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| |CIA Newsletter |

| |Autumn 2012 |


2nd FAI Women’s European Championships, Frankenthal, Germany Photo: Gabriela Slavec



2012 FAI General Conference Report (Antalya/Turkey) 3

FAI / CIA Awards at the 2012 Plenary 4

Nominations for Awards given through the CIA 4


2nd FAI Women’s European Hot Air Balloon Championship 2012 8


Tom Sheppard 12




Future Competitions 15

CIA Statistics 15

Newsletter Contributions Welcome 15

CIA Championships Calendar and Events Open for Proposals 16

Delegates for 2012-13 of the FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) 17

CIA Donations Scheme 19


Travel Information for Brasil 21





By Jean Claude Weber, CIA President

As much as I abhor opening this column with sad news, I would like to pay tribute to two outstanding ballooning characters who left us this month. Tom Sheppard, fellow balloonist, friend and one of ballooning’s “good genies”, and Albert Cramer of “Warsteiner” fame and probably the single most important ballooning sponsor in the recent past, passed away and leave us to mourn and to pay tribute to their contributions. They will be sorely missed.

In barely three months we will meet in Rio de Janeiro for our 2013 Plenary, and I am looking forward to meeting with you, hoping that we will have a productive and pleasant meeting for the best of ballooning and balloonists. As you will see elsewhere in this Newsletter, there is a full program being organised, and with your help I expect a busy and animated meeting. In addition to the usual Agenda items, you will this time find a few issues that I would like you to consider, discuss and eventually decide within your home ballooning associations before coming or sending your delegates to the Plenary in Rio. The Plenary Agenda will be published by the end of January.

1. FAI CAT1 World- or Continental Championship Test events

2. Report on the Worlds 2014 in Brazil

3. World Ranking List and Anti-Doping

4. FAI CAT2 events

Obviously these issues can only be decided by all the delegates at the Plenary, but I think it would be helpful if your delegates could be given assistance in this decision making process.

One other issue that will be discussed at the Plenary is the CIA Bureau’s “Awards” Working Group report. This is a very thorough study of our present Awards procedures, but one issue that has not found an answer is the definition of “best performance” for the Montgolfier Diploma. What should be done to first find and then reward the best performance?

• Should the nominations be left exclusively to the initiative of the delegates, or

• should the CIA president and his Bureau have the possibility to nominate (if there is no nomination from the delegate or if the nomination is not acceptable), or

• should the nomination process be initiated by the CIA, e.g. by a call for nominations?

And what should be considered to determine the best performance?

• Exclusively the comparable sporting performance or result achieved in accordance with our Sporting Code, or

• any remarkable performance or result achieved AND the way to achieve this

I am sure there will be interesting discussions around this definition, and although the question of the definition will not be an item on the Agenda, I would nevertheless wish to obtain some guidance from you. There are basic philosophical differences here and I am very interested to learn your opinions.

As you will learn from my FAI General Conference report in this Newsletter, FAI is on the move and FAME is now up and running. This commercial company, created for the sole purpose of developing FAI event marketing opportunities, may in the future be very helpful to develop new types/kinds of events. It’s CEO, Giancarlo Sergi, is a highly experienced and successful sports marketing specialist. As you know, we have been stuck for an eternity with our present event structures, and I hope that this FAI initiative will help break up our sclerotic setup. New types of events loom on the horizon, and I would dearly like our delegates, Subcommittees and Working Groups to start exploring the various opportunities that have been neglected until now.

• Sanctions for FAI CAT1 sporting events should be encouraged for our highest level competitions, World- and Continental Championships only.

• Rules for CAT2 events should be developed to allow meaningful and easily accessible competitions to be used in the World Ranking List. Sanctions for FAI CAT2 events should be promoted, facilitated and re-valorised in order to make then worthwhile for organisers and competitors.

• Sanctions for Level 3 events, under direct FAI/CIA control, basically addressing the needs of organisers of Fiesta, multi-sports, and Grand-Prix sporting events and Ballooning Festivals should be developed and promoted.

I am convinced that we have the necessary expertise and experience to evolve in this direction, but we need to understand that we must walk away from the pure rule-making business, that we need to develop a new ballooning event culture, and that we must make every possible effort to bring event organisers and competitors back into our fold by offering competitor-, sponsor-, public- and media-attractive events. I am looking forward to seeing these developments happen, other Air Sports Commissions have already shown the way and we don’t need to re-invent the wheel.

Wishing you all a nice winter rest or a nice flying season, and hoping to see many of you in Rio.


J.C. Weber, president


2012 FAI General Conference Report (Antalya/Turkey)

The full Minutes of the ASC Presidents – CASI – and General Conference meetings will soon become available on the FAI website. In the meantime, should you have any question, please feel free to contact me.


This is the name of the newly created commercial company to look after the FAI’s interests in sports marketing and to handle the BREITLING contract. The primary aim of this company is to explore the sports events market and to identify potential event organisers, host cities and sponsors. They do not have any technical knowledge and they will rely exclusively on ASC expertise to provide manpower and services. The priority will be on the so-called “level 3” events. These events, mainly “marketing” events outside the scope of the Sporting Code, may be organised under the direct control of FAI/FAME, without any involvement from NACs. This approach should allow the creation of new sponsor-,media- and public friendly types of events (Grand-Prix, World Series, Festival, etc.).


First, the good news: Beta Blockers will be off the list as of January 1st 2013 and ballooning will not be on the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) in 2013. Based on previous testing history, only 5 air sports(CIVA, CIAM, GAC, CIG, CIMA) are to provide competitors’ names for the RTP in 2013. The bad news however are that the RTP will be renewed every year and we will certainly be asked next year to select 2 competitors out of the first 100 on a World Ranking List (AA, AX, BX or combined?). This has implications for our WRL and I believe we have to seriously consider making the WRL a mandatory tool. Testing will most probably be done by “target testing”, meaning that the anti-doping tests will be performed shortly before our main championships, and not at any time during the year. The selected competitors will however need to take part in the WADA “where about” scheme. WADA and FAI will launch an education program in 2013.


The database seems to finally become operational. It is expected that members, ASCs and event organisers will be able to consult the database from the 1st of January.


It is planned that Rob Hughes, in charge of the project, will circulate a first draft of the new OA to the ASC presidents in the near future. A second draft will then be sent to the FAI members, and a final document will probably not be ready before the 2013 GC. We therefore need to continue working for our 2014 events with the present, totally inadequate, version of the OA.


