
Exam Preparation for MAP4C: Foundations for College Mathematics.Possible exam concepts may include any work covered in the course, such as:Convert _______ inches to “feet and inches”Convert _______yards to feet.Convert ______yards to inches.Convert _______yards to cm. Convert _______ inches to metres.Convert _______ [units] to ________[other units].Add 3 simple fractions having different denominators. Subtract 2 two mixed fractions. Multiply 2 mixed fractions. Divide 2 mixed fractions. Convert square [units] to square [other units]. Eg. 288 square inches is equivalent to ______ square feet?Read a tape measure or ruler to within 1/16th of an inch.Find perimeter of compound figures.Find the area of compound figures. Eg. A 100 m x 20 m rectangular field with a semi-circular end zone.Find the volume of compound shapes.Solve problems involving equal perimeters.Solve problems involving equal areas.Solve problems involving equal volumes.Solve problems involving the maximum rectangular area for a given fixed perimeter.Solve problems involving the maximum volume for a given fixed surface area.Given a labelled right triangle ABC, determine the three primary trigonometric ratios SIN A, COS A, TAN A, SIN B, COS B, TAN B and their inverses SIN-1, COS-1, TAN-1.Solve problems involving the three primary trigonometric ratios.Pythagorean Theorem problem-solving. Sine Law problem-solving. Cosine Law problem-solving. Identify the independent variable or the dependent variable in a given situation. Read and interpret a given scatter plot graph.Determine if 1-variable or 2-variable statistics apply to a given situation. Interpret situations involving correlation, r. Identify the slope and y-intercept of a given linear equation.Read and interpret graphs or equations that best model a given situation.Understand and interpret “per capita”, “percentile”, and “percent change” situations. Calculated percent increase and percent decrease. Calculate home values that appreciate over time. Calculate vehicle values that depreciate over time. Understand ways of collecting statistical information. Read and interpret statistics from: word problems; graphs; collected data; Calculate rates of change in given situations. Eg. Km/h; m/s, etc.Determine the rate of change and units from a labelled data table. Determine the rate of change and units from a labelled diagram. Simplify expressions involving the exponent rules. Lots of these on the exam!Convert between powers having rational exponents and the equivalent number in radical form. Using a calculator, simplify powers having rational exponents. Solve exponential equations using the change of base method. Solve simple interest situations. Solve compound interest situations. Solving simple ordinary annuity situations. Recognize a mortgage as an annuity where the amount borrowed is the present value.Read, interpret, and solve problems involving mortgages.Demonstrate where to find credible financial information on the internet. Eg. fcac.gc.ca ; cmhc.ca Read, interpret, and solve problems involving a budget. Write a reasonable personal budget for a given life situation. Eg. A college student; A 30-year couple with 2 children; A single 40 year old man or woman; A retired police officer. ................

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