((Ben)) Summer is coming up on us soon, do you know what that means Haley?((Haley))You’re gonna try on all my bikini's again?((Ben))I don’t know what you’re...that was...anyways no Haley it means the trends are changing, spring is out summer is in. And on that note I’d like to welcome our trend correspondent Delores Wright.[enter Dolores]((Haley))Thank you for being here Dolores, now what hip new things did you want to share with us?((Delores))Well I recently discovered the most fabulous restaurant. They do it all, breakfast, lunch, dinner, making it the perfect summer spot. It's one of those quiet little spots that you can go to at anytime and you'll love what they're serving.((Haley))What’s the name of this place?((Delores))McDAHNalds((Haley))Ooooo it sound’s very sophisticated and classy!((Ben))But...but McDonald's are everywhere. Haley they even have a dollar menu. ((Haley))Wow and they’re affordable?! Amazing((Delores))I know, such high quality at a bargain!((Ben))Alright “Delores” why don’t you give us another one of your “tips”((Delores))Another thing that I’m absolutely obsessed with is this brand spanking new website. ((Ben))This is sounding a little better...what’s this website used for?((Delores))It allows you to keep in touch with all of your friends! And you can upload pictures of yourself and even rank your top friends in a list((Haley))Sounds innovative!((Ben))Sounds familiar…((Delores))It’s called ! It’s way to rad to ever go out of style trust me you’ll be using this website until the day you die![Haley pulls out cell phone]I’m signing up right now! ((Ben))Haley this isn’t new at all! Myspace has been dead for years no one uses it! I’m starting to think our trend correspondent knows nothing about the current trends!((Dolores))How preposterous I do too know about what’s current! In fact I’ve got some amazing new style tips as well. The one thing that never goes out of style, is smelling sexy. You're gonna absolutely rave over this new spray I found out about it's for men, but ladies you will love it too[Dolores winks at Haley]((Haley))It sounds awesome tell us about it((Dolores))Well I was at this bar and the most handsome guy walked up to me. We got to talking and I couldn't help but ask him what scent he was wearing because he smelled divine ((Ben))What was he wearing?((Dolores))Something by the name of axe body spray, it's marvelous let me tell you. It's definitely a higher end scent because I could detect all sorts of subtle undertones to it((Haley))Oooh well I have been looking for a new scent, my old one just hasn’t been doing it for me((Ben))Oh no Haley I don’t think you’d like this one, in fact I’m not even sure it’s meant for gi-((Dolores))Don’t be a prat Ben dear, Haley I’ve got some on me if you’d like to try it just a dash will do hold on[Ben and Haley coughing]((Haley)) Well that was ((Ben))Terrible. I haven’t smelled something that bad since... ((Haley))That time we visited a landfill?((Ben))For the last time that was my living room. I was talking about high school((Dolores))Well I have never been so offended in all my life. I had one last tip I was gonna share but now I’m not sure if I will((Haley))No no, we’re sorry! Maybe that scent just wasn’t our style but just tell us one more tip. Please I just want to be[Haley looks into the camera]((Haley))Cool.((Dolores))Ok well if you insist I do have one last tip today. This one isn’t a product, the easy way to remain in style and seem cool is to keep up with the newest slang. I heard this phrase the other day that I really think is going to catch on((Ben))Oh boy((Haley))Tell us!((Delores))YYY-OH-LO. It means you only live once, isn’t that just clever? You say it before or after doing something reckless, or making a rash decision((Ben)) Wait isn’t that from that one Drake song((Delores))Drake? Drake who has he got a last name? Never heard of him. Anyways thank you so much for having me chickies have a lovely day((Haley))Yolo! Thank you so much! Bye yolo!((Ben))Haley that’s not how you use that phrase ................

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