ASC Presidents agreed to request that the FAI change its accounting procedures and to also clearly show ASC assets. The FAI President agreed to ask the FAI Finance Director to look into these requests as soon as the FAI accounting system will be fully operational.

6. FAI Executive Board

The FAI President was re-elected for a new two-year term. The EB was re-elected except for Junghoon LEE who withdrew and was replaced with Frederik Brink from The Netherlands.


On a proposal from Mary-Anne Stevens (Canada) the GC agreed to the creation of a temporary working group named “WOMEN IN FAI” to analyse the presence of women in FAI and to make recommendations to the GC. As far as I understood the proposal, it will not focus on women’s participation in air sports.

8. Future FAI General Conferences

The 2013 GC will take place in Kuala Lumpur / Malyasia from Oct. 1-5, and the 2014 one in Bangkok / Thailand from Oct. 7-13.


FAI / CIA Awards at the 2012 Plenary

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Gas Balloon |No nominations | |

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Hot Air Balloon |No nominations | |

|Montgolfier Diploma – Contribution to the Sport |No nominations | |

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Rozière Balloon |No nominations | |

|Santos Dumont Gold Airship Medal |No nominations | |

|CIA Hall of Fame Inductees |Tony Fairbanks |United States |

| |Thomas Sheppard |United States |

Nominations for Awards given through the CIA

Detailed conditions for all FAI/CIA awards are to be found in the FAI Statutes Chapters 9 & 10, and in the FAI By-Laws Chapter 7.

Nominations for the following CIA awards should be submitted to the FAI Office to arrive no later than 20 January 2013


• THE FAI MONTGOLFIER DIPLOMAS (one each for Hot Air, Gas, Rozier, Service to the Sport)


Proposals from CIA delegates for nominations for FAI General awards should be submitted to the CIA President or Secretary to arrive no later than 20 January 2013. (Proposals from FAI Members should be submitted directly to the FAI Office to arrive not later than 31 May 2013)



Birstonas, Lithuania, 23 – 24 March 2012

|Who |What |Follow-up |Start date |Deadline |CIA 2012 Plenary Minutes |

| | | | | |item # |

|All delegates |Provide written national activity report to CIA secretary |CIA secretary |  | Dec 31, 2012 |11 |

|All delegates |Provide 2012 CIA statistics questionnaire to CIA secretary |CIA secretary |  | Dec 31, 2012 |11 |

|Officials SC |Provide pictures and officials' jobs descriptions to PMR SC |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |13 |

|PMR SC |Set up data base for officials' pictures and jobs descriptions |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |13 |

|CIA secretary |Remove all expired Web based information concerning the Observers List and registration process |Officials SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |13 |

|PMR SC |Coordinate PMR efforts with FAI Com. Manager |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|PMR SC |Coordinate with the FAI Com. Manager the creation of a CIA INFO brochure which can be downloaded |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

| |from CIA webpage | | | | |

|PMR SC |Timely publication of "Latest News on" and events follow-up |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|PMR SC |Coordinate with the FAI Com. Manager and CIA secretary the updating of the CIA Webpages |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|PMR SC |Creation of a CIA GROUP on Facebook |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|Who |What |Follow-up |Start date |Deadline |CIA 2012 Plenary Minutes |

| | | | | |item # |

|PMR SC |National Ballooning Federations webpages links to be shown on CIA webpages. |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|PMR SC |Improve access and information gathering on CIA Awards on the CIA webpages |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|PMR SC |Determine CIA PMR correspondents in CIA member countries |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|PMR SC |Creation of a web-based CIA archive |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2014 |14 |

|All delegates |Distribute CIA and PMR information nationally to all concerned people |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|All delegates |Encourage ballooning people nationally to provide PMR SC with timely ballooning information |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|Competitors SC |Discussion of possible standardisation of the Competitors Survey |CSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |18 |

|Competitors SC |Discussion of automatic entry at General Cat. AX Worlds for medal holders of Women and Junior Cat. |RSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |18 |

| |AX Worlds | | | | |

|Rules SC |Discussion of automatic entry at General Cat. AX Worlds for medal holders of Women and Junior Cat. |CSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |18 |

| |AX Worlds | | | | |

|Competitors SC |Updating of World Ranking List after the 2012 AX Worlds |CSC chair |AX Worlds 2012 |December 31, 2012 |18 |

|EDS |Publication and implementation of new sanction fee and performance bond scheme and tariff |EDS chair |Plenary 2012 |April 30, 2012 |15 |

|EDS |Coordinate with the FAI Com. Manager and CIA secretary the updating of the CIA EDS Webpages |CIA secretary |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |15 |

|EDS |Update all EDS documents |EDS chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |15 |

|Who |What |Follow-up |Start date |Deadline |CIA 2012 Plenary Minutes |

| | | | | |item # |

|Rules SC |Study Lithuanian proposal for the creation and implementation of "team scoring" possibilities in AX |RSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

| |events, and make recommendations to the Plenary | | | | |

|BA/BX WG |Discussion of airship definitions and classification |RSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|BA/BX WG |Proposal to modify Class B subclasses to be forwarded to the Records SC for cross checking purposes |BA/BX WG chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|Scoring WG |Items referred to the WG by other SCs or WGs to be published on the CIA Scoring WG Forum |Scoring WG chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|CIA secretary |Revision of the CIA Internal Regulations |S1 WG chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|NTSC |Establish list of CIA approved Loggers |NTSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |20 |

|Brazil |Provide all relevant information, including OA, concerning the 2013 CIA Plenary in Rio to the CIA |CIA president |Plenary 2012 |May 6, 2012 |36 |

2nd FAI Women’s European Hot Air Balloon Championship 2012

Lindsay Muir

The idea of a Women’s European Championship was first proposed by Gintaras Surkus of Lithuania in 2008 and the question that must to be asked, especially in this day and age, is why do we need a female-only event? Ballooning is one of the very few sporting events where men and women can compete equally.

Scientists decoding the human genome have discovered that just 78 genes separate men from women. A recent survey undertaken by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) came up with a number of suggestions as to what these gene differences might be including the following:

• Men have an anorak gene, which triggers a lecture on thermo dynamics when asked a simple question requiring a yes or no answer.

