Conversion Factors

Conversion Factors

Multiply acre acre-inch cubic feet cubic centimeter cubic feet cubic inch cubic yard feet gallon gallon/acre Hectare inch mile Ounce (weight) Ounce (fluid) parts per million parts per million percent pound pound/1000 gallon pound/acre pound/cubic foot pound/gallon square feet square mile square mile ton ton ton, metric ton, metric yard TO GET

ac ac-in ft3 cm3 ft3 in3 yd3 ft gal gal/ac ha In mi oz oz mg/kg mg/L % lb lb/1000 gal lb/ac lb/ft3 lb/gal ft2 mi2 mi2 t t Mg Mg yd

BY 0.4 27154 7.48 0.000001 0.028 16.39 0.76 0.3048 3.79 9.35 10,000 2.54 1.61 28.35 30 0.002 0.00835 10000 0.454 27.154 1.12 16.02 119826 0.093 2.59 640 2000 0.907 2205 1000 0.9144 BY

ha gal gal m3 m3 cm3 m3 m L L/ha m2 cm km g mL lb/t lb/1000 gal ppm kg lb/ac-in kg/ha kg/m3 mg/L m2 km2 ac lb Mg lb kg m

TO GET hectare gallon gallon cubic meter cubic meter cubic centimeter cubic meter meter liter liter/hectare square meter centimeter kilometer gram milliliters pound/ton pound/1000 gallon parts per million kilogram pound/acre-inch kilogram/hectare kilogram/cubic meter parts per million square meter square kilometer acre pound metric ton pound kilogram meter DIVIDE

Courtesy of NSCU ? Dept. of Soil Science


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