
NameDateParts of Speech Unit 7, Conjunctions, Lesson 1 Worksheet: The Coordinating Conjunction, Part 1. Conjunctions are the words we use to join, or provide junctions, between words. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, which include but, or, yet, so, and, for and nor; correlative conjunctions which cannot stand alone, but need a “relative” nearby, include the pairs both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/also, and not only/but also; subordinating conjunctions are a very complicated area of usage, and some of the many words included in this category are although, because, before, even though, since, than, though and unless.Today we will work with identifying conjunctions in a short reading passage. In the text that follows, please circle or underline all the conjunctions; use your Conjunctions Learning Support to help you identify the conjunctions.Reading: The Value of EducationTeachers and parents often tell students how important their educations are, but students—especially high school students—don’t always listen, yet they probably should. Even though their teachers and parents repeat the same warnings or the same advice, that doesn’t make these things untrue or silly, for they aren’t. Students believe that neither their teachers nor their parents mean the things they say about their own educations. So students pretend to listen, but they don’t.After graduation, students suddenly come face to face what they’ve been told is the “real world.” Unless students have thought about and planned for their post-high school years, they may find themselves unprepared or worse for the “real world.” Because the world of work has become complicated, and since even basic jobs now require skills and training, some students don’t know where to start planning their adult lives. Until high school guidance departments help students plan for their futures, students may be left without options and opportunities.Yet, this is a narrow view of education, for it sees education only as a means to an end. Moreover, it doesn’t take into account the value of education—of becoming and being intelligent—by itself. Not only should education prepare students for their futures in the work force, but also to live more fully in their presents. Before students are burdened with anxiety about their futures, they should have a chance to experience the joy of learning for its own sake and the way it enriches their lives—for their lifetimes.Because schools that focus only on the utility of education, and not its pleasure, will alienate students from learning. The goal of educators should be, first and foremost, to arouse young people’s natural curiosity and interest them in learning, but this doesn’t always happen. Students and teachers must work together on this, for if they accomplish this, they will have produced what we call education. Wherever students know why and how to learn, they are prepared to take on any learning, for the what to learn is the easiest part of education. Whenever educators decide to pursue these goals and work to fulfill them, that will be the time our schools begin creating well-rounded scholars.Class Work/Structured Practice: Modified Cloze Exercises*** _______ *** were late to school.**** will eat pizza _____ Mexican food, _____ **** likes them both.It’s ***’s turn to fix dinner, ____ *** _______ **** prepared themselves to eat cereal ______ peanut-butter toast.*** ____ *** didn’t feel like going to school, _____ did *****.*** ____ *** work together ____ are friends, _____ they quarrel constantly.**** ______ **** walked home, ________ it appeared the 5 train wasn’t coming.***** went to the park, ______ *** didn’t feel like going home.**** _______ ***** needed to open a can of whupass, _____ they couldn’t, _____ they forgot to bring their can opener.**** ______ **** were hungry for Chinese ____ Thai food, _____ they couldn’t find either kind of restaurant.****_____ *** wanted to go to Six Flags, _____they didn’t.*** is a gifted actor, ___ when *** took a role as a movie monster, everyone was surprised.*** loves to play basketball, _____ *** had to leave a hotly contested game to go home for dinner.**** plays football, _____ **** plays soccer.Independent Practice: Please compose six sentences demonstrating your understanding of the use of any of the conjunctions you have used in section II. ................

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