• Men have the empathy with computers gene. This means they are more likely to be found fiddling about with one rather than doing something useful.

• A multi-tasking gene is clearly only owned by women - men can never prepare dinner so that everything is ready at the same time.

Joking aside, men have no physical advantage over women when it comes to competitive ballooning and a review of dozens of studies found that men and women are basically alike when it comes to personality, thinking ability and leadership. So why decide to split this type of sporting event according to sexual orientation?

The main reason for a female only event is to give women a chance to compete in the first place. So why don’t women have the opportunity that men have? I suggest the differences that do exist between men and women may reflect social expectations. I’m not implying that women live in a patriarchal society where they are not allowed to compete I think it is more complicated than that. Their nature and upbringing often results in them standing back to let fathers and husbands compete ahead of them. While men are able to focus on narrow issues and block out unrelated information and distractions, women naturally see everyday things from a broader, "big-picture" vantage point and will probably see 101 reasons they shouldn’t / can’t compete.

I was brought up with 2 older brothers in quite a sporty family and I could never see why I couldn’t do whatever they did. In addition I was never treated any differently and continued to this day to believe that there is little that a man can do that I can’t also do just as well. So when I started competing in ballooning I never saw my gender as an issue and when the first women’s European championship was held in Lithuania in 2010 I competed, but only after a lot of persuasion. I did not feel that I needed the event. At the end of the event my opinion was completely changed. I spoke to a number of the pilots after the event who all said they had a great time and that they virtually never had an opportunity to fly in this type of competition as they were always supporting husbands / fathers. They were also pleased that I had agreed to compete as I added credibility to the event.

So how did we fare at the 2nd Women’s European Hot Air Balloon Championship which took place in Frankenthal in Germany in September? This was a non-observer event and Mathijs R. de Bruijn (Event Director) finally agreed that us women could probably cope with using the CIA loggers! The event was principally organized and run by Dolores Deimling and her daughter Rommy with the assistance of a great team of officials. Dolly handed over the reins at the start of the event so that she could concentrate on competing.

The dates of the British nationals and the Women’s European Championship partly overlapped and after a lot of consideration I decided to give the nationals a miss (if I missed the nationals I would not get a UK ranking for 2013).

In the run up to setting off for Germany I was seriously stressed but my crew (husband Graham and long term friend Ges) and I still headed off for Germany a couple of days early so we did not have to rush the drive and could get in a few practice flights. As I mostly fly a 400 the practice flights are important as it reminds me that I do not a have to make a 30 second burn to stop my 77 with an average rate of descent. Those extra couple of days also gave time for all the documents I had left behind to arrive! In addition, when we rigged the balloon for the first practice flight we realised that the poles and leg leathers had been left behind. This last piece of news turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I spent the week flying with a floating burner frame which made rigging so much easier for our meagre team. After the first few days the boys gave up reminding me to mind my head on landing.

The hotel was fairly basic (no bar) but clean, friendly and comfortable and just round the corner from the competition centre and during the competition they extended breakfast time until midday. The competition centre was a small school not far away and during the week meals were laid on for us in the evening and were very good. There was also wall to wall cake and tea and coffee. In addition there was a bar in the marquee which we managed to drink dry at least twice (who says us girlies can’t drink). Refueling was also not far from the hotel and was run with typical German efficiency.

The weather for the practice flights and for the whole of the event (bar the last morning) was beautiful: blue skies and steady and steerable winds. The flying area on one side of the map consisted of vineyards, asparagus, brassicas, stubble, ploughed fields and the odd solar energy farm and on the other side, power lines, windmills, a nuclear power station and Mannheim. For culture you could visit Worms (Martin Luther), imbibe some rather nice local wine or just cruise down the Rhine.

Flight 1 – HWZ, HWZ, FON.

As I was the only British pilot at the event I had no one to talk through the tasks with or share information and my only tactic for the week was to get off the ground as early as possible and not mess about getting to goals. One disadvantage of taking off near or at the front of the pack is that there is no one to give you a lead into the goals. For me task number 1 was OK but a bit of a high drop was required and then I was off to task 2. I was intending to head to the more northern of the next two goals but the motorway just before it meant climbing to clear the PZ and thus losing all the left. So the more southern goal was the only option behind which were 3 huge great windturbines. Boy did they look intimidating when you are cruising in at low level and they are towering above you! The Fly On was a virtual task at 1000 ft MSL and I set mine over a forest and then forgot about the motorway PZ and wasted 140 points!

Flight 3 (we can forget about Flight 2) – JDG, JDG, JDG, HZW, 3D Shape (doughnut).

These tasks could be done in any order but it looked likely that you would not manage to score well on all the tasks. My tactic on this one was to take off in the doughnut (and thus start scoring in the 3D task immediately) and with the first 2 JDGs in a line on the low level wind. Good results on the first 2 goals and then it was up to 7000‘ to head back to the 3rd JDG and to get a good track in the 3D shape. There was a great view at that altitude but unfortunately it was very slow and it was obvious that I was not going to get anywhere near the 3rd JDG or either of the HZW goals so it was just a question of making the best of it. Not a bad morning for me but unfortunately a better morning for Ann Herdewyn and Elisabeth Kindermann.

Flight 4 – FIN, FON, FON

This was a typical evening flight with not a lot of steerage. We were given 3 goals to choose from for the first Fly On task and the second one was another virtual goal at 1000 ft. My FIN was OK but once again Ann Herdewyn and Elisabeth Kindermann scored better.

Flight 5 – FIN, HWZ, JDG, JDG, FON

At this stage I’m not sure that I was even in the top 3 but Ann Herdewyn was leading comfortably. As scoring finished at 10:00 this morning it gave us just over 2 hours to complete all the tasks and with this in mind I got the bit between my teeth and got in the air as fast as possible and as close to the FIN as I dared. There was loads of steerage at the start of the flight but I was concerned that it might not be there 2 hours later. Initially I thought I had blown my approach to the target but I was rewarded with a drop just outside the arms of the cross. From here it was a steady flight onto the HWZ goals and the left hand one was the best choice as there steerage was still there. A bit of a high drop on this one but it’s still good as was the next one. The next goal required you to climb to 5000 ft to get enough right and then descend steadily to look for the left (which I hope was still there). Final marker went out and once again it’s in the MMA. There was just the FON to do which I completed with 10 minutes to spare. With all the tasks out of the way I finally had time to look behind and I could see that most pilots are way behind me meaning that they would be struggling on time. Poor old Ann had a disasterous morning having spent far too long on the first task. Ann was, and will continue to be, one to watch out for. My morning was great and when all the scores were out I was comfortably in the lead.

