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ength): ???? ??? (meter) ?? ???? m??? (Mass): ???? ??????? (kilogram) ?? ???? kg???? (Time): ???? ????? (second) ?? ???? s??? ????? ????????: (ampere) ???? ???? ?????? A??? (Temperature): ???? ????? (kelvin) ?? ???? K????? ????: ???? ??? (mole) ?? ???? mol??? ???: ???? ?????? (condela) ?? ???? cd???? ????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??????:????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ????.??????? ?????: ???? ???? SI?????? ??????????? ?????: ???? ???? ??????????? ???? ???????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????. ?? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ? ???? (???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????) ???? ??????.???? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ?? ?????{{?????}} ???? ?????? ????????????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ?????????????????? ?? ???? ???? ?????????????? ?? ???? ???????????? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ???? {{?????}} ????? ?????????????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ?? {????|?????}???? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ????????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ????????? ???? ???? ????????? ??????????(????? ????)??????????? ??????????????????????? ????? ?? ????????? ????? ????????????????MmMmUS spelling: megameter????????????????km???????US spelling: kilometer?????km mi???m???US spelling: meter?m ftm ftin?????????cmcmUS spelling: centimeter????cm in????????mmmmUS spelling: millimeter?????mm in??????μm (um)?mUS spelling: micrometer???????????????nmnmUS spelling: nanometer???????????'??? ????'????? ??? ??????????????(angstrom)???????????????????????????? ??????????mi?????????????mi km???????furlong???????????? (???)chain??????????rdrdFor other names of this unit see the full list.???????????fathomassumes 1 fathom ≡ 6 ft??????????ydydassumes the international definition????????ft (foot)??The foot code will produce foot as the plural form.??????ftin (feet and inches)ft m (foot m)????inin??????in cmin mm???? ????????? ??????nminmithe ????????? ?????????? nautical mileFor other nautical miles see the full list.??????????pcpc???????????????×1016??? ????lyly???????????????×1015???? ??????AUAU????????????????????(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ????????????SI??????? ????km2???????????US spelling: square kilometer?????????km2 sqmi??? ????m2m?US spelling: square meter?m2 sqft????????? ????cm2cm?US spelling: square centimeter??????cm2 sqin???????? ????mm2mm?US spelling: square millimeter????????mm2 sqinnon-SI metric?????ha???????????Imperial&US customary?????????sqmi?????????????????????????sqmi km2????acre???????????????? ????sqyd???? ????????????????? ????sqft(sqfoot)sq?ftThe sqfoot code will produce square foot as the plural form.??????????sqft m2 (sqfoot m2)???? ????sqinsq?in??????????sqin cm2Othersquare nautical milesqnmisq?nmi?????????dunamdunamFor alternative spellings and definitions see the full list?????tsubotsubo(???/???)???(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ????????????SI??? ????m3??? ????US spelling: cubic meterone kilolitre?????????? ????cm3cm?US spelling: cubic centimeterone millilitre????????cccc???????? ????mm3mm?US spelling: cubic millimeter???????????non-SI metrickilolitreklkLUS spelling: kiloliterone cubic metre?kLkl????llUS spelling: literone cubic decimetreTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????l impgall USgall U.S.gall USdrygall U.S.drygalLLL impgalL USgalL U.S.galL USdrygalL U.S.drygalcentilitreclcLUS spelling: