|4.2- Degrees and Radians |Instructional Support | |

| |What tools or resources will students have to use in their work that will give them entry| |

| |to, and help them reason through, the activity? | |

|Task |Students will be given methods in which to attack sets of problems. They can use their |Learning Goals (Residue) |

|What is the main activity that students will be working on in |notes in which the methods are described or they can refer to their textbooks examples. |What understandings will students take away from this activity? |

|this lesson? |Students should use their chemistry knowledge of dimensional analysis to solve angular | |

| |speed problems (finding equivalence statements and getting units to cancel out). | |

| |Students will be able to use their calculators in order to compute all of their | |

| |operations. | |

|Students will be given a cut out circle that they will create | |Students should see the relationship between degrees and radians|

|folds in to depict important degrees/radians of a unit circle.| |on a circle. They should be able to convert degrees to DMS and |

|Students will begin class with discussion to help them fold | |vice versa. Students should be able to convert degrees into |

|and fill in the appropriate degrees of the circle. Then | |radians and radians into degrees. Students should be able to |

|students will take notes on changing degrees into degrees, | |calculate angular speed and be able to find the revolutions that|

|minutes and seconds. Then students will learn the conversion | |occur based on the given data. Students should be able to solve |

|factor for turning degrees into radians. At this point | |angular speed word problems. |

|students will work with partners to fill in their circles | | |

|degrees with the corresponding radians. Finally students will | | |

|learn about angular speed in relation to radians and degrees. | | |

| | | |

|Pg. 238-239 #’s 1-50 odd | | |

| |What questions might you ask students that will support their exploration of the activity| |

| |and bridge between what they did and what you want them to learn (the two green boxes)? | |

| |To be clear on what students actually did, begin by asking a set of assessing questions | |

| |such as: What did you do? How did you get that? What does this mean? Once you have a | |

| |clearer sense of what the student understands, move on to appropriate set of questions | |

| |below. | |

|What are the various ways that students might complete the |* The beginning of this lesson will have pre-determined discussion questions that will be|Evidence |

|activity? |used as an embedded assessment. See attached questions. |What will students say, do, produce, etc. that will provide |

| |Since we have a convention for converting degrees into DMS, what would our method be to |evidence of their understandings? |

| |go from DMS to degrees? | |

| |Why do we convert degrees into DMS? | |

| |Why do we convert degrees into radians? What conversion factor is needed in order to | |

| |convert degrees? | |

| |How is angular speed calculated? What must one calculate first? | |

| |What real world examples would you need to compute angular speed for? | |

| |How are degrees and radians related on a circle? | |

|Students will follow the directions on how to fold the circle | |Students will produce the beginnings of a unit circle with |

|they are given. Students should hold off on filling in the | |degrees and radians filled in. |

|various angles until they decide as a class in which | |Students will also have a warm-up the following class as well as|

|convention to fill in the unit circle. As far as converting | |a Check for Understanding Quiz. |

|angles into degrees, minutes and seconds students will follow | | |

|the method of: 1.keep the degree, 2. Multiply the decimal by | | |

|60 (=min) 3. Multiply the remaining decimal by 60 (=sec). In | | |

|order to convert degrees to radians students will need to use | | |

|the conversion factor of π/180. Students will need to use | | |

|Dimensional Analysis to solve angular speed problems. | | |


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