Flight 6 – 3D Shape, HWZ, FON

So here we are at the last flight. During the briefing it was announced that there would be no flight in the morning as a serious amount of rain was expected overnight (it was a glorious morning!). The 3 tasks were reduced to 2 on the launch site as the rain was expected to arrive during the evening. Once again I was off the ground pretty quickly and managed to get through all the layers of the cake and roughly in the right places. I hate the 3D Shape task as you have no idea how well you have done in relation to anyone else, you get no positive feedback from flying the task and you have no means of checking your own result. Having gone up to 4000 ft to get through the relevant bits of the cake and back down to again it is obvious that only one of the HWZ goals was achievable. As I approached the final goal the wind started to veer and it is becoming increasingly difficult to get very close to it. I got as close as I could to the MMA and hurled out my marker. My computer didn’t ping so I knew my balloon was not within the 100 m measuring area and pushed the button on my logger. As I was now passing over a lot of ploughed fields I carried on for quite a while until I got to a track before landing. All was looking well until I went to turn off my logger and realized that I had not properly “dropped” my electronic marker and that if my marker was not in the measuring area I would be scored to my landing position and I would, in all likelihood, be last in the task. All my feelings of a job well done turned into despair and we all went quiet as we packed the balloon away. Graham suggested we went back via the goal to check and I trudged downheartedly across the field to talk to the measuring team. Elation - 96.84 m!

The event provided us with great weather; the organization was terrific; the pilots very competitive and they took the competition very seriously and everyone (officials as well) enjoyed the event. In addition there were no testosterone fired egos to contend with: I think there were only 2 male crew chiefs in the briefing room which were Gabriela Slavec’s husband Fabio and my husband Graham. Gabi juggled flying with a being a mother of an 18 month old child. Dolores managed to do very well despite having been stressed out by running the event. Sylvia Meinl did fantastically with only 70 hours as P1. Ann Herdewyn and Elisabeth Kindermann gave me a lot to worry about and Daiva Rakauskaite came storming into 2nd place out of nowhere. Where do I stop! There are some very good women pilots out there who need to be watched and hopefully in the future we will have substantially more than 1-5% of the pilots at an open championship being female.

Did I miss competing in the British National Championship? NO.

Do I think that we should continue with a women only event? YES.

Do I think I will be shot down for saying yes to a women only event? Almost certainly! It’s just a pity that we will have to wait until 2014 for the next one.

1 Lindsay MUIR GBR 13953


3 Ann HERDEWYN BEL 12822

4 Elisabeth KINDERMANN AUT 12394

5 Dolores DEIMLING GER 12231

6 Kristine VEVERE LAT 12087

7 Sylvia MEINL GER 11919

8 Gabriela SLAVEC SLO 11642

9 Angele LINDERS NED 11612

10 Astrid CARL GER 11608

Full results can be found on the FAI website.


Photo by Gabriela, Slavec

2nd FAI Women’s European Championships, Frankenthal, Germany


The 2012 list of approved Jurors below is to be used when making nominations for Juries for 2013 Sanctioned Events


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|Total Jurors |73 |

Tom was introduced to the many attendees at the induction ceremony by his business and ballooning partner Debbie Spaeth (on the left in above photograph). Mark Sullivan (United States CIA Delegate and CIA 3rd Vice-President, 2nd from left) presented Tom with his official Hall of Fame photograph (photo on the right). Tony Fairbanks was also inducted into the FAI/CIA Hall of Fame posthumously – his son accepted the honor on Tony’s behalf. Tom Rutherford was the Master of Ceremonies for this elegant event and was assisted by the Executive Director of the Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum (4th from left).

“Thomas Albert Francis Sheppard was born at Watership Down, in Sydmonton, in Southern England, on September 3, 1929. He had a life-long love of aviation which included a career in the Fleet Air Arm of the British Royal Navy. Tom’s ballooning adventures started in 1973 with three partners. They purchased a balloon and learned to fly. He soon became involved as an event official and was known internationally for his expertise in balloon safety, competition rules, and running competitive

During the period from 1975 thru 2005, Tom was Event Director at approximately 110 events. This included 1977 and 1978 US National Hot Air Balloon (HAB) Championship, 1981 and 1985 World HAB Championships, 1990 World Gas Balloon Championship and World Rozier Championship, (4) North American HAB Championships and (8) Canadian National HAB Championships.

During his years of balloon competition officiating, Tom has shared that knowledge with a multitude of others. In addition to the hundreds of Observers trained over many years, Tom and Debbie organized Officials Competitions seminars and Balloon Competition seminars. These seminars shared knowledge to help others learn about balloon officiating, on the local, national and international levels. While serving on the International Balloon Committee (CIA), Tom developed and wrote the original CIA Jury Handbook, and the CIA Jury exams, still used today. Tom was also a principal author of the CIA publication Organizing a Safe Balloon Event.

Tom represented the USA at the International Ballooning Commission (CIA) from 1981 thru 1995. During that time period, Tom served on the Rules Sub-Committee, Safety Sub-Committee, Jury Board and as USA Delegate.

Achievements, honors and awards:

- 1990: FAI/CIA: Montgolfier Diploma for service to the sport of ballooning.

- 2012: CIA Hall of Fame inductee

More information and photos are available at the following web site:

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Nominated person

First Name: ____________________________ Last Name: ___________________________________

Nationality: ____________________________________________________

Date of Birth: (Year/Month/Day): __________________________________

Date of Death (Year/Month/Day): __________________________________

Short Biography (10 lines):

Achievements, honours and awards:

Photographs attached:

Please send this completed form to the CIA Secretary. A full CV may be requested later.

