Saanich 4H

South Malahat

Community 4-H Club



Record Book


Unit: Description:


(This is your 4H Rabbit Record Book. This book is designed to help you keep track of and record your 4H Rabbit Project. It should help you record the progress of your project as well as club meetings and other 4H activities you have been involved with. Anything that has parentheses around it is meant to be erased once you have completed all the information required.)


The 4-H Pledge

I Pledge

My Head to clearer thinking,

My Heart to greater loyalty,

My Hands to larger service,

My Health to better living,

For my club,

my community,

and my country.

The 4-H Motto

"Learn to Do by Doing"

4H Record Book Checklist

The following sections of your Record Book need to be completed before you hand it in to your leader.

Go through this checklist and put a [pic]by each completed section. This will help you make sure you have completed all the sections.

After you have filled in the checklist, sign the bottom of the sheet before you hand it in to your leader.

|Member Information | |

|Work Record (written) | |

|Work Record (pictures) | |

|Tools & Equipment | |

|Financial Record | |

|Club Meetings | |

|Club Agendas | |

|Activity Record | |

|Achievement Record | |

Member Signature:_____________________________ Date: ________

Leader Signature:_______________________________ Date: ________

About Me and My Club

Name of Club:

Number of Members in the Club:

Club Leaders:

Club Executive:


Vice President:



Club Reporter:

Safety Officer:

Name of Member:




Number of Years in 4H:

Previously completed projects:

More About Me

I joined 4-H this year because...(add your information here)

This year in 4-H, I hope to accomplish the following: (add your information here)

This year I will contribute to my club by... (add your information here)

Creed of the 4-H Stock Keeper

I will:

1. Provide comfortable and sufficient quarters for my livestock.

2. Feed my livestock on time each day.

3. Provide animals with clean water at all times.

4. Keep my animals from parasites.

5. Strive to keep my livestock in good health.

6. Learn as much as possible about the best methods of feeding and caring for livestock.

7. Strive to improve the breeding and quality of my livestock, and of the livestock in the community, from year to year.

8. Be kind to animals.

9. Always be a good sport in competition.

10. Keep an accurate record of my projects.

11. Complete my project and take part in all the activities of my 4-H club each year.

I have read and agree to abide by this creed.

Signature _____________________________Date_____________

The 4-H Grace

(Tune of Auld Lang Syne)

We thank thee, Lord, for blessings great

on this, our own fair land.

Teach us to serve thee joyfully,

with head, heart, health and hand.


(You should have a sheet like this for every month, to give info on your project and other 4-H happenings. For the first month, you can answer the following questions: How many and what kinds of animals will you care for (doe, buck, doe with litter)? What will you do to take care of them (feeding, grooming)? What will be your obstacles this year with regard to your project? What goals do you want to accomplish with your project (example: train it to pose correctly)? What activities do you want to try (example: regional 4-H event, judging event)?)


(The rabbit and cavy projects are 120 days long, so September will likely be your last month to record information - but feel free to continue to the end of the year. Be sure to include all the problems you encountered with this project each month, and how you solved them. Also, were you pleased with the outcome of this project? What would you differently next time? What did you enjoy most about this year?)

Rabbit Project

(Complete a copy of this page for each animal in your project. Include photographs, at the beginning and end of the project year, and be sure to put a title and date for each photo)

Name of Animal______________________ Date of Birth ______________

Purebred or Crossbred _____________________Breed_________________


Dam Breed and Name___________________________________________

Sire Breed and Name____________________________________________

Date Purchased ________________________________________________

Purchased from: ________________________________________________

Pedigree Record

(This is where you can paste a copy or type out the pedigree for your animal(s).

Rabbit Management

(Your animal requires regular care and management. Here is the place to explain what you regularly do for or with your animal on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Be as specific as possible. Remember to include the following: preparation of facilities before you get your animal, preparation to provide adequate housing and bedding, feeding schedule and type of food, water schedule, control of internal and external parasites, training animals to be handled at a young age, planning a health program to prevent disease, observation of animals and to give treatment as needed, becoming aware of signs that your animal is in pain or is suffering, maintenance of feed and treatment records, as well as animal comfort.)

