Yohan Jr - School City of Hobart


Jr. News

Vol. 44, No. 3 February 1, 2013

The first semester has just ended, and we are on our way towards spring. Before we get there; however, we have some of the most important tests waiting for us – Acuity and I-Step. Our goal is for everyone to pass this important test. Can we do it? Of course, we can – one step at a time. The first test (March) requires reading with short responses (constructed response), a longer writing (usually a narrative, but it could be any type), and math problems where you have to show all of the steps it takes to solve the problem. For HMS to do well, we need everyone to try to write, write, write, and show every step in solving a problem. The second test is multiple choice and can include just about anything labeled English/Language Arts: spelling, grammar, comprehension, figures of speech, sentence structure……..and types of math and problem solving.

Everyone has to try…one person can make a difference. It did last year. We were one person away from earning a B. Don’t be the one person that keeps us from making the grade!


Amaya Hostetler and Jessica Novick

Do you know your future? Do you know what colleges you’d like to attend? Do you know if your school choices are accredited? Do you know what an accredited school is or even where one is? An accredited school is any school that has been accredited by Advanced Ed. Advanced Ed is a program that tells the school if they are doing a good job teaching us in all of our subjects. The Advanced Ed team comes to our schools every five years. This was our year to be reviewed. We passed! Universities have to also go through the accreditation. Some accredited universities include Arkansas State University and National Louis University. Closer to home are Purdue University, Valparaiso University, and Indiana University.

National Junior Honor Society

Nadia Polizotto

National Junior Honor Society (or NJHS) has been meeting every other Tuesday in the Media Center since the beginning of the year. Since then they have been very busy trying to help others. I recently asked Mrs. Mast the sponsor of NJHS how the members have been volunteering. She said, “Some help out at the elementary schools and some help out at the food pantry.” Many other students went to the Early Learning Center to read and sing with some of the students.

At some of the latest meetings, which are usually run by Mrs. Mast or the president Dan Coil, the members have been talking about new service learning projects and the Lead Conference. Service learning projects are when a group of NJHS members go to places outside of school to volunteer.

Members of the NJHS, also, like to visit the Early Learning Center to interact with the kindergarten students. At Christmastime, several members went there to read to the kids. They are planning to visit again around Easter.

As I mentioned earlier, NJHS is recruiting some members to go to the Lead Conference. “What’s the Lead Conference?” you may be wondering. It is when members of National Junior Honor Society and Student Council attend a conference in Illinois. At the conference students will have a chance to talk to people from other schools, attend seminars, and the get to know each other. The members also do many activities and have the chance to stay at an extremely nice hotel. The conference is being held the weekend of our February break.


Breakfast Boxes

What Do You Bring to the Table?

The NJHS, in conjunction with the NASSP generationON is participating in the fight against childhood hunger. This month, a special table will be set up in the auditorium lobby to collect breakfast items. Breakfast Boxes will be assembled and donated to families of children who do not always get a healthy breakfast.

If everyone brought in just one item, we could assemble almost a hundred boxes. Please keep our project in mind when your family does its grocery shopping.

Building a Better Community

Nadia Polizotto

Builder's club has been continuing to do whatever they can to help others in its school and community. At some of the recent meetings, members have been discussing new projects they can start. The pop tabs from the fundraiser were turned in and members volunteered to help set up and clean up at the Kiwanis Chili Supper.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the pop tab fundraiser. Mrs. Kistler, the sponsor of Builder’s Club, turned them into the St. Louis Ronald McDonald House. All of the pop tabs made a good amount of money. This donation will help some of the families stay closer to their hospitalized children.

Builder’s Club may also start another fundraiser to help Riley’s Hospital.

These are just a few of the things that this club has been doing. Builder’s Club meets the first and third Thursday of every month. If you would like to help better your school and community, feel free to join this extremely helpful club.

Homeroom Replaces Seminar

Faith Spencer

Seminar has been replaced by Homeroom. During the first semester, everyone used the class for Fast Forward. This made a big difference because it was now part of our team classes.

Since the school year started, everyone has been doing Fast Forward daily. Some students have passed a level and moved on to the next. Several lucky students have even completed the program.

Now students are getting tired of Fast Forward, so we asked a couple students (before winter break) how they felt if they didn’t have to do FF anymore and what they wanted to do instead.

Aliyah K. and Aubrey B. said they wanted to do “Cool Math” games.

Brinana O. said, “Do whatever we want – talk, games, and different other things.”

Bridget C. said, “Play on things you bring to school.”

Kayla D. wants to draw and play on her phone. And last, but not least, Sharla C. said, “Play games.”