Nominating person:

Name: NAC: Date:



20th FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship, Battle Creek, Michigan (18 – 25 August, 2012)

|1 |DONNER, Nick (USA) |6 |SCHWARTZ, Nicolas (FRA) |

|2 |PETREHN, Johnny (USA) |7 |BLOOM, Cory (USA) |

|3 |FUJITA 7, Yudai (JPN) |8 |LATYPOV, Sergey (RUS) |

|4 |DONNER, Chase (USA) |9 |Stefan ZEBERLI (SUI) |

|5 |SCHNEIDER, Uwe (GER) |10 |SCAIFE, Matthew (AUS) |

2nd FAI Women's European Hot Air Balloon Championship - Frankenthal, Germany (18 - 22 Sept, 2012)

|1 |Lindsay MUIR (GBR) |6 |Kristine VEVERE (LAT) |

|2 |Daiva RAKAUSKAITE (LTU) |7 |Sylvia MEINL (GER) |

|3 |Ann HERDEWYN (BEL) |8 |Gabriela SLAVEC (SLO) |

|4 |Elisabeth KINDERMANN (AUT) |9 |Angele LINDERS (NED) |

|5 |Dolores DEIMLING (GER) |10 |Astrid CARL (GER) |

1st FAI Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship - Marijampole, Lithuania (23 -27 May, 2012)

|1 |Rokas Kostiuskevicius (LTU) |6 |Mateusz Rekas (POL) |

|2 |Thomas Merceron (FRA) |7 |Jonathan Becker (FRA) |

|3 |Pascal Kreins (GER) |8 |Simon Josefsson (SWE) |

|4 |Ivan Menyaylo (RUS) |9 |Elisabeth Kindermann (AUT) |

|5 |Satoshi Ueda (JPN) |10 |Thomas Schon (AUT) |

56th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, Toggenburg, Switzerland (31 Aug - 8 Sept, 2012)

|1 |Sebastien ROLLAND, Vincent LEYS (FRA) |6 |Mark SULLIVAN, Cheryl WHITE (USA) |


|3 |Andy CAYTON, William MANUEL (USA) |8 |David HEMPLEMAN-ADAMS, Simon CAREY (GBR) |

|4 |Wilhelm EIMERS, Matthias ZENGE (GER) |9 |Christopher WOOD, John ROSE (GBR) |


LUXGSM - World Balloon Trophy 2012- Echternach, Luxembourg (11 - 15 July, 2012)

|1 |Colin WEBER (LUX) |6 |Marc BLASER (SUI) |

|2 |Nico BETZEN (LUX) |7 |Georges KLOMP (LUX) |

|3 |Mike HOWARD (GBR) |8 |Richard PARRY (GBR) |

|4 |Claude KRAFT (LUX) |9 |Martin WULFF (GER) |

|5 |Stefan ZEBERLI (SUI) |10 |Marcus GREEN (GBR) |

12th Debrecen Cup International Competition - Debrecen, Hungary (8 - 12 August, 2012)

|1 |ALMER, Johann (AUT) |6 |NAGY, Imre (HUN) |

|2 |SAUCHY, Jan (CZE) |7 |KADAR. Robert (HUN) |

|3 |KONECSNI, Janos (HUN) |8 |NACIAROVA. Anna (SVK) |

|4 |NYIRI, Aron (HUN) |9 |FEKETE, Nandor (HUN) |

|5 |VEGH, Sandor (HUN) |10 |KARDOS, Miklos (HUN) |

2012 Tochigi Hot Air Balloon International Championship - Tochigi, Japan (20 - 25 Nov, 2012)

|1 |FUJITA, Yuudai (JPN) |6 |SUE, Tetsuhiro (JPN) |

|2 |PETREHN, Johnny (USA) |7 |SCAIFE, Matthew (AUS) |

|3 |DONNER, Nick (USA) |8 |HEARTSILL, Joe (USA) |

|4 |HEARTSILL, Rhett (USA) |9 |KAWAGUCHI, Masayoshi (JPN) |

|5 |MIYATA,Hiroki (JPN) |10 |PARRY, Richard (GBR) |


European Hot Air Balloon Cup Feodosia - Air Brotherhood 2012 (Cat 2) - Fedosia, Ukraine (8 - 12 Sept, 2012) (207.00 kB)

|1 |GEGEVICIUS, Tadas (LTU) |6 |NAYMILOV, Igor (RUS) |

|2 |SAVCHUK, Roman (UKR) |7 |TISELSKY, Valetin (UKR) |

|3 |SHCHENIAVSKYI, Valentin (UKR) |8 |VOLODYN, Denis (UKR) |

|4 |HARDASHYK, Ihor (UKR) |9 |SHAPUROVA, Tetiana (UKR) |

|5 |IASHCHURYNSKYI, Volodymyr (UKR) |10 |GALINSKIY, Andrey (RUS) |

2012 Stuttgart Linde Open Gas Race (Cat 2) - Germany (4 -6 May, 2012) - CANCELLED due to bad weather


Future Competitions

The CIA Competition calendar has new events which may be attractive to some organizers and NAC’s. Please take a look and see which events could be hosted by experienced organizers in your country. Ask the organizers if they are interested and contact EDS for information and assistance in working with these organizers.

Let’s plan for many events in the future to develop new competitors.

EDS Chairs: Gabriela Slavec and Paolo Oggioni, EDS Chairs

CIA Statistics

Members are reminded of their obligation under Chapter 8 of the CIA Internal Regulations to make an annual return of their national statistics. The CIA has to rely more and more on these statistics to defend its position and interests in FAI, and an accurate return is therefore very important. All Delegates are urged to make a return on the new more detailed form attached to this newsletter, which should be returned to the CIA Secretary by the 31st January 2012

Also, the CIA Plenary decided in 2002 that delegates shall submit to the CIA, with the return of the statistics, the latest available COMPETITORS’ RANKING LIST of their respective countries

Newsletter Contributions Welcome

Thank you to those who submitted articles and photos.

Contributions are welcome and should be sent to the CIA Secretary at the address below.

|Alex NAGORSKI, CIA Secretary |Phone: Home +1-780-464-5493 |

|5 Highvale Crescent |Mobile +1-780-554-7991 |

|Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6 |Email: |

|Canada | |

CIA Championships Calendar and Events Open for Proposals

• World and Continental Championships of the same sub-class, age and gender category shall not be held closer to each other than approximately two years.

