
IUSB EqualityMeeting MinutesOctober 14, 2008SAC 2253 PMLove Your Body Day: Revolutions in ThoughtPresident Robyn BlackLove Your Body Day was a big success. I would like to thank Brock, Zach, Joel, Cynthia, and Doug for helping decorate the jeans and all their help at the table. This event was collaboration between the Health and Wellness Center, the Athletic Department, FSU/V Club, IUSB Equality, and Dr. Betsy Lucal and visiting lecturer Professor Kevin James. The Preface took some pictures of the table in DW and of the set-up in the Grille. They also came back for Professor James’ lecture and recorded it for an online story. They also interviewed Professor James and President of IUSB Equality, Robyn Black.Pride in the ParkThe ENDA Petition we had at our booth at Pride in the Park gathered 73 signatures of support. The petitions were given to Congressman Donnelley and sent to J. Rhodes Perry at PFLAG, who shared our story with Senator Dodd. The South Bend Tribune featured a story, with Brock and Zach on the front page, as well as the coverage that was in the Preface. It was a beautiful day and a great showing of Pride in South Bend. Jill Long Thompson’s campaign was there and also one of the South Bend City Councilmen was there. He is not completely on board with the South Bend HRO, but it was a very positive step that he attended our community’s event. Catherine Pittman from South Bend Equality and John Clower and Mark St. John of Indiana Equality were all able to speak to him, and find some ways to gain his support. He is interested in talking to the labor unions and local clergy that are LGBT supportive. We have great support from the unions, through Lambda Legal and Indiana Equality. In addition to the ENDA petition, Indiana Equality had a petition to enact LGBT civil rights in Indiana. Of course, the event was a whole lot of fun, as well. Gay Bingo was a big hit with Bradley, Curvette and Marleana hosting the festivities. There were two live bands and lots of cool stuff to buy. We gave away beads, and that was a great draw to our table. We wrote a thank you note to the LGBT Resource Center for all their hard work in organizing this impressive show of Pride!!!World AIDS Day and the “Black and White Ball”AIDS Ministries has contacted Charlotte Pfeifer, IUSB Equality, Professor Kevin James, and (I believe) the Health and Wellness Center about IUSB hosting a forum on HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day, which is on December 1st. This is the same day that our own Secretary Joshua Napierkowski will open in Professor Ernie Nolan’s version of “Holding the Man.” This is an Australian play that follows a young man and his partner as he dies from AIDS.We would like to do a fundraiser in the lobby and quiet lounge of Northside. The event is tentatively named the “Black and White Ball.” We are hoping to offer appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks and have perhaps a piano player or one of Raclin’s trios or other musical groups. We hope to use TEATRO and the electronic bulletin board to ask for Artists to donate HIV/AIDS or AIDS Prevention themed art to be auctioned off by AM/AA, also Teresa Santos, former president of the GSA has a position in an art gallery at Notre Dame, and might be able to help us connect to some local artists. Also David Smith could be contacted as he is a professional ballroom dancer, and would likely donate a few dance lessons to add to the auction. We would also like to see if PFLAG, the LGBT Resource Center, and South Bend Equality would like to be involved in some manner. The suggestion was made to ask Dr. Catherine Pittman to be the mistress of ceremony.Drag Show PossibilityPresident Robyn BlackIn order to have the Drag Show to benefit AIDS Ministries in the Theater, a contract must be entered into between IUSB Equality’s Advisor and Moira of the Theater. There are specific stipulations that we must agree to, in order to reserve the facility. We must hire the theater manager and someone to run sound and lights. The dressing room area is restricted to performers, and minimal IUSB Equality staff (2 maximum). Dressers for the performers were not allowed. It is required that all communication between the theater and IUSB Equality must go through the advisor. The advisor must be present to get the dressing room, backstage area, and theater doors open. Last year we tried to sell concessions during the intermission, but the only thing allowed in the theater was bottled water. We weren’t able to sell the pop or the popcorn. An advisor must be present with the cash box outside the theater, and we must make deposits with campus police, to make sure we don’t have too much money in the box at any one time. The advisor must be present when all concessions are sold and stay until the end of the event. All the money needs to be deposited with campus security before the advisor leaves. The entire event lasts 4 to 5 hours.If we are going to use the Theater department, the paperwork needs to be submitted by one of the advisors soon.After some brainstorming, an alternative to the red tape and contract commitments of the theater department was found to be more realistic, given the extreme time constraints everyone involved faces. We have the alternative of using the Grille for the Drag Show to Benefit AIDS Ministries, AIDS Assist. The only thing that is required for that option is to pick a date and reserve the Grille and Quiet Lounge. We have decided we would like to use the Quiet Lounge as a VIP Lounge, where VIP ticket holders can mingle with the performers after the show is over. We would not be able to sell as many tickets, but we only sold 200+ tickets last year anyway. With all the extra promotional avenues we have this year (TEATRO, Ken in Marketing, the Preface, and MAC cosmetics have pledged advertising help that we just didn’t have time for last year) I believe whatever tickets we have to sell, will be sold this year. The success of last year’s show has created a lot of buzz on campus and the larger community, and several people have asked me when it will be this year. With this second option, the only requirements of the advisors would be to sign a funding request to Titan Productions and/or the Student Government Association, which Joshua will present. Also reimbursements will need to be signed for printing tickets, t-shirts, vendor approved food, and other expenses, and at least one advisor should really attend the event. We have a budget for the entire Drag Show of $500, but if we can get advisor approval now, the club will be better able to solicit sponsors and in kind donations and advertising opportunities.We would hate to give up this well received event that helps raise awareness and money for HIV/AIDS, and hopefully this second suggestion will work better. Everything else should be able to be coordinated by the officers, with the help of the membership.We have also decided if the event moves forward, to hold it on a Thursday evening. February 26, 2009 is our target date. This would be after mid-terms and just after Mardi gras and we could possibly do a Mardi gras theme.We also ratified the revised version of the constitution, which will be uploaded to our website iusbequality. by Monday.Our next meeting will be held in the evening, hopefully so more people are not in class and we might hold a campus scavenger hunt. ................

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