Now that it is second semester, we no longer have to do Fast Forward. However, it doesn’t look like we are going to do any of the things suggested. Instead, we will be doing things that used to cut into our academic class time. Eighth grade is using it for Career study; sixth and seventh is exploring . Several other programs will also be used during this time.

On Fridays we are going to be able to go on-line and check our grades. The teachers will have our passwords if you don’t already have yours. There may be homework time, too. The last quarter will be used for novel units – something there is not a lot of time to do with the E21 program.


The spring testing schedule is pretty tight, and everyone needs to watch for the dates so he/she can be here.

Throughout this semester, students will be taking xSkills tests, and rSkills tests. Acuity is February 8-14th, I Step is schedule for March 5-8 and April 30-May 3rd. SRI March 25-28th and May 20-23rd. Eighth graders will be taking the Algebra I ECA test May 6-8th.


In November, seventh grade students were able to participate in a mini career fair. Each one was able to choose three speakers to visit and hear about their professions. Careers included Real Estate, Parks & Recreation, Steelworker, Healthcare, Veterinarian, Heavy Equipment Operator, Purchasing, OT & Psychology, Insurance, Cath Lab, Walgreens, Nursing, Star Plaza, Credit Unions, Information Technology, and Fire and Police.


Vivika Garcia

On the 30th of November, the whole school filled the auditorium seats. Camfel Productions was visiting the Hobart Middle School. They were presenting a Three-Screen Character-Building School Assembly called “Get A Grip.” Get A Grip was teaching us about self-control. It helped us understand positive self-control and feelings. They gave us examples of self-control using real-life stories of other students. One story was about self-confidence. The assembly program has received many positive reviews from schools across the United States.

Oliver Perry Swanson

9 pounds



Jasmine Willis

Mrs. Laco has started her third year as advisor for the HMS yearbook. She indicated that initially the sales were going a little slow. The final day for ordering was last Friday. Yearbooks will be available at the end of the school year in limited quantities.

She likes to have around thirty students helping her with the book. There is a lot to do and student helpers are key in making the book something everyone will remember.

Mrs. Laco also sponsors the Regional Federal Credit Union. Students are encouraged to set-up an account and save for the future.


Mrs. Albertin and Ms. MacDonald took their students to County Line Orchard. It looks like everyone had a great time!

Day of the Dead to the

EifFel Tower

(From Mrs. Stelzner’s web)

The French class learned about La Toussaint, All Saints Day, and decorated Eiffel Tower cookies in class. The French classes are learning how to express likes and dislikes. Sixth graders learned some French food words and continue to learn how English has borrowed words from all different world languages. One class even got to taste a piece of baguette with pâté. They all tried the pâté, but not all liked it!

Latin Dancers

HMS Woodwind Choir

Nadia Polizotto

Since the Fall, some of the seventh and eighth grade band students have joined Woodwind Choir. It’s a smaller band of only flutes, clarinets, bass clarinet, and oboes that meet every Wednesday after school. Since they have begun, the students have been playing new Christmas songs.

Woodwind choir performed these songs at their first concert. The choir also performed with the Jazz Band on December 18th. Here they played three Christmas songs which included “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” and “Jingle Bell Polka.”

This concert was performed for all of the students in the middle school. The elementary schools also came to see the performance.

Another event that Woodwind Choir will be taking part in is Solo and Ensemble. Solo and Ensemble is when students, either alone or with a group, practice their songs with the band teachers. Then play it in front of a judge. The judge will later give them either bronze, silver, or gold medals. Seventh grade and eighth grade Woodwind Choir will each be performing its own songs. Since the concert on the 18th, they have started working extremely hard on their songs.

6th Grade Concert

Nadia Polizotto

The sixth graders at Hobart Middle School have worked very hard to learn how to play their new instruments. So, on November 8th, 2012, they had their first Parents Night Concert. Parents Night is a time when the students play samples of what they have been working on in class. It went very well. Each section of instruments was able to play some of what they learned.

Now, the band members are continuing to learn more songs and work in their books. Their next concert is on February 28th, 2013.

Hobart Middle School Football News! 2012

Jadin Riffle and Jessica Novick

The Hobart Brickies are all about the game! Each player has some interesting reviews on the team. Such as Zach Wasniak #56, Garrett #76, Paul Dultz #62, Cameron #22, Tyler #80, Angelo #84, Gilberto #82, Kyle #66, Noah Hickman #81, Mark #42, Dakota #58, Michael Wolf #7, Dylan Horn #78, David Cruise #33, Brandon Black #14, Spencer Nassey #55, Austin #52, and Jordan #40. We also got the chance to interview Coach Swafford!