• Continental Regional Championships in the same sub-class, age and gender category shall not be held more than once a year on the same continent, or in the same year as a World Championship in that sub-class.

| | | | |

|Luxemburg |President |Mr. Jean-Claude WEBER (LUX) | |

|France |President of Honour |Mr. André de SAINT SAUVEUR (FRS) |  |

|Germany |President of Honour |Mr. Horst HASSOLD (GER) | |

|UK |President of Honour |Mr. Jacques W. SOUKUP (GBR) |jacquessoukup@ |

|USA |President of Honour |Mr. Karl STEFAN (USA) |stefank@ |

|Sweden |1st Vice-President |Mr. Hans ÅKERSTEDT (SWE) |hasse.akerstedt@ |

|Germany |2nd Vice-President |Mr. Uwe SCHNEIDER ( GER) | |

|USA |3rd Vice-President |Mr. Mark SULLIVAN (USA) |marksullivan@ |

|Canada |Secretary |Mr. Alex NAGORSKI (CAN) | |

| Country | Title | Name | |

Albania Delegate Mr. Gridi Shima

Argentina Delegate Mr. Cristian Herfert

Argentina Alternate Delegate Mr. Carlos Niebuhr

Australia Delegate Mr. Steve Ireland

Australia Alternate Delegate Ms. Ruth E. Wilson

Austria Delegate Mr. Hubert Kusternigg

Austria Alternate Delegate Mr. Gerald Stürzlinger

Belarus Delegate Mr. Konstantin Zarik

Belgium Delegate Mr. Luc Van Geyte

Belgium Alternate Delegate Mr. Rudy Paenen

Brazil Delegate Mr. Leonel do Nascimento Brites

Brazil Alternate Delegate Mr. Edson Romagnoli

Canada Delegate Mr. Garry Lockyer

Canada Alternate Delegate Mr. David Gleed

China (People's Republic of) Delegate Mr. Gongyu Wu

China (People's Republic of) Alternate Delegate Ms. Tong Li

Colombia Delegate Mr. Carlo Oaswaldo Cortes

Croatia Delegate Mr. Tom Dragan Miklousic

Czech Rep. Delegate Mr. Michael Suchý

Czech Rep. Alternate Delegate Mr. Pavel Merinský

Denmark Delegate Mr. Christoffer Mundt

Denmark Alternate Delegate Mr. Kim Larsen

Egypt Delegate Mr. Ayman Hossam Hashem

Estonia Delegate Mr. Vahur Vacht

Finland Delegate Mr. Esa Pakarinen

Finland Alternate Delegate Mr. Olli Luoma

Former Yugoslav Rep. of Mac Delegate Mr. Boris Sazdov

France Delegate Ms. Martine Besnainou

Georgia Delegate Mr. Vadik Malovichkov

Georgia Alternate Delegate Mr. Irakli Kapanadze

Germany Delegate Mr. Uwe Schneider

Germany Alternate Delegate Mr. Markus Haggeney

Greece Delegate Mr. Vasilis Petinis

Hong Kong, China Delegate Mr. Nigel Black

Hong Kong, China Alternate Delegate Mr. Andy Chau

Hungary Delegate Mr. Sándor Hidas

Hungary Alternate Delegate Mr. Sándor Végh

Iceland Delegate Mr. Agúst Gudmundsson

India Delegate Shri Vishwa Bandhu Gupta

Ireland Delegate Mr. Tom McCormack

Ireland Alternate Delegate Mrs. Carol O'Neill

Italy Delegate Mr. Paolo Oggioni

Italy Alternate Delegate Mr. Giovanni Aimo

Japan Delegate Mr. Saburo Ichiyoshi

Japan Alternate Delegate Mr. Hiromori Soejima

|Country | Title | Name | |

Korea Delegate Mr. Moontae Kim

Latvia Delegate Mr. Gints Gailis

Latvia Alternate Delegate Mr. Armands Cakss

Lithuania Delegate Mr. Zydrunas Kazlauskas

Lithuania Alternate Delegate Mr. Tadas Gegevicius

Luxemburg Delegate Mr. Claude Weber

Luxemburg Alternate Delegate Mr. Colin Weber

Malaysia Delegate Mr. Khairudin Abd Rani

Malaysia Alternate Delegate Mr. Hardi Razali

Mexico Delegate Capt. Isaís Silva Solares

Mexico Alternate Delegate Dr. José Luis Cervantes Aguilar

Montenegro Delegate Mr. Dejan Ivanovic

Montenegro Alternate Delegate Mr. Ivan Bukvic

Netherlands Delegate Mr. Mathijs R. De Bruijn

Netherlands Alternate Delegate Mr. Rutger Coucke

New Zealand Delegate Mr. Martyn Stacey

New Zealand Alternate Delegate Mrs. Pauline Hickey

Norway Delegate Mr. Mikael Klingberg

Philippines Delegate Mr. Jose Mari "Joy" Roa

Poland Delegate Mr. Jerzy Czerniawski

Poland Alternate Delegate Mr. Witold Filus

Portugal Delegate Mr. Anibal Soares

Portugal Alternate Delegate Mr. Manuel João Matos Marques

Romania Delegate Mr. Dan Chiriac

Russia Delegate Mr. Stanislas Fedorov

Russia Alternate Delegate Mr. Vitaliy Nenashev

Serbia Delegate Mr. Srdic Srdjan

Slovakia Delegate Mr. Juraj Brezan

Slovakia Alternate Delegate Mrs. Anna Nociarová

Slovenia Delegate Mrs. Gabriela Slavec

South Africa Delegate Mr. Hanke Fourie

South Africa Alternate Delegate Mrs. Felicity Clegg

Spain Delegate Mr. Ricardo Aracil Romero

Spain Alternate Delegate Mr. Carles Figueras Leal

Sweden Delegate Mr. Hans Åkerstedt

Sweden Alternate Delegate Mr. Bengt Stener

Switzerland Delegate Mr. Jakob Burkard

Switzerland Alternate Delegate Mr. Martin Messner

Thailand Delegate Mr. Yut Wanichanond

Thailand Alternate Delegate Mr. Rapee Kornkoseeyakaj

Turkey Delegate Mr. Hakan Zengin

Turkey Alternate Delegate Mr. Gokhan Ucaroglu

Ukraine Delegate Mr. Volodymyr Karnaukhov

Ukraine Alternate Delegate Mr. Oleksandr Nikolaiev

United Kingdom Delegate Ms. Lindsay Muir

United Kingdom Alternate Delegate Mr. Donald Cameron

USA Delegate Mr. Mark Sullivan

USA Alternate Delegate Mr. David Levin

Venezuela Delegate Mr. Jorge Andres Delano

Venezuela Alternate Delegate Mr. Pedro Luis Gonzalez

Representative to CASI Mr. Jean-Claude Weber Representative to EnvC Mr. Steve IRELAND