centiliter???????cLcLmillilitremlmlUS spelling: milliliterone cubic centimetre????????ml impozml USozml U.S.ozmLmLmL impozmL USozmL U.S.ozImperial&US customarycubic yardcuydcu?yd????????????????? ????cuft (cufoot)cu?ftThe cufoot code will produce cubic foot as the plural form.??????????????cubic inchcuincu?in??????????????Imperialbarrelimpbblimp bbl36?imp?gal??????????bushelimpbshimp bsh8?imp?gal??????????impbuimp bugallonimpgalimp gal4.54609 litres by definition, also4 imp?qt or 8 imp?pt or 160?imp?fl?ozTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.??????????impgal limpgal Limpgal USgalimpgal U.S.galimpgal USdrygalimpgal U.S.drygalquartimpqtimp qt1/4?imp?gal or 40?imp?fl?oz????????????pintimpptimp pt1/8?imp?gal or 20?imp?fl?oz?????????????fluid ounceimpoz(impfloz)imp fl?oz1/160?imp?gal???????????????impoz USozimpoz U.S.ozimpoz mlimpoz mLUS customaryliquid measurebarrelUSbblUS bbl31??US?galused for liquids except for oil and beer (see the full list)??????????????U.S.bblU.S. bbl[[???? ???|???? ???]]oilbbl???? ???42?US?gal??????????????beer barrelUSbeerbbl(usbeerbbl)US bbl??????????????U.S.beerbbl(usbeerbbl)U.S. bbl?????USgalUS ?????231 cubic inches by definition, also4 US?qt or 8 US?pt or 128?US?fl?ozTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.??????????????USgal lUSgal LUSgal impgalU.S.galU.S. galUSgal lUSgal LUSgal impgalquartUSqtUS qt1/4?US?gal or 32 US?fl?oz??????????????U.S.qtU.S. qtpintUSptUS pt1/8?US?gal or 16 US?fl?oz??????????????U.S.ptU.S. ptfluid ounceUSoz(USfloz)US fl?oz1/128?US?gal??????????????????USoz mlUSoz mLUSoz impozU.S.oz(U.S.floz)U.S. fl?ozU.S.oz mlU.S.oz mLU.S.oz impozUS customarydry measurebarrelUSdrybblUS bbl105/32?US?bsh????????????????U.S.drybblU.S. bblbushelUSbshUS bsh2150.42 cubic inches by definition????????????????USbuU.S. buU.S.bshU.S. bshU.S.buU.S. budry gallonUSdrygalUS dry?gal1/8?US?bshTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.????????????????USdrygal lUSdrygal LUSdrygal impgalU.S.drygalU.S. dry?galU.S.drygal lU.S.drygal LU.S.drygal impgaldry quartUSdryqtUS dry?qt1/32?US?bsh?????????????????U.S.dryqtU.S. dry?qtdry pintUSdryptUS dry?pt1/32?US?bsh??????????????????U.S.dryptU.S. dry?pt????(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??????????SImetre per secondm/sm/sUS spelling: meter per second?m/s ft/s (m/s foot/s)non-SI metric??????? ?? ????km/hkm/hUS spelling: kilometer per hour(?/??)km/h mphImperial&US customarymile per hourmphmph???????mph km/hmph knfoot per secondft/s (foot/s)ft/sThe foot/s code will produce foot per second as the plural form.??????ft/s m/sMaritime units???kn?(knot)kn(????/?)kn mph????(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ????????SI?????????GNGNTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????????????GN LT-fGN LTfGN ST-fGN STfmeganewtonMNMNTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????????MN LT-fMN LTfMN ST-fMN STfkilonewtonkNkNTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????kN LT-fkN LTfkN ST-fkN STfnewtonNN?N lb-fN lbfN oz-fN ozfmillinewtonmNmN?????mN oz-fmN ozfmN gr-fmN grfmicronewtonμN (uN)?N????????μN gr-fμN grfnanonewtonnNnN???????????nN gr-fnN grfcgsmegadyneMdynMdyn??kilodynekdynkdyn????dynedyn(dyne)dyn???????millidynemdynmdyn??????????Metric gravitational unitstonne-forcet-ftf????????tftfkilogram-forcekg-fkgf???????kgfkgfgram-forceg-fgf??????????gfgfmilligram-forcemg-fmgf?????????????mgfmgfAvoirdupois-based unitspoundalpdlpdl??????????????long ton-forceLT-fLTf?????????????????LT-f ST-fLTfLTfLTf STfshort ton-forceST-fSTf???????????????ST-f LT-fSTfSTfSTf LTfpound-forcelb-flbf???????????????lbflbfounce-forceoz-fozf?????????????????????ozfozfgrain-forcegr-fgrf??????????????????grfgrf?????