Here are Coach Swafford’s answers to some of the questions you may have about the football team.

Q. Do you believe the water people get in the way more than they help sometimes?

A. No! They put their time and effort into volunteering for the team.

Q. Do you, as a coach, push some kids harder than others?

A. Not so much on the field as in the classroom.

Q. Is there a lot of planning that goes into football for the coaches?

A. It’s mainly the playbooks and just dealing with middle-schoolers at this point. All the hard stuff comes more in high school rather than middle.

Q. Do you like coaching?

A. Yes, I like my job. I don’t just coach football either. I also coach wrestling and baseball.

Next, we interviewed some of the players.

Zack Wasniak #56

Q. What position do you play?

A. I am the middle linebacker and the kicker.

Q. Do you like your coaches?

A. Yes, I like them a lot. They’re fun and cool.

Q. Do the coaches push some kids harder?

A. Yeah, they do, but only to prove that those kids are capable of what the coaches think.

Q. Do you think the team mates get along well?

A. Yes, I think so a least.

Q. Ok, last question, what do the different colored jerseys stand for?

A. The purple one is for home games and the white one is for away games.

Brandon Black #14

Q. What positions do you play?

A. I play running back, middle linebacker, receiving team, and kickoff team.

Q. Do you think that Hobart will go to state again?

A. It’s a possibility.

Cameron Coburn #22

Q. What positions do you play?

A. I play just about everything.

Sam Ehrlich

Q. Sam what position do you play on the football team?

A. I’m the starting slotback and outside linebacker.

Q. Do you like playing the position you play or do you wish you played a different one?

A. Sam. I love the positions I play, but I play whatever the coaches need me to play also.

Q. Do you believe the coaches treat everyone fairly or do they push some kids harder than others?

A. The coaches are great and are doing a terrific job!

Q. On the days before games do the coaches push you harder than any other day?

A. The practices are slightly more intense.

Boys Basketball Interviews

Four basketball players were randomly selected by the Yohan staff. They interviewed Sam Ehrlich, Reece Lake, Jaydon Silich, and Eli Parsanko.

Reece Lake #35

Position: Point Guard & Captain

Reece’s favorite coach is Mr.Wells.

Best thing about being on the team is “The Fame.”

He continues practicing in his off season. Not a surprise, basketball is his favorite sport.

Jaydon Silich #24

Position: Small Forward & Captain

Jaydon’s favorite coach is Mr.Wells.

Best thing about being on the team is the excitement.

He continues practicing in his off season. Basketball is his favorite sport.

He wishes he was the power forward not the small forward.

Does he like dressing up on game days? Yes, because it makes him seem classy.

Sam Ehrlich #12

Position: Point Guard

Sam’s favorite coach is Coach James.

Best thing is the winning.

He admits he doesn’t practice in off season.

Games played: 16

Eli Parsanko #14

Position: Power Forward

Eli hates missing an easy shot.

He does like playing basketball.


As the Boys Basketball season winds to an end, the Girls Basketball teams are beginning theirs.

The eighth grade team is comprised of Hannah McPherson, Lizzie Govert, Brooke McDonald, McKenzie Funes, Emily Marimen, Nicole Leonard, Dejah Hill, Hope Messina, Abby Brownfield, Maddie Leonard, Katie Knudson, Halie Flaherty, Selena Flores, Monica Corgan, Alison Simmons, Maranda Grissom, Sierra Slaydon, Zoe Batistatos, Olivia VanNieulande, and Alaina Richter.

Helping the team are managers Nya Bosstel, Charai Saunder, Amy Sutliff, Brittany Sutton, and Maddie Palichuk

Coaches Funkhouser and Glass work with the seventh grade team. Team managers are Natalie Artka and Kourtnie Weatherbee.

Playing this year are Cassidy Belk, MacKenzie Burton, Alexis Carey, Amani Corral, Calynn Drobac, Claire Dumbauld, Adisan Funke, Emily Johnson, Nikayla Nelson, Paige Nestich, Insydia Rivera, Dyshane Smith, Stephanie Teer, Megan Zakutanski, and Mikayla Zakutanski.



October was so long ago, but it is fun to reminisce and remember that evening when you could be whoever or whatever you wanted to be..


Cutest – Maggie Johnson & Summer Vanaman – 1st

Sierra Cypian – 2nd Lisa Tomaga – 3rd

Most Creative – Kelsey Rich – 1st

Alyssa Weldon – 2nd

Spencer Moravec – 3rd

Scariest – Max Vance – 1st

Kira Arradondo – 2nd

Yasmine Porter – 3rd


NJHS helping Santa with Christmas Letters





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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