations.[1]Photo editing packages often use colour codes in hexadecimal and denary rather than binary.Convert the hexadecimal colour code 3C into binary. Show your working. [2]Convert the denary colour code 42 into hexadecimal. Show your working. [1]Explain why colour codes are given in Hexadecimal rather than binary. [2]d.A monochrome icon image imported into the photo editing package has a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.iWhat is meant by resolution? [1]iiWhat would the file size in bytes be for the icon image? Explain your answer. [2]iiiThe image artist would like to add two colours to the icon. Explain how this would affect the file size. [2]ivShow how the first row may be represented as binary bitmap data where white = 0 and black = 1. [1]vExplain how the first row may be encoded using Run Length Encoding where white = 0 and black = 1. [1]Ray is recording his voice for a presentation and can adjust the recording resolution and sampling frequency on his computer.Explain the effect of increasing these settings on the quality and size of the file [2]Ray’s first sample is 10 seconds long and sampled at a rate of 16kHz using a resolution of 8 bits.What is meant by 16kHz? [1]What will be the size of file? [2]Ray needs to make sure his recording can be sent by email. Suggest a suitable file format for the file and briefly explain why this is suitable. [3]8.Huffman encoding is a method of lossless compression. State the difference between lossy and lossless compression.[4]b.The Huffman tree below can be used to encode the sentence “AGED BADGERS GRADE EGGS”A ‘Space’ character can be encoded using the binary sequence 110. Determine the Huffman code for the word “BREAD”.[2]How many bits would this take to store?[1]What would be the storage requirement for the word “BREAD” using uncompressed 8-bit ASCII?[1]Calculate the rate of compression Huffman coding applied by giving the percentage saving over the ASCII version. [1][Total 50 marks] ................

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