
Content-aware Move tool (move mode) allows you to create and blend a copy of a selection without using a layer maskScale the image to fit the printable area of the paper, then print—click file, print, click in box next to Scale to fit media, and then click print.Load/Save selection—click select on the menu bar, the look in the drop downWhat two factors should most influence design choices when working on a project for a client: 1) client goals 2) target audienceWhich two phases of production that are specifically part of an artists responsibility in Photoshop: 1) final image processing 2) creating comprehensive sample graphicsA camera raw file can be created using a digital camera (think of raw veggies are not processed until cooked)The three principles of design are: repetition, unity (harmony) negative/white spaceCan be used to store information about ownership and copyright—Metadata GIF, JPEG (JPG) and PNG can be used for the web—(all three has the letter G)When creating a webpage that has multiple jpeg images displayed with a navigation bar use—Gallery (like going on a field trip for art)The primary function of adobe bridge is mange, open, and view filesWhat option is available for rendering intent under color management for printing---relative colorimetricThe client defines the target demographics (audience) when developing marketing materials for a company.When working with a client’s old valuable film, the most important thing to remember is to archive (store) the slide film after the project.To automatically correct the image color balance—IMAGE>auto colorThe derivative works policy restricts the use of copyrighted material on a website without first getting permission from the holder. To select a consistently colored area with a single click use the—magic want tool, also to add to a selection (but make sure you click 2nd box to add) like eye of falcon or center of flower The two items that are necessary planning details for a Photoshop project are 1) sketches 2) specifications.The GIF file format can be interlaced and used to display simple line art or illustrations on the web.The fastest way to draw grass in an image is the grass preset brush tool.If a client asks you to limit the amount of white space in a project he /she is referring to the negative space.When painting in a layer masks, white reveals and image and black hides (REMEMBER if you hide in the dark it is harder to find you so black hides)Convert the layer to a smart object to retain the non-destructive editing of a layer---layer>smart object>convert layer to smart objectThe most appropriate unit of measure when working with images are pixelsThe bit depts. Of an indexed image is 8To maintain a transparent background for use on a webpage you must: choose file>save for web & devices and then select GIF.To replace the color of a graphic text (it will look like writing or plain text but is actually an image): image>replace color>fuzziness, lightness, etc.Sans-serif font is the best font for websites and for clients who want strong, bold, business (no nonsense, boring) font. Don’t forget to click the checkmark on the menu bar when typing textWhen changing a canvas size---click the opposite arrow, if you need more space on the right, click the left arrow (and NOT the corner arrow)To change to black and white WITHOUT using the gray scale---Image>adjustments>black and white NEVER use auto unless it specifically says to change an image automaticallyLayout visually appealing---RULE OF THIRDS (9 equal section, 2 vertical and 2 horizontal equally spaced linesRemember to copy and paste an image or part of an image you must FIRST select is using a selection tool Inverse, deselect and load/save selection are under Select on menu bar. Negative means InvertTo add a new layer style (DO NOT SELECT a style JUST save the style, little double squares next to trash can)ANY time you get a box that says your ACTIONS have been recorded just click ok and move on to next questionWhen you create a new layer with solid fill color, your entire image/photo will be covered with that image, click ok and then ok again and move on, this is correctTo soft proof colors for printing (see what looks like when printed)—View>Proof Setup>Working CMYKREMEMBER any time you have a question asking about printing CMYK (except for rendering intent)To change the vertical or horizontal spacing of text go to WINDOW on the menu bar and click on CHARACTER then change spacing in the little box and click enter and move on to next question Content-Aware Move—tool most effective for manipulating (fixing, changing) content in an image To SHARPEN edges (nondestructively) of an image—FILTER>sharpen>UNSHARP mask (change threshold, amount , radius ONLY if asked)To SAVE new arrangement of panels or palettes-WINDOWS>workspace>newTo change the hue/saturation of ONLY one color GO TO Image>adjustments>hue/saturation and click the drop down menu for MASTER Remove RED EYE under band aid, just click in the (DO NOT select or use any other tools)ALL layer mask are NON DESTRUCTIVEGROUP layers, create a group by clicking on group icon on bottom of layers panel, (two over from trash) looks like a file folder, then name it and drag the layers to the group (right on top of the group name)Demographics is part of a population and makes up the target audience.Shapes and lines are elements (NOT principles) of design.Dithering scatters different colored pixels and is used when there is a limited color palette.Gamut is the range or scope of colorsPrimary colors are red, blue, yellow Complimentary are 1) used for contrast, 2) made from primary colors and 3) are opposite on the color wheel ................

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