Name:___________________________________ Date:______________________________

There are 28 questions plus one EXTRA CREDIT problem (5 pages) on this examination totaling 104 points (scored out of 100 points). You have 1.0 hr, 15 min to complete this examination and may only use a basic scientific calculator. All work must be shown for credit for Questions 25-29. An Equation Sheet and a scratch sheet will be provided to you. Clearly write your name of this scratch sheet and submit at the end of the examination period. If you need additional scratch paper, please raise your hand. Please sign the honor code below to have exam graded and keep your work covered at all times. If you need further clarification, please raise your hand. Good Luck! Honor Code: The work presented in this exam is my own. I did not given or receive any assistance.


For Questions 1 – 23, either circle the correct answer, fill-in the blanks or rank your answers. Each answer or blank is 1.5 points, unless otherwise stated.

1. Which of the following individuals used an inclined plane to study the movement of falling objects?

a. Newton

b. Copernicus

c. Kepler

d. Galileo

e. None of these

2. The expression of “velocity” differs from the expression of “speed” because:

a. Velocity is always faster than speed.

b. Speed is always faster than velocity.

c. Velocity always indicates the direction of travel.

d. Speed always indicated the direction of travel.

e. None of these.

3. The energy associated with a bowling ball knocking down bowling pins is:

a. potential energy

b. kinetic energy

c. chemical energy

d. gravitational energy

4. The first law of thermodynamics states that:

a. chemical potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy.

b. energy is equal to mass.

c. more energy always leaves a system than comes into the system.

d. more energy always comes into a system then leaves the system.

e. None of these.

5. A 100 kg object travels at 20 mph. When the same object travels at 80 mph, the kinetic energy increases by this factor___________________.

6. Consider the application of force to an object. If the mass of the object doubles, the acceleration of the object will ________________ by a factor of _______________________.

7. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” is an example of Newton’s _____________ Law of Motion.

8. “A moving object will continue moving in a straight line at constant speed, and a stationary object will remain at rest, unless acted on by an unbalanced force” is an example of Newton’s _______________ Law of Motion.

9. Work expended over a defined period of time is called ________________ and has ______________ as units.

10. Coal, petroleum, and methane gas are all examples of ______________________________ fuels.

11. Ptolemy postulated that the_____________________________________ is the center of the solar system.

12. _____________________________________________ stated that the planets travelled in circular patterns.

13. The path that planets travels around the sun is _________________________________________________.

14. When an object falls from a certain height, ___________________ energy is converted to _______________ energy.

15. The kind of energy that holds atoms and molecules together is _____________________________________.

16. The scientist that is known as the “Father of Experimental Science is _________________________________.

17. Energy is defined as the ability to do ____________________________ and the unit is __________________.

18. A thousand watts is called a _________________________.

19. Please specify the indicated values for the metric prefixes below. (6 pts total, 1.5 pt each.)

|Metric Prefix |Prefix Name |Power of Ten Value |

| | | |

|M | | |

| | | |

| | |10-3 |

20. In each of the following pairs, please circle the quantity that is larger. If the quantities are equal, leave uncircled. No shown work is needed for credit, but it is helpful! (2 pts each, 8 pts.total)

a. 1 hr or 3600 seconds

b. 3 feet or 30 inches

c. 1 ton or 3000 pounds

d. 1 pint or 1 quart

21. Please fill in the following equalities with the correct numeric value(s). (6 pts total)

a. __________ cup = ___________ fluid ounces

b. __________ ft = ___________ yd

c. __________ pound = ___________ ounces

22. Consider the metric measurements below and using the Metric Table at the end of the exam, rank these metric quantities in order of increasing size. (3 pts total.)

1 Gm 1 pm 1 nm 1 Tm

_____________________ >_____________________> _____________________ >_____________________

longest length shortest length

23. Please read the excerpt below and fill in the table below with the appropriate information: theory, hypothesis, experimentation or observation. (6 pts total; 2 pts each).

1) The bicycle tire is flat. (2) When air is added to the bicycle tire, it will expand to the proper size. (3) When air is added to the bicycle tire, it is still flat. (4) The bicycle tire must have a leak in it. (5) If there is a leak in the tire, submerging the tire in water should produce gas (bubbling) at the leakage site. (6) The tire is submerged in a large tub filled with water. (7) Bubbles (gas) were created in the water, in two different areas in the water. (8) It appears that the tire has two leaks, because of the location of the gas bubbles formed during submersion into water.

|Statement Number (#) |Classification of Statement |

|1 | |

|4 | |

|7 | |

24. Convert 3.41 x 10-5 m to centimeters. (4.5 pts)

25. Jack weighs 191 pounds on earth. How much does Jack weigh (in Newtons) on earth? (6 pts)

26. Assume you are driving a car that has a mass of 800,000 g. How much force (in Newtons) must you apply to bring the car from a dead stop to a speed of 50 m/s in 5 seconds? (8 pts)

27. Assume you are playing left field in a baseball game and you catch a fly ball. How much work does it take for you to throw the ball back to the pitching mound, if the ball has a mass of 0.5 kg and you are 50 meters form the pitching mound? (Hint: You are overcoming gravity!) (8 pts)

28. How much energy is needed to burn a 75 Watt light bulb for 6 hours per day for a full month (30 days)? (8 pts)

29. EXTRA CREDIT (+ 4 PTS): All work must be shown for credit! A car in Germany has a gas mileage rating of 11.5 km per L. Convert this gas rating to miles per gallon. Helpful conversions are listed in the Equation Sheet. (5 pts)


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