(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ????????SIgigajouleGJGJ?????????????[[???|??????]]MJMJ?????????[[???|???????]]kJkJ?????hectojoulehJhJ???decajouledaJdaJ??[[???|???]]JJ?decijouledJdJ???centijoulecJcJ????megajoulemJMJ?????????microjouleμJ (uJ)?J????????nanojoulenJnJ???????????cgs {{convert/list of units/rowtop|Merg|{{{2kiloergkergkerg??????ergergerg???????????????? ???? multiplesterawatt-hourTWhTWh???×1015TW.hTW·hgigawatt-hourGWhGWh???×1012GW.hGW·hmegawatt-hourMWhMWh?????????????MW.hMW·h[[??????? ????|??????? ????]]kWhkW·h?????????kW.hkW·h[[????????|????????]]WhWh?????W.hW·h??????????? multiplesgigaelectronvoltGeVGeV?????????????????????megaelectronvoltMeVMeV???????????×10?13kiloelectronvoltkeVkeV???????????×10?16electronvolteVeV???????????×10?19millielectronvoltmeVmeV???????????×10?22????? multiples[[?????|?????]]Cal?????The thermochemical calorie is the default definition. For other definitions see the full list.?????megacalorieMcalMcal??????????????????kcalkcal?????CaloriecalCal?????millicaloriemcalmcal????????pound/ounce-foot/????-???? (????)-?????-?????foot-poundalftpdlft·pdl??????????????????foot-pound (energy)ftlbfft·lbf??????????????????ftlb-fft·lbfinch-pound forceinlbfin·lbf??????????????????inlb-fin·lbfinch-ounce forceinozfin·ozf??????????????????????inoz-fin·ozfhorsepower-hourhphhp·h2,684,519.537696172792???? ?????????? ?????BtuBtuBtuThe International Steam Table British thermal unit is the default definition. For other definitions see the full list.??????????????BTUBTUTNT-based unitsgigatonne of TNTGtTNT?????×1018gigaton of TNTGtonTNTmegatonne of TNTMtTNT?????×1015megaton of TNTMtonTNTMtkilotonne of TNTktTNT?????×1012kiloton of TNTktonTNTkttonne of TNTtTNT?????????????ton of TNTtonTNTOtherHartreeEhEh??????????×10?18rydbergRyRy?????????×10?18tonne of oil equivalenttoetoe??????????????barrel of oil equivalentBOEBOE?????????????cubic foot of natural gascuftnaturalgas(cufootnaturalgas)The cufootnaturalgas code will produce cubic foot of natural gas as the plural form.???????????????litre-atmospherelatml·atm???????LatmL·atmgallon-atmosphereimpgalatmimp gal·atm????????????gallon-atmosphereUSgalatm(usgalatm)US gal·atm??????????????U.S.galatm(usgalatm)U.S. gal·atm???(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ??????????SI?????KKTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.[K]K °C (K)CK °R (K)RK °F (K)F[[?????????|degree ?????????]]°C (C)?????????([°C]+273.15)°C K (C)K°C °R (C)R°C °F (C)FImperial&US customarydegree Rankine°R (R)°R([°R]/1.8)°R K (R) K°R °C (R) C°R °F (R) F[[????????|degree ????????]]°F (F)????????(([°F]+459.67)/1.8)°F K (F) K°F °C (F) C°F °R (F) RCelsius changeC-change????:?? {{?????|5|C-change}}Fahrenheit changeF-change????:??{{?????|10|F-change}} ???(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? ????????SI???????kg???????Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?kg lbkg st???gg?????g ozmilligrammgmg????????mg grmicrogramμg (ug)?g???????????non-SI metric??ttTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????t LTt ST?? ?????MTtMT LTMT ST??????????? ????LT2,240 lbused mostly in the British CommonwealthTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????????????LT tLT MTLT STlong tonshort tonST2,000 lbused mostly in the USTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????????ST tST MTST LTshort tonshort tonst14 lbused mostly in the British Commonwealth except CanadaTriple combinations are also possible. See the full list.?????????st kgst lb????lb????Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.??????????lb kglb stounceozoz???????????oz gdrachmdrachm??????????????drachmdramgraingrgrequivalent to the troy grain?????????????Troytroy ounceoztozt????????????othercaratcarat????????????(????? ????)????????? ??????????????? ????????????????????? ????? ?? ???? N·m??????????SI??????-???NmN·m?? ????? ???? ???. full list ?? ??????.1Nm kg-mNm ft-lb??? SI???????-????kg-mkg-m9.80665kg-m Nmkg-m ft-lb?????? ?????????????? ?????????-???ft-lbft-lb1.3558ft-lb Nmft-lb kg-m????SI??????-???N-mN·m?? ????? ???? ???. full list ?? ??????.1N-m kgf-mN-m lbf-ft??? SI???????-????kgf-mkgf·m9.80665kgf-m N-mkgf-m lbf-ft?????????????? ?????? ?????????-???lbf-ftlbf·ft1.3558lbf-ft N-mlbf-ft kgf-m?????????????? ??????????? ????? ?? ???? pagigapascalGPaGPa??????????????megapascalMPaMPa????????????????????kPakPa??????hectopascalhPahPa????pascalPaPa??millipascal?mPa?mPa??????millibarmbarmbar????mbmb?decibar?dbardbar??????????barbar????????kilobaryekBakBa????barye?BaBa????standard atmosphereatmatm????????torrTorrTorr(??????/???)?millimetre of mercurymmHgmmHg??????????????inch of mercuryinHginHg????????????????????? ?? ???? ????psipsi(???????????.?????/ ??????)????? ???????????? ?????????????????????????? ???? ????km/l (km/L)??????? ?? km/L???? "km/L"km/l mpgimpkm/l mpgus???? ?? ?? ??? ???????l/??? km (L/??? km)??????? ?? L/??? km ???? "L/??? km"l/??? km mpgimpl/??? km mpgus???? ?? ???????l/km (L/km)??????? ?? L/km ???? "L/km"l/km impgal/mil/km usgal/mi???? ???? ????? ???????mpgimpmpgimp mpgus???? ?? ?? ????? ?????? ?????mpgus (mpgUS? mpgU.S.)??????? ?? mpgUS ???? "US"??????? ?? mpgU.S. ???? "U.S."mpgus ????? ??? "U.S." ??? ????US ?? ???????? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? "US"mpgus mpgimp????? ??????? ?? ?? ????impgal/miimpgal/mi????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ????usgal/mi (USgal/mi? ???? ?? us ??????? US ??????? U.S.usgal/miThe mpgUS? mpgU.S.? USgal/mi ??????? km/L? L/??? km ? L/km ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???????. (??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ????????).???????? ???????? ???????? ? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? (?? ????? ??????? ? ?????). ?? ????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ???? (????? hp ?? ???? ??? ???? (?? ???????: horsepower) ?? ???? ???)????? ?????????(???? ???????)???????????????? ?? ?? ??????? ????PD/sqkmPD ???? ????? ????? (?? ???????: population density)???????.PD/sqkm PD/sqmi?? ?? ??????? ????/sqkm????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ????./sqkm /sqmi???? ?? ?? ?????PD/haPD/ha PD/acre?? ?? ?????/ha/ha /acre???? ?? ?? ???? ????PD/sqmiPD ???? ????? ????? (?? ???????: population density)???????.PD/sqmi PD/sqkm?? ?? ???? ????/sqmi????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ????./sqmi /sqkm???? ?? ?? ???? ?????PD/acrePD/acre PD/ha?? ???? ?????/acre/acre /ha???????? ???????????? ??????? ????????-???-????????? ??????????? ???? ????????????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ???? ????????? ???? ? ??? ????? ?? ??? international system of units ?? ??????? ???. ?????? ???????? ????? ?????????: 1376 ?? 1385? ??? ??????. ????????? ???? ? ??? ?????. ???. ??????????? ?? ?? ????? ????.The NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty. ?Essentials of the SI: Base & derived units?. ??????????? ?? ?? ?????? ????.Russ Rowlett. "Base Units of the International System (SI)". How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. October 7, 2002.????? ????? ??? ????????? - ????? ????? ................

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