WebI: Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF

BusinessObjects WebI Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF

Step-By-Step Procedure

WebI: Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF


This procedure describes how to export data from a BusinessObjects WebI report to an Excel file, CSV (comma-separated values) file or PDF (Portable Document File).

It also describes how to format your document before export (optional) to avoid extra columns and rows in Excel. Formatting can be done in View mode or Edit mode. Which one you use depends on your access. The steps are different for each mode, so they are detailed as follows:

? Format document in View mode ? Format document in Edit mode

Important Information

Data in the report header or footer does not convert to Excel.

If your workstation settings are incorrect, you may be prevented from downloading. See XI R3 Workstation Requirements.

Before exporting to Excel, change the names of report tabs that contain more than 31 characters or any of the following characters: space, colon (:), backslash (\), forward slash (/), question mark (?), asterisk (*), left bracket([) and right bracket (]). Report names with these characters may not convert properly.

It is not possible to copy and paste from View mode to Excel. To copy data from Edit mode (full-access WebI users only), right-click the edge of the table, select Copy as text, then paste into Excel.

Start by opening the report. The screenshots below are in View mode, but the steps for exporting to Excel are the same in Edit mode.

View Mode

Export to Excel

1. Under the Document drop-down menu, click Save to my computer as.

2. Click Excel.


? Before downloading, you can format



the report in View mode or Edit mode

to avoid extra rows and columns in


? Select Save report to my computer to export only the current report (rather than all report tabs)

? Select CSV instead if you want to export raw rather than formatted data. For reports with multiple data providers, the data from each data

Last updated: 5/12/2011

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Information and Technology Services

File Download Dialog Box


Save As Dialog Box


BusinessObjects WebI Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF

Step-by-Step Procedure

provider will display in order.

? Select CSV (with options) instead if you want to export raw data and specify the data delimiters such as comma or tab.

? Select PDF to export data as a Portable Document File that can be opened in Adobe Reader.

3. Click Save to save the report or Open to open it in Excel. If you select Open, skip to step 18.


Depending on your browser settings, you may get a message that the download was blocked. For correct browser settings, see XI R3 Workstation Requirements.

4. Specify the location where you want to save the file.

5. Type the file name.

6. Click Save.



Last updated: 5/12/2011

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Information and Technology Services

Download complete Dialog Box

BusinessObjects WebI Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF

Step-by-Step Procedure

7. Click Open to open the file in Excel.


Microsoft Excel


8. View results.

Note: Multiple report tabs in BusinessObjects display as multiple worksheets in Excel.

View Mode

9 Last updated: 5/12/2011

Optional: Prepare report for export to Excel (View mode)


? To avoid extra columns and rows in the Excel file, follow steps 9-18 before exporting a WebI report.

? To retain a copy of the original report, right-click the report tab and select Duplicate Report. Make your changes to the duplicate.

9. Delete title cells by right-clicking and selecting Remove Cell.

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Information and Technology Services

View Mode

BusinessObjects WebI Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF

Step-by-Step Procedure

10. To hide headers and footers (which do not export to Excel), right-click the table and select Format, Report.


View Mode




11. Click the Footer tab 12. Turn off the Show footer check box. 13. Do the same for the Header tab. 14. Click OK.


Last updated: 5/12/2011

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Information and Technology Services

View Mode


BusinessObjects WebI Export Data to Excel, CSV, or PDF

Step-by-Step Procedure

15. To align the table at the top of the page, right-click the table and select Format, Table.

Format Table Dialog Box

16 17


16. In the Layout tab, set the value for the left of the table to 0.

17. Set the value for the top of the table to 0.

18. Click OK.

Note: Click here to return to Step 1 (export to Excel).

Last updated: 5/12/2011

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