Metric Measurement Lab

Metric Measurement Lab Objectives: You will learn to make measurements using the metric system. These measurements will encompass mastering the metric ruler, gram scale, and the graduated cylinder, and thermometer. You will demonstrate your ability to convert the original measurements to lower and higher values by moving the decimal point the correct number of places in the proper direction. Materials: Lab paper metric stick Glassware: graduated cylinders, beakercoins Book, coinGram ScaleThermometerProcedures and Data: Linear Measure? Use the metric stick to measure the items listed below. Place your measurements in the spaces below. Above each column write the name of the unit that is abbreviated below it. Circle the unit you used to directly measure with for each item. You will need to convert for the other units. ? Diameter of Penny____________M.____________cm.___________mm.____________km.Height of lab counter____________M.____________cm.___________mm.____________km.Width of the Textbook ____________M.____________cm.___________mm.____________km.Length of the Room____________M.____________cm___________mm.____________km.1. Did you use the same unit to measure each item? Explain why you selected the units you did.2. Mass/WeightUse the scale to mass the following materials. Place your measurements in the spaces below. Be sure to check the unit on the scale to verify that you are measuring in grams (g) not oz or ct.Convert the mass in g to the other units in the table below.Mass of coin ____________g____________cg___________mg____________kgMass of dollar ____________g____________cg___________mg____________kgMass of empty 10 ml graduated cylinder ____________g____________cg__________mg___________kgMass of graduated cylinder with 10 ml water____________g____________cg__________mg___________kgMass of 10 ml water____________g____________cg__________mg___________kg2a. What is the difference between weight and mass? 2b. Why are they used synonymously on Earth?3. Volume (of liquids)Use any of the glassware provided at your lab station to measure the volume of liquids or the container. Place your measurements in the space below. In the last column of the chart write which glassware you used to measure the liquid with. (10 ml graduated cylinder, 50 ml graduated cylinder, 50 ml beaker, 100 ml beaker, 100 ml graduated cylinder)? Volume of the purple liquid _________L._______cL_______mLVolume of water_________L._______cL_______mLVolume of the bottle _________L._______cL_______mL3a. Do all of the glassware measure with the same degree of accuracy? Explain.3b.What determines which glassware you measure with?3c. What is a meniscus? Why is it necessary to know about it when measuring liquids?4. TemperatureUse the thermometer to measure the temperature of the following items. Write the name of the unit measure above the column that contains its abbreviation. Circle the temperature/s which you were able to measure directly.? Ice water F C KTap water F C KRoom temperature F C KCold alcohol F C K4a. How did you determine the values for K?5. Scientific Notation5a) What is the number of your street address in scientific notation? ______________________5b) 1.6 x 103 is what in standard form? Combine this number with Pennsylvania Avenue and what famous residence do you have? ______________________; __________________________________5c) What is 1.25 x 10-1 in standard form? Is this equal to 125 thousandths? ______________________; __________________________________5d) 0.000553 is what in scientific notation? _____________________________5e) (2 x 103) + (3 x 102) = ______________________________5f) (2 x 103) - (3 x 102) = _______________________________5g) (32 x 104) x (2 x 10-3) = _____________________________5h) (9.0 x 104) / (3.0 x 102) = ____________________________5i) The cumulative national debt is on the order of $18 trillion. The cumulative amount of high-level waste at the Savannah River Site, Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and the West Valley Demonstration Project is about 25 billion curies (a unit for radioactivity). If the entire amount of money associated with the national debt was applied to cleanup of those curies, how many dollars per curie would be spent? ________________________________6. Accuracy and PrecisionDetermine the precision and accuracy of the following sets ofmeasurements. You will need to calculate the average, percent error and average deviation for each set of data given.a. A group of students was determining the density of an unknown liquid. They obtainedthe following values: 1.34 g/cm3, 1.32 g/cm3, 1.36 g/cm3. The actual value is 1.34 g/cm3.Average = _______________________Percent Error from average = ___________________Ave. Deviation from average = __________________Circle one: accuratepreciseboth neitherb. Another group obtained the same results, but the actual value is 1.40 g/cm3.Average = _______________________Percent Error from average = ___________________Ave. Deviation from average = __________________Circle one: accuratepreciseboth neitherc. A third group obtained the following values: 1.66 g/cm3, 1.28 g/cm3, and 1.18 g/cm3.The actual value is 1.34 g/cm3.Average = _______________________Percent Error from average = ___________________Ave. Deviation from average = __________________Circle one: accuratepreciseboth neitherd. A fourth group obtained the following values: 1.60 g/cm3, 1.70 g/cm3, and 1.40 g/cm3.The actual value is 1.40 g/cm3.Average = _______________________Percent Error from average = ___________________Ave. Deviation from average = __________________Circle one: accuratepreciseboth neither ................

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