Daily Tasks:

Weekly Tasks:

Monthly Tasks:

Financial Record

(List any expenses required to complete your project. This should include tools, fertilizers, seeds, plants — just about anything that cost money. If possible, staple all receipts to a page following this section of your record book.)

|Date |Equipment Item |Value of Purchased |10% Depreciation ($) |Remaining Value to be |

| | |Equipment of Carried | |Carried Forward ($) |

| | |Forward | | |

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| | |Total Depreciation Costs | | |

Monthly Feed Record

(Include the values of pellets, hay and veggies, that your project animal receives. If you share feed with someone else, calculate and record only the value of the feed your own animals eat.)

(For each month in the feed chart, record your weight values in grams or ounces, and your price values in cents. At the bottom of the chart, calculate your subtotals in grams/ounces and cents, and then convert the total vaule into kilograms/pounds and dollars.)

(Your project duration is 120 days, roughly 4 months, so you should have at least four months of feed records. Ideally, there should be one for each month from when you get your project to the end of September.)

Monthly Record For the Month of ___________________________

|Feed (pellets, hay, |Number of Days on |Weight of Feed per |Monthly Weight |Price per Weight Unit|Monthly Feed Cost |

|veggies) |Feed |Day |(number of days X | | |

| |(number of days in | |weight of feed per |gr/oz |cents |

|gr/oz |the month) |gr/oz |day) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Subtotals | | | | | |

Monthly Record For the Month of ___________________________

|Feed (pellets, hay, |Number of Days on |Weight of Feed per |Monthly Weight |Price per Weight Unit|Monthly Feed Cost |

|veggies) |Feed |Day |(number of days X | | |

| |(number of days in | |weight of feed per |gr/oz |cents |

|gr/oz |the month) |gr/oz |day) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Subtotals | | | | | |

Monthly Record For the Month of ___________________________

|Feed (pellets, hay, |Number of Days on |Weight of Feed per |Monthly Weight |Price per Weight Unit|Monthly Feed Cost |

|veggies) |Feed |Day |(number of days X | | |

| |(number of days in | |weight of feed per |gr/oz |cents |

|gr/oz |the month) |gr/oz |day) | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Subtotals | | | | | |

Monthly Record For the Month of ___________________________

|Feed (pellets, hay, |Number of Days on |Weight of Feed per |Monthly Weight |Price per Weight Unit|Monthly Feed Cost |

|veggies) |Feed |Day |(number of days X | | |

| |(number of days in | |weight of feed per |gr/oz |cents |

|gr/oz |the month) |gr/oz |day) | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Subtotals | | | | | |

Monthly Record For the Month of ___________________________

|Feed (pellets, hay, |Number of Days on |Weight of Feed per |Monthly Weight |Price per Weight Unit|Monthly Feed Cost |

|veggies) |Feed |Day |(number of days X | | |

| |(number of days in | |weight of feed per |gr/oz |cents |

|gr/oz |the month) |gr/oz |day) | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

|Subtotals | | | | | |

Total Feed Amounts and Expenses

|Month |Monthly Weight of Feed (see | |Monthly Feed Cost |

| |previous tables) | |$ |

| | | |(see previous tables) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Total Feed (kgs/lbs) = | |Total Feed Expenses ($) = | |

Rabbit Project Feed Information

(Attach a Feed Ingredient Slip/Nutritional Analysis from your rabbit pellets. If a slip is not available, please describe your feed source as best as possible.)

(This is where you would describe if you changed your feed or feeding program during the course of the project, and why you did it. Also, how did you determine how much feed to give your animal?)

Club Meeting and Activity Record

(Complete the following chart and include agendas for each meeting in this section. It is important to also keep track of field trips and events.)

| | |

|Meeting/Event Date |Meeting, Field Trip, At Home or Event (and what you learned) |

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Activity Record

Record what activities you have participated in this year in 4H:

|Date: |Activity: |Involvement: |

| | | |

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Achievement Record

List any awards you have received this year. This may include awards / ribbons from various fairs or any other events you have attended. Also, you may attach judges score / comment cards for any events participated in.

|Date: |Award: |Event: |

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Health and Veterinary Record

Rabbit's Veterinarian: ________________________________________

Veterinarian's Phone Number: _________________________________

(Record all health management practices and treatments give to your project animal(s). It should include any vaccinations, de-worming or other treatments you provide to your animal. Add more pages if you need them. If you don't use a veterinarian, be sure to give details why you were able to problem solve any health problems on your own.)