Representative to CIEA Mr. Volker LÖSCHHORN

Representative to CIMP Dr. David BAREFORD

CIA Donations Scheme


To: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale,

Maison du Sport International

Av. de Rhodanie 54

CH - 1007 Lausanne


Tel: + 41 21 345 1070, Fax +41 21 345 1077

From: (country)

I/we hereby authorise you to debit my/our credit card as follows:

Type of card (Mastercard or Visa):


Expiry date: CVV number: (((

Name on card:

Sum to be debited:

Reason for payment:






20th to 23th March

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Please copy and distribute this form as required

|NAMES |Representing the NATIONAL AEROCLUB(NAC) of: |POSITION(Delegate, Alternate, Subcommittee, |

| | |Observer, Social) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Attendees are responsible for their own transportation to their hotel in Rio de Janeiro. The organizers will provide information on various transportation options, including shuttle bus between the airport and hotel.

Date, time of arrival, flight numbers and location in Rio de Janeiro: _____

Date, time of departure, flight numbers and location from Rio de Janeiro:

Do you need a transfer: yes no

HOTEL reservation made through hotel _________________________ YES / NO


Alex Nagorski, CIA Secretary

∗ 5 Highvale Crescent

Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6


∍ Phone: ++1-780-464-5493 (home)

? Email:

Travel Information for Brazil


Photo by: Alex Nagorski

Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Visa information to Enter Brazil:

Currency in Brazil is the “real” Currency conversion website:

Brazil's national drink: Caipirinha


|[pic] |


|20th to 23th March 2013 |

|Windsor Excelsior Hotel |

|Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |

| |

| |

|Agenda Items |

|All items for inclusion in the agenda for the 2013 Plenary Meeting must reach the CIA President and the CIA Secretary NOT LATER THAN 27th DECEMBER 2012. These will then |

|be included in the agenda, which will be mailed in January 2013. Agenda items should include any supporting documentation and position papers, all of which will be |

|included with the agenda. |

| |

|Remember that the CIA Plenary Meeting cannot make final decisions on items that do not appear on the agenda. |


| | |

|DATES | |

| | |

|20 & 21 March SC and WG Meetings | |

|22 & 23 March Plenary Meeting | |

| | |


|The Conference will take place at the | |

|Windsor Excelsior Hotel | |

|Av. Avenida Atlântica, 1800 | |

|Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro – RJ | |

|Brasil – CEP: 22021-001 | |

|Tel. +55-21-2195-5800 | |

|Fax. +55-11-2549-8183 | |

|E-mail: | |

| | |

|.br | |

|Name of the Event: | |


| | |

|[pic] | |

| | |


| | |

|See rates and travel information | |

|on next page | |

| | |

| |ROOMS |Room Guanabara |Room Windsor |Room Excelsior |

| | |Capacity : 18 pers. |Capacity : 20 pers. |Capacity : 26 pers. |

| |Tuesday 19th March 2013 |

| | Bureau in the conference hotel) |

| |Wednesday 20th March 2013 |

| |08:30-10:30 |Jury Board |BA/BX WG |AX WG |

| |Coffee Break:10:30 – 11:00 |

| |11:00-12:30 |Jury Board |AA/AM WG |AX WG |

| | LUNCH 12.30 - 1400 |

| |14:00-15:45 |Event Development S |S & SC WG |Scoring WG |

| |Coffee Break: 15:45 – 16:15 |

| |16:15-18:00 |Event Development S |S & SC WG |Safety & Education |

| | |

| |Thursday 21st March 2013 |

| |08:30-10:30 |Records SC |Officials SC |Rules SC |

| |Coffee Break:10:30 – 11:00 |

| |11:00-12:30 |Records SC |P & M Relations |Rules SC |

| | LUNCH 12.30 - 1400 |

| |14:00-15:45 |Hall of Fame |New Technology |Competitors |

| |Coffee Break: 15:45 – 16:15 |

| |16:15-18:00 |Bureau |New Technology |Competitors |


| |Opening-Cocktail Reception |

| |Friday 22th March 2013 |

| |ROOM |Room Plaza + Excelsior |

| |09.00-18:00 |PLENARY MEETING |

| |Evening social event |

| |Saturday 23th March 2013 |

| |ROOM |Room Plaza + Excelsior |

| |09.00-18:00 |PLENARY MEETING |

Hotels for CIA Conference 2013

|Windsor Excelsior Hotel |Windsor Copa Hotel |

|Av. Avenida Atlântica, 1800 |Av.Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 335 - Copacabana Rio de Janeiro – RJ – |

|Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro – RJ |Brasil |

|Brasil – CEP: 22021-001 |Tel. +55-21-2195-5300 |

|Tel. +55-21-2195-5800 |Fax. +55-11-2195-5330 |

|Fax. +55-11-2549-8183 | |

| |Lock Code: 2309543 |

|E-mail: | |

|Web: .br |E-mail: |

| |Web: .br |

|Name of the Event: | |

|FAI/BALLOONING COMMISSION 2013 |Name do the Event: |



|Rate per night: Twin room |R$ 483,00 WITHOUT TAXES (breakfast included) |

| |R$ 557,90 WITH TAXES(breakfast included)(10% service tax + 5% city tax) |

|Rate per night: Single room |R$ 440,00 WITHOUT TAXES (breakfast included) |


|Rate per night: Twin room |R$ 326,00 WITHOUT TAXES (breakfast included) |

| |R$ 376,53 WITH TAXES(breakfast included)(10% service tax + 5% city tax) |

|Rate per night: Single room |R$ 296,00 WITHOUT TAXES (breakfast included) |

| |R$ 341,88 WITH TAXES(breakfast included)( 10% service tax + 5% city tax) |


|Rate per night: Twin room |R$ 361,00 WITHOUT TAXES (breakfast included) |

| |R$ 416,96 WITH TAXES(breakfast included)(10% service tax + 5% city tax) |

|Rate per night: Single room |R$ 328,00 WITHOUT TAXES (breakfast included) |

| |R$ 378,84 WITH TAXES(breakfast included)( 10% service tax + 5% city tax) |




20 - 23 MARCH, 2013

Name : _______________________________ First name : __________________________


Address : _____________________________________________________________________


Tel : _______________________________ Fax : _______________________________

E-mail : _____________________________________________________________________

Date and time of arrival :________________________________________________________

Date of departure : ____________________________________________________________

Credit card : Visa Mastercard Other


Credit card number : __________________________ Expiry date : ______________

Security Code : _____________ Creditcard Holder Signature : __________________________

Date : ______________________

Type of room :

Single (Breakfast incl.)