|Date |Animal(s) Treated |Condition/Problem |Treatment Given |Cost ($) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Total Health and Veterinary Expenses | | |

Rabbit Breeding and Production Record

(If you bred rabbits in your project this year, complete the following table for each litter produced. If you did not bred rabbits this year, you can remove these pages completely from your record book.)

|Doe ID or Name |Buck ID or |Date Bred |Expected Due Date |Actual Due Date |Number of Live Kits Born |

| |Name | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Offspring ID or | |Sold or Kept | |Sale Price or Estimated | |

|Name(S) | | | |Value | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Total Price or | | | |$ | |

|Estimated Value of | | | | | |

|Litter | | | | | |

Rabbit Breeding and Production Summary

(If you did not bred your project this year, this table can also be removed from your record book).

|Litter |Number of Live Kits Produced |Total Price or Estimated Value of Litter |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Totals | |$ |

Rabbit Project Other Expenses

(This section would include anything from toys for your project, to travel cages and fair supplies.)

|Date |Type of Expense |Amount |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Total Other Expenses | |

Market Rabbit Project Planning

(If you are not completing a market rabbit or pen of three, you can erase all of the following information.)

(To achieve success with your 4-H market rabbit project, it is important that you know the estimated final weight of your animal and keep track of your progress toward that goal throughout the feeding period. Determining the finished weight and average daily gain are important in setting goals for your project and then deciding on a feeding plan to reach that goal.

Generally market rabbits will finish out at 4-6 lbs (1.8-2.7 kg) depending on the size of the breed's frame. Identify what frame size your market rabbit(s) have, based on their breed.

Small Frame examples: Florida White, Havanna

Medium Frame examples: New Zealand, Californian

Large Frame examples: Flemish Giant, French Lop

Complete the chart below and select a goal weight for each market rabbit based on its frame size.

|Rabbit ID or Name |Initial Weigh Date |Initial Weight (kg or |Frame Size Based on Breed|Goal for Finished Weight |

| | |lbs) | |(kg or lbs) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

(Use the following formula to calculate the required Average Daily Gain for each rabbit to reach its goal finished weight.)

|Rabbit ID or Name |Goal Finish Weight |- |Initial Weight |= |

|Weigh Date |End Weight |Start Weight |Weight Gain |Average Daily Gain |

| | | | |(divide weight gain by # |

| | | | |of days since last |

| | | | |weigh-in) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

(Make sure to complete one of the above graphs for each rabbit.)

Animal Performance

(This exercise is for market rabbit and pen of three projects only. If you completed a pen of three project, add the weight of the three animals together for this exercise.)

|Final Weight |- |Initial Weight |= |Total Weight Gain |

| |- | |= | |

|Total Weight Gain |/ |Number of Days on Fee |= |Average Daily Weight Gain|

| |/ | |= | |

Feed Cost per Kilogram or Pound of Weight Gain

Total Feed Cost (from Expense Record) = Feed cost per kilogram/pound of Weight Gain

Total Weight Gain

$_______________________________ = $

(This tells you how much it costs to feed your animal(s) for one kilogram or pound of gain in weight. this does not include your other expenses.

Total Project Expense - Initial Value = Total cost per kilogram or pound of Weight Gain

Total Weight Gain

________________ - _________- = $

Breakeven Sale Price Needed to Cover All Costs

Total Project Expense = Breakeven sale price needed to cover all costs

Actual Sale Weight

__________________ = $

Rabbit Project Show Record

(In this section, you will list the shows you attended with your project animal. If you earned prize money, put the value in the income portion of the table.)

|Date |Show and Judge |Class |Prize Earned |Income |

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| | | | | |

| | | |Total Show Income | |

Rabbit Project Financial Summary


|Sale price or estimated value of animal at end of project |$ |

|Total price or estimated value of litter(s) |+ |

|Total Show Income |+ |

|Total Income |= |


|Purchase price or initial value of animal | |

|Depreciation Cost |+ |

|Total Feed Expenses |+ |

|Health and Veterinary Expenses |+ |

|Other Expenses |+ |

|Total Project Expenses |= |

Profit or Loss Calculation:

|Total Income |- |Total Project Expense |= |Profit or Loss |

| |- | |= | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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