Twin: Shared by Two (Breakfast incl.)



| | |

|FAI Member country | |

|Name of National Aero Club (the FAI | |

|Member) | |

|Name of National Balloon Federation | |

|President | |

| |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|Name and address of National Balloon | |

|Federation | |

| |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Address |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|CIA Delegate | |

|(as nominated by your National Balloon | |

|Federation, or in absence by your NAC) |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|CIA Alternate Delegate | |

|(as nominated by your National Balloon | |

|Federation, or in absence by your NAC) |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

| | |AA |AM |AX |BA |BX |TOTAL 1 |

|1 |Number of licensed aerostat pilots (P1) | | | | | | |

|16 |Number of| | |

| |CIA | | |

| |sanctione| | |

| |d FAI | | |

| |CAT2 | | |

| |events | | |

|24 |Has your Balloon Federation been delegated the FAI Sporting Powers for ballooning in your country | | | |

|25 |Do you have a National Ranking List in operation in your country | | | |

| | |your | | |

| | |National | | |

| | |Ranking | | |

| | |List | | |

|28 |Does your Balloon Federation accept individual members | | | |

|29 |Does your National Aero Club accept individual members | | | |

|30 |What is the cost (in $US) of the FAI Sporting Licence in your country | |

|31 |How many ballooning “officials” (national and international competition officials and observers, | |

| |jurors, record observers, etc.) do you have in your country | |

|32 |How many ballooning associations (clubs) are there in your country | |

|33 |How many ballooning associations (clubs) are member of your Balloon Federation or National Aero | |

| |Club | |

|34 |How many commercial balloon operators are there in your country | |

| | |competition- and record | |

| | |flying | |

|35 |What are the proportions (in %) in your country of |recreational flying | |

| | |commercial- and passenger | |

| | |flying | |

| | |Government Authority or | |

| | |Administration | |

|36 |Aerostation Pilot Licences are issued in your country by |National Aero Club | |

| | |Balloon Federation | |

| | |Government Authority or | |

| | |Administration | |

|37 |Aerostation Certificates of Airworthiness (CofA) are issued in your |National Aero Club | |

| |country by | | |

| | |Balloon Federation | |

| |AA |AX |BX |

|38 |Please indicate | | | |

| |the place and |Dates: |Dates: |Dates: |

| |dates of your | | | |

| |National | | | |

| |Championships and | | | |

| |give the names of | | | |

| |your National | | | |

| |Champions | | | |

| | |Place: |Place: |Place: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Mr / Mrs |Mr / Mrs |Mr / Mrs |

|39 |Please indicate | | | |

| |this year’s best | | | |

| |performance in | | | |

| |your country | | | |

| |(can be for | | | |

| |distance, altitude| | | |

| |or duration), and | | | |

| |give details re. | | | |

| |pilot, aerostat | | | |

| |and date. | | | |

1 TOTAL may be different than sum of all categories.

2 accident: any occurrence with bodily harm or death

3 incident: any occurrence without bodily harm or death

|Notes: (please add any further relevant information or comment) |

|This is a true and accurate summary of statistics for our country as at (date): |

|Submitted by: (CIA delegate) |

|Please return to: Alex NAGORSKI |

|CIA Secretary |

|5 Highvale Crescent |

|Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6 |

|Canada |

| |

|Phone: |

|Home Phone +1-780-464-5493 |

|Email |

Information Published

The CIA Newsletter is published by the CIA Secretary on behalf of the CIA Bureau. All information is believed to be correct at the time of publication, but no responsibility can be taken for any errors, omissions etc.


Photo by Gabriela, Slavec

Lindsay Muir (GBR) Champion

2nd FAI Women’s European Championships, Frankenthal, Germany


Photo by Gabriela, Slavec

2nd FAI Women’s European Championships, Frankenthal, Germany[pic]


New FAI Address in Lausanne

Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI)

Maison du Sport International

Av. de Rhodanie 54

CH - 1007 Lausanne

Your donations are very important to the CIA and, in absence of other reliable and consistent revenue schemes, enable it to continue to serve our sport world wide in an efficient and effective way. A few countries have made a donation to the CIA this year, but there are very many more which have not! The CIA Donations Scheme is based on the number of pilots each country declares in its Annual Return, and the minimum rates are as follows:

|Number of pilots declared |0 – 100 |101 – 750 |Over 750 |

|Minimum donation in US $ |$25 |$200 |$350 |

1. All payments under $500, and ALL Donations, can be paid to the FAI/CIA by Credit Card using the approved form below.

2. All payments over $500, including ALL Sanction Fees, should be paid by Bank Wire Transfer. Please use the following bank routing information when you wire funds to FAI for the CIA account:

International Money Transfer order or SWIFT Transfer: Mark: Without charge for the beneficiary and state reason for payment.


Bank: Credit Suisse Private Banking

Rue du Lion d‘Or 5-7

Case postale 2468

CH-1002 Lausanne, Switzerland

Bank A/C Name: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale

A/C Numbers: US$ : 0425-457968-32-1 IBAN : CH04 0483 5045 7968 3200 1

CHF : 0425-457968-31 IBAN : CH65 0483 5045 7968 3100 0

EURO : 0425-457968-32 IBAN : CH31 0483 0545 7968 3200 0


There is a company name Shuttle Rio () where you can schedule by your own the time of arrival and the itinerary to your hotel.

For those staying at the Excelsior service is free, but for the ones at Copa the cost is R$20,00



The conference hotels are listed for your information but the reservation conditions and procedures have not been finalized. When they are set, the Secretary will send delegates a new conference package.

Hotels in Rio de Janeiro, especially in the Copacabana beach area are expensive and there are many hotels to choose from. The organizers have selected a hotel chain we are working with which will hopefully fill our needs.


It is recommended that delegates, competitors or officials should always wait to make their travel and accommodation arrangements until the organizers provide clear instructions to proceed. Things can change during a negotiation process.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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